Front Porch Memories

July 2, 2014

Okay, so here’s the deal.

Although I don’t want to inundate you with endless photos of Sarah’s graduation and our visiting family activities, I just can’t seem to help myself because I believe that pictures and memories are made to be shared! And so here are a few more pictures from that special week–I’ll call them front porch memories.

Here is the fabulous Nathan who looks like he’s getting ready to launch into one of his funny stories.


And here we have the two middle-aged guys of the group, Randy and Steve. 


The patriarch of the gathering, Lt. Colonel Kenneth L. Smith, USAF Retired.

Since the Fourth of July is almost upon us, this is a good chance to say thank you one more time to a man who fought—and flew—for our freedom.


Of course, no front porch gathering would be complete without a few lovely ladies to soften the edges.


You can certainly tell Mom and I are related.  Everyone else outside is in summer attire and she and I are wearing sweaters. 

And if you’re wondering why there is a notebook and pen in her lap, it’s because she loves to write all sorts of things down–for no reason whatsoever.  In this particular case, she was noting the different bird calls that she could hear and was also writing down a list of all the kinds of birds she could think of. I certainly came by my love of writing honestly and I am grateful for that gift passed down.


Sarah just glowed with the joy of having family around. We so appreciated all the trouble and expense everyone went to, to come all the way to Manteo for her graduation.


Sarah and her cousin, Caleb, get along famously and my sister, Debbie, and her husband, Randy, are some of Sarah’s biggest cheerleaders. Randy told us Sarah was the closest thing to a daughter he would ever have which, of course, made us all get teary-eyed.


Of course, no generational family gathering is complete without the Official Four Generation Photo. Before the shot was taken, Steve gave his dad a picture to hold showing Ken’s dad holding Nathan as a baby. So really, it turned out to be a Five Generation Photo.

I love how fascinated Noah is by the photo as he tries to get a glimpse of his great, great Grandpa Smith. He was no doubt thinking, “Hmmm.  So that’s what I’m going to look like in eighty-five years!”


After just a few moments, though, he pulled himself together and focused himself on the job at hand. “Picture time here. I need to get down to business and turn on the charm!”


That smile. It slays me.


Ma and Pa Smith shared a kiss—while the grandbaby wasn’t looking.


And then two of us Grandma Types got to share a shot with the cutest baby on earth.


This is one sweet lady. And when I say lady,  I mean that she is every INCH a lady. She is also  a loving, godly woman of prayer, patience, and strength.


Noah wasn’t quite sure what to do when he discovered that the menfolk had vamoosed and left him with a whole gaggle of girls. He was looking out at them and saying, “Hello? Guys? A little help here?”


Ahhh. That’s much better. Reinforcements have arrived.


As the afternoon and the pictures and the laughter continued to flow around me, I thought of what a joy it was for Steve and me to get to be the generation in the middle. What a joy for us to see generations gone before and what an even greater joy to see generations coming behind. It didn’t start with us.  It won’t end with us. 

Eighty-five years from now, there will be a new Four Generation Photo taken where Noah will sit on a front porch holding in his hand a photo of his great, great Grandpa Steve.  

And the generations, and the love, and the front porch memories–they will go on.

27 comments so far.

27 responses to “Front Porch Memories”

  1. Stefanie in St. Louis says:

    These photos are just amazing. So thankful you’re sharing!

    And PLEASE be safe with Arthur headed your way!

  2. Jan Reuther says:

    I’ve got it! “Mini-MegaNate Mondays!” If you do that, Becky, since it doesn’t have Noah’s name, you can just keep adding grandchildren (or they can, but you can keep adding their pictures for us) without having to change the name of the picture day!

  3. Kara Sparks says:

    Prayers for your safety as Hurricane Arthur arrives. I am thinking of your family and community during this time. Let us know if we can do anything. Your readers are here for you and your community should any need arise as a result of Hurricane Arthur. From a Hurricane Katrina survivor

    • Becky says:


      I can’t even imagine being in the midst of the Katrina–the hurricane or its aftermath, My hat is off to you. I know you and your community are much stronger because of it but what a difficult thing to have to go through. Thanks for your thoughts and compassion sent our way!

