Final Floridian Tales

August 8, 2016

Update on Sarah: Sarah just went back to the doctor for her third follow-up visit this summer concerning her unexplained weight loss. We were thrilled to find out that she has gained back about 5-6 pounds and while she has still not managed to reach the lowest “healthy” BMI number, she is at least moving in the right direction.

We are exactly one week away from College Liftoff which I still can’t quite believe is here. We were talking at dinner last night about her leaving and she and I instantly teared up.  It’s not going to be pretty come August 15;  Steve is going to have his hands full dealing with two waterlogged, weeping women.

Today, I have one final Florida post for you. Let me start with a little background.

For the past eighteen month, Nathan and Meagan have been renting space from her parents so they could pay off students loans and save up for a house. If all goes well, they should have a home of their own within the next month or two. After living in crowded quarters with two small children, they are beyond excited.  And Steve and I are beyond grateful to Frank and Sheri for hosting our dear foursome for this season of their lives.

The last few weeks have been a bit stressful for them as just last week, Nathan switched jobs from working as a lab tech for the state of Florida to working as a lab tech with Publix, a large chain of grocery stores. He wanted to move to a job that gave him more room for advancement which Publix does; unfortunately, though, for the first little while at least, he has to be at work at 3 a.m. That means getting up every day before 2 a.m.  I am an early bird of long-standing but 2 a.m. is just a bit beyond my early bird skill set. 

And then on top of that, during the time we were in Florida, Meagan was busy with several job interviews. Happily, just a couple of days ago, she was hired by a church daycare and starts work this week caring for six 1-year olds all day. She is not known as The Baby Whisperer for nothing!  

In the middle of all the job complexities, they have been busy looking at houses, talking with banks, and working with their realtor on all sorts of endless realty-type details. We were honored that they wanted to wait until we got to town before taking anyone to see any of the houses they have been considering. They are very intentional about including us as much as they can in their lives, even though we are so far away.

So. That was a really long introduction to this post but I wanted to get you up to date. 

Something that really made my heart happy while we were in Florida was getting to see Steve and Nathan have a chance to hang out. The two of them never run out of things to talk about, whether it’s theology, politics, child-rearing, movies, music, sports, relationships, philosophy, current events, or the latest, corny joke one of them dug up from somewhere.





Nathan and Steve made sure to make time to see a movie one night together, which is one of their favorite dad/son things to do.

Of course, the women took off a few times, too. Meagan, her mom, her sister, and Sarah and I spent some time one afternoon eating and shopping. We ate lunch at the same restaurant but at different tables–the Older Stately Women (Sheri and me) at one table and the Younger Zippy Women at another table across the restaurant.  

Towards the end of our meal, Sheri and I were surprised to be approached by a server other than our own. We were especially surprised when she handed us three black folios containing three checks and said, “Excuse me. The three young ladies across the room are wondering if you would mind paying for their lunches.”

Sheri and I looked over to see Meagan, Sarah, and Kristin all standing up and grinning like fools. Let it be known that the Older Stately Women forthwith declined to pay the bills of the Younger Zippier Women.  (Just as they knew we would.)  They just thought it would be funny to try.

Here are Sarah and Meagan headed off to a great shopping adventure. IMG_4712

During our stay, we dropped by Cracker Barrel for a meal; the kids especially loved it.


Here is our fabulous Meagan with the world’s cutest children.



Grandpa and Miss Little Bit took a stroll . . .

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and stopped for a little chat, en route.


I’ll close with a few miscellaneous photos gathered from a couple of days of pool-going. Nothing feels quite as fabulous as splashing in a swimming pool when it is a bajillion degrees out, especially when you get to share that experience with people you love.












I think the thing that touched my heart the most during our visit was that about approximately every 3.75 minutes, Nathan or Meagan would say to us in their most plaintive voices, “Mom and Dad, can’t you stay a little longer?  Are you sure you need to leave on Friday?  Can’t you wait till Sunday?  Or at least Saturday?”

We were all a little sobered by the fact that they won’t be able to come home for Christmas since Nathan just started the new job and can’t get time off. We don’t know how long it will be before we are able to be together again and although that makes me sad, it does make me happy that we have adult children who are not counting down the days till we leave, but are instead wishing we could stay around even longer.

I’m so thankful for the time we had and am already looking forward to when we can see them again. Until then, I will treasure the pictures, the laughter, and the memories.


What about you?  What have you done this summer?  Taken a trip? Spent time with grand kids?
Enjoyed a staycation? Please share some summer memories.


28 comments so far.

