Floridian Joys. Dollar Tree Negotiations.

August 9, 2021

We got to Florida Thursday night and have been having such a great time hanging out with the Smith kids and grandkids.

I took the three older kids to Dollar Tree, one at a time, so that they could each pick three prizes and spend some one-on-one time with Grandma. Noah and Madison spent quite a bit of time perusing the aisles, making decisions, revamping decisions, and then re-making revamped decisions. It was a serious undertaking.

However, when I got 3-year old Grayson to the store, the procedure changed. He was the only of the three who grabbed a shopping cart from the parking lot and (with a little help) got it rolled into the store.  We had only gotten about five steps inside when he stopped dead in his tracks in front of a display of colorful plastic shovels and toys. His mouth got round and his eyes got even rounder. He had arrived at his version of heaven.

He took one excited step forward, grabbed a red plastic shovel, and flung it into the cart with the greatest toddler alacrity.

I thought, “Great. Good decision. Let’s move to the next area.”

Not so fast, Grandma.

He grabbed a yellow shovel. And then a green shovel. And then a bath toy. And a plastic dolphin. And then he started hitting the rack a step away. No wandering through the store for this guy. This mini Smith was laser-focused on the mission at hand.

That was when it occurred to me that Grayson did not fully grasp the concept of three things.  From his perspective, there was an empty cart beside him and it was his sworn duty to make sure that cart got filled.

Have you ever reasoned with a toddler in a Dollar Tree and tried to explain the subtle nuances of the meaning of the number three?

To Grayson’s credit, while he furrowed his brow ever so slightly, he didn’t throw a fit when I quickly grabbed two of the small items he had chosen and put them in one of the shovels so that he could carry it all to the checkout like a real fella doing real business.

He had opted to wear rain boots to the store in the middle of a 95-degree, sunny day because . . . why not? And besides, they made him walk like a tiny John Wayne.

What a precious little fella.


I want to take a moment to brag on this son of mine.

He just found out he received the promotion he had applied for at his job at Publix.  He will move from an hourly to a salary wage and oversee a team of six people.

So what exactly does he do?  Well, if you’ve ever shopped at a Publix grocery store and read a label on any of their private label products, you can know that Nathan had a big part in what was printed on that label as far as nutrition and safety facts and complying with government guidelines.   It’s a job that takes an immense amount of attention to detail and Steve and I  are so proud of him and the way he applies himself to his work with diligence and excellence.


Last week the vet called, absolutely overjoyed with the results of Summer’s recent bloodwork. The first words out of her mouth were, “I feel like I’m looking at a different dog.”

She went on to tell us that out of the twenty levels that were off a month ago, all had returned to normal except for one, and it had improved.

And the additional great news is that our little gal has put on a pound in the past month. For an average-sized adult, that is is the equivalent of about 20 pounds. She’ll have to stay on a couple of meds for the rest of her life to manage her disease but we’ll take it!

The night before I first wrote about Summer’s illness, I took her out to the yard for a few minutes and filmed her the whole time.  She was doing so poorly I just knew it would be her last walk before we would have to be put to sleep.  And now a month later? She’s a brand new dog!  Thankful.

Sarah and Gage are doing our house and dog sitting while we are gone so I know that Summer is enjoying having her sister back home.

So that’s it for now. I’ve got a few more Florida photos/stories to share but for right now, my hands are happily full of other things.

38 comments so far.

38 responses to “Floridian Joys. Dollar Tree Negotiations.”

  1. Jenna Hoff says:

    The love and joy in your family is amazing and absolutely shines through each post you write. I think a large part of that is how you champion each family member. No one is left out. All are loved and cherished. And the result is you have nourished a love that is being shared and passed through the generations. That is very very special.

    • Becky says:


      From all that I’ve read about your family through the years, you are also a great champion of your family and have always been an inspiration to me in that way.

  2. Gayle in AL says:

    What a happy post! I’m so glad you got to spend some fun time with your grandkids. And congrats to Nathan on his promotion! We always shop at Publix…such a great grocery store. I’m so happy to hear that Summer is doing so well! Great job taking care of her! I hope she’s around for a good, long time!

    • Becky says:


      Well, the next time you’re in Publix, be sure to look at a Publix brand label and think of Nathan! 🙂

      Yes, we hope Summer is around for another 14 years, at least.

