Fifty-Nine. And Moxie From Maine

March 8, 2021

Happy birthday to me!

Fifty-nine years have flown by in quite the flurry.  It’s been a rich, challenging, joyful life and I’m so thankful.

(I’m in the process of putting on the birthday hat but it fell off behind my head.)

Steve always chooses a lovely piece of jewelry for me each year and this year did not disappoint.   He has such good taste.

Yesterday in church . . .

we were joined by two of my blog readers, Patti and Bill. They have visited the Outer Banks several times through the years; in fact, last year when they were in the area, they invited us to their rental home for dinner. It’s always so much fun to get to know Smithellaneous folks

This year, Patti and Bill brought a few gifts from Maine–real maple syrup and two cans of a soda called Moxie.

Here is a little Moxie history for you:

Moxie is a brand of carbonated beverage that is among the first mass-produced soft drinks in the United States. It was created around 1876 as a patent medicine called “Moxie Nerve Food” and was produced in Lowell, Massachusetts. Its flavor is sweet, with a bitter aftertaste.

Patti told us that people either love it or hate it–there is not too much middle ground.   Well, of course, with a description like that, Steve had to give it a try.
And since Steve is a dramatic sort, he also had to demonstrate the face of someone who didn’t like it.
Doesn’t that face make you want to rush right out and buy some?  Yeah. I didn’t think so.
It was fun to try something new, especially when delivered by wonderful blog readers.
I’ll leave you with a couple of questions.
Does your town/state have a food or drink it is known for?
Since I’m having a birthday I’ll ask you all: What is your age? (or your decade, if you don’t want to be specific)

Where were you born?  How long did you live there before you moved?  Any other interesting details to add? 

I’m turning the blogging/storytelling chair over to YOU today.


66 comments so far.

66 responses to “Fifty-Nine. And Moxie From Maine”

  1. Dear Becky, Happy belated 59th birthday to you! I was 59 one time but made a complete recovery! I’ll be 74 in May. (Good Grief!) 😉 Love, Fred & Lucy

  2. Debbie McGoff-Foley says:

    Hi My name is Debbie. I have been reading Becky’s journal about 20 years. Never posted until now. I live in Lisbon Maine. We love Moxie here. We have a Moxie Festival every year. The festival attracts around 30 thousand people each year. So Moxie is a regular around this neck of the woods. So is Saturday nights dinner of homemade beans and red hot dogs and brown bread.
    Happy Birthday Becky

    • Becky says:


      A new commenter. Hooray! 🙂

      Thirty-thousand people to celebrate Moxie? That’s amazing!

      Funny you mentioned red hot dogs. I thought eastern NC had a corner on the red hot dog market!

      Thanks again for leaving your first comment. Don’t be a stranger!

  3. krista121799 says:

    First of all— Happy Birthday to you!! I pray your day was just perfect. And, yes, Steve does a good job picking out jewelry.
    Funny, I lived in a small town near Lowell, MA for 7 years when I was in Middle school and High School and I’ve never heard of Moxie.
    I live in North Dakota and it is known for Knephla soup (pronounced Neff-la) and Kuchen (pronounced Ku-gen). I have not had either, so I can’t tell you if it’s good or not. Oh, Cheese Buttons are popular here, too. It’s dough filled with a cottage cheese mixture and they are boiled. Haven’t tried that either- doesn’t sound good to me =) Oh, now I just thought of Fleischküchle (pronounced Flish-keekla). Its meat filled in dough. Not my favorite, either.
    I’ve only lived here for 10 years. I was in Boise, Idaho for 20 years before here. Of course, they are known for potatoes. However, the potatoes aren’t that good in ID because they go on to other states and we get the leftovers. I also learned of Fry Sauce there. It’s ketchup and mayo mixed together- sometimes other spices, etc. are added. When we first moved there, I had a waitress ask me if I wanted fry sauce and I thought, “do you mean ketchup?” =) And I also learned of dipping fries, etc. in Ranch there, too. I still like dipping fries in Ranch, but no one here in ND knows what fry sauce is so I don’t get that anymore.
    And I just turned 44 last month. I sure don’t feel it. I have a 5 year old, so he keeps me young =)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    • Becky says:


      Well, I think you win the award for the most foods that have interesting pronunciations!

      Fy Sauce sounds intersting and not that complicated to make if you had the list of seasonings. I think I’d like to try that!

      Enjoy year fourty-four and especially enjoy that little one who keeps you young.

