Filming, Outings, Ultrasound

May 8, 2021

Sarah is feeling a little stronger today. She and Gage are going to film the church annoncements together for the first time in over a month so we are thankful for that good bit of progress.

I was working at the church when they came by to get the camera so I nabbed a photo of them.  Sometimes desperate mamas/bloggers have to resort to desperate photographic measures.

We have an abdominal ultrasound scheduled in Chesapeake on Monday.  I was working with a particular employee at the facility who was trying to move heaven and earth to fit Sarah into the schedule. When she finally called and said she had succeeded, I broke down crying in the middle of thanking her.  So grateful for the medical angels God puts in our path.

Sarah and I had been talking about trying to get it one last mama/daughter outing before she gets married so, if she feels up to it, we are going to leave for Chesapeake after church tomorrow and stay in a hotel before Monday’s appointment. And then because I have do not yet have my dress, I will try to run into a couple of stores while we’re there.

Steve and Sarah are going out to eat for their special daddy/daughter moments on Tuesday, we have the Duke appointment on Wednesday, and it’s Steve’s birthday on Thursday. And then we head into the weekend before the wedding where zippy speed will quickly morph into warp speed.

Have a wonderful weekend and, as always, thank you for all the comments, the encouragements, and prayers. I love reading the comments even though, in this particular chapter of life, I can’t always reply to them all.

Many blessings to all you dear friends.




16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Filming, Outings, Ultrasound”

  1. Jan Reuther says:

    You have been Sarah’s primary care giver for so many, many years, essentially living in the hospital with her at times. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for you to turn those reins over to her (and to a lesser degree to Gage). So I’m thrilled for her that you were able to arrange a “final” mother/daughter trip.

    Waiting anxiously for news of the ultrasound, and for gushing for the m-o-b dress..

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it is very different going through a health crisis with Sarah as an adult and with Gage as a co-caregiver. Lots of adjustments but thankfully he is sensitive to the bond Sarah and I have shared so many years and is flexible–ready to be there in a second or ready to step away awhile if needed.

      New chapters, indeed.

  2. Meredith says:

    I think I can speak for all Sarah fans when I say it does a heart good to see her up and about! Perhaps not ideal for a photo op, but wonderful to see.

    Also wonderful that she was able to get in for the ultrasound without waiting too long.

  3. Monique says:

    Super glad to hear of some improvement and praying the ultrasound results are on the good news side of things. Praying for all your special moments with Sarah over the next couple weeks before a new (and wonderful!) journey starts for her and Gage. Hoping everyday she finds some improvement in her health! Continually praying…

  4. Judy Brandenburg says:

    Thank you for the updates, It is an honor to pray for your precious family.
    I know God will intercede with peace and comfort while you wait for answers. We know that he is the Almighty Healer and we will lean on Him for Good Results. Enjoy your outing with your beautiful daughter and I know you will find the perfect dress. God Bless…

  5. LeeAnne says:

    I always am so glad to see an update and know how extremely busy you are so it is appreciated even more. This will be a busy week for you all. Prayers for the appointments, a happy birthday to Steve and hoping that you and Sarah enjoyed a wonderful Mother/daughter day together. It is Monday now, so I wish you a belated Happy Mother’s Day. I hope that it was filled with smiles and laughter!

  6. Suzanne says:

    Thanks so much for the updates! So thankful for Sarah feeling better, scheduled scans, and mother-daughter time!

    I found my “mother of the groom” dress on deep discount at Dillard’s. Good luck finding the perfect dress for you!

    Continuing to pray for you all!

  7. Gloria A Smith says:

    Love the photo of Sarah and Gage heading out to film the church announcements. Happy to hear that you and Sarah arrived in Chesapeake Sunday afternoon avoiding the Monday morning traffic. Continuing to pray for Sarah’s healing, renewed strength, safe travels back home to Manteo.
    Happy Mother’s Day Becky, as I have said before you are indeed one
    in a million.

  8. dmantik says:

    You girls have a wonderful time today! So glad with you that they got a scan scheduled.

    I watched Gage and Sarah’s church/wedding announcement today. So well done and smile inducing.😊

    Love to all.


  9. Guerrina says:

    Wishing you the best for a weekend away with Sarah Smith! Prayers continue for this health journey. I knew the wedding was in May, but wow! time flies fast! Hugs & Love!

  10. Michele says:

    I am so happy Sarah is feeling a bit better. I hope you have a great time on your mother/ daughter adventure!
    Good luck finding a mother of the bride dress, my daughter got married 1 week ago. It was her rescheduled { from last September), downsized wedding. It was a beautiful wedding! Anyway you would have been proud of me, when our local JC Penney was going out of business about a year ago I found a neutral, ,long mother of the bride dress on sake for 90% off! It cost me all of $14!
    It was actually quite pretty and I got lots of compliments on it- I love deals like that! PrayingSarah keeps feeling better and better!

  11. SueEllen says:

    I hope you and Sarah have a wonderful little Mama/Daughter trip to Cheasapeake (and an absolutely perfect weekend for it)! I knew the wedding was in May, but wow, it’s close! I hope this week is filled with good news from Sarah’s diffferent appointments and I hope you find the dress of YOUR dreams for this dream come true wedding of Sarah’s!

  12. Marjie Rinehart says:

    Thankful for some normal things. As always praying for peace, comfort, wisdom and answers. Happy Mother’s day. Your kids and grandkids are blessed indeed.

    Hugs from Iowa,

  13. Phyllis says:

    So glad to hear that Sarah is feeling a little stronger and that she has the ultrasound scheduled. Hoping that she feels up to your mother daughter outing.
    Good luck in finding a mother of the bride dress. I need to get a dress for my niece’s wedding in July.

  14. Marsha says:

    Thank you for the updates when you have news to share Becky. We all anxiously await good news no matter the intricacies of it – you’re a precious Mom & daughter duo & the love between you two, (Preacher, Nathan & Meagan) has always been clearly evident. At the same time, you & Preacher’s joy in Gage as your pending son-in-law touches everyone’s heart as well. His steadfast devotion to his ‘bride to be’ makes everyone happy. God bless you all in this challenging but absolutely wonderful time. ❤️❤️

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