The Fingerprinted Pastor’s Wife

March 3, 2017

First Things First

Have you ever seen a cuter brother and sister? Me either.  

Grand babies are truly grand.


Fingerprinted . . .

I thought I would mention that I was fingerprinted recently.

Yep. This mild-mannered pastor’s wife had to give up her fingerprints.


I know it’s been said half a bazillion times already, but isn’t just unbelievable that each person on the planet possesses their own collection of worls and swirls?  God is amazing in so many ways but to create everyone’s complex prints in a way beyond unique is way beyond belief. I can’t even keep up with my car keys let alone billions of intricate prints.

At any rate, just in case you were wondering about the whole fingerprinting thing, I had it done because I have taken on a part-time job (in addition to my church job) working at a local preschool owned by a couple in our church. Today is my first day and I’m trying to get myself geared up for being around tiny, energetic people.  Good times!

Speaking of jobs, Sarah is coming home for a 10-day spring break and was hoping to accrue a bunch of hours during her visit; however, Food Lion is cutting back hours and doesn’t have any work for her.  

That will just give us more time to enjoy her at home.  (Trying to look at the bright side here.)


Easter Production

We are smack dab in the middle of prep for our Easter production which means that Steve is running amok, learning lines . . .

working on lighting  . . .

and overseeing the building of new sets.

It amazes me that he knows how to all of that.

Here is Claudia, the woman the play focuses on. (Claudia was Pilate’s wife.)  

A few more prep scenes.

All the artwork and promo for the drama are due by Monday and since that is my job (with Steve’s invaluable advice and assistance), I am deep in the throes of artistic experimentation.

I’m also teaching a Wednesday night adult class for two months to give the other teacher (our drama director) a break. Here’s a photo from last week’s class.  I used the hat (which belongs to Steve) as an object lesson and one of my students was only too happy to model it.  When you press a little button, the ears stick straight up.  It’s really pretty exciting.


Women’s Retreat

I was recently invited to travel out-of-town to speak at a women’s’ retreat on March 24 and 25. I am so excited about the chance to do this, even though I am not the speediest person on the planet when it comes to prepping for something like this. Since I will be speaking three different times during the retreat, every spare moment in the next two weeks is going to be focused on preparation.

Fortunately, I love any opportunity to speak and I also love the thought of getting to know new friends during the twenty hours we will be spend together during this retreat.


Magazine Article

Oh, and I almost forgot! I wrote an article which will be published in May in a magazine called Angels on Earth.  It is a sister publication of Guideposts with a circulation of 350,000. More on that later!


What about you?

I just told you about my new job at the preschool. What is your job?  Waitress? Legal secretary? Teacher? Uber driver? Homemaker?    You could also add a brief description if you want.

It will be interesting to see what shows up; I know you wonderful readers represent an amazing variety.





44 comments so far.

44 responses to “The Fingerprinted Pastor’s Wife”

  1. Gayle in AL says:

    Wow! You sure stay busy! I have been a substitute teacher at the elementary and primary schools at our local military installation for the past 16 years. Currently I am subbing for the principal’s secretary, who got another job on post. I’ve been doing it for a couple months now, and am really enjoying it. I miss being in the classrooms, but I still get to interact with the kids all the time. I’ll probably be doing this for the rest of the school year. Before subbing I was a stay-at-home mom and classroom volunteer. I started working when they were in the 7th and 10th grades. I love the flexibility of this job.

    • Becky says:


      You are certainly multi-talented if you can substitute as a teacher AND a secretary! I get the feeling that school wouldn’t know what to do without you!

      My hat is off to you for spending so many years making a difference in the lives of the children and teens you have worked with.

  2. Kari says:

    You are one busy person. Your Easter production looks like it will be fabulous as always!

    Previous career was as Computer Network Administrator for a large automotive supplier, I also helped out at my friends greenhouse which has been in business for over 35 years. I love plants and growing them and ponds. I have my own pond with some very large regular and butterfly koi. My yard was on a garden walk in 2000. I also have a knack for knowing the botanical names of plants. My passion is for tropical plants even though I live in Michigan!

