Fifty-Two Is Coming! And A Rheumatologist Report.

March 5, 2014

This Saturday I will turn fifty-two.

It seems a bit strange to think of turning fifty-two when yesterday I was just thirty. I know it is extra, ultra, uber cliché to ask this but I’ll ask it anyway,“Where in the world did my life go?”  It’s truly sobering to think that if I am blessed enough to live till I’m eighty, I’ve over two-thirds of the way through my life.

When I was younger I was much more willing to sleep in later more often, and not at all worried about spending several hours at a time watching TV.

But now?  Not so much.  Every day passing makes me aware that every minute counts.  Extra sleeping and extra TV do not fit in with my grand plan of making the last third of my life better than the first two thirds.

I’ve decided I want to to spend this year’s birthday with just my family. Our big celebratory event will be going to see “Saving Mr. Banks”  together.  Sarah and I saw it when it first came out in the big theater up the beach and we have really been wanting Steve to see it, too. Happily, it’s coming to the Pioneer Theater in Manteo this Friday, just in time for my birthday.

This theater has been family owned since 1918; the tickets are $5 and the popcorn is $1.50.


Cheap entertainment and time with my sweet family . . . sounds like a great birthday to me!


And since I’m on the subject of getting older, let me update you briefly on my rheumatology appointment Monday.

My doctor agrees that my progress has been dismal and that I shouldn’t still be having the pain and swelling that I do considering the hefty mix of meds that I’ve been on. He wants to discontinue the Remicade and start me on Orencia to see if that gives better results; we have to wait and see if insurance will approve it first.  Also, he tested my platelets and they have started dropping again so he’ll continue to monitor those pesky platelets!

On the drive home, I ran into sleet and freezing rain so that made the 2 1/2 hour trip a bit of an adventure. I had worked two incredibly long days at church Saturday and Sunday so I was beyond exhausted, even after ingesting copious quantities of caffeine. I finally decided to open my van windows whenever I got too sleepy and let the icy rain hit my face.  Let me just say that it’s rather hard to feel sleepy when your face is being attacked by ice crystals. Better than caffeine!

It was wonderful to finally pull into the driveway at the end of a long, long day and have a warm, safe, happy home waiting for me. 


15 comments so far.

15 responses to “Fifty-Two Is Coming! And A Rheumatologist Report.”

  1. Ellen says:

    What if you live til you’re 104? That happens nowadays you know. And in that case you’re only halfway through. Is that an exhausting thought or a nice one? 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm . . . food for thought, for sure!

      I guess living to 104 would be a nice thought if, throughout those extra years of life, I stayed healthy mentally and physically. Otherwise, that might be a little too long to live!

  2. Mrs. Pam says:

    sure hope you get some meds that can relieve your pain.
    thankful you made it home okay. I drove in weather like that a couple of weeks ago, and it was quite scary… couldn’t see the road to pull over, but could see the lights of the car in front, and just sorta prayed and followed.
    have a great birthday… add milk duds to the popcorn, and that would be a perfect treat.
    Years ago, I would go to the movies just for the popcorn and candy!!!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Well, as much as think Milk Duds sound like a dandy idea, I actually add peanut M & M’s to MY popcorn. Crunchy, salty, sweet! Doesn’t get better than that! 🙂

  3. Fred Johnson says:

    Hello Becky,

    I think Liz expressed all of our concerns about your health and heavy schedule, so I’m going to chime in also with a “take care of yourself!”

    I loved the movie Saving Mr. Banks, which is no surprise considering that Mary Poppins has long been my favorite movie because of the emphasis it places on spending time with our children.

    Birthdays do compel us to look at our lives, where we have been and where we are going. I once commented to a friend, as you did, “Where did the time go?” I will never forget his humorous reply. He said, “I’m not worried about where the time went. What I want to know is – where did it come from?” Ha!

    Best wishes for a Happy Birthday!

    BTW – Some people might have expected me to make a cheeky remark about the fact that you are ONLY turning 52 this year, while I will be turning SIXTY-SEVEN… but as you know, I’m not that kind of person! 😎

    Fred & Lucy

    • Becky says:


      I especially loved Saving Mr. Banks from a songwriting perspective; I think that just about anyone who watches it can find something that relates to them. That’s what makes a great story.

      It IS nice to be reminded that I am “only” turning fifty two. It makes me feel rather young-ish and spring chicken-ish! 🙂

  4. Liz says:

    Becky, I am so sorry to hear about your continuing issues with your health. Your trip to the doctor on Monday was scary to read about. Between work and health, your body is taking a hit! Please take care of yourself! That would be the best birthday present you could give yourself. That’s my sermon for the day! My thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family.

    • Becky says:


      Your sermon was wisely given and gratefully received. I agree; I did push myself a little hard over that several day span and it wasn’t a good idea.

      Many times on longer drives by myself I’ll pull all over and take a cat nap but I hated to do it on that particular trip because I knew the weather was only getting worse.

      It’s nice to have readers who care–thank you!

  5. Mary H says:

    Your birthday plans sound wonderful! The theatre in looks so charming and such a “throw back” to a better time in life – and us “older folk” can appreciate those times. I am sorry you are still battling getting your meds correct and I can completely comprehend your struggle with ice and freezing rain. I am so ready for this winter weather to be finished and I have decided to give up Winter Weather for LENT! Maybe that will work. Take care and enjoy your birthday – every one we have is a blessing!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that theater is a really cool place and definitely a far cry from the multi-screen, hugely expensive places that are found in so many cities; I love our little quaint theater.

      I can’t even imagine how sick of the cold and ice you all are. Spring IS coming–I promise!!

  6. Tammy says:

    Brooke shares the same birthday with you!! I hope you have a fab day!

  7. LeeAnne says:

    I know how you feel….I just turned 55 on Saturday. Fun day with kids, grandkids and friends but still gave me a pesky uneasy feeling, knowing that the years seem to FLY by and I feel as though I’ve missed something. I mean, I must have since the time went so quickly. Right? On the positive side though, I now qualify for some ‘senior’ discounts. Lol!!
    I’ll keep you in my prayers for medication answers, reduced pain and for the platelets to behave. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Happy fifty-five years of life to you!!

      And yes, “pesky” and “uneasy” are two good words to describe the feeling of those years flying by. Nice you’re looking on the bright side of getting senior discounts. Thanks for your concern and prayers on my journey . . . I appreciate it so much.

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