  4. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    🎶Happy Birthday to you🎶
    🎶Happy Birthday to you🎶
    🎶Happy Birthday, dear Becky🎶
    🎶Happy Birthday to you🎶

    I am 71, will be 72 this year and somehow I thought it would take longer to get this old! I was born in Pittsburgh and have lived here all my life.
    A couple of famous company’s of note:
    Of course, although it is no longer made here, we are (and probably always will be) known as the home of Heinz Ketchup since H.J. Heinz started his business here. By the way, he began at age 12 selling horseradish from his mother’s garden. Which brings to mind the summer festival when we become “PicklesBURGH” and close down one of our bridges and celebrate everything Pickle on it.
    And, until it was bought out, we were the home of Clarks. A candy company which was known for their Clark Bars, Zagnut Bars and Teaberry, Clove, Black Jack and Beemans Gum.
    Primanti’s (restaurant now franchised) Their sandwiches are complete with French fries and cole slaw ON the sandwich.
    As we are a city comprised of many ethnic groups and neighborhoods, we have quite an array of “famous” foods:
    Pierogies – the Pittsburgh Pirates (baseball team) even features “The Great Pierogy Race” after the 5th inning at home games.
    Kielbasa – No Steeler (football) tailgate party would be complete without it.
    Homemade Ravioli (or pasta) and “gravy” (homemade sauce)
    And, the list goes on and on depending on which area of the city you happen to be in.
    Hugs to you all!
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Wow–what an interesting history of your city. For some odd reason after reading your comment, I am feeling quite hungry. 🙂

      I wonder if Pittsburgh wins the contest for the biggest number of well known foods it’s famous for.


      Thanks for the food history lesson!

  5. Beth Kayser says:

    Happy Birthday Becky! Sorry i missed this post until TODAY…. but I am granting you birthday celebrations all MONTH! 🙂

    I am from Bakersfield, CA — we have a candy business here called Dewar’s. They make taffy which are truly a treat. I take them everywhere we travel to see family and friends. My brothers hoard them. ha ha ha

    I turned 54 in January and am loving every day of it so far. I was born in Bay city, Michigan but only lived there a year until we moved back out to California. Been here every since. Looking forward to making it to the east coast one day soon!

    Nutshell beginnings for Beth. 🙂

    Have a Blessed week…..

    • Becky says:


      Oh yes, I have definitely heard of Dewars. Don’t know if I’ve ever had it but now that I know they come from your home town I will have to give them a whirl. Candy-testing is NO kind of hardship. 🙂

      California is such a beautiful state; it’s no wonder you’ve been there 53 of your 54 years!

  6. SueEllen says:

    Happy Happy Birthday from a fellow 59-er! (November for me) I was born in southern WV and lived there for 19 years before moving further south (NC GA, AR and now TX). We’re not too far from Waco which is the birthplace of my favorite soda – Dr Pepper! Wishing you a wonderful week!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yay for fifty-nine! It’s been a great year so far. 🙂

      Wow, you really have gradually made your way south. I LOVE the south–and I love Dr. Pepper!

  7. Sharyn McDonald says:

    A blessed and Happy Birthday Becky. May 2021 hold wonderful things for you (no matter what you have heard so far). I was born in a house outside of Detroit Lakes. mom couldn’t wait to get to the doctor’s. Dad ran to get the doctor and then left before the doctor. Thankfully he knew where the house was. We moved about 3 different times, but came back to the Detroit Lakes area where I graduated from high school. Love the necklace. Yes, he has great taste in jewelry.

    • Becky says:


      How cool that you were born at home! You don’t hear many stories like that these days. I can just picture your dad in his excitement and stress–delivering his message to the doctor and taking right off again–without the doctor. He just wanted to get back to his wife and his baby. So sweet.

  8. Becky says:

    I live in Louisiana. We, of course, are known for our spicy cajun food! I am 54. I was born in Joliet, IL. My parents moved there from Louisiana for work at the Catepillar plant. The story is that my mom went in labor with me during the huge snowstorm of ’67. My dad attempted to drive her to the hospital but the car broke down in the middle of no where. They thought she was going to have to be air lifted to the hospital. I don’t remember who came to her rescue but she made it to the hospital in time. My family moved back to Louisiana 6 months later and I am thankful! I don’t think I would like those harsh winters. I am glad you had a happy birthday! God bless you!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we have been in LA and had some of your great food. Love it! (Steve was born in Alexandria, by the way.)

