500. People. A Canine.

April 22, 2014

Just thought I’d mention that today is my 500th post since transferring my blog from over to WordPress in January of 2012.  Five hundred posts and 10,002 comments! (That includes your comments and my replies.) We’ve been busy around here and I’ve loved every minute of it. Thanks so much for being part of the fabulous Smithellaneous family!

I’m headed out to the Greenville today for an infusion so I’ll just leave you with a few pictures of some of my favorite people. 

Let’s start with a teeny, tiny person first.

Isn’t it amazing how the sun just shines right out of this kid’s face?  

noah radiance

Would you look at that smile?  And would you look at him sitting up all by himself? 


Seems to me it was just yesterday when he looked like this!


Can you tell that Noah and his daddy have loads of fun together?


Here are some other favorite people of mine.  (And yes, Summer does think she’s a people.)



 sarah 4

I’ll close out with a couple before and after edits I did of a particular Sarah pose.

I realize that all you serious photographers out there use serious photo editing software like Photoshop and Lightroom but this is stuff I do for fun using PicMonkey.com.  It’s amazing what a difference five minutes of editing can make!

This is the original.  (Did you happen to notice that my unerring photographer’s eye went for the most glamorous background possible–a grill?)  Oh well.  I guess I could call this photo The Girl And The Grill.


Edit 1.

sarah one

Edit 2.

sarah two

Side by side comparison.


She is one lovely lady—edited or unedited!

Time to hit the road; happy day to all!

8 comments so far.

8 responses to “500. People. A Canine.”

  1. beckylp says:

    I always enjoy the comments as much as the posts! Laughed at the outhouse one

    • Becky says:


      I agree! The comments around here are great. I loved the outhouse line, too. Mrs. Pam always has something entertaining to say. 🙂

  2. Ann Martin says:

    Pics are great. Noah is growing so much and Sarah is always beautiful. Does she have pierced ears? What is graduation date? Congrats on the blog and have a nice drive.

  3. Mary H says:

    Wow! 500 posts. That is amazing and here’s to the next 500 or more because what would I do without my Smithellaneous news and friends? Noah and Sarah are two beautiful beings for sure – Noah’s smile just makes me laugh. And, Summer, is most definitely a beautiful “person” also – as was Snowy. Still miss that little funny guy. Take care – I will be gone for about a week. My two girls are running in the Illinois Marathon in Champaign, IL – Steph will do the half marathon, Jill will do her very first 10K and Ryan will run the Kid Run – I will be watching and cheering and ringing my cowbell! Go Runners! Run Strong and free and happy and safe!

    • Becky says:


      What an exciting week for your family! I love the idea of all those runners and I love the idea of you ringing your cowbell. 🙂 Have an absolutely marvelous time!

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    congrats on 500! hope the infusion goes well.
    loved seeing the photos…. the grill made me remember my college yearbook picture.
    I thought I looked “lovely” standing outside until I saw the actual yearbook….
    the shed in the background sorta looked like an outhouse…. oh, well!!!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Didn’t you know that outhouses in the background is the latest thing? 🙂 At least your picture was memorable!

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