Newspaper, Omelet and Table Talk

March 11, 2019

I hope I sound a bit wiser and more mature in this post due to the fact that I have added another year to my life. I know it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal but it actually turned out to be so newsworthy that a local newspaper picked up the story.

Apart from being (pretend) featured in the (pretend) paper, another part of my birthday included a husband-made omelet which was honestly, one of the top three omelets I have ever eaten.  He somehow caramelized the onions so they were extra crispy.  Delicious!  

Steve also performed the most impossible task in the world–he bought a purse for me that I actually like.

A lot of you can probably relate to the fact that a purse is a very personal choice and that each person has various “must have” features. And for me, of course, it has to be found either at a thrift store or highly discounted at a regular store.

Well, he checked ALL the boxes that I was looking for.  Neutral color, leather, pockets on the outside, pockets on the inside, medium size, supportive handle, and all for less than 50% off!

And outside cell phone pocket was a must.

It also has a wonderful side pocket for my keys so that I don’t have to embark on long searches.

Sarah got home about noon on my birthday and immediately flew into action getting groceries, cleaning up the kitchen, and setting the table.

And just what was she setting the table for?

It was for my Happy Birthday Party, complete with the dessert Sarah made: chocolate eclair torte.  It’s one of my favorites because it includes graham crackers. For some reason, I have ALWAYS loved graham crackers. And yes, I did treat myself to some dessert on my birthday.

We invited our worship team and our tech team in addition to in addition to our youth pastor and his wife. (Who are newly pregnant!)

And just so you know, I DID remember to put on The Hat. 

I blew out the candles in three stages since massive lung capacity is not something I possess.

If you can’t tell by the following photos, we had a rip-roaring time. Steve was telling a funny story from way back in 1981 when we were in a pre-marital counseling appointment. It was a humdinger, for sure.


And then when the laughter had dissipated, Steve followed our Smith tradition and had everyone at the table take a turn and say something about me that they appreciated.

THAT was quite the experience.  I was, quite frankly, overwhelmed by the words and the emotion of it all as a couple of people started crying while they were sharing.  After fifteen minutes, I was basically in a puddle, feeling humbled and honored and loved.

I finished up by thanking them all for being such a wonderful surrogate family to Steve and Sarah and me, since our family is all many hours and miles away.  

Speaking of family . . .

Sarah doesn’t have to go back to school until Friday!  Hooray!

Yesterday, she ran lights and media for the service.

She and Mr. Charles have been working in the tech booth together for almost ten years!

I keep trying not to think about the fact that this is her last extended break at home before she graduates.

Whatever job she finds will probably take her away from Manteo since housing costs are extremely high here. And if she does decide to stay here over the summer and work at her old Food Lion job while looking for a permanent job elsewhere, we have agreed that she will start paying some rent every month as she makes the transition into full-fledged adult responsibilities.

During yet another season of parent/offspring transition, I’m proud and sad and nostalgic, all at the same time. I’m also grasping onto every moment I can as she is getting ready to wing her way out the door for good.  At some point after her first post-college job will come a boyfriend who will turn into a husband and that will turn into a whole new life for her–a life possibly far from home.

We never, EVER thought we would get to this point when she was first diagnosed with cancer in 2002. The fact that we are looking at her college graduation in eight weeks is still hard for me to grasp.  I am thankful every single day for the miracle and the gift of Sarah’s life.

Thanks to those of you who have generously sent a gift to help Nathan and Meagan attend Sarah’s graduation. We have about half of the cost covered which is a huge help. If there is someone who would still like to be a part of making this happen, email me at


What about you? 

What was your first post-college or first adult job?  Was it something that lined up with your major or your interests or was it just a job to pay the bills?

Did you take away any lessons or interesting memories from that job?






26 comments so far.

26 responses to “Newspaper, Omelet and Table Talk”

  1. Ellen W says:

    Happy birthday! Your current hair style looks absolutely amazing on you.

  2. Patty says:

    Weird question, but is Sarah still considered terminal or no since she is doing so well?

    • Becky says:

      Hi Patty,

      Thankfully, Sarah is considered to be in remission.

      In the cancer world, surviving five years is a huge milestone; for Sarah, it has been 17 years! So lots of remission years to be grateful for–and hopefully, many more to come! Of course, with any cancer, there is always a chance of relapse somewhere down the road but after this many years, the chances are pretty small.