  4. Jodi says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE…….seeing all of those pictures. Keep em coming? MegaNate have an anniversary coming up don’t they?

    Hoping you’re all safe in the path of Arthur. Let us know how you all fare over the next few days. They were showing some pics of past damage and current conditions on the OB’s this morning on the Today Show and they had looked VERY familiar to me and not because I’d ever been there. I know a photographer living near OB who has been known to share a picture or two of the beauty that is the OB.

  5. Karen Cathey says:

    I never grow tired of your blog or your pictures. Continue on with both. Loving seeing Noah grow up. What a cutie!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I think that since I am completely incapable of NOT sharing my stories and my pictures, you can count on them continuing. 🙂

  6. Lisa from GA. says:

    How sweet. Oh and that smile!! He is indeed a happy well-adjusted baby. You can see it in his eyes. Praying for you all as Arthur treks your way. Be blessed.

    • Becky says:

      Thank you, Lisa. Noah’s smile can give me something happy to think about while the rains swirl and the winds howl!

  7. LeeAnne says:

    I never tire of your pictures, Becky. 🙂 And you just can’t beat good ‘ol quality family time. It’s the best!!

  8. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    Always love to see your family photos, keep them coming they make me smile!

  9. Dale Tousley says:

    I LOVE your pictures, please post all of them!!! Noah just has the sweetest smile I have ever seen, what a happy baby!! I love the way he is looking at that picture…..your Mom and I would get along great, I too wear sweaters in the summer, right now, here in hot, hot Raleigh I am outside with a sweatshirt on. I also LOVE to make lists for no apparent reason, it makes sense to me but my family is always asking “What are you writing down now Mom?”

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it sounds like you and my Mom would get along just dandy! 🙂 And yes, I do agree that Noah has a sweet, sweet smile.

  10. Jan Reuther says:

    They just don’t get much cuter than Noah! (Except, of course, Donnie and Hudson.;)

    I don’t think you need to worry about inundating your readers with photos of the graduation/party/family gathering. Remember, we gladly looked at 6 months of wedding photos with you!

    I certainly do use a lot of !’s when I leave comments to your post. I may have to bill you for them.

    • Becky says:


      WHAT? You’re saying YOUR grand kids are as cute as MY grand kid? How can that possibly BE?? 🙂

      Yes, I do remember you all patiently looking at many permutations of the wedding celebration–I guess a few more grad photos won’t hurt.

    • Lisa from GA. says:

      I was thinking the same thing…I loved Wedding Wednesday! I was thinking we could have a Noah Monday or Family Friday. Becky, you in??!?!?

      • Jan Reuther says:

        Lisa, YES! Maybe we could change either Noah’s name or the name of one of the days of the week. Probably easier to change the names of one of the days of the week. 🙂

  11. dmantik says:

    sigh. It seems hard to believe we were ever there–such a special time with such special people! Thanks again for your wonderful hospitality! Loved the pictures–brings it all to life again!

    love deb

    • Becky says:


      Sighing right along with you. It went by waaaay too fast. Either you all need to become millionaires or WE need to become millionaires so that we can fly back and forth between houses once or twice a month for visits! So special having you here.

  12. Mary H says:

    P.S. It is not just Noah’s smiles but those crystal blue eyes are amazing. I knew a wonderful man with eyes just like that – miss seeming them, Dad!

    • Becky says:

      Mary, How sweet to know that Noah’s eyes remind you of your dad’s. Enjoy the 5th birthday celebration with Ryan. That is funny the need to explain to him that all the fireworks aren’t just for him! 🙂

      And I have no CLUE where Noah gets his hamming it up tendencies! (Unless maybe it’s his dad, his grandpa and his great grandpa. Ya think?) 🙂

  13. Mary H says:

    Wonderful! Thank you so much. I am heading to my daughter and grandson later this afternoon to celebrate a very special 5th brithday with Ryan on the 4th of July. We will need to begin explaining some day that all the fireworks are not in his honor alone! Thanks to all who made the 4th of July possible. Noah is an absolute doll, charmer, smart little boy with just a wee bit of the love of “hamming it up.” Where does he get that

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