      Oh my. Going into labor in the middle of a blizzard and then the car breaking down? I can’t even imagine. I can only imagine your parent’s consternation sitting there in the middle of nowhere with YOU on the way! Thankful they made it in time.

  9. Patti dyer says:

    That face is hysterical- love it! Tell Steve that the saying in Maine that we grew up with is”REAL men drink Moxie”.At least he was a sport to try it😁….hope you’re having a wonderful birthday today with this beautiful weather – we drove down to Hatteras and enjoyed the scenery.Tomorrow Bill’s doing some fishing.I will be 70 on my next birthday – the years go fast,don’t they? We were blessed by the service yesterday and challenged by the message- Godspeed until we meet again❤️

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, Steve really hammed it up for the camera; he knew you and Bill would get a kick out of his expression.

      Yep. I can really understand that saying. Steve can be proud of himself for entering the realm of real Maine men.

      Glad you’ve had such pretty weather. We just went through a month of rain almost every day; we are thankful for sun!

  10. Gayle in AL says:

    Happy 59th Birthday, Becky! I will be 59 this year also, in November. I was born in Pullman, Washington at the hospital on the campus of Washington State University where my dad was a student at the time. We lived there for about a year and a half until my dad graduated. Fun fact, the housing that we lived in when I was born was the same housing that my husband and I lived in after we were married students! And it was condemned WWII housing when my parents lived there! They tore it all down shortly after we moved away. We landed in Alabama after my husband retired from the Army and have been here for 20 years this coming summer, although it was the 4th time we had lived in the area during his Army career. Probably the food that our area is most known for is peanuts. We have a big peanut processing plant in town and I love the smell when they are roasting peanuts! I’ve also learned to love boiled peanuts, which is big in the south.

    I hope this year is a great one for you!

    • Becky says:


      Another 59-er! Hooray!

      Roasted peanuts. Big yes. Boiled peanuts? Not so much. (But yes, they ARE big in the south.)

      You must be a professional mover/packer after crisscrossing the country the way you have. I know you are glad to be settled in one place.

      What a funny coincidence that you and your new hubby ended up in the same housing as your parents. And then to also have it be condemned WWII housing? Makes for SUCH a great story.

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Happy birthday Becky!! I just turned 62 on March 1st. I was born in Denver in 1959 and lived there until September of 1980 when I moved to Nebraska. I traded the big, big city for a small town of 24,000 and have always been happy with that decision. I live in Hastings, NE where Kool-Aid was invented. Every summer we have a big festival (Kool-Aid Days) and the ‘World’s Largest Kool-Aid stand’. It stretches for a couple of blocks and every Kool-Aid flavor is mixed up and available to try. They also have lots of other activities and it goes on all weekend. People come from near and far to attend it. This last summer it didn’t happen because of COVID. I hope that this year can get back to normal. It’s always in August so it just might happen!
    Steve does have good taste in jewelry…I really like what he got for you! The Moxie doesn’t sound very good though. At least he can say that he tried it!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      Kool-Aid Days? That’s a new one by me! It boggles my mind to think of the organization that has to go into an event like that, especially mixing up and serving EVERY flavor. I tried to look up how many flavors there are and it’s a hard number to nail down but it’s a lot.

      In the middle of looking that up, I ran across this paragraph which was interesting. Thanks for bringing Kool-Aid to our attention today! 🙂

      Kool-Aid was invented by Edwin Perkins in Hastings, Nebraska. All of his experiments took place in his mother’s kitchen. Its predecessor was a liquid concentrate called Fruit Smack. To reduce shipping costs, in 1927, Perkins discovered a way to remove the liquid from Fruit Smack, leaving only a powder; this powder was named Kool-Aid. Perkins moved his production to Chicago in 1931 and Kool-Aid was sold to General Foods in 1953. Hastings still celebrates a yearly summer festival called Kool-Aid Days on the second weekend in August, in honor of their city’s claim to fame. Kool-Aid is known as Nebraska’s official soft drink.

  12. Sue Sondag says:

    I am turning 74 on Thursday, March 11! Both my husband and I grew up in Minnesota, met in college. 4 years in the Air Force and then settled in Chicago in 1977. At the end of this month we are moving to Bluffton, SC. This is a big move and I am a little nervous. I love your blog and have been following for years.

    • Becky says:


      Happy 74th birthday two days early. We March babies are special, aren’t we? 🙂

      And how great to meet a long-time reader. Thanks for hanging out with us.

      It’s exciting that you are moving to the Carolinas. It IS a big move but you will love it down here. Welcome!