  3. LeeAnne says:

    I am an office manager for a local trucking company in our town and have been here almost 33 years. I am in charge of everything that has to do with the money. I also do the payroll, driver orientation, quarterly tax returns and monthly financial statements among other things. It’s pretty diverse and I enjoy my job. Everything used to be done by hand back in the good old days. However, the computer has made my job SO much easier. And faster! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      You need to give a memo to your boss to NEVER fire you! I am quite sure the business would not make it without you!

  4. Mel says:

    I am an accountant for a printing company, I also do the books for 2 other businesses on the side and at this time of year, I also do some personal income taxes. Sounds like a lot but it really isn’t too bad once tax season is over.

    • Becky says:


      Once again, my hat is off to you financial people who can do income taxes and keep the books for companies like it’s nothin’! I would be breaking out in hives at the thought of it.

      Glad you have found your niche in life!

  5. krista121799 says:

    My number one job is Mama! Single Mama, may I add. It’s difficult, tiring, rewarding and exhausting, but I love it!
    During the week, I work as an Office Assistant at a Hearing Aid Center. I love it! The Specialist and I are the only one’s here. She is wonderful to work for/with! And I love our patients!!

    • Becky says:


      I enjoyed seeing how many times you used the word “love” in your comment. Even through the challenges of single parenting, it is obvious you have found many things to be thankful for. Inspiring!

  6. Guerrina says:

    I’ve gone from Data Entry Clerk to Executive Assistant/Benefits Coordinator/Bookkeeper/Sales Manager (all my current position) in the span of 20 years at my current job – don’t see retirement as an option lol and helping to raise my almost 7 year old grandson with my son.

    “I’m trying to get myself geared up for being around forty tiny, energetic people.” You are willingly doing this? Seriously…. 40 of them?! Part of me wants to scream, “Are you nuts?!” and the rest of me is praying, “Lord, bless her, keep her healthy … and sane!” I tip the proverbial hat to you; one is more than enough for me nowadays!

    • Becky says:


      You must be a mutli-talented person with all of those job responsibilities. I’m impressed!

      I should actually go in and edit the blog concerning the preschool. They have more like 30 students and I am only interacting with about 18 of them and only on a teacher’s assistant basis. They do a lot of handwashing for which I am grateful. 🙂

  7. Cath Young says:

    Ummmm. You should talk to your doctor about what you can do about boosting your immune system. Make sure you have your flu shots and whatever other protection you can get. You will be exposed to a lot of germs. Remember those days when Sarah was neutropenic? Not quite so bad for you, but those with COPD always have the risk of bronchial and other type of infections, from simple colds turning into pneumonia which can really set you back in lung function.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I did think about that when I took the job. I am up to date on my flu and pneumonia vaccines and the place I work makes all the kids wash their hands between every single activity. Hopefully I can stay on the healthy side of things!

  8. Linda in Pgh says:

    I am currently semi-retired and work part time at a pet resort and help care for my adult total care physically challenged niece. Before that, administrative assistant in Corporate America.

    “Angels on Earth” is one of my favorite magazines and I can’t wait to receive the May issue!

    Linda in Pgh

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like your life has been (and is) full of a variety of activities and tasks. I know you make a huge difference in the life of your niece every day and how wonderful that, when you are not helping with her care, you get to hang out with animals! 🙂

      I’m glad you enjoy Angels on Earth. I’d never heard of the magazine before now!

  9. SueEllen Williams says:

    I’m an Inclusion Support Facilitator at one of our local high schools. I visit 2-3 general education classes each period and help special education students in those classes. I really enjoy it because it’s never boring. I’ve been doing this for 5 years and before that I was in “Corporate America” for 20+ years.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I so admire teachers and even more, I admire teachers who work with special education students since the right person can make such a difference in those student’s schooling and in their future.

      Being in corporate America for 20 years sounds like an interesting place to be, too! You’ve done (and are doing) a lot!

  10. Wendy says:

    I am a home Daycare provider for the past 29 years. Will be teetering by the time I retire in about 9 years…ha ha! I was a cook at a nursing home before that and Loved working with the elderly, or feeding the elderly 🙂 your grandchildren’s picture is so darned cute. I get to travel tonight to my daughters and my other 2 children and families will be there too, so I will get to be with them and my 3 grandchildren for my granddaughter’s figure skating year end show.
    You are a busy lady these days, Just remember to take some deep breaths and relax too.