28 responses to “Final Floridian Tales”

  1. Jenna Hoff says:

    Looks like a wonderful time!!! Those two kiddos are sooo cute!!!

    I will be praying for you as you have this bignore transition coming up for Sarah.

    Sending you hugs and peace and love and also an adventurous spirit as both she and you enter this next stage! !

    • Becky says:


      An adventurous spirit. Yes, that is exactly what Sarah and I need in the days and weeks come. 🙂

      Thanks for your always encouraging words.

  2. Bea says:

    Such lovely pictures!!! SO glad you all had SUCH a fun visit! Madison has really changed as far as “looks” go, much more grown up. Both kids are gorgeous!! SO happy for Nathan and Meagan with new jobs. I wish them the best in everything! Very proud of them!! That pool looks so inviting and wonderful. It makes me tear up as well when I think of Miss Sarah leaving… 🙁 What a change that will be for all. Love and hugs to all of you! Thank you SO much for all your wonderful blog entries. I always adore them!

  3. Lesley says:

    You know, I automatically think of moms and how much they miss their kids, I guess cause, well, I am a mom. But there is Steve. He must miss Nathan so much 🙁

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that is so true that we tend to think of moms when it comes to missing, but dads miss those built in buddies they raised, too. Thanks for the sweet reminder.

  4. dmantik says:

    I loved seeing the pictures of those sweet babies and all you sweet grown ups as well! 🙂 So glad you could all be together.

  5. Phyllis says:

    I’ve had a pretty busy summer. In early June, I went to New Hampshire and Maine to watch the grandson of my good friend from the Tampa area play AA baseball for the San Francisco Giants. I had three days on my own then met up with my friend. Over the course of the next six days, I hung out with her family – including her brother, two sisters, daughter, (ballplayer’s mom) son-in-law and granddaughter, son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons and two nieces. Some of her family lives in Tampa area and some live in New Hampshire/Vermont so I was a part of their family reunion.
    On Saturday, I had my family at my house for my dad’s 90th birthday which is Thursday. We had 12 for lunch and cake and ice cream. On Friday night my cousin and her husband came to town to go out to dinner since their great-granddaughter’s 2nd birthday party was also Saturday.
    I’m looking forward to this weekend and not having anything that I HAVE to do. Once school starts, I will be trying to go to as many of my niece’s tennis matches as I can as this is her senior year.
    From everything I know from living in Tampa for nearly 13 years, Publix is a great company to work for. It was definitely my grocery store of choice.

    • Becky says:


      How lovely that you got to be temporarily adopted by such a great family–and getting to watch AA baseball was definitely the icing on the cake.

      But the only thing better than being busy is–s you said–not having anything you HAVE to do. Such bliss!

      Enjoy your niece’s last year of school sports; the time goes by so fast, doesn’t it?

  6. Guerrina says:

    Will shed tears with you, Becky! It’s easy to feel like we, the readers, are sending her off, too! I am so excited for Nathan & Meagan! I see a winter trip coming up for you!

    Unfortunately, due to my own impatience, I chose to wrangle an 80 lb bag of cement into my shopping cart over July 4th weekend … the bag looked so small! Hate it when impatience wins over wisdom lol So my summer has been rather still and filled with sitting on a heating pad in an air conditioned room unless sitting at work overloading my brain (adding another skill set). I have managed to get tan lines on my feet at least! Finally seeing chiro tomorrow as I had to get caught up with health insurance. Hopefully I will make it into the ocean before October!

    • Becky says:


      i am so sorry to hear about your cement-wrangling accident! 80 pounds? That’s a hefty bag of cement!

      Let’s hope the chiro is able to get you straight so that your tan lines can move beyond your feet! That takes “farmer’s tan” to a whole new level. 🙂

  7. Dale Tousley says:

    Your post today made me tear up, I am missing my son who is 1100 miles away at school! We were lucky enough to have him here for 5 weeks this summer, I am so grateful for that. My husband who works out of the house , is on a business trip this week and my daughter is visiting friends in Houston, I thought I would really enjoy the “me” time but not so much!!! Anyway, I loved your Florida pictures, congrats to both Nathan and Meagan on their new jobs.

    • Becky says:


      I can so relate to the tears produced by the miles separating us from our loved ones. Having 1100 miles between you and your son is a tough, tough thing. I’m glad he got to come for awhile but the leaving again is all the tougher. Sounds like the two of you have a close relationship–you are blessed!

      I hope you enjoyed a little bit of your me time; that kind of time doesn’t happen to us moms very much!