  13. Phyllis says:

    Happy birthday Becky! I’m 65, I’ll be 66 in July. I was born in Nevada, MO, not to be confused with the state of Nevada. Long A vs short At I lived on a farm outside Schell City, MO (population around 200) until I was just under two then moved to the big town of El Dorado Springs, MO, population 3,800 as of last census. I lived there until I moved to KC in 1981 other than 1 year at MU in Columbia and 3 years at MSU in Springfield. From KC, I moved to Bolivar in 1993, Springfield in 1996, Louisville in 1998, Tampa in 2001 (the week of 9/11) and back to KC area in 2014 (Overland Park, KS). My parents have lived in the same house for around 64 years.
    El Dorado Springs is known for its water – if you don’t live there, you hate the taste. I grew up on it so it doesn’t bother me. Water from the spring in the park downtown is supposed to have medicinal powers. It causes washers to have lots of rust over time. Kansas City is known for its barbecue – there are several local barbecue places in town. My favorite is Q39. It got its name because the original restaurant was on 39th street.

    • Becky says:


      So the town you were born in is pronounced nah-VAY-da? How interesting!

      I’m impressed that you know the dates of when you lived in certain places. I’m lucky if I get my dates correct within five or ten years. 🙂 You’ve certainly had a varied life. And I LOVE that your parents have lived in the same house for 64 years. Amazing.

      Yes, I’ve definitely heard good things about KC barbecue. Yum!

  14. Heather E says:

    Happy Birthday Becky!! I’m 49, and I was born in Ohio, I lived in my childhood home until I went to college, then for another 2 years while I was in Graduate school. My hometown is known for Fried Chicken houses, at home it is served with hot rice, fries and coleslaw. Not good for you- but oh so delicious!


    • Becky says:


      Okay, I have to know what a fried chicken house is. Is house another word for restaurants? Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂

      How cool you got to live in one house for all your growing up years–and beyond. Love that.

      • Heather E says:

        Yes Chicken Houses are another name for restaurants- we just call them that at home since they are known for chicken.

        My parents in fact still live in the same house (50 years this past December)

        • Becky says:


          Aha! Now I know. Houses and restaurants have the same meaning.

          Your parents are among the rare category of couples to live in the same house for fifty years or more. I just love that!

  15. JLB says:

    Hi Becky,

    I have read here for years but only posted once or twice. I am 46 and from Maine. I am from the “Moxie haters” camp. I would have brought you Whoopie Pies instead.😁

    • Becky says:


      Hooray! I love to hear from new commenters and infrequent commenters. Thanks for taking the time to let me know you’re hanging out with us!

      As far as the Moxie, I am very happy to be able to say that I am one of the few people (relatively speaking) in America who has tried the drink. But I wouldn’t say no to a Whoopie Pie!

  16. Michele chase says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! I just celebrated my 59th birthday Friday! My daughter’s fiancé and his twin share the same birthday, so we celebrated together but kept it small (covid)
    I have lived in the Syracuse general area my whole life but soon my winters will be in Florida. Had enough snow! We are known as the Salt City and a specialty is salt potatoes. They are thin skinned, tiny, potatoes boiled in very salty water. Then drenched in butter. Awful for you but delicious!

    • Becky says:


      Happy, happy 59th to you! Fun to get to celebrate with other March Fifth-ers.

      Never heard of Salt City OR salt potatoes. (But the potatoes sound fabulous.)

      Enjoy your upcoming Florida winters. What a great change of pace for you.

  17. Guerrina says:

    Happy Birthday, Sweet Becky! Going to be an awesome year to fly around the sun!

    I became 66 in Feb and was born at Camp LeJeune, NC. I don’t remember anything of NC, but from there we moved to VA where Dad was stationed at the Pentagon and we lived in Annandale. I have fond memories of Annandale! Definitely a different era. We moved home to Noank, CT (both parents originally from CT) when I was 5 and I’ve been here ever since. CT doesn’t have a state beverage as far as I know. My Dad loved Moxie so I figured it must be okay…I do NOT have my Dad’s tastebuds!

    • Becky says:


      Love to think of myself flying around the sun. A cool image.

      I hadn’t realized your dad was stationed at the Pentagon. Wow. Not everyone can that about their dad! You certainly settled in a gorgeous state. I always loved our visits there.

  18. Linda Resinger says:

    Birthday Blessings Becky! I hope you are having a wondermous day!

