Grandbaby Gender Reveal. And the Miata.

March 19, 2018

Biggest and funnest news first.

Nathan and Meagan found out Thursday that they are having a boy!

Don’t you know that our feisty Madi will become even more feisty as she has to keep up with two brothers? When I was born, I had THREE older brothers so I can relate!

I can’t wait to see one more little Smith added to this lineup. (Or I guess I should say pileup.)

Speaking of Noah and Madi, Meagan took them to the Post Office last week to mail my two birthday cards–one card for Mom and one card for Grandma.  What she told me about the excursion made me smile:

They were so excited to send your cards, mom. They asked the mailman how he planned to get the cards to you. They are very worried you won’t get them if we don’t take them ourselves. Will you please send them a picture when you get them in the mail? 

And so when the cards arrived at their predetermined destination, I sent a picture of myself retrieving them from the mailbox so that Noah and Madison could rest easy that their mission had been accomplished. (Nathan sent me a Publix gift card since he works at the corporate offices and the Outer Banks just got a Publix two weeks ago.  I am excited about going to check it out very soon.)

And just because I have to give into my doting grandma tendencies sometimes, here is a video of the kids discussing, among other things, whether they wanted the baby to be a girl or a boy.

My first favorite part is at :45 when Noah says, “Bam!” because it is EXACTLY something Nathan would say and in exactly that tone of voice.  (I wonder where Noah might have picked that up?)

And my other favorite part is at 1:20 when Madison talks about wanting a dance party for her birthday and actually does the cutest little dance.  They are true treasures!

Since Nathan and Meagan’s lives are about to get even more crazy with the pending birth of a third Smithette, they recently took a weekend to themselves, borrowing Meagan’s mom’s convertible for the outing. It’s nice that they have parents on both sides of the family with a convertible. Steve and I are so proud of Nathan and Meagan for making their marriage and time together a priority.

Love these two.

While part of my family lives their lives in Florida, another part of my family was hanging out in Manteo last week.  Sarah was on spring break and one of the days she was home, she took me on a Girls’ Day Out.  Her plan was to buy me something from a thrift store, which would be a birthday gift from her in addition to the Mary Berry cookbook she had already bought me.  Steve got this picture of us as we were leaving.  It was such a lovely day together.

And finally, I have a question for you.

WHAT is this man doing?


If you haven’t figured it out completely, Steve put up a Miata parking sign in the far corner of the church parking lot, which is where he parks on Sundays.  He thought it would give people a smile.  (Nathan bought him the sign for his 60th birthday and it has been carefully stored in our garage until such a time as the Miata Meister finally figured out the best place for it.)

Speaking of Steve’s Miata, his little car tangled with a big pickup last week.  Steve was in the passing lane and the pickup driver didn’t see him and started changing lanes right on top of him.  The Miata got its side mirror sheared off and it has a long pickup tire scrape all the way down the right side. Fortunately, the driver saw Steve after just a few seconds and jerked his vehicle back into his lane or who knows HOW far he might have pushed Steve over.  So thankful my fella wasn’t hurt!

So that’s your Monday wrap up of life in the Smith lane.   Have a great week!

What about you?

What does life in YOUR lane look like this week?  Are you doing something interesting and out of the ordinary or are you enjoying the blessings of sameness?



16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Grandbaby Gender Reveal. And the Miata.”

  1. Diane Pombier says:

    Congratulations on the next baby boy. The kids have such beautifully colored hair. Glad Steve is ok.
    What a wonderful gift to get a Publix gift card. I am in Florida and have been happily shopping Publix for years. Make sure you try one of their subs and the cakes, too. Everyone here always raves about those things, especially. My daughter moved to Pittsburgh a year and a half ago and still misses those.

    • Becky says:


      I also love the kids’ platinum blond hair. It’s exactly the color Nathan’s was when he was a little boy.

      I am looking forward to getting into Publix and spending my card. In addition to their subs and cakes, I have also heard that their fried chicken is the best you can find. Looks like I will have a lot of taste sampling to do! 🙂

  2. Kari says:

    Noah and Madison’s conversation is as adorable as they are! It is so funny to listen to some of the little one’s conversations. My Nieces 3 are 5 and under and it can be both interesting and hilarious to listen to them!

    Steve’s incident on the road had to be scary, I’m glad he is o.k. No one seems to pay attention to their driving anymore and the roads are so congested.

    Congratulations on another boy! I always wished I had an older brother.

