Good Morning to the Day

November 27, 2023

Monday through Friday.  4:50 a.m.

Tippi and I walk out the front door together so she can water the grass.

It used to be that I didn’t pay a lot of attention when I went outside with her. Too sleepy. Too distracted. Too focused on what the unfolding day would hold.

But in recent months, I’ve wakened up to the fact that going outside at that hour is a great way to start the day. I’ve started noticing the temp, the clouds, the humidity, the stars, and where the moon is in the sky. And I often think of the verse from Psalm 8 that says, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,  The moon and the stars, which You have ordained . . .”

I’ve begun to take deep breaths of whatever cool, warm, crisp, or humid air is available that day and to really notice the dew on the grass, the scent on the breeze, and the distant sounds of the day awakening.

I’ve begun to say good morning to the day. 

And that all reminds me . . .

of a story Ken used to tell. I don’t know if I’ve written about it here, but even if I have, it’s worth telling again.

He told me he took Tippi out at night with his walker. When he got out to the street (it’s a quiet cul-de-sac), he would open up the seat of his walker and would just sit and look around at the night sky while Tippi eagerly explored the evening. Sometimes Vernie would come out too and would sit on his lap for a moment.  He told me he liked to give her a kiss under the moon.

I asked, “Do you wait for a full moon before you kiss her?

He twinkled his eyes at me and said, “Oh no. Any moon will do.”

I think of that dear story so often when I go out in the mornings with Tippi. I look up at at Ken and Vernie’s moon from Ken and Vernie’s yard with Ken and Vernie’s dog and I am thankful to be able to stand in that place.

I had the chance . . .

over my four-day weekend to step outside a little later in the morning, in addition to the early morning time with Tippi.

I watched the last of the leaves of fall–falling. And I said good morning to the day.


What about you?  

What is your favorite season and why?  For me it would be fall, followed by spring. Those lazily falling leave lit by the sun are marvelous.

Are you an early bird person who loves to get up before the sunrise? Or do you love to stay up late?
Usually the opposites get married; I’m an early bird and Steve is a night owl.

I didn’t write about it in this post but I also want to ask if you went out on Black Friday to shop? If so, what was your best bargain?



23 comments so far.

23 responses to “Good Morning to the Day”

  1. Fred & Lucy Johnson says:

    What a wonderful blog! I loved your comments about your morning routine with Tippi, and Ken’s story warmed my heart. Since fall IS my favorite season, I thoroughly enjoyed your superb photos of the beautiful leaves. Wishing your whole family a very happy Christmas season!

    • Becky says:

      Fred and Lucy,

      It’s impossible to take a bad photo of leaves; they are just so beautiful. Glad we share a favorite season and happy you enjoyed the stories!

  2. Gayle in AL says:

    I love that story of Ken and Vernie. My favorite season is fall, too. I love it when the air starts cooling after a long, hot summer. The leaves changing colors falling are so pretty.

    I am an early bird normally, although not before the sun starts to come up. I’m usually falling asleep on the couch by 9:00. I love the quiet mornings alone with my animals and my coffee. My husband is definitely the night owl of the family, and likes to sleep in a bit on days off.

    I never go shopping on Black Friday, unless I need groceries. Fighting crowds is not worth any savings to me. I did do some online shopping though.

    • Becky says:


      You’re like me; I’m in bed every night between 8:30 and 9 pm. Those early mornings start catching up with me about then.

      And quiet mornings are the best, aren’t they?

  3. Phyllis says:

    I agree with you on favorite season. Mine is also fall, closely followed by spring. When I lived in Florida, it was probably spring as the trees don’t really get pretty in the fall. Although winter was pretty nice since it was cooler but not cold like Kansas is. We did get about 2 inches of snow Saturday night but the sun came out Sunday and melted a lot of it.
    Since retiring, I don’t see much of a need to get up before the sun rises. I did that for many years. Now I enjoy staying up a little later and not having to set an alarm.
    I did not black Friday shopping – online or in store. I did order a few things for my parents and our Sunday School party on Saturday. I have decided to give cash this year except for those. Everyone always wants gift cards so I will just forego running around picking them up and give them an envelope with cash in it.

