Funny Faces. And Waiting.

May 14, 2014

Yesterday Steve turned fifty-seven. He was gone all day at a pastor’s conference in Virginia but when he got home, he found this pile of goodies waiting for him.


Gifts weren’t the only thing waiting; we also enjoyed a veritable feast in the offing! He grilled shish kabobs and I added to the menu watermelon, corn on the cob, baked beans, garlic bread, sautéed squash, and roasted potatoes.

photo (47)

As he opened his gifts he was amused to find that one of the boxes was empty.


Empty  . . . except for a note.

The note (written by Sarah) said, “MegaNate-oah’s gift will arrive shortly.  Until then, enjoy this nice box!”  


After exclaiming over his very own personal empty box, he donned the birthday hat and helped us sing as I brought in his dessert which consisted of a piece of tiramisu I got from a local restaurant. (I’ll bake a real birthday cake for him Saturday when we have a few people over.)


Once I got the dessert set in front of him, he suddenly turned a wee bit wacky. Could he already be old enough to be entering his second childhood?









His birthday antics amused himself . . .


and his daughter. 


And speaking of Sarah,one of the things she wrote in her birthday card to him was that he is one of her best friends. How sweet is that?

Note: We are hoping to have Sarah’s biopsy results in the next day or two; we’ll keep you posted.

26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Funny Faces. And Waiting.”

  1. LorrieK96 says:

    Belated happy birthday wishes to Steve!!! Blessings on him throughout this coming year.

  2. Kim says:

    I love it. :-). HBD Steve.

  3. Kristi says:

    Happy belated Birthday, Steve! 🙂

    Been waiting for Sarah’s biopsy results!

  4. dmantik says:

    Love this post! You all always do such a good job celebrating birthdays. Steve is such a nut–love that guy! 🙂

    Beings Randy’s colonoscopy turned out well today, I will take that as a sign that Sarah’s will too. I will be glad when the waiting is over for you.

    Love deb

    • Becky says:


      “Nut” is a good way to describe him! Glad Randy’s colonoscopy is over with good results. Such fun times!

  5. Mrs. Pam says:

    happy Birthday, Steve!

    Whenever my 90 year old friend and I go to California Pizza, we always split a
    small bar-b-q chicken pizza and a yummy tiramisu. glad your candles didn’t melt away waiting for you to blow them out….

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      What a delight it must be to have a friend who is 90 years old!

      And I didn’t even think about the candles melting during the Facial Expression Extravaganza. They must have been extra heavy duty.

  6. Catherine says:

    Looks like a great birthday! Praying for great results for miss Sarah!! Oh! and did he ever leave childhood??? Lol!!

  7. Lesley says:

    Happy birthday Steve! He cracks me up! Praying for good biopsy results. and, I have to say, that birthday crown is holding up pretty well. I am trying to picture what it will look like when he turns 80!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, that birthday crown has done pretty well for these fifteen years or so that we’ve had it. I have no doubt we’ll prop it on Steve’s head for his eightieth!

  8. Brooke R. says:

    Someone who entertains himself, that is lovely. I entertain myself too, a lot. 🙂 Prayers for nothing but good news about your dear Sarah’s health! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      At least entertaining oneself is nice and cheap! Glad to know you do it, too.

      Thanks for the prayers . . .

  9. Jodi says:

    Happy Birthday, Steve! It appears it was a great day! Everyone should be lucky enough to have their own little & empty birthday box! Best wishes, Jodi

  10. Fred Johnson says:

    Becky, your photos of your family always brighten my day! 🙂 Happy Birthday, Brother Steve! I was 57 one time – but, apparently I made a full recovery! Ha Ha (I turned 67 on Monday.) 😉
    ~ Fred & Lucy

    • Becky says:


      Loved the line, ” . . . but apparently I made a full recover.” 🙂 And happy late birthday to YOU! I hope you got more than empty boxes!

  11. Steve says:

    Thanks Bec and Sarah, I feel well loved.

  12. LeeAnne says:

    Happy Birthday Steve!! Wishing you many, many more!

  13. Mary H says:

    Happy Birthday to Steve. I love how he loves life and keeps a great big smile on his daughter’s face. Praying for all clear and good biopsy results.

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