    After the cold winter we had we have been enjoying the sun this week. Temps have only been in the upper 30’s and 40’s, but the snow has melted, spring crocus are blooming and we have been sitting outside in the sun, enjoying the fresh air. Already have our pond open for the season.

    • Becky says:


      I’m sure nieces are 5, you overhear PLENTY of hilarious conversations. Gotta love it!

      Melting snow and blooming crocuses are some of spring’s biggest blessings.

  3. Mel says:

    I was looking at the picture of the three sisters you posted and in said to myself that Meagan was having another boy and her sister was having a girl. (Old wives tail on how they are carrying.) So far I am half right. 🙂 I have 4 older brothers and a younger brother and I always kept up with them and I am sure that Madi will be doing that same thing. Glad Steve’s accident wasn’t worse and also glad you had Sarah home for the week.

    • Becky says:


      Well, you were, indeed, half right! But Meagan’s sister is ALSO having a boy. 🙂

      And five brothers? You had your hands full!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    Congrats on another boy! So glad Steve was not hurt and hopefully a good body man can fix the car. Jim got his truck back last week and it looks like new! Happy to have it back. Enjoy spring. Think winter just does not want to leave. Snow forecast for Wednesday and I have an appointment at Duke that afternoon. Pray for safe travels. Happy for time with Sarah.

    • Becky says:


      Glad Jim has his truck back; I know he missed it!

      And you’re right. Winter must think it is here to stay because it’s not leaving much room for spring.

      Safe travels to Duke. I am thankful there are good people there taking such good care of you.

  5. SueEllen Williams says:

    Wow – so glad to hear Steve’s accident wasn’t any worse! How very scary! And what exciting news on the newest Smithette. I work for our local school district and our spring break was last week also. I enjoyed a whole week of no alarm clock and mild weather! So today was back to school and the countdown to summer break (56 school days, in case you were wondering). Enjoy spending your Publix card! We don’t have them here in North Texas and the only time I’ve been to one was when we visited Orlando, so I always associate Publix with vacation. I so enjoyed catching up with you!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      No alarm clock and mild weather. Ahhh . . . . The most perfect little mini-break!

      And I am glad (for YOUR sake) to know that the summer countdown has begun. It will be time to hide that alarm clock for 3 months! 🙂

  6. Phyllis says:

    Congratulations on the new grandson. Madison will be like me, older brother, younger brother and her in the middle.
    Glad the pickup saw Steve in time to minimize the damage. Love the parking sign.
    My week is pretty normal. I actually work Monday – Friday this week. I’m taking Friday off three out of five weeks this month!

    • Becky says:


      Taking some Fridays off is a great thing to get to do. Nothing like a 3-day weekend!

      I know you probably have a lot of stories to tell from growing up with two brothers. Madi will be living some stories of her own.

  7. Lesley says:

    Wow, Steve was very lucky. Maybe he could attach a flag sticking up about 3 feet on his car so he can be seen! Congratulations on the new grandson that’s coming. The kids seem very excited. I love listening to little ones expressing themselves, so sweet. They grow up so fast.
    All quiet here this week, small storm heading into DC tomorrow. Mostly ongoing paperwork for me: Transferring Sarah’s guardianship from MA to MD (long process), securing an adult medicaid waiver which would add more hours to assist in her daily care (another long process) and trying to access funding assistance for an accessible van for her because shes too heavy for me to lift in and out of the car anymore(mostly fruitless process). She is a fulltime job! Haha.

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like the words “long process” pretty much sum up your life at the moment! Doing paperwork for complex things (like what you are dealing with) is not for the faint of heart. Bless you as you advocate for that sweet daughter of yours and do everything in your power to infuse love and excellent care into each moment of her life.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Whew! So glad that Steve’s accident wasn’t any worse than it was! Great big, huge congratulations on finding out that you’ll be getting another grandson!! We have two of them and they are just so sweet. Love!!

    We are in the home stretch of our basement remodel which means that I will be painting tonight and tomorrow night and tonight hubs will be touching up a couple of places where the drywall tape bubbled up. Then on Wednesday, the electrician is coming to install and wire up the new breaker box and on Thursday the carpet layers are coming to lay the new carpet! Woooo Hoooo!!! We are SO READY to have this project done!! Have a great week!

    • Becky says:


      I think the best way to describe remodeling is, “the best of times, the worst of times.” It is best because it is so exciting to see something new and improved. And we all know why it is also “worst!” Ug. So much mess and disruption!

      So glad the end is in sight. Enjoy all the beautiful newness.

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