    • Becky says:


      Definitely. When I retire I am not going to set an alarm, either. But knowing me, I’ll probably still pop awake at an early time. At least I won’t have to get up if I don’t want ot!

      Yes, cash is definitely a “one size fits all” gift. Sounds like you’re planning ahead well!

      • Phyllis says:

        My dad is 97 and has been retired for 35 years. He still thinks he needs to get up at 5:00, 6:00 at the latest. One morning he slept in a little and the nurses and CNAs were checking to make sure he was still breathing.

  4. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    My favorite season is summer because I like to be warm. not a fan of winter because of the cold (not so much the snow – although at my age really have to watch so I don’t fall), then probably spring. To watch the green come back and hear the birds sing their song again (favorite – red-winged black bird). This morning it was 14 degrees with a wind chill of -1. About 10-15 years ago would get up at 4:30 (Black Friday) and stand in line at Kohls. Wanted to get a DVD $250.00 for $99.00. Daughter wanted one too so I was further up the line and got to the pile first and grabbed one for her. Yesterday she reminded me that Amazon is around. Getting too old to get up at that time because I am NOT a morning person. In fact, my husband and both “kids” are not morning people. I appreciate folks that can get up early and enjoy the beauty of the morning. There is a singer who has been around for several years called Phil Enloe. Has a church in Florida. But when he was younger had a record out with the song, “Good Morning Lord, we’re going to have a good day, good morning Lord we’re going to have a good day, no matter the weather nor come what may, Good morning Lord, we’re going to have a good day! Think I got all the words right. But find myself singing that many times.

    • Becky says:


      How interesting that you mentioned Phil Enloe. We knew Dave and Judy Kyllonen from the Couriers many years ago; what a great bunch of guy! And that’s a wonderful song to sing to yourself!

      Getting up at 4:30 to go to a Black Friday sale is way beyond my point of dedication. I’m impressed! At least you got what you went for.

  5. Cindy says:

    I for some reason don’t seem to sleep past 5:30, perhaps because I used to go to work so early. I usually can be found in bed by 9:00 pm. If I sleep later than that my cat Milo will wake me up to put food and his bowl, even if there is stuff food in it. In his old age he has become very affectionate, in fact he is sleeping right next to me on the couch.

    Our weather has turned frigid the past few weeks. Since I am always cold I dress in layers. The grocery store I shop at turns down the heat I think since cushions are all bundled up when it’s so cold. No snow yet except for some dusting a couple of days ago. I have everything in place for when it really snows. I’m very fortunate that a friend always digs me out. I can do the deck and walkway but that is it. I am already looking forward to spring!

    • Becky says:


      I’m looking forward to spring right along with you!

      Glad you have such an affectionate cat. No better feeling than for it to be cold and snowy outside and have a cat to cuddle with on the couch. Sounds like Milo keeps you on the straight and narrow when it comes to keeping that bowl filled on time. They are so funny!

  6. Lesley says:

    Beautiful pictures Becky! I picture you leaning into various positions in order to get the best shot. 🙂 And Ken and Vernie, not missing a moon opportunity. So sweet.
    I love Fall. The crisp air, the early sunsets, the invigorating walks, the colors…..definitely my favorite. Also inspires me to do fall cleaning rather than spring cleaning. I practically fall off the sidewalk taking pictures of trees.
    I am a night owl. Bedtime is 1:30am, and I can sleep till 9 in the morning. It’s possible this is a holdover from my nurse days- working the 3-11 shift for 25 years. Can’t seem to shake the late hours. Last night I cleaned my entire fish tank at 1 am, hahaha. Now its noon and I am just getting moving. Fortunately my Sarah is also a night owl and observed the fish overhaul. She’s just waking up now.
    No black friday shopping for me. All online, I heard many stores were empty this year?

    • Becky says:


      You’re definitely correct about me getting into all different sorts of (awkward) positions to get the shots. And the fact that I was in the pjs made those shots all the more lovely! And I am in agreement with falling off the sidewalk to take pictures of trees. Right there with ya.