  3. krista121799 says:

    I’m so glad you had a fantastic birthday! It looks like a lot of fun was had by all! And that purse? I’m jealous. I have been looking for something like that for…well…ever and it’s perfect! Steve did a great job. Maybe if this Pastor gig doesn’t pan out, he can be a personal shopper. =)
    Sadly, I didn’t finish college. I was going to be a teacher, but I just couldn’t stay in school (catch 22). SO, I’ve worked lots of jobs over the years. Mostly in the medical field- customer service reps, etc. Right now I’m at a hearing aid center and I. Love. It!! It’s just my boss and I here, so no drama with other employees. The people that come here truly want/need to be here, so they are always nice and sweet. It’s fun to see them when we set them up to hear.
    Hope you’re enjoying your time with Sarah. I’m sure there was a thrift store or 2 visited this week.
    God’s Blessings!

    • Becky says:


      Steve found the purse at a TJMaxx which charges a whole lot less money for nicer items. Good luck on your search!

      I love hearing that you have “landed” in a great place, job/career wise. To work somewhere where there is no drama, you get along with yours boss and you get to make a a huge difference in your customers’ lives? You are blessed, indeed.

      And yes, Sarah and I did hit one thrift store! 🙂

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    What a great birthday party – and that husband of yours – what a guy. Great looking omelet and that purse, exactly what I look for in a purse. Only one thing it didn’t have was a longer strap. I like to have one that goes across the body. It is easier to shop with and not having to worry about it sliding off my shoulder. Just thinking of Sarah graduating is sooo exciting. Know the Lord has special plans for that lady. I did not go to college, but a year after graduating from high school I started work at the Billy Graham Assn. in Minneapolis. Worked at the office until I was going to have our first child and then worked from home for the Assn.

    • Becky says:


      It was great you found a job that allowed you to work from after having kids. And what a privilege to get to work for such a great organization/ministry! Billy Graham was a true hero of the faith.

  5. Lesley says:

    Happy Birthday Dear Becky!! A wonderful gathering of friends and family.

    My first job straight out of college was as an RN at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Boston in 1982. The entire hospital was maternity. So moms and babies. I worked on the postpartum unit (after deliveries). I also taught breast feeding and baby bathing classes. We had our fair share of post surgical cesarean moms as well. The patients were of many backgrounds and ages-some as young as 14. I caught scabies from one of my patients–that was not fun lol. There were plenty of family dramas, as you might imagine there could be surrounding births. I had to appear in court a couple of times to testify as to the behavior and statements that mothers had made in regards to their new babies.
    But the babies! Oh the babies. My favorite thing was to sneak down to the nurseries when I worked the overnights and rock and feed a fussy one, or two or three. Just delicious.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what your Sarah decides to do after she graduates. There are just so many ways she could go. I would tell her to follow her heart in any decisions that she makes and it may take a while to fall into something that feels is a really good fit for her. There’s no rush, slow and steady wins the race. Smell the roses along the way Miss Sarah!

    • Becky says:


      I had to look up scabies. I’d heard of it but never knew exactly what it was. NOT a fun thing to catch!

      I’ve often thought that nurses’ jobs include so much more than medical duties. They are peace-makers, counselors, referees, comforters, advice-givers, listeners . . . at least the GOOD ones are. And I have no doubt YOU were one of the good ones.

      Yes, we are definitely interested to see where Sarah’s path will lead. I often wonder where she will be a year from now. Maybe engaged? Maybe not? Maybe far from home? Maybe in Manteo.

      We’ll all just have to stay tuned!

  6. Nicole Doyal says:

    My first job after college was so not in my major. I was like a girl friday at a real estate office. Ran errands (including going to the dry cleaners!) and did whatever. Eventually, I did get a job more in my major doing third party bills for a shipping agency.
    Happy Birthday! Looks like a fun time was had by all!
    Our daughter (28 (for 3 more days) and a full time teacher (her first year with her own class)) still lives at home. She doesn’t pay rent because her dad and I vowed that she could always live at home for as long as she wants and not pay rent. But she does pay us a monthly amount. The other day, when I took it from her account, I told her in a text that I had taken her “dues”.
    Hope your day is a wonderful one….

    • Becky says:


      I love the naming of the “dues.” We’ll have to call it that for Sarah, too. 🙂

      Well, at least after that first job you had, there was nowhere to go but up! Picking up dry cleaning is definitely not what you went to school for. Glad you eventually found something more along the lines of your education.

