Grandma Cupcakes. Grandma Days.

July 21, 2013

Imagine my delight when Cindy (our church’s bookkeeper and a worship team singer), told me that even though Nathan and Meagan live 12 hours away, she and the church still wanted to host a baby shower for them. Cindy said I could open the gifts here (so that everyone could ooh and ahh over them), and then we could take the items with us when we leave for Florida in a week.

And my little ol’, lonely-for-family heart said, “Awwwww . . .  how sweet!” Because sometimes living so far away from extended family is really, really tough.

And so last Saturday, Sarah and I arrived at church and saw all manner of loveliness that had been put together in honor of our family and the wee Baby Smith

Nathan and Meagan’s nursery theme is jungle animals, so the cake was absolutely perfect.


It had Noah’s name on top and family names around the sides.


And the cupcakes?  Magnificent! And beyond delicious!

(I immediately made a rule that any cupcake eaten at a grandchild’s baby shower is automatically calorie free.)



And just when I thought that  the cupcakes couldn’t get any more fabulous, I noticed what was written on the bottom of each muffin paper.



 The food was plenteous, beautiful and fabulous.




Do you see this tuna salad? This is not just any tuna salad, no sirree. The Mr. Tuna in THIS salad was swimming in the ocean just a few hours before he inadvertently became incorporated into said salad. Quite a difference from using the tuna from the can!


The jungle animal theme popped up in places besides the cake–like when they were perched on top of gifts. How cute is that?


This is my Grandma Crown that I was given during the shower. Cindy, one of the shower’s two organizers, had looked and looked for something for me to wear akin to our family’s famous birthday hat and finally found this—-blue for a boy and topped with butterflies, to represent new life.


Cindy made a wonderful, tear-producing speech before she crowned me with my hat . . .

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And I wore it with great joy. (I was also presented with the pin which had blue baby feet on it.)  All in all, I felt very grandma-esque.

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Here’s one table of guests; that’s Cindy on the right. Sharal  (the other shower organizer, tuna salad maker and our church’s daycare director) is on the left in orange. Those two women put an incredible amount of work, time and effort into this event and made my family and me feel loved and special.


I must say that as a 51-year old woman, it was a strange feeling to be opening baby gifts. My heart was filled with great thanksgiving that it was not my own personal baby the gifts were for!  




When I left at the end of the shower, my mini van was laden down with Noah gifts–with more yet to come.


But even greater than the gifts packed in the back of the car was the love expressed in those gifts.

I was incredibly touched that our church family would go to such lengths to let us know that they understand the significance of this chapter of our lives and also understand the importance of having someone to celebrate it with–even though Baby and his parents are so very far away from us.

I am blessed to get to be a grandma. I am also blessed to be a part of a church that serves me Grandma cupcakes, gives me a Grandma hat to wear, and helps me to joyfully celebrate Grandma Days.

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Grandma Cupcakes. Grandma Days.”

  1. Mary H says:

    That is just wonderful. I am so glad you experienced a baby shower for Noah. Nothing like being a grandma! Noah, you are going to have the best time and the most love with this family.

  2. Lesley says:

    What a great idea! Love the new grandma hat tradition. Is that what you are going to be called? And Sarah will be “aunt Sarah”, how so very special for her! And yes, I totally understand how hard this distance thing is….struggling myself.
    I hope they love the special gifts!

    • Becky says:


      Well, we would prefer “grandma” and “grandpa” but I imagine whatever Noah comes up with to call us will be absolutely lovely!

      And yes, distance is definitely something to have to struggle with . . . sorry you have to deal with it, too.

  3. Sharyn McDonlad says:

    How wonderful for you that your church family thought of you in such a special way. I SALUTE those ladies in their thoughtfulness. I Noah will be one nattily dressed young man.

    • Becky says:


      Love the use of the word “nattily.” You don’t hear that one much anymore. And yes, it’s true. He will be Noah, The Natty! (Hopefully not Noah the Naughty!) 🙂

  4. Connie says:

    What a special church family to give a shower for your first grandchild! I can’t wait to hear all about that first look into that child’s eyes. What pride and love you will feel. I always tell my son that was the best gift he ever gave me, to be there when my first grandchild was born. Bless you all and have a safe journey to Florida.

    • Becky says:


      I’m looking forward to this first look and ALSO looking forward to seeing Nathan hold him for the first time. I have no doubt that will totally do me in.

  5. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    How special you must have felt, knowing how well Noah is loved before he even arrives. What a wonderful church family you have. Loved the “Grandma” hat!

    • Becky says:


      And thank you for YOUR special gift! It’s nice to have love sent from the West Coast in addition to the love from our church women!

  6. Jenna Hoff says:

    Congratulations! Little Noah is exceedingly blessed to be part of such a loving, caring, happy, godly family – including such a wonderful grandma. When is he due?

    Enjoy this very special time in the life of your family.

  7. Kristi says:

    A very true blessing! 🙂 I am soo happy for you and your family. 🙂

  8. dmantik says:

    I love your church because they love you and take such good care of you! What a wonderful, lovely thing to do! And your hair looks really cute, Grandma! 🙂

    love deb

  9. Janet says:

    What a blessed, sweet event! Great people that the Smith’s have the privilege of pastoring, for sure. And,d id you happen to notice that babies nowadays seem to need things that were never even thought of when we were having their parents? From another grandma anxiously awaiting the arrival of number 3 next Monday. 🙂

  10. beckylp says:

    How sweet the folks in your church. I’ve said it before &I’ll say it again, my true role in life has been being NANA. Becky

  11. Mrs. Pam says:

    What a delightful shower for Noah and his Grandma!

    so, who was the fisherman for that tuna? a parishioner? a fish-market person?

  12. Sharon Holweger says:

    No matter how many grandchildren you have, this first one will always hold a special place in your heart… What a wonderful gift your church family gave you and the new mama and daddy.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I can certainly agree that the first baby is extra, extra special. He will introduce me to the whole new world of grandmothering and no other child will ever do that.

  13. CeCe says:

    Becky get ready for the most wonderful time in your life! Your heart will burst when you hold your Grand for the first time. I just had the pleasure to hold Grandchild # 8 and it just keeps getting better and better. GOD IS GOOD!

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