Fifty? Nifty? Yeah, I Guess It Is.

March 8, 2012

I’ve never written a blog post as a 50-year old woman before, so this is something new for me. I can’t really say that I feel much different except for the fact that I spotted two gray hairs this morning that I wasn’t even looking for. Don’t you think those hairs could have at least had the decency to hide out somewhere until tomorrow so that I could get a little bit of a break on my actual birthday?

I guess not.

I got an unexpected birthday surprise when I checked my email this morning.  This is a note from BlogHer (my ad network) about my recent post, Cry Love.

We love this post and we’re planning to feature it on Thursday, March 8, 2012 around 2 PM PST on the homepage of and in the Family topic as a BlogHer Spotlight. BlogHer Spotlight posts take a small snippet (or quote) from your original post and direct our readers to go to your site to read the rest of the post.


We’ll be promoting your post in various ways, which includes Twitter — we also may discuss it on Facebook and/or placement within the BlogHer network. Follow @BlogHer and @BlogHerFamily, and like us on Facebook so you can jump in any discussions we may have!

This was certainly a nice day to have something like this happen on.  All you writers out there know how lovely it is to get affirmation about our work.

I’m not exactly sure what’s planned for the rest of the day.  I have a few gifts to open and there will be a candle bedecked confection of some sort at some point to ingest, but I don’t really have the details. And I don’t really need details because I’m not in charge of anything.  How nice!

One special gift I got today was a phone call from Nathan; we spent over an hour talking and it was so wonderful.  (And may I just say how very much I miss him?)

And on the topic of gifts, when I got up this morning, Steve had this package waiting for me on the kitchen counter: a darling blouse and matching Capri pants. Steve said when he took the two pieces to the counter to pay the clerk asked him, “Did you pick these pieces out all by  yourself?”

Yep.  He did! And he did good!

morning 50th 023

I also took a bike ride in absolutely gorgeous weather this morning–my simple birthday gift to myself.

Here are a few photos from that outing.  (Taken with my little camera since my Nikon is still away at the repair facility.)

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That’s it for now.  Thanks to each of you who have left such sweet and dear birthday affirmations over the past few days.  I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve being a part of such a special community but you make me smile in more ways than I can count.

53 comments so far.

53 responses to “Fifty? Nifty? Yeah, I Guess It Is.”

  1. Lynda says:

    Happy Birthday to you! 50 is a BIG DEAL. Congratulations and I hope you are making the most of this day. I am still celebrating 50…I’m two years into it tomorrow! It’s a wonderful decade and you have so much to celebrate and be thankful for. Keep writing, keep moving forward! Blessings to you & your family!

  2. Nancy says:

    Happy birthday, fellow Piscean 🙂 And many happy returns!

  3. Kaye Joyce says:

    Happy Birthday Becky!!! You don’t look a day over 35!! Just wanted to update you on my breast cancer. I had my lumpectomy last week and all went well. I am still very sore and swollen. I went back to the surgeon yesterday thinking he would tell me when I would start radiation….no, he told me that the margins were not clear and I have to have surgery again next week. 🙁 I was really disappointed but I guess God has another plan for me. I am going to make this trial a blessing!! I hope and pray that I can give my testimony to others about all this and will cause someone to go to God and know Him as their personal Saviour like I do. My cancer is Stage 1 and the lymphnodes were all clear!! Yah!!! Please say a prayer or two for me if you will. Love you and blessings to you and your sweet family.
    Kaye Joyce

    • Becky says:


      Oh, I know you must have been so disappointed to hear that you have to have another surgery. Thankfully though, your doctor is cautious and is making absolutely sure you are free and clear of the cancer. Prayers said for you this morning.

    • nancy irving says:

      Hi Kaye, prayers from over here in Toronto as well 🙂

    • BECKY says:

      Kaye – prayers from Wendell too….

  4. michele says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  5. Lib says:

    I hope your day is wonderful and I am pleased to say that I hve met both you and Sarah, not once, but twice, and it was a blessing both times and has been for a long time on Caringbridge and on your blog. I hope you either received my hand-made items today, or they come soon!! I know you will like them as one of them includes CHOCOLATE – that very important word!!!

    • Becky says:


      Your little chocolate box and card were so gorgeous; thanks for taking the time to craft something by hand and send it my way. So very sweet of you!

  6. Dana H says:

    Happy Birthday Chickie! I hope you’re having a great day!

  7. Angela says:

    Happy birthday, Becky! I, too, am a ’62 baby who will turn fifty this year; I’m glad I am in such good company! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      We ’62 babies have got to stick together. I’ll tell you right now that fifty is a GOOD birthday; you’ll love it when you get there.

