Friday Wrap Up. Sarah Writes.

August 29, 2013

Today’s blog will cover a variety of subjects since I have a few miscellaneous things to cover that don’t fit into any particular post.

Subject One

My brother-in-law, Randy, just emailed me this photo of my mom reading a particular blog–a particular Smithellaneous blog!  

Mom doesn’t have a computer of her own so she loves going over to Randy and Debbie’s to catch up on all the Smithellaneous News.  (Hi, Mom–love you lots!)

2013-08-25 19.36.51

Subject Two

Here’s a photo from my early morning bike ride yesterday. I’ve always loved coming around this corner and catching a view of the sound.


Subject Three

This is an informal tea party some ladies in our church had at the home of a woman who just emigrated from England. (The room is kind of bare because she and her husband are just getting moved in.)

Most of the hats were given to us by our sweet blog friend, Cindy. Such a fun way to pass a Tuesday afternoon.


Subject Four

I’ll close out with Sarah’s response to a question Lesley asked last week in the comments area. (You can also find this response on Sarah’s blog, in addition to an entertaining account of our  trip to Florida. Among other things.) 

By Sarah.

Lesley recently commented on a blog post of my mom’s and I’d like to answer a few questions she posed.

She said:

“Thank you for taking the time to post all those past photos. Such a miracle she is. Does she ever feel burdened with the thought that she has to do something ‘special’ because she was given the chance for a future, like she was given it for a reason? Or is she content to just be “Sarah”? Odd question, I know lol.”

First of all, it’s not an odd question at all. 🙂

For as long as I can remember, I have been told that my life has a purpose. My life had a purpose before cancer developed in my right adrenal gland: at the time it was primarily to be a ray of sunshine personified as a five-year-old girl who traveled all around the country with her family. My life had that purpose afterwards, as well: then it was to be an even brighter ray of sunshine personified as a six-year-old with considerably less hair who brightened hospital rooms. As I go through various chapters of my life, I have a purpose that might be slightly different than what it was a week ago. All of those various purposes add up to one sum: God’s will for my life.

Regardless of whether I ever got sick, I would be living for a reason. Just like everyone else. Just like the hundreds of kids who were also diagnosed with Neuroblastoma and went Home early. Yes, I believe that from the very beginning God had a special plan for my life that has only been furthered by my medical experiences, but that doesn’t mean that I am any better than those little babies whose brief lives are spent wholly hospitalized.

Their lives have purposes, too, ones that are fulfilled in a shorter amount of time than mine. Maybe some teach their moms to have a servant’s heart; maybe some remind their dads of how fragile life is; maybe some bring distant families closer together during long hours spent in waiting rooms. All lives touched by cancer are touched by pain: period. No one will ever know the exact reasons why some lives are cut short. But as my dad often says, “God never wastes a hurt.” (Quoting Rick Warren.)

So yes, my heart is broken whenever I hear of anyone – a child, especially – go through disease of any kind. I do wonder about what exactly God kept me alive for. I’ll never fully understand the mysterious ways in which He works. But when I sing the words, “He’s got the whole world in His hands,” I am reminded of just how big the pair of hands is that hold not only my eighteen-year-long life, but the lives of everyone who have walked, are walking, and will walk the face of this earth.

~Sarah Smith


31 comments so far.

31 responses to “Friday Wrap Up. Sarah Writes.”

  1. sheri says:

    Ah, Sarah! Many who have walked more years than you don’t grasp this as fully as your little heart expressed. Beautiful! Simply Beautiful!

  2. Jenna Hoff says:

    Sarah, I am incredibly impressed with the maturity, contemplative understanding of self, and wisdom in your words. I thought your perspective showed a lot of humility and so I read it to my family for a unique family devotion activity on the weekend while on a wiener roast picnic in the woods.

    I’m not sure if you have decided on your future career plans, but I think you would make an awesome writer. You are a skilled/ gifted writer, and you also have a lot of wisdom and wit that you could share. I even think you could turn what you wrote into a magazine article that would encourage others. Whatever you do with your life, I believe you will continue to be a “Ray of Sunshine.”
    I’m catching up on commenting right now, but in today’s post your mom mentioned you have an introverted personality, and I just wanted to say I think that it is wonderful that you recognize this is yourself and celebrate it. It took me a very long time to accept my own introverted personality, but now I am so glad to be an introvert! I love being a quiet person, writing, thinking, reading, walking by the creek by my house etc- now I really enjoy my introverted, reflective personality.

    Thanks again for sharing your encouraging perspective and thoughts!!

    Jenna in Canada

    • Becky says:


      Let’s hear it for introverts! Sarah and I love the introverted, introspective parts of who we are–I guess we love it because it’s such a big part of who we are. Your words to her were such an encouragement; you truly have a gift for bringing cheery light into the lives of others.

  3. Nancy says:

    What a lovely post – Sarah you clearly share your mom’s love of words! You write so eloquently 🙂

  4. Fran Harris says:




  5. Lesley says:

    Thank you, Sarah, for taking the time to share your thoughts regarding the questions I posed. I am so happy to learn that you feel free to be just you, knowing that your life has a purpose exactly the way it is. The way it is meant to be. That is wonderful.

  6. Bea says:

    LOVE YOU honey!!!! <3

  7. Vicky Elder says:

    Sarah, I went through a life changing illness at age 45. I do realize God still had work for me to do or I would not still be here. But, even at age 45, I didn’t have the perspective that you do. What an awesome young lady!

    • Becky says:


      Illnesses can truly be life changing, can’t they? They’re hard to go through but on the positive side, they do open our eyes to things we may never have seen without them.

  8. Mrs. Pam says:

    quite profound, Sarah! Thankfully, you are still a ray of sunshine… “this little light of mine, I’m gonna’ make it shine!….”

  9. Kim Waggoner says:

    Possibly the best thing I’ve ever read, Sarah. And I’ve read a lot. You’re a blessing. Thank you for sharing your life and your thoughts with us. It’s an honor and a blessing to “know” you via Internet.
    ~Kim from Kingston, Tn.

  10. Margie says:

    All I can say is WOW!! I know our Father is proud of all of His children, but I am sure He was pointing at Sarah when she wrote this saying “that’s MY child.”

  11. Steve says:

    Wow! Profound, pithy and deeply personal. I certainly didn’t have insight like that at 18. I’d say that I began to approach that level when I turned, say, 50. Sigh.

    So proud of our Sarah.

  12. Joleen says:

    Beautiful words Sarah! You are beautiful, inside and out!

  13. Mary H says:

    Amazing, beautfiul. Thank you, Sarah. You have taught me so much.

  14. Rachel says:

    Perfect essay. Sounds like something to submit with college scholarship applications! No matter if its big or small Sarah will do great things in her life. You have raised two wonderful children and they are both doing great things. I hope you always follow your passion Sarah. Oh and study abroad in college if you can make the finances work. I never did but it would be an amazing experience for you.

  15. Angela says:

    What a beautiful and thoughtful “Purpose” essay from Sarah!

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