Flying Floridians, Lighthouses, and Memories

December 20, 2013

 Today, Nathan, Meagan and Noah will get on an airplane in Tampa and fly to North Carolina!  (Noah is certainly an early traveler taking his first plane ride at just 2 months old.) They’re flying into Charlotte to visit with some friends for a couple of days before we get there so we won’t get to actually see them till early next week. But at least they’re headed this way. So excited!

And the day that Noah takes his first flight is also Meagan’s 26th birthday.  Steve, Sarah and I are sending the happiest, loveliest, most heartfelt wishes to her as she travels today. She  is such a fabulous lady and a precious addition to our family.  Can’t wait to hug the three Floridian Smiths! (AKA The Flying Floridians.)


And here are the three North Carolinian Smiths who are (not so) patiently awaiting their arrival.


Looking at the picture above reminded me of a few more pictures we took that day with my brother and his wife.

Sarah and I crossing the dunes.


Here is one where Tim took a picture of me taking a picture.  We are the Picture-Taking Siblings, for sure!


It was fun going with him to take pictures of the Bodie Island lighthouse right at the golden hour. I’ve posted a few of those photos already, but here are a few more I thought you would enjoy.

I found it interesting to see how Tim gravitated more toward taking close-ups of individual parts of the lighthouse, which I hardly ever think about doing.  (And need to do more.)


I love these shots of his.







The picture-taking goal I set for myself that day was to try to find some perspectives of the lighthouse that weren’t usually seen. This is what I came up with.







Before I close, I want to mention how much I’ve enjoyed reading the Ornament Memories  you’ve been sharing on this post. Such great stories!

And on the subject of Christmas memories (and memories in general), Meagan’s mom, Sheri, just wrote a profound blog post on this subject.  I think it’s relevant to everyone since none of are exempt from occasionally wishing for golden moments gone by which can cause us to overlook the beauty of today.  You can find that post here.  I highly recommend it!

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Flying Floridians, Lighthouses, and Memories”

  1. Love lighthouses,
    Love new perspectives,
    Love your pictures.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family from Italy. 🙂


    • Becky says:


      And I love your mustache avatar! Merry Christmas wishes winging their way to Italy–where I want to come and take pictures! 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow, Tim, these are really neat photos, love them too!! So wonderful to have two excellent photographers in the family, we are blessed, and thanks for sharing all the pics, keep it up you two! Ruth

    • Becky says:


      I love having another photographer in the family. Thanks for your encouragement! What I WANT to do is come back to your house (preferably in the spring or fall) and take a gazillion pictures of your house and yard again. It’s on my Bucket List. 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    Ummm, check your first sentence, I think you meant to write, “Nathan, Meagan and Noah”
    Anyway, have a wonderful visit with your children and grandchild! Have a very merry, blessed Christmas! Much love to all of you!

    • Becky says:

      Anonymous–thank you! I made the change

      I guess in my mind I was thinking Nathan, Meagan and (Little) Nathan! 🙂 I appreciate you catching that for me.

  4. jenna hoff says:

    Very interesting photos Becky! I love how two siblings can be together taking photos of the same lighthouse at the same time on the same day and yet come up with two very different perspectives. Can I possibly ask for prayer for my mother? She is 59 and underwent eye surgery last Friday to repair a bulging artery pressing on her optic nerve. During the eye surgery they unfortunately found another bulge (a precursor to an aneurysm) on an artery going to her brain. She had brain surgery Monday to repair that. Both surgeries were successful and she has a prognosis of a full recovery.

    • Becky says:


      Even though this has been a difficult few days for you all, I am so thankful that the surgeon found the precursor to an aneurysm when he did and was able to deal with it successfully.

      This Christmas, your family will have many Christmas blessings to count. Prayed for you all this morning–thanks for sharing that piece of your life with me.

      Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!

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