The Dress, The Date, and Other Stuff.

December 12, 2016

The most vital news this morning is of course the Revealing Of The Dress.

However, I have some slightly, sort of, semi-saddish news on the subject.  The majority of the Christmas Ball pictures are still on Sarah’s date’s camera; he had to travel quite a distance the day after the Ball and hasn’t been able to get the pictures off the camera and sent to Sarah yet.

But have no fear!  I have rustled up a few sneak peaks for you and will show you the Real, Official Photos later this week.

When Sarah and I went dress shopping on Monday, I was picturing a long dress and she was keeping her eye out for that too; however, it turns out she was also interested in possibly finding a shorter style with a swingy skirt.  And lo (and also, behold), that is exactly what she found!

You’ll have to excuse the whole standing-on-the-chair thing. She doesn’t have a full length mirror in her dorm room, so she pulled out a chair to get the head-to-foot shot. Isn’t this dress so her?  (The purse is from her junior prom so at least one thing is from a thrift store.)

Here’s the back of it.

And since it’s knee-length, she will get a lot more use out of it then she would have a full length dress.

But wait! Stop the presses!  

Just as I was in the throes of trying to eke out this post with a dearth of useable pictures, Sarah happily informed me she just received the whole batch of photos–much earlier than expected. I did some quick edits on a few of my favorites and am so happy to get to share them with you. 

Sarah’s date’s name is Jacob but everyone calls him Rico. He and Sarah are studying the same major and have had every single class together since the beginning of school. They have had great fun hanging out and working on projects together. 



Sarah and Rico had to do some planning ahead to get these photos. The Ball started at 8 p.m. but of course it would have been dark by then, so they got on their nice clothes and met at 4 p.m. for photos.  (Sarah’s roommate took the photos using Rico’s camera and I added a few edits to the shots above.)

Then they changed back into regular clothes for a while and went back to their dorms before putting their nice clothes back on again. I for one appreciate all their efforts because photos outside are so much lovelier than ones taken inside with artificial light.

It was about 45 degrees while they were taking the photos so Sarah did some shivering between shots. After a few minutes, Rico gallantly took his coat off and put it over her shoulders along with her shawl. Such a gentleman!

Here’s one more photo of Rico from High School; he went on a trip where he got to meet Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas.  What an honor!

I do have one more thing to add about the dress. Sarah is part of a Bible study group composed of four college-age young ladies and led by Misty, one of our worship team singers.  When the group found out that Sarah had been invited to the Ball, they all went together and collected some money to put toward the dress. Their thoughtfulness really touched me.

Also, Misty’s husband is a police officer and good friends with another police officer in the church. The two of them were making police officer-ish plans about getting Rico’s full name, Social Security number and doing a background check.  They also asked what the dress code was at the event so that they could loiter in the area inconspicuously and keep an eye on Sarah.

Of course, they were kidding but it’s nice to have fellas understanding the import of a daughter’s first date!

And for my last piece of Rico news, Sarah showed us a fun short film she and Rico and a couple other students put together for a class. They came up with the concept, wrote, filmed and acted in it. (The “egg voices” you hear are Sarah’s and Rico’s.)  

Steve and I were amazed by the quirky creativity involved.  In a thousand years, I couldn’t come up with the idea of having eggs come to life. 🙂

Christmas Plans

On Thursday, Sarah, Steve and I will drive to Florida to spend several days with Nathan and Meagan and the kids. They just bought their first house so we are excited about getting to see it, as well as getting to hang out with some of our favorite people.  After that, we will drive to Charlotte for two days with Steve’s parents and family.  

We’ve gotten a dog/house sitter for Summer so she will be in good hands.

Christmas Decor

Last night we reluctantly decided that we are not going to put up a tree this year.  We had wanted to wait until Sarah got home to do it, but she didn’t get home till yesterday afternoon so we would have had only a couple of days before our trip, and a couple of days after to enjoy it.  

We just figured we would enjoy the trees in the houses we are staying in and call it a day.  I think it’s the first time in my entire life I haven’t had a Christmas tree in my house but life is all about seasons and adapting and doing what works for that particular time.