  19. Janet H Reuther says:

    Happy birthday, Becky! I was born in NJ. I left the state to move to Western NY when I was 28, 3 weeks before my first son was born. In 2007, My husband had died and both sons were grown, so after I retired I packed up the dog and moved to the west coast, Vancouver WA for about 6 years, then to Portland OR for the same amount of time. My oldest son and his wife are both psychiatrists there; my first grandson was one year old when I moved out there. When he was 12, he was old enough to stay home alone during the day, so with my job done there, I moved back to NJ where my younger son (Emmy Award winning TV editor) lives with his wife and two young sons. Now I’m able to feel useful again (not easy when you’re retired and moderately disabled!). A few days a week I take one of the two boys (one ADHD the other wanting to be just like his big brother) to supervise their remote learning for the afternoon. I’m 77. Not sure how I got this old! The best news I have is that I’ve gotten both shots of the COVID-19 vaccine, and it was 11 days ago, so on Friday I’m going for my first hair cut in 5 months. I have very thick hair that was styled for a short do, not a long mop!

    • Becky says:


      How interesting that your son and his wife are BOTH psychiatrists. I can only imagine their dinnertime conversations. I love to hear about couples in the same fields–surgeons, lawyers, pilots, etc. Steve and I are blessed to be in that category and it such a cool thing.

      It’s also interesting that one of your sons is in a medical field and the other in a creative field. Such cool variety your family has been blessed with. Sounds like you and your husband did a wonderful job of raising them.

      I know your son and his family appreciate your help with remote learning; that is such a blessing for them. And happy day for your upcoming haircut. Enjoy feeling 5 pounds later after the “mop” is removed. 🙂

      • Jan Reuther says:

        I got so exhausted thinking about the packing and unpacking of my 2 cross-country and 2-inter city moves that I totally forgot my state food! It’s much too salty for me to eat now (although I may or may not sneak some off my son’s plate when he has it in a restaurant), but it’s been a staple here for years. It has 2 names, depending on where in the state you are. Up north here it’s known as Taylor Ham, and those mistaken people in southern NJ think it’s Taylor Pork Roll. You’d be surprised at how many heated arguments there are about it when north meets south. (Actually, both are correct.)

        • Becky says:


          I wonder if Taylor Ham is anything like North Carolina’s country ham?

          It’s funny how the same food product can have different names depending on where you are. I guess the name just kind of morphs as it moves from area to area. If I ever have the chance to try some, I definitely will.

  20. Cheryl says:

    Happy Birthday!

  21. Mrs. Pam says:

    Happy B-day… hope you got my card. I know the mail is crazy now. (Scottish friends still have not gotten my Christmas package mailed last Nov.)
    St. Louis is known for Gooey Butter Coffee Cake and Toasted Ravioli

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Yes, I DID get your card; thank you! I love that it was hand-made; a rarity these days. You are so thoughtful to remember.

      Never heard of toasted ravioli but would love to try some!

  22. Liz says:

    Happy Birthday, Becky! Hope it is a beautiful spring day that allows you to be outside and taking photos. Lovely weather here in MN today and tomorrow but we can’t get too excited as March snowstorms are pretty much the norm.
    I’m almost 75 and that will be where I stop counting, I think.
    The town we are living in now has had a cereal plant for many decades and the odor (fragrance?) is often prominent in the air. Not my favorite smell.

    • Becky says:


      As a matter of fact, my birthday WAS beautiful and I did get outside to take some pictures. You guessed correctly.

      I hereby give your permission to stop counting on your next birthday. Seventy-five is a good age in which to camp out.

      I agree. I’m not so sure I want to smell cereal all day–but I guess it’s better than some other smells I could think of. 🙂

  23. Karen says:

    Happy Birthday Becky, I always look forward to your Monday morning post.

    Maytag Blue cheese. is produced on the Maytag Dairy Farms outside of Newton, Iowa, the former home of the Maytag Corporation. Also Templeton Rye – Al Capon’s fav whiskey is produced in Templeton IA. My home town is the home to Fox River Socks manufacturing.

    I am 61 – grew up on an Iowa family farm. Graduated from Upper Iowa University Fayette IA and moved to Florida then Tennessee. I had the opportunity to purchase the family farm and it’s now designated as a Century Farm (has been in the same family for 100+ years). Though I don’t like Iowa Winters there is no where else I would rather live……..

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for saying you look forward to my posts; that means a lot.

      When you say Maytag I’m assuming you mean the appliance company? Interesting that the area morphed from appliances to Maytag blue cheese.

