Duke Newletter. And Happy News.

December 2, 2016

Duke University Medical Center featured Sarah’s story this week in their inhouse newsletter which is sent out to about 25,000 Duke employees.  The story is below.

Challenging medical journey forms bonds
between provider, patient family

Wednesday, November 30, 2016
By William Stagg, Jr.
Sarah Smith, Timothy Driscoll

Duke’s Timothy Driscoll, MD, and the Smith family have shared a decade-long journey of despair, hope, despair again, and hope rekindled that most people cannot begin to imagine. 

To call it simply the journey of a pediatric bone marrow transplant specialist and his young patient and her heartsick family is to barely scratch the surface of the mutual respect and devotion that sprouted during Sarah Smith’s treatment for Stage IV neuroblastoma, a largely fatal pediatric cancer.

Driscoll today remains a part of Sarah’s life, not only as a Duke doctor living the value of caring for our patients, their loved ones, and each other, but also as the father of a college student himself – who, like Sarah, attends Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va., and who was moving in on the same day that the Smiths were moving Sarah in. The reunion on campus was emotional, and crowned Sarah’s longtime dream of going to college. She started a “Calage and Car Fund” in her hospital room shortly after word came of her relapse.

“What she could never have dreamed or planned or imagined was that on her first day as a resident college student, she would have the privilege of standing next to her doctor and friend from the darkest years of her life; the one who had treated her disease, hugged her mom, comforted her dad, talked with her brother, and prayed for the whole family at their very lowest times,” Sarah’s mother, Becky, wrote in an article submitted to The Community Counts, the monthly newsletter for Duke Pediatric Bone and Marrow Transplant Program (PBMT) patients, families and supporters. “We could have never organized such a momentous day on our own; we could have never known that on that first day of Sarah’s college future, she would be standing next to the man who’d helped save her life.”

Becky stayed with Sarah for a month in Duke University Hospital (DUH) during her bone marrow transplant. Driscoll, she wrote, came by at all hours of the day and night, dispensing medical care, comfort, and advice. 

“Dr. Driscoll and the other doctors and nurses who walk the halls of that transplant floor go to work every day knowing that many of their patients will not survive,” she wrote. “… I know it had to have broken Dr. Driscoll’s heart the day he called us with the news that Sarah had relapsed. . . He walked with our family through the heartache of the following weeks and months and saw us through to the other side.”   

There was little chance of Sarah’s long-term survival. But she’s alive, and the emotional bond remains strong with Driscoll and the other caregivers at DUH. 

“I consider myself blessed to have been treated at Duke Hospital, and I know my family feels the same way,” Sarah said. “After 14 years, we can still remember so many kind-hearted people who worked there. Whether I saw them daily in my bone marrow transplant room or just once for blood work or a scan, the medical personnel who cared for me were always so compassionate and made every effort to bring a smile to an underweight, bald, little girl’s face. Duke Hospital brought extra doses of hope to our lives when we needed it the most and my family and I will always be so thankful.”

Adds Becky, “Having a stem cell transplant is not for the faint of heart, especially for a child who is only six years old. But because of Dr. Driscoll and the top-notch, compassionate care that he and his team provided, Sarah and our family survived the worst season of our lives. We are grateful to be living our lives on the other side of pediatric cancer – thanks to Duke.”

Driscoll said PBMT’s two guiding principles for patient care are The Golden Rule and the understanding that it takes a team. 

“We treat our patients and their families as we would want our children to be treated by providing effective treatment while minimizing discomfort and unwanted side effects,” he said. “And it truly takes a team to maximize treatment effectiveness and safety while minimizing discomfort.”

Integrating the patient and parents as part of the care team requires ongoing education and clear discussion among team members with the goal of minimizing discomfort and anxiety while allowing the early recognition of undesired side effects and early intervention, Driscoll added. 

“It is important that the emotional and physical welfare of all team members, which includes the caretakers, are regularly addressed by the team to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient,” he said.  


Also, I have a little Happy News for you.  

Each year, Regent University sponsors a fancy Christmas Ball. This year it is on December 10 and Sarah has been invited by a very nice fella.  He is a good guy friend of hers who has all the same classes as she does and has worked on a couple of film projects with her.  

If you’ve been reading here for a while, you’ll know that this is Sarah’s first date so we are all excited about this fun evening.  She gets to dress up and wear a long gown and you can be sure I will have plenty of pictures to share when it’s all over.

But for now, here are a few “everyday” campus pictures of our cancer-surviving, joy-bringing gal.


These are a couple of official Regent University shots.  I absolutely LOVE this one.


And this one, too.


Steve and I are so thankful that Sarah is doing so well at college and even more excited that she is coming home soon for a whole month.  Hooray for homecomings!

30 comments so far.

30 responses to “Duke Newletter. And Happy News.”

  1. Kari says:

    Such a wonderful article! I remember the posts and photos from the Caringbridge site and it is amazing to see how far Sarah has come. Such a miracle for her to be where she is now.

