Easy Graphic Design. And Fun Stuff.

September 15, 2014

Have you ever been asked to create a quick flyer for an event at work or church? Did the very thought of it cause you to hyperventilate?

Does even the idea of laying out  even a simple header for your Facebook or Twitter page make you break out into veritable hordes of hives and run screeching toward the nearest exit?

Well, I have good news!

Even if you feel like you have not been bequeathed with even one teensy, weensy, small scintilla of artistic design, there is hope for you. 

The name of your hope? It’s Canva.

I mean, just take a look at their home page!  You just select the template you want, and then start popping in our text and/or photos. Couldn’t be easier!



A large part of my job at church is graphic design–for our church website, our church FB page, flyers, posters, sign up sheets, events, and bulletins.  And over the past year or so (ever since I had the happy happenstance of finding this website) I have been using Canva for much of my design work.

Just to illustrate, here are a few of the things I’ve done.

These are some rotating home page designs from our church website.




Untitled design (2)

Untitled design

 The following two graphics on the website work together as a set.  (I took the picture, by the way.  One of my favorites.)



 We have a friend (and church board member) who is running for office and I’ve done a lot of his graphics. ( I also took the umbrella photo.)


Here are a few miscellaneous posters.




Sunday, Sep. 21

 Oil Change and inspection. (1)

 See?  Wasn’t that fun?  You’ll never believe how simple it can be!

One of the best things about the site is that they provide so many templates and options to choose from. You can click on something that you like and then easily change the words to whatever you want to say and you’re good to go. And the site is largely free, unless you choose certain specific designs or backgrounds–and they cost just one measly little old dollar!

Also, they send out an email about once a week with easy-to-follow tutorials to help you learn more about the process and all sorts of cool ways to make your designs really shine. 

Give it a whirl and let me know if you end up loving it as much as I do. And if you have any questions with it, I’ll be glad to try to help.

Since I’m on the subject of graphic design . . .

I thought I would close out with a few amusing photos that might provide you with a little Monday morning chuckle.   (Here’s the site they came from.)





 Okay, that’s enough fun for one day. See you soon!


Oh, just one more thing.

For our Smithellaneous-esque Discussion Question, what is one thing you did this past weekend? It doesn’t even have to be exciting, amazing, or unique–just list any old thing.

I love getting a peek into the lives of my readers ’cause you all are just downright interesting folks.


32 comments so far.

32 responses to “Easy Graphic Design. And Fun Stuff.”

  1. Leah says:

    I attended a Mega Challa Bake (sponsored by Chabad Lubavitch). Approximately 500 Jewish women from Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, DC gathered together to learn about the mitzvah of challah and learn new ways to braid challah. Of course we also made challah dough and braided it (then brought it home to bake it). There was music and a few prayers as well. It was a fun evening!

    • Becky says:


      I think that’s one of the most interesting Weekend Activity Reports I’ve read. What great fun to do something with such a wonderful community of women!

  2. Chris P. says:

    Becky, thanks for sharing! This looks like a wonderful program, and I have much to learn in this area.

  3. Steve says:

    Your graphics work is over the top. And you are self taught. So proud of your accomplishments.

  4. Courtney Hurd says:

    Thanks for the Canva tip! I will send you a “flyer” I tried to create for a book fair at our local children’s hospital. It was pitiful. I felt all proud because I downloaded the font!

    As for the weekend, I had the wonderful gift of being present as a young mother met her marrow donor for the first time. Be The Match hosted its annual gala in Minneapolis on Friday night and Kim McGrath met the 28-year old man that donated his marrow to treat her MDS in July 2012. To see these two people who were strangers but share the amazing bond of the same marrow embrace was magic. What a gift!

  5. Ann Martin says:

    Sorry for the long comment. Should have listed only one thing as you ask. Tried to delete it but could not.

    • Becky says:

      Ann–no worries!

      I just specified one thing because if someone thinks they need to come up with 4 or 5 things they might not even try; one thing is easier to get started with. But I’m always happy when comments run longer than asked for; it’s more to read, more to enjoy!

      It’s interesting to me to read about the full life you lead and I’m always struck by the fact (reading your posts also on FB) that so many of your activities revolve around other people. So nice to see someone living her life reaching out to other people. An inspiration!