Fortunately, the talented decorators of our church have been busy decking the halls there so I’ve gotten to enjoy the results of their labor–at least I have some Christmas in my life!

This is Mathias, our associate pastor’s younger son. He is learning pretty quickly that when you have a parent who is in the ministry, you spend a whole lot of time in the church building. In this photo, he is overseeing the church decorating team. 


We had our children’s program yesterday morning which was a treat.


The young man on the left graduated from Dare Challenge and is now a staff member there.  He is studying to be a pastor and Steve is mentoring him in ministry.

And here is Steve ending the service and wishing everyone a blessed, cheery, Christmas-y week.  (Well, not in exactly those words, but that was the gist.)

And lastly, my hubby did emergency surgery on my shoes right before church yesterday because they were slipping off my heel and I didn’t think I could walk up to the platform without tripping.

I got them despite the fact that they were half a size bigger than my normal size because they were $3 and I loved them!  I’ll have to find an official shoe liner but Steve saved the day!

Well, I think I have probably posted enough for one day; my fingers are begging  me stop typing.

Have a great week!

32 comments so far.

32 responses to “The Dress, The Date, and Other Stuff.”

  1. Kari says:

    Sarah looks beautiful! Love the dress, especially the bow on the back. Especially like the last photo of Sarah and Rico. He certainly looks tall when standing with Clarence Thomas and the other men.

    Your church productions look awesome, and those little girls are adorable.

    Hope you have a good time in Florida!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it was the swirly skirt and the bow in the back that really sold Sarah on the dress. Plus, it was a delicate color which is very hard to find!

  2. Lesley says:

    I love Sarah’s dress, suits her perfectly. And what a handsome escort, they look comfortable with each other. Love the video! Great collaboration by all. I would have loved the children’s program at your church.
    It sure is hard to let go of old traditions and start new ones, especially ones we have cultivated with our children for 20+ years. But it is interesting to watch new ones develop and learn to go with the flow. It just feels weird.

    • Becky says:


      Learning to go with the flow . . .that’s the best way to describe the changing seasons and our children who are beginning to “adult.” It’s a whole new (wonderful) world!

  3. Phyllis says:

    Beautiful dress! Hope you enjoy the warm Florida weather while you’re there. I totally get your not putting up a Christmas tree. I didn’t put one up for years as I was traveling to Missouri from either Kentucky or Florida. Last year was the first year for me to put one up as I had my family Christmas here. As a result, my mom didn’t put one up for the first time in 66+ years of marriage. The day after Christmas, I went to Hallmark and bought a ceramic tree for her to put up this year.

    • Becky says:


      How sweet of you to get a ceramic tree for your mom.
      And yes, I am looking forward to warm FL weather but am puzzled about what to pack because it is supposed to be 30 degrees in Charlotte. A 55 degree temperature spread on this trip!

  4. Deb P. says:

    That dress is just perfect for Sarah, she makes it look good! All right, I will be the nosy one, are they “courting”? He appears to be a fine young man.
    No Christmas tree here for the first time also, no children coming home and we are in the middle of a remodel and the living room is fill with stuff from the kitchen. It is hard to go through these seasons of life . Love still abounds and we will still be together at some point.
    LOVE the video, great job by all.

    • Becky says:


      Go ahead and be nosy! 🙂 No they are are not courting; they are just good friends.
      Since we just painted our kitchen I understand a little bit about the whole remodeling mess. Yukky to go through but good results in the end!
      And yes, so thankful that love still abounds.

  5. jenna Hoff says:

    Sarah’s dress is very pretty and the young gentleman dashing. I’m happy for Sarah. I thought the egg video was hilarious! Happy travels!

  6. Steve says:

    Drone surveillance has begun. Watching, we’re always watching.

  7. LeeAnne says:

    Oh I LOVE Sarah’s dress! It looks amazing on her and her date looks like a really nice young man. I hope they had a lot of fun at the ball!