  2. Tobi says:

    Becky, Thank you for continuing to share your family’s story. Blessings to you all, and to Dr. Driscoll and his colleagues.

  3. Dale Tousley says:

    Oh Becky, that article made me cry! And what a wonderful combination of topics, the story of her surviving childhood cancer and then the story of her first date, both such a celebration of life! I can’t wait to see the pictures.

    • Becky says:


      I hadn’t thought of the fact that that story and her first date are in the same post. Wonderful timing and wonderful celebration. Thanks for pointing that out!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    So excited ? for Sarah. Proud of her and the success she has had. Wonderful story from Duke. Waiting for pictures!!!!

  5. Phyllis says:

    What an inspiring story about Sarah and your family! I had forgotten that Dr. D’s daughter was going to the same school. Glad Sarah is doing so well at school and look forward to seeing pictures of the dance.
    My niece goes Monday to audition and interview for a full-ride music scholarship at Concordia University, a Lutheran college in Seward, NE.

    • Becky says:


      It’s actually Dr. Driscoll’s son who attends there; we got a chance to meet him on Sarah’s first day of school which was really special.

      Best of luck to your niece; I know she has got to be nervous with so much riding on this interview. But she is obviously very gifted or she wouldn’t even be invited to the interview. I know she will do an amazing job!

  6. Sharyn McDonald says:

    What a wonderful article and the dear folks at the university, who, thankfully can see a walking miracle when, as the article said, do not make it. Sarah, you are a blessing and have fun on your first date.

    • Becky says:


      I hope that Sarah’s story encouraes the university folks who don’t always get to experience good results in their patients. I know they were sure a great blessing to us!

  7. Sara Jackson says:

    Becky, I have been following Sarah’s story for quite a few years (though I don’t know if I’ve ever posted) & I too, feel as though I know you & your sweet family. I saw a link to the story about Sarah & Dr. Driscoll on facebook. I follow Duke Health & Hospitals on facebook and was so excited to see the picture of the two of them. Always fun to see a picture of someone you “know” pop up in an unexpected place! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      It always makes my day to meet a long time follower/first commenter! Thank you for taking the time to drop a comment.

      I agree–it IS fun to unexpectedly see a face and a story pop up when you are not expecting it. 🙂

  8. Sheri Hawley says:

    So, I’m crying again at the thoughts of the miracle we all call “Sarah”. Grateful that God’s power and care are seen at every turn of her brave journey.

    • Becky says:


      Miracles and tears. They just seem to go together, don’t they? Thanks for being with us all through our journey, sweet friend.

  9. Donna says:

    Such a wonderful article about a beautiful young lady! Can’t wait to see all the pictures!

  10. Donna says:

    What a beautiful article about a beautiful young lady!! I also have been following you since you first started the Caring Bridge page. Even though I have never met you, I am proud to call you a good friend!! Maybe one of these days, when we visit the Outer Banks again, I will have the opportunity to meet you.
    Can not wait to see the pictures!!!

    • Becky says:


      What a sweet thing to say that even though we haven’t met, we are still friends. I love that and it is so true.

      Give me a holler if you get out this way again.

  11. Ann O. says:

    Long time follower, too. Like Mrs. Pam, I got tears, and happy goose-bumps, when I read about the meet-up at Regent when you first posted about it on the blog. What a beautiful article. So grateful there are such great care-givers, on all levels, in this world. Such beautiful pictures of your girl, Becky. You captured such wonderful moments.

    Hope Sarah’s first date goes well! Happiest of holidays to the Smith crew!!

    • Becky says:


      Tears and happy goose-bumps are a wonderful combination! 🙂

      We are also grateful for the care we got at Duke AND the care they continue to give all the “Sarahs” who are there now.

  12. LeeAnne says:

    Wow! What a fabulous article! It really brought back so many memories (and tears too) of Sarah when she was so terribly sick and it was so grim. :'( Praise God for her healing and for the amazing Dr. Driscoll and his team!!

    Sarah really looks like she is thoroughly enjoying college and I am so excited for her and her date! I can’t wait to hear all about it and see the pictures!

    • Becky says:


      Like you I am thankful for Dr. Driscoll, good hospitals, college, and first dates. And I’m very grateful for the invention of cameras so that we can all witness that first date! 🙂

  13. Guerrina says:

    I followed your journey at Duke since you originally began blogging about it shortly after diagnosis. This article just made my eyes shower!

    So excited for Sarah and her first date. It’s always fun to dress up regally and she carries a crown of grace on her head bestowed by the Lord that gleams!

    • Becky says:


      I love the “eyes shower” line. A very apt way to describe the feeling when reading about a miracle.

      If you’ve been reading since diagnosis, it’s been almost 15 years!

      I can’t believe it either. 🙂

  14. mrs pam says:

    that is such a wonderful article.. brought tears to my eyes again as you did when you first wrote about the college reunion. what a message of hope to all the families reading about sarah and Dr. D.

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