  8. cath young says:

    Love hearing about Nathan and his family. They are certainly working hard in putting a life together for their little ones. Excited about them getting a house so early. Didn’t know they were in an apartment for 18 months. Weren’t they renting a place? It all just flies by.

    • Becky says:


      Actually, they weren’t in an apartment; they were paying a smaller rent at Meagan’s parent’s house to keep up from having to pay full rent at an apartment of their own. Before that time, they had lived in an apartment of their own for a couple of years.

      And yes–it does fly by!

      • cath young says:

        I see another trip to Florida in your future. How can you stay away when they buy their first home?! Thank you for sharing this journey of such a wonderful family with us.

        • Becky says:


          Steve is tossing around the idea of going down to hep them when they get into the home but we will have to see what our schedule and finances look like around that time. Would love to do it!

  9. LeeAnne says:

    Thanks for the pictures! I do so love seeing your family and sweet grandbabies! I will be thinking of you on the 15th. Ugh. Just thinking about it right now takes me back to when mine left and it could make me cry all over again. Steve will have his hands full but I couldn’t think of anyone better for the job of comforting and calming you both. I bet at some point he will do something really goofy to get both of you to smile and laugh. 🙂

    Our summer has been incredibly busy. We have been to Denver, just returned from Sturgis, SD, are leaving for Las Vegas in a couple of weeks, been to see kids/grandkids, played in golf tournaments and had a family reunion. The kids and grandkids were here all weekend to celebrate my honey’s 60th birthday. It was so much fun! I love it when we are all together and the little ones come running when they see us. Priceless!!

    • Becky says:


      It’s too bad you’re not still in school because you could write an outstanding “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” paper! 🙂

      You are blessed to have health to enjoy the travel and the activities and the grand parenting. I agree–there’s nothing quite like having the little ones run to greet you. Joy!

  10. Jim Martin says:

    Nathan and Steve are talking in the dinning room and something caught my eye. In one photo Nathan is shoulder height to the window but in the other one he is reaching up or below shoulder height. What is the difference?. My eye catches unique items in photos. I am so glad you are able to make memories for Nathan and Meagan as well as those grand children!

    • Becky says:


      You’ve got a good eye to notice those details.

      I am not sure I can explain what you’re seeing except that in one picture Nathan is sitting down and the other he’s standing up so his arm is at a different angle. I’m not sure if I’m being helpful or not! 🙂

  11. mrs pam says:

    WOW.. lots of exciting news for the Florida Folks.

    When my parents decided to retire to Florida (most likely on the east coast), they visited Naples, and in the parking lot of PUBLIX, Daddy met the couple who had been their wedding attendants. (I had never met them since they moved from St. Louis before I was born.) WELL, that clinched their decision, they moved to Naples… and I finally met their wonderful friends.

    holding good thoughts for Sarah’s college move…..
    I imagine Summer will be getting extra cuddling!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I’m glad to hear that your family had a significant happening in the parking lot of Publix! That is too funny. 🙂

  12. Karen from shawano says:

    I totally understand and empathize with you when it comes to missing the kids and grandkids, especially at Christmas. With kids spread out from Escanaba, MI to Springfield, MO and Folsom, CA it’s not always possible to get together all at once, but as you say we enjoy out time and store the memories. The skyping, facebook and phone calls help make the time more bearable. Our youngest, Jonathan, is a church technical director so you understand the time involved around Christmas for him. This last Christmas was the first time he and his wife had not been able to make it home at some point during the Christmas Season. They previously lived in St. Paul, MN. I found myself a little weepy at points missing them, but I know that they are in God’s plans and purpose. I love your photos that capture all the wonderful times you are storing up and your beautiful area. We are hoping at some point to be able to go back to the Escanaba area, but for now we are planted in Shawano. We haven’t done much all summer with my husband out of work but we did get to go north to see 2 of the grandbabies for a dedication of the 4 month old last weekend (July). Thankfully today is the first day of my husbands new job, so here we go on a new journey chapter. You’ll understand this post is so long because it’s my first morning alone, all summer. Thank you for your posts. Have a great day!

    • Becky says:


      I imagine that is quite an adjustment to be alone for the first time this summer! I am honored that you spent part of the time writing such a lovely comment–thank you!

      We are big fans of Escanaba; such a beautiful place.

      And yes, I truly understand the demands a tech director has at Christmas. At some point, that will probably be something Sarah will deal with and she won’t be able to come home at Christmas. Sniff.

      At least we know they will make it home at some point.

      So glad your husband has a new job; I hope it’s going great!

  13. beckylp says:

    I guess you will just have to go back to Florida for Christmas as Sarah will get out of school plenty early. Beautiful grands

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