    We didn’t put up our (very) large artificial tree again this year. Since we have 4 grandkids between the ages of 3-1/2 and 18 months, we decided that we didn’t need to put it up for the disassemblers to take care of. Lol. Next year we should be safe once again to put it up. Besides, we wont be home for Christmas weekend anyway, so not much time to enjoy it. I did, however, purchase a 3 foot, pre-lit tree, decorated it and put it up on a small table in the corner. It is just perfect! (The grandkids would wonder why there is no tree…) Yes, the seasons change and we all do what we must to adapt at the time.
    Our whole crew will all be home this weekend so we can celebrate Christmas together. I hope that you all have safe travels and a very happy Christmas with your family. Get all the hugs and kisses that you can from those two sweet grandbabies!!

    • Becky says:


      I loved your word, the “dissemblers.” That just pretty well sums those precious peope up, doesn’t it?

      And a small, prelit tree is a great idea!

  8. Ann Martin says:

    Beautiful! So happy Sarah enjoyed the evening and she looked stunning. Rico is not bad, either. Happy you can visit with the Florida family and then Steve’s parents. Things do change with time. This is the first year we have not celebrated Christmas as the Draper family. My brother in Florida has not been home for Christmas in several years but we always had the other three siblings and NC nieces and nephews and their family as well as our son and his family together during the holiday. While Daddy and Mama were alive we met at their house and then at my sister’s after Daddy passed away and Mama went to a rest home. Last year we outgrew the place and met in another building which really worked out great space wise and new memories were made. This year it just could not be worked out to be together before Christmas. We may can do so after Christmas but not sure if the nephew and family in Charlotte will be able to come back again after being here this weekend for his maternal grandmother’s Christmas as well as his mother’s and then his dad’s. Time changes everything. Safe travels for all.

    • Becky says:


      “Time changes everything.” That seems to be so true, doesn’t it? Each year brings changes to our lives and to our family landscapes. I hope you can gather with at least some of the people you love in the next few weeks.

  9. mrs pam says:

    Sarah and Rico looked fantastic!
    loved the Church Christmas photos, too.

  10. Margie says:

    Fantastic dress Sarah. Hope you had a fabulous evening.

  11. dmantik says:

    Love it all: The dress, the date, the egg movie, the Smiths! 🙂

    ❤ , Deb

  12. Jodi says:


  13. Kristy Smith says:

    Two years ago, we celebrated our first Christmas without our then 22 year old daughter who is an officer in the Coast Guard and lives on the west coast. I did not put up a tree, and was a little melancholy until I borrowed an idea! I filled a very, very large punch jar with fresh evergreens and holly and boxwood from my yard. I hung a few of our keepsake/memory/treasure ornaments within the greens and it served as a centerpiece on our sideboard in the dining room. It was lovely, drew many compliments, lasted the entire season of Advent and Christmas, and cost me nothing. We’re repeating the idea this year as well. I’m loving the new tradition!

    Lovely dress, lovely daughter. Excellent choice for her.

    • Becky says:


      I LOVEDthat idea! It does seem a little sad not to do anything at all to mark the season and your arrangement would be lovely to the eyes AND the nose! 🙂

      Here’s hoping your daughter will be able to be with you next Christmas; this is our first Christmas in 28 years that Nathan has not been home. The changing of the seasons!

  14. Angela says:

    Beautiful dress on an even more beautiful young lady! The bow in back is the perfect finishing touch!

  15. krista says:

    Love, Love, Love Sarah’s dress! It is absolutely lovely on her. And her date looks like a very nice man! I’m sure they had a lot of fun.
    I’m glad you will get to see family for Christmas celebrations, but I must ask…will you do your annual pancake supper while in Florida?
    Enjoy squishing your grandbabies!

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm . . . I hadn’t thought about doing the pancakes but we may just have to do it! It would be sad to have a year without a tree OR pancakes! 🙂

  16. Vicki says:

    That dress SCREAMS Sarah! She makes it look amazing!

    • Becky says:


      You are so sweet.

      And yes, I agree, it is a dress perfectly suited to her. I was relieve to find something in a delicate color; not always easy!

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