Driver. Daughter. Seasons.

December 23, 2013

Do you see this person?  This formerly little daughter of mine?

Well, today this aforementioned formerly little daughter is going to drive—yes, I said, drive—me on the first leg of our trip to Charlotte. 


Sarah got her Driver’s Permit last week and so we are in that challenging phase of parental life where we do our very utmost to use our Extremely Calm Voices on our jaunts around town with our new driver, even when we might occasionally feel just slightly panicked. Overall, though, Sarah is doing an excellent job and has been amazingly calm and composed as she tackles this new learning experience.

She and I went out driving Saturday night so she could get in some extra experience before our trip today. When she got her seat and all the mirrors adjusted . . .


she gave me the thumbs up. She was ready to roll!


Today she and I will spend seven hours in the van together–nothing better than a mama/daughter road trip!  And to make it even more wonderful, we get to have lunch at Chick-Fil-A, which is a rare and highly anticipated treat. So apart from the fact that it’s supposed to be very rainy (I hate driving in the rain) it should be a great day!

And to make it even better, at the end of the day I will get to hug my mom-in-law, my dad-in-law, my daughter-in-law and . . .  drum roll please . . . my grandson!  (Steve drove to Charlotte yesterday so that he and Nathan could embark on their 17th Annual Father/Son ski trip so, alas, I won’t be able to do any hugging of my hubby or son until tomorrow evening.)

We’ll spend Christmas Day in Charlotte with Steve’s family and then Thursday morning, Nathan, Meagan, Noah, Steve, Sarah and I will turn our two vehicles back toward Manteo. The Floridian Three will stay with us until next Wednesday before flying back home. I’m so excited to get to spend time with them–some of our favorite people in the whole world!   

In other Smith news . . .

Sarah and I attended an ocean front wedding Saturday nigh at Jennette’s Pier.



Don’t you love Sarah’s dress? She got it a thrift store.(But of course.)


The wedding chapel looks right out over the ocean, a truly lovely view. And what made the whole thing even better was that the couple getting married (a widow and widower) were both somewhere north of 70 years old!  Love it.



There was beauty everywhere, inside . . .


and out.






This picture gives you an overview of the whole place. Gorgeous!


photo by


Well, that about wraps it up for now!

It’s time for us to finish packing and hit the road–with a brand new driver at the wheel.


I’m not still not quite sure how Sarah can possibly be old enough to drive . . .how quickly seasons change and life passes and little girls grow up to be adults. 

She has added such joy and loveliness to my life . . . I’m  thankful today for ALL of my family and all the joy they bring me.


11 comments so far.

11 responses to “Driver. Daughter. Seasons.”

  1. Jenna Hoff says:

    Merry Christmas Eve, Becky! l hope you had a safe and uneventful drive and are now enjoying a wonderful time with your grandson and everyone! l love the wedding photos; I really think you live in such a beautiful corner of God’s creation.

    l also want to thank you for your prayers for my mom and family, and for your kind reply to my comment a few days ago. I told my mon and she said she felt honoured someone who didn’t know her woud take the time to pray for her. l, too, was really touched that you would pray for her all morning when you also have so much else going on during the busy Christmas season. The thought “being generous with your prayer” comes to mind. You really seem to have a generous spirit, be it helping and giving to the people in your congregation and community to having the Dare group for Thanksgiving, to praying for someone you’ve never met (my Mom).

    Blessings and God’s peace to you & your family throughout this holiday season!

  2. Dale Tousley says:

    Definitely not enjoying the rain here, I love the wedding story, my mom and step-dad were both widowed and got reacquainted at their 45th high school reunion and married a year later, my brother in law who is a musician wrote and sang a beautiful song about finding love again, after loss, there was not a dry eye in the church! My mom has been gone almost 5 years now but I am so grateful she had the chance to be happy again after a tragic loss. Sounds like you are going to have a great Christmas! My daughter is here from Kansas until Friday so I too, am enjoying the whole family being together!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Wow–I love the idea of a song about finding love again after loss. What a treasure for your mom and step dad to have that sung at their wedding. I know I would have been in tears, for sure! Enjoy your daughter and having your family with you. Merry Christmas to you all!

  3. Lesley says:

    Have a very safe trip and Merry Christmas to all of you from Cape Cod!

  4. becky says:

    I just love that photo of Sarah by herself – she is so beautiful inside and out. Have a blessed safe Christmas.

  5. Gayle in AL says:

    Have a safe trip, and enjoy that grandson! They grow up so fast. Mine will be 4 next month!

    Merry Christmas to all of the Smiths!

    • Becky says:


      And I’ll be that it seems like just yesterday when your four old grandson was just a baby. The days and years pass so quickly. Enjoy! And Merry Christmas!

  6. A Sarah post 😀 Enjoy the road trip 😀

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