      • Ann Martin says:

        Thanks, Becky. I enjoy doing for others and do spend most of my time doing that. I am not home much and Jim told me I was home more before I retired 7 years ago. I know how much I enjoyed being with my parents and doing for them so that makes me want to carry on more in their name now that they are in Heaven. God is so good allowing me both time and health to enjoy a ministry of service.

  6. Ann Martin says:

    Well, Friday I took lunch to one of my Sunday school ladies who is having back trouble and then got a call from my aunt about a medical problem she was having. We went to the doctor at 12:30 PM and he sent us to the hospital for CT scan and blood work. Little did I realize she would have to drink for two hours before the CT so we got home at 6:30 PM. Fixed tomato sandwich and mac and cheese for dinner, read the paper, watched Hawaii Five-O and Blue Bloods. Saturday I washed and dried 3 loads of clothes, scrubbed the bathroom floor and worked on my lesson for Sunday for about 4-5 hours. Cooked sauce and pasta for dinner and then worked on my lesson some more as well as Pilot materials. Sunday was church, went out to lunch, checked e-mails, read part of the paper, then received a call that one of my Pilot sisters’ husband passed away. Phone calls made to club members. Of course each day I had to check my blood pressure and took the pups out many times. No service Sunday night as one of our members received a KIDNEY Sunday and the pastor and minister of music with their wives went out of town to be with his wife during the surgery which lasted about 4 1/2 hours. Praise God he is doing well so far. Hope that is not more than you needed to know! Pictures were great.

  7. Karen Damjanovic says:

    Hi Becky, Here in Iowa we had the first frost of the season forced us to clear out the last of the veggies in the garden. Made more pickles & tomato juice, hope that’s the LAST for this season. My husband “moved my world” really he excavated dirt building new waterways in the fields on our farm and then mowed a cemetery. In the middle of all the ag stuff we attended our niece’s graduation reception from Vet Tech School. And fun was had by all! Karen

    • Becky says:


      I am always amazed by people who farm and/or have large gardens. Although you are blessed with much wonderful, fresh produce, the work and time involved is incredible.

      So for you all, making pickles, moving dirt, hosting receptions-it’s just all in a day’s work! 🙂 So glad to hear how much your enjoy your green spot on God’s earth.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Canva looks like fun and I tried the beginner challenge and it’s super easy. Thanks!

    I was in Breckenridge, Colorado for a 3-day weekend with the hubby and some family. We went to the Octoberfest which was on main street and had so, so much fun! We also drove 1,022 miles round trip for this little endeavor but it was worth it! We stayed at our timeshare resort (5-star and totally awesome!!) and soaked in the beautiful Colorado sunshine and crisp mountain air. The aspens are beginning to turn, so I took lots of pictures too. The perfect weekend!!

    • Becky says:


      I could think of worse places to stay than Breckenridge. Lucky you!

      And aspens in autumn are one of God’s best beautiful blessings.

  9. Margie Miller says:

    Becky I will be sure to try that site. I am not the least bit creative with notices or flyers. I’ll let you know who it goes.
    This past week end I finished up a DIY project. Our patio was so ugly white wicker furniture. It is now spray painted a glossy “deep earth” with green cushions. An iron plant stand, from a neighbors garbage is now shiny black & covered in plants. All for about $80.

    • Becky says:


      While you may not be creative with flyers, it sounds like you are GREATLY creative with patios. I hope you took some before and after photos! (And you’re thrifty, too!) 🙂

  10. Gail Puckett says:

    Well Becky, Saturday, I went to the local high school band yard sale (two of my grandchildren are in that band, thus I HAD to go). Bought a t-shirt and a pair of hand made earrings and a bracelet and ring for the sweet oldest granddaughter. I went to my son’s house for supper, that is always good, no cooking for me. 🙂 Then on Sunday, at church for the early service since I am part of the praise team, Sunday School, then sang in the choir for the Second service,came home fixed hot dogs, ate, took a nap and up and at ’em to be back at church at 4 for choir practice for the Homecoming service next Sunday. Well now, don’t you think I lead a VERY exciting life? 🙂

    • Becky says:


      A life that’s full of high school bands, supper-at-son’s, hand made jewelry, music, and church is a very good life. 🙂

  11. Nicole says:

    This last weekend, my daughter and I went to the Seattle Public Library Book Sale. We try and go every year. She is in the process of collecting children’s books for her future classroom library, once she has a permanent job as a teacher. She was able to get 50 books for $50.00. She was in heaven! And of course we each picked up a few books for ourselves and my husband. Where can you go get 62 books for $67.00? And support the library in the process.