  3. Raquel Finklebarb says:

    I’ve never been in or seen a Publix, but I guess they are just big grocery stores, right? Yay about Summer’s improvement. I saw in your other post that she was given Prednisone. My 14 year old cat has been taking that med for over a year. She is getting clumsy again, but for a long time it was like she’d found her second kittenhood, so not surprised that worked for Summer too. Well, enjoy your time in Florida.

    • Becky says:


      Yep. Publix is a big brand of groceries, in Florida especially, but in other states as well.

      Prednisone can definitely be a miracle drug. So glad your cat got some more happy months on it. A love the thought of her finding her “second kittenhood.” 🙂

  4. Krista Labrensz says:

    I’m so glad you’re having (or had) a great visit. What fun taking the kids to the Dollar store. Precious times.
    Congrats to Nathan!
    And I’m so glad to hear Summer is doing so well.

    Lord’s Blessings!

    • Becky says:


      The Dollar Tree is so great because it’s cheap and yet the kids don’t know that. They just know they are getting to shop!

  5. Ellen W says:

    Oh my!!! Look at the hives on Steve’s face!! That bee really got him good, huh??! 😆

  6. Beth Kayser says:

    Gosh – Your posts just bring a smile to my face and really make me look forward to the day that the grandies come along in our family. I have loved watching your family grow and change through the years….

    Much love from CA.

    • Becky says:


      You’ll definitely enjoy those grandies when the day comes.

      Thanks for your sweet words about watching our family grow. Hard to believe Nathan will be 32 soon and he was 14 when when I started to blog!

  7. Gloria A Smith says:

    This is a smile producing post! The photo of Grayson leaving Dollar Tree is adorable. I especially love the photos of Grandpa Steve and the children gathered in the kitchen around the stove. Grandpa Steve wears face paint very well! Congratulations to Nathan on the job promotion with Publix. I am a label reader and very much appreciate his efforts. Happy to hear Summer’s good report. Hope you are having a nice time in Florida, safe travels back to Manteo.

    • Becky says:


      Glad to know you are a label reader! Nathan works hard for people just like you!

      Yes, Grandpa Smith got a few additions to his face during this visit. The grandkids love decorating granndpa.

  8. Suzanne says:

    Congratulations to Nathan! That’s awesome and I know it’s well-deserved!

    I loved the story about Grayson! Dollar Tree has great shovels – everyone needs several!!

    AND, super YAY about Summer! That’s just amazing and what a blessing! I hope Sarah and Gage are enjoying babysitting!

  9. Joy says:

    No doubt you are having a wonderful time with those grandkids. Love the rain boots. My grandson use to wear cowboy boots all the time (summer and winter).

    Congrats to Nathan on his job promotion.

    So glad to hear Summer is much better.

  10. Fred & Lucy says:

    Dear Becky, what a wonderful blog today! So many superb photos that they were all favorites! But my most favorite was the first photo – your youngest grandson (Grayson?) sitting on the sofa with Pastor Steve and gesturing with his right hand… and that look on each of their faces! Congratulations to Nathan on his promotion! I know that your family and readers are so proud of him! It was such a relief to read about Summer’s revised diagnosis/prognosis. He’ll be Zooming again before long! 😉 I’m so happy for you all!

    • Becky says:

      Fred and Lucy,

      I agree. That photo of the two fellas “conversing” was fabulous. (Meagan actually took that one.)

      And yes, we are thrilled that our vet was thrilled. That’s always a good thing! Can’t wait to get home to our little gal soon.

  11. SueEllen says:

    What a joy-filled post!! Congrats to Nate on his promotion!! I enjoyed all your photos – the little Smith-lettes are all so cute! I had to laugh when I read about Grayson’s Dollar Tree trip! Thanks to your wonderful description, I could perfectly picture his fascination when he entered Dollar Tree (I probably often look.the same way – one of my favorites). I’m so happy to hear Summer is doing so well, and dare I guess that her sister Sarah may be spoiling her JUST a little?!??! I also loved Steve’s “Bass” shirt. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your Florida visit!!

  12. Teresa Hewitt says:

    What a wonderful story about Grayson! I’m thinking the DollarTree must be like our PoundLand – a store where many and marvellous things may be had for the princely sum of One Pound. Congratulations to Nathan! that sounds like an important job which he gives a lot of thought to. You must be very proud of him. My lovely son-in-law (I will never tire of saying that!) (since May 23) has also been rewarded at work this month for his talents and efforts – so things will be a little less tight for him and Juliet my daughter.
    Good to hear the news about Summer. Love and warm wishes, Teresa xxx

    • Becky says:


      That is so funny that you have a store called PoundLand. I read that to Steve and we both had a chuckle.