      Glad Sarah was able to join you for the exciting fish overhaul. I can’t imagine going to bed at 1:30 a.m. Twenty-five years of habit really does die hard!

  7. Stefanie in Lake Saint Louis says:

    I’m still so enamored with your park-like backyard! The photos make it seem serene and welcoming. 🙂 I love all seasons but winter. haha

    I’m an early bird. Usually up between 4:00 and 4:30 every morning, but I did sleep until 6:15 one morning over the Thanksgiving holiday! That’s the latest I’ve slept in ages. 🙂

    We have a window in our stairwell, that, this time of year and at the time I get up, gives me a lovely view of the constellation Orion. This morning, the moon was setting outside our front windows as I was leaving for work. The sky is always such a treasure to me. I’m always looking up!

    We went shopping on Saturday at a furniture store in a small town nearby. We purchased a new sofa! Long story about why, but it was a necessity, and a larger-than-desired expense at this time of year.

    • Becky says:


      I truly do love our backyard. Trees, tree, and more trees!

      You’re definitely an early bird. Getting kind of slothful sleeping till 6:15, aren’t you? 🙂 Glad you got to sleep in a bit.

      I love that you pause when going by that window and don’t just rush on past it and ignore the wonders it offers. Enjoy!

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Your fall leaf pictures are so pretty!! I love ALL the seasons!! Yes, even winter and the snow! We just got our first snow this weekend!! SOOOO exciting!! My favorite would probably be summer just because I can be outdoors doing stuff. Yardwork, golf, walking, running, anything really.
    I used to love going bargain hunting on Black Friday but not so much anymore. We don’t need anything and do minimal Christmas shopping because we give a get-together weekend away at a hotel instead for all of us. We’ve been doing this for years and everyone loves it. The kids all have so much anyway. This is so much more fun and the memories last forever.

    • Becky says:


      I love your idea of having a Christmas experience rather than exchanging Christmas gifts. I can only imagine the memories you have already made through the years and all the memories yet to come.

      I hate to say it but winter is my least favorite season. I’m not a person who loves the cold; however, if there is a lovely snow falling, I am ALL about it.

  9. Ruth rehberg says:

    Nice story on Ken and sitting under the stars. And you , soaking in the natural atmosphere around you, whatever the day brings.
    It is 8 degrees with sun, here in Wisconsin, At the moment. But a good fire in the Woodstove too!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I really have enjoyed changing my outlook on those early morning jaunts out to the front yard. So much to notice and see and appreciate.

      I know from experience that your woodstove puts out some very toasty heat. Enjoy being snug in your lovely house.

  10. Lisa L. from GA says:

    Spring is my favorite followed by Fall. I love the longer daylight and the newness of all things coming back to life after a sleepy winter. It reminds me how life goes on and God’s miracles continue to delight and amaze.
    My Black Friday consisted of shopping online and staying out of crowded stores. My days of waiting in line for stores to open are gone. I shopped from my favorite chair in my PJs.

    • Becky says:


      I’m right there with you when it comes to Black Friday shopping. PJ’s win out over standing in line every single time.

      “God’s miracles continue to delight and amaze.” I love that!

  11. Patti says:

    My favorite season is snow. I like the view of the clean white snow and the moonlight lighting it up. Cold without snow is a waste. Second would be fall as I love the changing colors.
    I am more of a night owl mainly due to the fact that I can’t seem to sleep long. I don’t like getting up early, but with not sleeping, I am often up at the crack of dawn.
    I did some pre black Friday shopping online and made the mistake of going out late afternoon-foolishly thinking the crowds would be gone-to pick up my items. Pick up wasn’t crowded but I never would have stood in the line that stretched the length and more of the store I was at. Crazy.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, second to the beauty of leaves falling is snow falling. Charlotte didn’t get ANY snow last year, for the first time in many years. With the grands here this year, I hope we get at least one good snowfall.

      It’s frustrating not being able to sleep long at night; hopefully, you are able to grab some naps during the day!

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