  7. Michele says:

    It looks like you had a great birthday! I”m glad! It is hard to believe Sarah will soon be a college graduate! That is amazing! It will be great to see where life takes her With my own 3 they endied . up doing things I woulcd not have predicted.allsuccessful but in ways I wouldn’t have thought

    • Becky says:


      That’s what’s so interesting about being a mom; those kids of ours chart their own paths, sometimes surprising, sometimes not-so-surprising but still–we are never quite sure where their next steps will take then.

  8. Phyllis says:

    My first job after college, other than working in the kitchen of the local Methodist Church camp over the summer, was at the local lumber yard. I basically took it as I hadn’t found anything else. I was a glorified bookkeeper. Less than a month after starting there, I got the opportunity to work for a group of rural health clinics as the accountant. From there I went to a hospital in KC for 12+ years, then to a small HMO near Springfield, MO. I left there and worked in Springfield at AG Headquarters for about 18 months, then moved to Louisville with an insurance company in Finance. I stayed with that company for 20 years, just retiring last June.; All my jobs post college, other than the church camp cook, have been in Accounting or Finance. My majored in Accounting for my undergraduate degree and had a Finance concentration for my MBA. Also, other than my stint at AG, all my jobs were in healthcare of some kind – hospital, clinic, HMO, and insurance company.
    I honestly can’t think of any memorable moments; however, it’s been over 40 years!
    Glad you enjoyed your birthday party. Looks like it was a grand time.
    Congratulations to Sarah on her soon to be graduation and best wishes for her future.

    • Becky says:


      Interesting how your education in accounting/finance led you to mostly all healthcare related positions. Anyone who can understand the mysteries of the medical world and all of its coding, insurance, and billing complexities has my undying admiration!

      Sounds like you put to good use the brain God gave you and the education you worked so hard for! And also, you weren’t afraid to start small and work your way up. I
      think that is something many adults tend to miss.

  9. SueEllen says:

    Looks like you had a wonderful Birthday celebration!! Enjoy the rest of your week with Sarah!

  10. Ruth C. Rehberg says:

    I agree, (as Deb said) there is always time for laughing around the table with friends, a wonderful joy in life!! Glad you had a good day and shared it with us. Ruth

  11. dmantik says:

    I sure loved seeing you guys laughing and enjoying your party. It makes my heart happy that everyone made you feel loved and special!

    And kudos to Sarah for springing into action to get stuff ready and to Steve for finding you a purse that works–that IS an accomplishment!

    It’s hard to believe Sarah will be a college graduate. Feeling pretty ancient over here! But so incredibly proud of her.

    Love to you all!


  12. Ann Martin says:

    I moved back home after college graduation and taught school for about 13 years. I then went to Quam for three months and back home for 4 more years before marrying at the age of 39. Moved out of town for 11 months then bought my sister’s house and moved back to the neighborhood. Our backyard connected to my parents and we still live in the same house even though they have both taken flight to Heaven. So glad you had a great birthday. Remember being there to celebrate Sarah’s 16th birthday. Hope to come again sometime. Excited about Sarah’s graduation and future plans .

    • Becky says:


      How wonderful that your roots go so deep into the house/neighborhood you live in. I hadn’t realized that you bought your sister’s house and it was so near your parent’s house. Sounds like you have spent the majority of your life in that one special spot. You are blessed to have such deep roots.

      We would love to have you all come and see us again. Don’t have to wait for a special occasion!

  13. LeeAnne says:

    It sure looks like a fun birthday gathering! Seeing the group of you all laughing made me laugh too. 😀

    I have always worked in an office. First at a window company and then at a steel company. (Both in Denver) Now I am at a local trucking company in the south central part of Nebraska. I really like my job as the office manager and have been here for 35 years. I am treated VERY well by my employer and have some amazing friends here too. I will sure miss them when I retire. That’s still a few years away though….

    It will be so fun to see what Sarah ends up doing after graduation and what kind of career she will go for. I, too, find it so hard to grasp that she is graduating soon. She has defied the odds and has so much to celebrate!

    • Becky says:


      Thirty-five years in the same job? That’s amazing these days!

      I can only imagine how well you must know your employer and coworkers after that many years. I’m sure it feels very much like a family. It’s going to be a HUGE adjustment for that company when you retire. I can picture them calling you a lot over the first few weeks you are gone asking all those questions that you just sort of automatically know.

      Windows, steel, and trucks. Your work has certainly contained plenty of variety!

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