      To live on a Century Farm? So cool! It must be so meaningful to look around and know that you are living in the world your parents and grandparents built. Love that.

  24. Joy says:

    Happy Birthday Becky. I hope you have a wonderful day.

    I am 61. I was born in Wilson, NC and moved to Roanoke Rapids, NC when I was in the 8th grade. I returned to Wilson a couple years after I graduated from high school and have been here ever since.

    Prayers and Hugs

    • Becky says:


      Sarah and Gage went to Wilson for one of their dates (before he moved to Manteo) and said how much they loved a certain park near a lake. Beautiful town!

      • Joy Davis says:

        If they are ever in Wilson again, tell them to go to the Whirligig Park in downtown Wilson. They would love it and of course you and Steve would like it also if you’re ever in the area. It sounds like they were at Lake Wilson. There has been a lot of work in the area in the past couple of years.

        Have a wonderful day.

  25. Katrina says:

    Happy birthday Becky
    I was thinking of you today. I always look forward to your post on Mondays.

    I was born when George H Bush was Prisedent. Well I could tell you about Danish food but actually I am not keen on Danish food. My mum id Chinese and she makes the best dumplings.

    • Becky says:


      So glad to know you look forward to the posts!

      I LOVE dumplings. I’m glad you get to eat the delicious ones your mom makes.

  26. Buff Clark says:

    Hi Becky and happy birthday! My hubby and I both recently had birthdays. Feb 16 and Mar 3. I’m 67. What??
    I was born not so far from OBX. Little Washington NC. My mom who turns 90 in April still lives in Pamlico County but i left for college and ended up 8 years in Reidsville NC, 30 years in Carmel Indiana and the last 6 in Knoxville. Hubby was a pastor til he became a VP at Johnson University, a Christian school outside Knoxville. It’s near Pigeon Forge.
    Mountains are ok. I will always be a beach girl.
    Been following you since Sarah’s Caringbridge site!
    Oh, I think New Bern (our closest town near Pamlico Co. claims Pepsi Cola!

    • Becky says:


      I know what you mean about saying your age and then going, “Wait. What? When did that happen?” Incredible how the years go by.

      Yep. Little Washington is not too far at all from us. Such a beautiful little town.

      And yes, Pepsi Cola is definitely our famous Carolina drink.

      Thanks for following along since those long ago Caringbridge days. Hard to believe the little girl from those pages is now twenty-five.

  27. Shawn says:

    Happy Birthday Becky! I am 65 and I am from Manhattan, Kansas. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 47 years. We still live in Manhattan, Kansas. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    • Becky says:


      LOVE that you found the love of your life and the town you love almost five decades ago. Stories like that make me smile.

  28. Patti says:

    Happy Birthday to You. I have lived in MI for the last 11 years. Michigan is know for producing Faygo pop (many flavors but Red Pop is well know) and Vernors Ginger Ale that is aged in oak barrels. I am not a fan of the Vernors, but my husband prefers that over any other brand. Grand Rapids-nearest big town, produces Cheese Kurls, that I really like. Our towns school actually does a Michigan taste day, when the kids are studying state history, and the kids get to taste several foods made in Michigan. Of course Battle Creek is sometimes called Cereal City for the big Post cereal factory. I am from CA and lived in the same house there until I got married at 50! Not too many people can say that. We retired to my husbands home of MI. I am turning 65 in 7 1/2 months and am glad. I will be happy to get on medicare and not pay such high insurance rates. Age has never mattered to me, and I don’t act my age, but my body reminds me of my age quite often…

    • Becky says:


      You’re right. Few people lived in one house and then got married at 50! Love to hear stories like that where interesting changes come later in life.

      I love your line about age never mattering to you. I agree with that sentiment entirely. We just need to live our lives the way we want to live them–age really has nothing to do with it.

      I have never tried Faygo pop. Will have to add that to my list.

  29. Tammy L Wright says:

    Happy Birthday, Becky! I hope this whole year is so much better than you could ever imagine!
    Today is Brooke’s 14th birthday! She learned hope to make lasagna yesterday. We Will have that for dinner tonight along with a chocolate chip cookie cake.
    I am 53. I was born in New Orleans, LA. We lived there until I was 4. After that we lived in Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi and then daddy retired in Florida. My momma is still there so that where I call “home”.
    Lots of love to you all!

    • Becky says:


      With all the traveling you and your family have done it’s nice to have a place to call home. Wherever mama is, that’s where the heart calls home.

      Happy birthday to your sweet girl. Sounds like the birthday menu was fabulous!

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