    • Becky says:


      Twenty nine years doing daycare? Amazing that some of the kids you watched are now adults. Good for you for finding what you are good at and for doing it!

      I know you enjoyed your time with your three grandkids. Special moments.

  11. Catherine says:

    Well Becky sense you asked. Haha!!
    My official title is fuel attendent! In reality I work in a kiosk selling ciggeretts and sodas and gas of course! Lol! You’d be surprised to know how many people don’t know how to pump gas!! And how I have the magic touch to do so! Lol!! But it’s what makes the world turn round! So I do it with a happy heart! Hope you will do your new job with a happy heart too!!

    • Becky says:


      You must feel very needed to rescue the non-gas-pumpers! I love your line about doing your job with a happy heart. That is exactly how our work should be done–no matter what it is.

  12. Ann Martin says:

    As I am retired I just spend time volunteering. Without your two jobs, Becky, you may not have much free time. ?.

  13. Mary says:

    I was a church secretary for 26 years. Now enjoying retirement.

    • Becky says:


      As a church secretary myself (among a zillion other things) I feel like we are kindred spirits. No one understands the unique work of a church secretary unless they are another church secretary.

      Happy to hear that you are enjoying retirement.

  14. Nicole Doyal says:

    I am a Senior Financial Analyst at a law firm in Seattle Washington. When people hear that I work at a law firm, they start to apologize that I have to work with attorneys…funny thing is that I hardly work with them at all since I work in finance. Have been here at this law firm for almost 25 years so it must be okay! And I have a sabbatical coming up this summer! (Yes, even the staff get a sabbatical!). Huge road trip through the US is planned with husband, daughter and dog.

    • Becky says:


      I had to Google what your job title entails because I had no clue. Let me say I am impressed that you can do all that; let me also say that I am thankful I don’t have to! NOT my skill set.

      What a great company to give staff members sabaticals. You’ve earned it–looking at a bazillion numbers over 25 years. Enjoy every mile of your trip!

  15. Robyn says:

    Assistant Professor at a large private university. I teach finance, marketing, and risk management. The hours can be tough with research, teaching, and mentoring/advising, but I enjoy it. Very thank for my job.

    • Robyn says:


    • Becky says:


      Another reader who is gifted with numbers and finances. I am so impressed by people who can learn and teach that kind of work.

      And I can only imagine the complexity of your work load and the hours involved. I’m glad to know that you enjoy it–good for you!

  16. Patti says:

    I taught preschool for almost 20 years, then moved up to Kindergarten. Love those little ones. Hope you enjoy your new job.

    • Becky says:


      Preschool and then kindergarten–what magical ages! And to have done that work for over two decades says a lot about how effective you are at it.

      I also enjoyed reading how much you love those little ones. They are truly precious, aren’t they?

  17. Jennifer Freeman says:

    I’m a crisis mental health counselor working with kids with developmental disabilities 🙂 I love my special needs kids… I rather talk about traffic lights, vacuums or maps than makeup or boys any day of the week.

    • Becky says:


      As a pastor’s wife, I can imagine some of the situations you must deal with as a crisis mental health counselor. What a vital job, especially when it pertains to kids with developmental disabilities who need an additional layer of understanding and insight. Bless you!

  18. Melissa says:

    Maybe I’m cynical or maybe it’s because I work in law enforcement…but it looks like your social security number is showing on that pic so you might want to blur that out! Can never be too careful!

  19. Sarah says:

    I’m a mom who decided to go back to school when my kids went to school so now I’m an adult oncology nurse navigator in a clinic.

    • Marylea says:

      So thankful for oncology nurse navigators! I am presently undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer.

    • Becky says:


      Good for you for pursuing your education a little later in life than normal. I know your kids are proud of what you have accomplished. I am certainly grateful for people like you who make such a difference for people traveling taking a tumultous journey.

  20. mrs pam says:

    fellow Preschool Teacher!!! 1964-2017+ (hopefully)
    Wow… you have/will be busy!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Truly amazing–fifty-three years a preschool teacher! Surely that is some sort of record.

      I know how much we enjoy your input and comments here at Smithellaneous. I can only imagine how much your fellow teachers and students enjoy you in real life!

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