  8. Robin Brunet says:

    Happy Birthday! Hey you only found your first grey hair now…you are doing awesome! I’ve had some for ages! All the best.

    • Becky says:


      Well, actually it wasn’t my first grey hair; I’ve seen a few of its cohorts hanging out on my head before this. 🙂

  9. Nadine says:

    Happy Birthday, Becky!

    For this new year (and beyond) I wish you all the best, a lot of joyful moments, happiness and health!

    Have a beautiful day today!

    best wishes Nadine

  10. Guerrina says:

    Congratulations on your 50th! Congratulations on Blog Her recognition! Congratulations on a husband who can pick an outfit for you! May your day be filled with joy and may that sugary confection be made of chocolate! Love you, Becky!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, a husband with good taste in clothes is quite the blessing–as well as the cake full of chocolate that was delivered. 🙂

  11. Suzanne says:

    I hope you have a wonderful, terrific, incredible birthday today! Happy birthday, Becky! Celebrate YOU!

  12. Sandy Ritter says:

    Becky, I also shared your blog called ‘Cry Love’ on my facebook page and it was loved, and I know at least one of my friends up in WA shared it to her fb friends. It was a blog that hit close to home to so many people. Thank you for sharing it.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for sharing that post on your FB page. It meant a lot to me when writing it and I’m so glad it means something to other people, too.

  13. Wendy says:

    Happy Birthday!

  14. Elizabeth Bowen says:

    Happy Birthday, Becky!

  15. Paige says:

    Happy birthday Becky. Congrats on your blog being chosen and thank you for sharing your lives with us.

  16. Joleen says:

    Happy Birthday Becky! I hope your day is super special and full of many wonderful memories made!

  17. Gail Puckett says:

    I hope that you are having a wonderful happy day for your birthday and from the photos, I see it has gotten off to a great start. As for you being 50, you don’t look a day over 29, feel free to tell me the same thing when I get my gravatar set up. Enjoy the day and remember that you are only as old as you feel or act. My children tell me that I am a bigger kid than my grandchildren, one of my favorite things to do is draw on the sidewalk with chalk with them and have tea parties with the granddaughters. My grandson is old enough to want to play football, however, I leave that to his Popaw. Go and play today!

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like you’re a wonderful grandma. And if you’re able to get down on the sidewalk and do a chalk drawing, you’re a very flexible grandma, too!

  18. Sandra Gleason says:

    Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  19. nancy irving says:

    HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I can see from your photos that it is a glorious day where you are, keeping in tune with the glorious person celebrating a milestone birthday. Enjoy your day, with love,

  20. Mary H says:

    P.S. Becky, CONGRATULATIONS on your BlogHer recognition for your beautiful writings! Something we all have known for years and have enjoyed for years. That is a very, very nice birthday gift also.

  21. Kristina says:

    Happy Birthday!

    • Kristina says:

      Hi again… I am testing to see if my Gravatar, which I just set up, is functioning. And also, I thought it was hysterical, and brilliant, that they ask for an image rating (as in G, PG-13, R, etc.)!

      • Becky says:


        Well, I’m relieved to see that your pictures is rated G. 🙂 And thanks for taking the time to set that up; it’s fun to see my readers’ faces!

  22. Mary H says:

    Happy, Happy DAY, Becky! If you needed any confirmation that it is great to be fifty and be able to see God’s gifts to you, your photos are proof in themselves, let alone the love of your family, the gifts you will be given and have been given already today, in the form of a package from the best husband ever and a long, wonderful conversation with the great man you raised, named Nathan. Truly blessed and I pray that you will have many, many more milestone birthdays to celebrate. Enjoy it all, my friend. I am privileged to call you that even though we have never really “met.” You are such a special lady. And, grey hairs are only streaks of light that represent how we shine through the years! That’s what I keep telling myself.

    • Becky says:


      You certainly do have a way with encouraging words. And I LOVE your quote about grey hair. I’ll remember that one!

  23. Chase says:

    Happy Birthday Becky.

  24. becky m says:

    Wtg Steve on picking a nice outfit. Sounds like today is going to be a great day and i added blogher to my twitter just so i can see when they shout you out,lol.

  25. Jenna Hoff says:

    I hope you have the happiest of days today Becky! Turning 50 is a milestone in your life, one that should be celebrated not only for all you have achieved and experienced so far, but in anticipation of all that God still has planned for you in this next phase of your life! Happy Birthday!!!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for reminding me that part of celebrating a birthday is not about the past but also about the future.

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