This Face! Those Eyes! That Love.

June 18, 2014

Since I’ve mostly featured Sarah for the past couple of days, I thought it might be time to turn the spotlight toward another beloved Smith person, namely the Crown Prince, Noah.

Here he is meeting his great Grandma Campbell for the first time. Can you tell he is loaded with personality?


When I picked him up to hold him, he gave both of us the once over.03-DSC_3070


Then he decided we were A-OK.  Such a relief to pass the Noah Test.1-DSC_3067

He wasn’t quite so sure about Summer, though. What was that furry, white, semi-scary creature doing in his royal territory, anyway?


Once Summer figured out that Noah wasn’t going to give her any treats, she pretty much lost all interest and laid herself down for a nap.


I so loved watching Nathan with Noah.  He is such a good daddy.07-DSC_3661


 And as for Noah’s mamma? Well, she was born for the role. Meagan is an amazing, gentle, patient, fun, adoring mom.


Photo by Simply You Photography


This face!


Those eyes!


That love!


They make my grandma heart smile.

In Closing . . .

here are a few more pictures from the photo session with Stacy from Simply You.




26 comments so far.

26 responses to “This Face! Those Eyes! That Love.”

  1. Karen Cathey says:

    Keep sending the pictures. It makes my heart smile!

  2. Anonymous says:

    What an adorable little fella.

    Jenna Hoff

  3. Steve says:

    The kid is loaded with personality. He gets it naturally from Meagan and Nate. What a guy.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Noah looks like such a fun, loving, attentive lil guy! Fits right in in the Smith Clan!! His cheeks look so squishable!

    Also…I just can’t talk myself into watching the Sarah video…I know I will cry like a baby! But…I will…soon…maybe… =)

  5. Gayle in AL says:

    Wonderful pictures of that extremely photogenic little guy! What a great looking family. I know it was awful having to say goodbye to them, but I’m sure you had the best time spoiling him for a few days. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, saying goodbye to such a cute and beloved little fella is not the easiest thing in the world. At this stage in their lives, they grow and change so quickly. I’m sure he’ll be quite the grown up little boy the next time I see him!

  6. JS says:

    An adorable little guy! He’s just so joyful! I love the way he took to WI Great G’Ma (I’ve blanked out on your maidan name) w/ such ease! Precious memories! Jodi

    • Becky says:


      Yes, he really loved hanging out with Grandma Campbell. I’m so very glad that she got a chance to come and meet him–her first great grandchild.

  7. Michele says:

    How adorable! Love the pictures!

  8. Kristi says:

    Fantastic photos! 🙂 I see sooo much love in the photos!

  9. Jan Reuther says:

    Perhaps you could hide him until it’s too late to make his plane? He’s such a cutie, and…unfortunately…I know how hard it is to live far away from a precious grandchild.

    He certainly is photogenic! He knows to smile for the camera, too!

    • Becky says:


      I think the “hiding Noah” idea is a really good one and has lots of merit. Thanks for suggesting it! 🙂

  10. Mary H says:

    Oh, I needed that sweet face and crystal blue eyes this morning! Thank you. What a charmer he is. I love the looks on your face also.

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Sir Noah has the most gorgeous big blue eyes! What a cutie!! Isn’t grandma time just amazing?? 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I truly love grandma time. Although it sometimes still takes me a moment or two to truly grasp that I AM a grandma. Not an easy concept!

  12. robin says:

    What a cutie pie, and those are some beautiful photos!!

    • Becky says:

      Thanks, Robin. Naturally I think that he’s the cutest child on the planet but maybe I’m just a wee bit biased?

  13. Mrs. Pam says:

    LOVE the one on Daddy’s shoulders

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