Good Times.

August 8, 2014

After being on the road yesterday from 7:30 am to 9:30 p.m., my brain, body, and all other areas of my being are just a wee bit weary.

And so rather than try to be coherent and write words that actually make sense, I hereby declare that today’s blog post will be mostly pictorial. 

And also mostly about Noah. (Since I am, after all, a grandma.)












Noah with his sweet Aunt Sarah.12-DSC_5017



Besides getting a chance to see Noah, Nathan, and Meagan, I also got to see Sheri, one of my very dearest friends. (Who also just happens to be Noah’s other grandma.)

Sheri and I went out to lunch and when we were done I said, “Sheri, we’ve got to get a selfie!”  (I don’t have many opportunities to get selfies with friends so I wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass.)

I won’t even begin to tell you how many efforts and how many giggles it took between us (and our two phones) to produce one usable photo. Good times!

1-photo (4)

And speaking of good times? 

Right. Here.


And here.


And here.


In love.

32 comments so far.

32 responses to “Good Times.”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Such adorable pictures. Love the one of Sarah holding Noah. Precious

  2. Renee says:

    Aaaah such a sweet grandson that you have! I love his smile 🙂 but I have to say, I have a little something for crying faces… Oh why are they sooo cute!? Yesterday Lilia was pouting/crying and she was so cute that I started laughing (bad, bad mom that I am…!). Then, all of a sudden, she stopped and started giggling with me. My heart melted right away… Aaaah those babies, we love them so very much!

    Hope you’re getting lots of rest…

    • Becky says:


      Yep, I agree with you there. Happy smiling faces are sweet and fun but to catch a baby in mid-pout or mid-cry just does something to my mama heart. They are just as cute when they are crying! (As it seems you have learned with Lilia!) 🙂

  3. Ann Martin says:

    Great pictures. I understand the long ride as we had that in July to Baton Rouge, LA and back. We did take 2 days but still had lots of miles each day as the trip was over a 1,000 miles one way. Our total mileage was 2,370 I think. So glad you got home safely. Know Summer was glad to see all of you.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, you and Jim have had quite a busy summer with lots of road miles. I know you’re probably looking forward to staying home–of course, even when you’re home, you’re busy!

  4. Lesley says:

    Such beautiful shots! I love crying baby pictures,lol. Noah is so stinking cute. Pure heaven, huh grandma? And how wonderful it is for Sarah to have a baby nephew. Seeing them together…well, can’t quite put it into words. but certainly special!

  5. sheri says:

    Undoubtedly, the cutest Smith Baby of the 2013 line!! It was such fun having you guys!! Love you much!

  6. Jan Reuther says:

    So sweet. So very, very sweet!

  7. Scooter says:

    Looks like y’all had a great time!
    I’ll bet ya didn’t bring back some of that tasty ‘Gator Tail for me…I’m dying for some!

    • Becky says:


      We got a whole trunk full of ‘Gator Tail for you!

      Unless of course, Steve forgot to load it up. I’ll have to check with him. 🙂

  8. LeeAnne says:

    So stinking CUTE!! Thanks for sharing and glad you’re home safely!!

  9. Mrs. Pam says:

    totally cute!

  10. Karen Cathey says:

    Loving the pictures … just complete sweetness and cuteness (is that a word?). My favorite is the one with his fingers beside his eyes like he is totally concentrating on something. How precious!

  11. Donna says:

    Glad you made it home safely. Now I am just waiting for my son to come home from West Palm Beach, which is also about 12 or so hours after having to stop to stretch out from riding so long. Can’t wait to hear more about your visit, grandma!

    • Becky says:


      So glad your son is coming home for a visit–enjoy! And believe me, there WILL be plenty more stories to come. 🙂

  12. Tiffany Hawkins says:

    I see Nathan in Noah’s expressions… 🙂 He is adorable! Glad you are home safe and sound… can’t wait to hear more about your trip!!

  13. beckylp says:

    love them all and what in the world did you all do to make that sweet Noah so sad in that one pix- you can see his hurt feelings all over him

    • Becky says:


      I’m pretty sure that was when Meagan wasn’t getting his dinner ready fast enough. That child LOVES to eat!

      And immediately after taking that photo, I put down my camera and went and picked him up. 🙂

  14. dmantik says:

    Glad you made it home safe! Loved the pictures!

    love deb

    • Becky says:


      A long, looonnng trip. Home was lovely especially since we’d had someone pick up Summer from boarding and she was waiting for us when we got home. 🙂

  15. He is such a cutie!

    • Becky says:

      Thanks, Jessica!

      He’s cute on the outside and completely adorable personality. It’s fun to see that start to come out now that he’s older.

  16. Michelle says:

    Great pictures of your Grandson! He is so adorable. I really like the one on the couch with his right hand by his face. He just looking at something in aww. Sorry you guys had a rough trip home. Hope you guys have a great weekend!!


    • Becky says:


      Although the trip was long, it was actually one of our easier ones–no traffic jams, no bad weather, no slow downs anywhere. It was worth every mile though, to get to see the people we love! 🙂

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