
May 19, 2017

Wednesday marked Sarah’s 15th anniversary of her Stage IV Neuroblastoma diagnosis.

The doctor who told us Sarah had cancer is on the left; the woman beside her is our dear friend and former pastor’s wife, Carolyn Stephenson. She was in the conference room with us (along with Steve’s parents) when we got the news.

I will never forget that moment, or that day, or those people who gathered with us at the start of our journey into a nightmare.

During this same week as the anniversary of her diagnosis, this High School graduation photo came up in my FB memories.  Pretty great timing to see the contrast and to see where that gravely ill 6-year old child ended up.

Photo by Stacey Kennedy McDonald

Sarah had a few things going on medically this week that necessitated a doctor visit, blood work and urinalysis.
While her blood was being drawn, I stood beside her and held her hand, as I have done so many dozens of times over the past fifteen years.  

From what we can tell at the moment, everything seems to be checking out okay on the medical front although she will have to go back for a follow-up visit in two weeks.  And with that in mind, it seems like I can’t ever walk into a doctor’s office beside Sarah without a thousand memories rushing back, especially being so close to the anniversary of her diagnosis.

Fortunately for Sarah, this little gal is always on hand for companionship and nursing duty when Sarah is sick and Steve and I are at work.  Thankfully, Summer’s nursing skills had good results and Sarah is feeling better and is back at work today.


And on another subject . . .

Here are the kids and grandkids on Mother’s Day. 

Now, if someone would just move North Carolina a little closer to Florida, life would be perfect!


18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Fifteen.”

  1. jenna Hoff says:

    This just grips my heart. I’m so glad that out of such a terrible diagnosis as a little girl, that Sarah not only survived but is thriving in life. That is a wonderful, happy miracle!!

    • Becky says:


      You know all about not just surviving but thriving! Thank you for the example YOU set, as well as Sarah!

  2. Kari says:

    Prayers for everything to check out well for Sarah. I can just imagine the stress for all of you.

    You have such a photogenic family, Summer included, she is sooo cute! Again, just love the smile on Madison! It seems like she must smile all the time!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, it’s pretty hard to get a Yorkie to NOT look cute in a photo. They are the darlingest dogs! 🙂

  3. greywildcat says:

    How come Sarah’s old cancer page no longer works? I hope you have saved the entries on your computer or somethinng because I cant acress her caringbrigde page 🙂 And congrats for 15 years what a blessing. 🙂 I hope Sarah is feeling better. A late congrats to Steve (birthday). 🙂 Btw I always thought the date of her diagnosis was 17th May and not 18th?
    I know I comment rarely but I read every entry you write Becky and I hope you will keep on blogging for years you know I want to see Sarah graduete from college and see your grandchildren growing up. My best friend Nora is expecting her first child. She is going to give birth in August .D And it is going to be a boy .)


    • Becky says:

      Hi Katrina,

      I double checked to see if I had looked at my calendar wrong but Wednesday was the 17th. Just wanted to be sure I didn’t get off a day! 🙂

      I also just went to Sarah’s two cancer sites and they both loaded fine. I wonder if it’s a glitch with your computer or service provider? Maybe try them again later today or tomorrow and see if the problem has worked itself out.

      Congratulations to your friend Nora as she looks forward to the birth of her first baby. I know you will get plenty of baby-holding time!

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    That picture of Sarah is just gorgeous. So glad she is doing better. She has come a long way baby!

  5. Cindy Latoures says:

    It is so special to see those Smith grandkids with their parents! Hoping Sarah is feeling much better and that one day soon I will be near enough to visit,

    • Becky says:


      I know! It doesn’t seem quite right without you popping into the Outer Banks every year or so! Woiud love to see you again but happy that you are happy up there in beautiful Minnesota.

  6. Angela says:

    Praying for Sarah. . .and her parents, as well. Glad she is feeling better!

  7. Lesley says:

    I’m glad Sarah is feeling better. It doesn’t take much for us mamas to go right back to the frightening days of the past when something is ‘off’. She’s a trooper, that girl is!
    I love all the pink on the kids/grandkids for Mother’s Day! So pretty and festive. I feel for you, living so far away from them, it is not easy. When do you think you will see them again?

    • Becky says:


      It may be a while before we see them again since we’re strongly contemplating having our summer trip be in the direction of Wisconsin istead of Florida. (So tough that people we love live in completely opposite directions.) Sarah and Steve haven’t been to Wisconsin for five years and since mom is in her mid-80’s, getting up there gets more and more important.

      So don’t know when our next Florida Smith Sighting will be!

  8. LeeAnne says:

    I am so glad that all seems to be ok with Sarah. I feel anxiety just reading that though, so can only minimally imagine how you must have felt as the tests were done. Those dark thoughts will always creep in at times like that, however, huge praise to God that she is alright! Miss Summer did her job well! 😉

    That young Smith family picture is just precious! Our pictures like that always end up being the wallpaper on my phone so I can look at them often!

    • Becky says:


      You are so right about feeling plenty of anxiety this past week. Thank you for caring enough about our family to also feel anxiety on our behalf!

      Isn’t it so great to have photos to sustain us through all those times we can’t be with our kids and grandkids? How did the pioneer women do it? 🙂

  9. Ann Draper Martin says:

    So glad Sarah is doing better. Seems like medical issues just continue but as long as they are minor we can say to God be the glory. Issues still going on here, too, and we will return to Greenville VA clinic on Tuesday for x-rays. Jim has Thursday appointment at Durham VA clinic with endocrinologist. All seems well as far as we know on that. It is a six-month check up. Take care and God bless. May pleasant memories over shadow not so pleasant ones. Hugs to all. ❤️❤??

    • Becky says:


      I bet your car could drive itself to the VA Clinic by this point! It’s good to hear that all seems to be well but as you said, medical issues just seem to continue. Part of life, I suppose, especially for people with backgrounds like Jim and Sarah have.

      I love your line about pleasant memories overshadowing the not so pleasant ones. That is truly the case and I’m thankful.

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