Grandma Smith Reporting

October 12, 2013

All is well here in Noah Land.  After a 21 hour day yesterday we are hanging out in the room with Noah waiting for him to be discharged.  Many pictures and stories to follow as soon as I get back to my computer. 

7 comments so far.

7 responses to “Grandma Smith Reporting”

  1. Mrs. Pam says:

    hmmm… 13 hours turned out to be 21.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Well, the 13- hour trip turned into a 15 hour trip (because we got stuck in a huge traffic jam) but we were actually awake 21 hours! Loong day.

  2. Ellen says:

    Psst… anyone else sitting on the edge of their seat waiting for baby pics like I was, click the Facebook icon [ F ] on the top right of the blog. Becky posted some pics on her timeline. 🙂

    • Linda says:

      Unfortunately I am not on facebook, so must wait for pictures to be posted here!

    • SueEllen says:

      Thanks for the tip, Ellen. Noah is PRECIOUS !!!!

    • Becky says:


      That was definitely a great idea. We had been taking some photos from our phones all along and posting to FB was MUCH easier than getting the photos posted to the blog by phone. Glad you got a chance to get a sneak peek!

  3. Jan Reuther says:

    So happy for all of you! Keep those pictures coming. Loved the 3 Smith one….Steve and Nathan have such huge smiles. You look like a pro Grandma holding him. 🙂

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