    • Becky says:


      An absolutely perfect day–time with your daughter, time with books, and bargains to boot! I can only imagine how excited your daughter was about her finds. It’s such a joy to build a collection from scratch and know you’ve found great deals in the meantime.

  12. Lesley says:

    Becky, you crack me up! And even though you have ‘help’ from an internet site, I very much admire your creativity with all the projects you do. I am very book smart but I have zero imagination 🙂

    This past weekend?

    Our little town here in Cape Cod had a parade celebrating it’s 375th birthday, so I attended that with one of my friends on saturday. Lots of very old cars–Steve would have liked it! One old gentleman with a cane stood in the middle of the road and yelled to each car driver asking what year their car was, lol.

    Saturday night was just me and my girl(sarah) and a long conversation on the phone with son #2(yay).

    Sunday I took Sarah to Walmart and bought all sorts of sanitizing solutions to try and keep this awful enterovirus that is moving across the country, out of our house. It’s not in our state yet, but it’s coming. If sarah gets it, I am sunk. She has breathing/coughing troubles with the tiniest of colds.

    Sunday night I watched Miss America and an old Betty Davis movie on TCM. Love Betty Davis! I couldn’t believe that the winner of the pagent’s talent was sitting criiss-cross on the stage, singing ‘Happy” and tapping a red solo cup. LOL.

    And to cap off the weekend, since you asked, Sarah decided to throw up in her bed at 1:30am. Uggh. So at 2am I was showering her and myself and washing bed linens. Fun times.

    She’s fine, happy, laughing and eating today. Of course!

    • Lesley says:

      Excuse me! I meant BettE Davis!!! Good Lord.

    • Becky says:


      How fun to read so many snippets! I feel like I’m getting read some novellas from all over the place! (And I won’t tell Bette you misspelled her name.)

      I can just picture that old guy standing in the middle of the street asking everyone what year their car was. Steve would have probably been right there beside him. A parade in New England in the fall sounds like the perfect event.

      Sorry to hear that Sarah decided to create a little middle-of-the-night laundry for you. I remember my Sarah doing that a few times; it’s tough to clean up when you are are SOOO tired. Here’s hoping and praying the virus stays far, far away from you and your beautiful princess.

  13. Mrs. Pam says:

    cool stuff!
    I do all the bulletin boards for church, and the only “help” I have is the cricut for cutting letters. I am really ready to retire because now I have to try to do everything on a card table rather than having all the big wonderful tables at Preschool. really isn’t too much fun anymore.
    so this weekend I went to friend Patty’s for lunch and watching back shows of Cedar Crest on Saturday, and ditto for Sunday.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I have never in my life used a cricut and would probably be scared to even touch it for fear it would leap out of my hands and cricut the whole living room!

      Lunch with a friend and watching back shows sounds like a very fun weekend.

  14. I’ll take a look at Canva as we do get asked from time to time to put graphics together for clients. Thanks 🙂

    This weekend i mainly:

    Ate naughty food
    Eyed the exercise bike from afar with crisps in one hand, chocolate in the other
    Spent time with my dogs
    Washed clothes. Ironed. Folded. Put away.
    Saw friends at Starbucks 🙂
    Worked (thought about it, anyway)
    Started re-reading the Oz books for the millionth time (27 is not too old for L Frank Baum!)

    Erm….think that’s about it. Nice and chilled! You?

    • Becky says:


      I hope Canva works for you; I think you’ll love how easy (and professional looking) it is!

      I loved the line about “eyeing the exercise bike while clutching naughty food.” At least you thought about your exercise bike a little–you wouldn’t want it to feel left out, now would you? 🙂

      Washing and ironing are with us always–glad you got that out of the way. And no, one is never too old for rereading a favorite book.

      • I do love it! I especially love how well priced the images are. I showed it to our web designer chap today and he liked it too, so you’ll be pleased to know from your one blog post it is now being used over the pond by at least 2 people 🙂

        That’s exactly right about the exercise bike. In my defence, i wouldn’t have wanted to overload it with my weight PLUS junk food – that wouldn’t be fair on poor Eric the Exercise bike at all ;-)!

        • Becky says:


          I’m so glad you guys think you will get some use from Canva. I have absolutely loved it because it makes even non-graphic artists look like they know what they’re doing and it enables you to get stuff done quickly. Always glad to help some across-the-ponders. 🙂

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