Farewell, Dearest Tippi

September 10, 2024

After several days of hopes raised and hopes dashed,  we conferred with the vet this afternoon and came to the mutual conclusion that our sweet Tippi has reached the end of the road.

I slept horribly last night and cried so many tears today on the way to work.  I kept them at bay while I was working until the last 10 minutes when I got off the phone with Steve and the vet and we had made the decision.

I messaged my boss what was going on and then immediately I lost it. She came around the corner about the same time the tears started down my cheeks.  She walked straight over, hugged me, and said, “Do I need to take you home? Are you okay to drive? You don’t worry about a thing here. We’ve got it taken care of.”

So thankful for her compassion when I needed it.

I told her I would be taking tomorrow off since I didn’t want Steve to be alone on his first day after saying goodbye to his beloved buddy. She understood completely.

It’s hard to comprehend that Tippi will never eat from these bowls again.

She was such a precious link to Ken and Vernie; they loved her before we ever did.

And we will love her long after she is gone.


39 comments so far.

39 responses to “Farewell, Dearest Tippi”

  1. Fred and Lucy says:

    Everyone understands that you lost a family member, not just a pet.

  2. Ellen W says:

    Farewell, sweet Tippi. You brought a lot of joy to a lot of people.

  3. Becky Edwards says:

    I’m so very sorry. Thinking of you and Steve. Hugs!

  4. Guerrina says:

    Hugs and more hugs.

  5. Mary Louise Nadeau says:

    So sorry to read this. Death is never easy. Hugs to your family.

  6. Patti says:

    So sorry to hear. Prayers for comfort

  7. Eswim says:

    Those paw prints will forever be in your hearts! So hard to say goodbye to such a loved, treasured part of your family!!! HUGS to you all!

  8. Mary H says:

    Know in your heart and soul that sweet Tippi is in the loving arms of Ken and Vernie once again. There is a Tippi shaped hole in both your hearts which will be hard to heal but these beautiful creatures of God give us so much pure love. Cherish the memories. She was very well loved and no doggie asks for anything more in life. I am sorry.

  9. Lisa from GA says:

    I am praying for supernatural comfort and peace for both of you. It’s so hard. Our pets become family. You gave Tippi a wonderful life in her last years and allowed her to die without unnecessary pain and discomfort. You made the hardest and best choice out of love for her.

  10. DeLynn says:

    I am so very sorry, Becky (and Steve). May God comfort you as only He can.

  11. SueEllen says:

    Oh Becky, I’m so very sorry…my heart breaks for you and Steve during this time…

  12. LeeAnne says:

    So very sorry that your hearts are breaking and that you had to say goodbye to your sweet Tippi. Sending big hugs and praying for peace and comfort for all of you in the days ahead. ❤️

  13. Denise Ward says:

    I’m so very sorry for your loss. Saying goodbye to a beloved family member is never easy; my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  14. sharynmcd says:

    Hugs, Becky, Steve and family. Very difficult to lose a puppy, but for you it is another puppy. So sorry!

  15. Pam Doughty says:

    I’m so sorry, Becky. Sending big hugs from here in Georgia.

  16. Katrina says:

    Sending you both a hug

  17. Lizz says:

    Oh goodness. I am so heartbroken to read this post and the last couple also as I was just catching up! Ahhh I am so so sorry! I’ve been here through Snowy and then Summer and now Tippi. It’s been beautiful watching how all of you love your furbabies just as if they were your human babies. I laughed and awwwwwed and smiled and cried about each of them through your posts!! I understand it all too well. I lost my Christi Kitty just last year about 2 weeks before Christmas. We got her for our kiddos for Christmas 17 1/2 years earlier when they were just itty bitty things. Her name was Christmas Starr, Christi for short, but usually Christi Kitty or just Baby. She was to me what Tippi has been to Steve, especially since my human babies grew up and left the nest. She was my nurse after surgeries or when sick. I miss her so darn much! Again, I’m so very sorry y’all are having to say “goodbye for now” to your adorable, sweet Tippi! Sending much love, many hugs, and lots of prayers for comfort during this time. 😢🙏🏻💜

    • Smith says:


      What a loss to say goodbye to a cat you’ve had for almost 18 years!

      Thanks for hanging out at Smithellaneous long enough to remember Snowy, Summer AND Tippi. All the pets we have loved . . .

  18. Dee fron Tennessee says:

    I am so very sorry…they are so loyal to us. Just so sorry

  19. Lesley says:

    So sorry to hear. She had a wonderful life and will be so missed. I’m sure Vernie and Ken are thrilled to wrap their arms around her. She was a sweetheart.

  20. Phyllis says:

    Sorry to hear about your dear Tippi.

  21. Dale Tousley says:

    Oh Becky and Steve, I just have tears streaming down my face right now, you made the right decision, pancreatitis is so painful for our poor puppies, she is now walking over that Rainbow Bridge, pain free, spry and jumping into Ken and Vernie’s arms. She had wonderful life.

  22. catherine young says:

    I am sorry. Tears in my eyes.

  23. Liz says:

    Losing a beloved pet is so hard! Be kind to yourselves as you go forward.

  24. Courtney P Hurd says:

    What a roller coaster! My heart was so happy to see yesterday afternoon’s post and my heart sank when I saw today’s. Sending love and hugs to you and Steve.

    • Smith says:


      A roller coaster is right. We had our hopes raised and dashed so many times over the past few days. My brain and heart are exhausted.

      Feeling the hugs!

  25. Ginny says:

    Oh Becky and Steve we are so sorry. That is never an easy decision but pancreatitis is so painful for them. I am sure she has been happily reunited with Ken and Vernie. Sending hugs, thoughts and prayers.

  26. Gordon Goertz says:

    I’m so sorry, dear friend. Prayers for comfort for you and Steve.

  27. dmantik says:

    Our hearts and love are with you. ❤️
    Deb & Randy

  28. Shannon says:

    My heart sank when I saw this subject line. Even though it is the hardest choice, it is most loving, selfless one for Tippy. That said, losing a beloved pet is never easy. Know I am praying for you all.

  29. Anne says:

    Oh Becky, I am so sorry for your loss. What a sweet blessing she was. My heart just sank when I saw the title. Thinking of you and Steve as you navigate grief’s bumpy road xo

  30. Krista Labrensz says:

    I am so sorry to read this! I’m crying right along with you. Fur family members are so important and leave such a lasting impression on us. May you remember her with a smile on your face and in your heart. Hugs for you both!
    PS… I know that I haven’t commented in quite awhile, but please know that I read each post and always have you all close in thought and prayer. <3

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