      Yes, saying son-in-law is a wonderful thing, indeed. And congrats to YOUR SIL for being rewarded on his job; always good news for a newlywed couple.

  13. Guerrina says:

    Congratulations, Nathan! So happy to hear Summer is well! Love the Dollar Tree story!

  14. LeeAnne says:

    Great big congratulations to Nathan on his promotion!! And yes, that picture of him in the vintage cowboy gear is Noah for sure. I’ve always thought he looks so much like his daddy.
    I’m so happy that Summer is doing SO well! We don’t have pets but we do have grand-dogs and it definitely is heart-breaking when they are hurt or sick. I’m too much of a softy to be a decent pet owner. I just couldn’t handle it if I had a pet that got injured or seriously ill. Kudos to all those who DO have pets.
    A three year old in a Dollar Tree is quite a brave undertaking. Lol Glad it turned out OK. Your grands are just precious. Enjoy!!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      A three-year-old in a Dollar Tree. Yep. Not for the faint of heart. But I’m thankful our little jaunt went so well!

      Yes, having pets can definitely be hard on the heart. But they fill up the heart too, so it’s all balanced out.

  15. Mrs. Pam says:

    grandpa sure has some fancy decorative looks. sooooo happy for Summer!!!! and for Nathan. how great that you are able to spoil those cute grandkids.

  16. Ann Osborn says:

    Love the Grayson story!! What a special trip to Dollar Tree for all 3 kids, AND Grandma!! Little ones bring out such joy, even in their simple choice of footwear!

    So glad Summer is better. And congrats to Nathan and family (and the rest of you)! As a mama of 4 children, similar ages to your two, we celebrate these promotions at least as much as the “kids”! One more thing: Wonderful pictures capturing pure, magical times!

    • Becky says:


      I know. I love getting to celebrate all the things that go on in the lives of our kids. In good times and bad, families go through it all together.

      And yes, Grayson’s footwear definitely made me smile. The boots made him walk like John Wayne.

  17. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Loved all those pictures and that dear Grayson – he knows what he wants because he has radar and his radar was spot on to what he wants. It is rather hard to stop shopping at the Dollar Tree – one of my favorite places to go. Congrats to Nathan – what an opportunity for him. Know the Lord will continue to bless him as he moves up in the company. PTL for Summer’s recovery. How wonderful that he will still be around for some time.

    • Becky says:


      Yep, Grayson definitely had his radar going. He was a man on a mission!

      We are very proud of Nathan; he has worked so hard to get where he is.

  18. Phyllis says:

    Congratulations to Nathan on his promotion! In nearly 13 years in Tampa, I have shopped there a few times. 😀 Great news on Summer.
    Having lived in Florida for as long as I did, Grayson’s choice of footwear is probably a good idea. You never know when an afternoon rain shower might pop up.
    Please keep my mom in your prayers. She fell Thursday night, this time breaking the bone in her arm between her elbow and shoulder. Their neighbor who is an RN read the radiologist report and said it is a pretty bad break. It was not 8 months ago that she fell and broke her femur. We take her to orthopedic doctor at KU tomorrow afternoon. Where I thought we were looking at assisted living for both of them, I fear she will need nursing home care instead. After spending 72 years together, this is causing my dad great heartache as he isn’t to the point of needing that level of care even though he will be 95 Wednesday.

    • Becky says:


      What a tough thing to face with your parents; bone breaks, medical care and transition, your dad’s heartache at being separated from your mom. I love hearing a story about 72-year old love.

  19. Tammy says:

    I’m so glad you are having a blast with your Florida kids & grands! I got to go to a large Dollar Tree on Saturday! (The one in our town is tiny – 4 aisles to be exact 😳) I got the makings for a Fall wreath for $4! Yay!!
    Oh what a wonderful blessing for Summer to be doing so great!
    Today is my last day of summer. I’m headed to the Cross to pray and reflect over the greatness of our God! Tomorrow will be a new journey for me. I’ll be EC teacher assisting at the high school that is literally 5 minutes from our house. It’s excited (new adventure, new friends, new is good) and nervous (no idea what I’ll really be doing. Someone mentioned tutoring math and I literally laughed out loud – not my strong suit 😬)
    Much love to you all

    • Becky says:


      A 4-aisle Dollar Tree. Wow. That’s the tiniest one I’ve ever heard of!

      Congrats on the new job; you will be such an asset there! (As long as they keep math far, far away from you. I can soooo relate.)

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