Drain Bamage

April 25, 2012

I was planning on writing something profound, witty, and fabulous today but it appears that my brain is still hung over from yesterday’s Wondrous Colonoscopy Experience and its accompanying Foray into The Lovely Land of Anesthesia.

Even though I slept most of yesterday after my return from the hospital, I still feel semi-discombobulated today.   Maybe all that horrific prep liquid I had to drink on Monday night did permanent drain bamage.  I mean,  brain damage.

After I  finished up with the prep procedure Monday night, I was glancing through some of the small print on the accompanying folder that came with my lovely box of MoviPrep. 

One particular paragraph made me laugh out loud.  It very soberly gave directions about what to do in case of overdose.  And then it went on to add, “At this point, there have been no overdose cases  reported.”

Ya think?

Since I ended up pouring out the last little bit of the stuff because I couldn’t face taking even one more teenytinysip,  the thought of anyone actually overdosing on it was so far beyond the realm of my most imaginative imagination that it truly did make me laugh.  If I’m ever going to overdose on something, I promise you that it will not be MoviPrep.

In fact, I have decided that when I have my next colonoscopy in five years,  I am definitely going to opt for the 32-pill regime, rather than the 1,097 gallons of nasty liquid regime that I just endured.  

At any rate, despite the trauma of drinking all that liquid, and the accompanying, alarming result of said liquid,  the whole experience went fine.  Well, it went fine fine except for one little thing.

After everything that I went through (and after everything that went through me),  don’t you think I could have at least lost a pound or two?

But no.  I GAINED a pound.

I think  I’m going to ask for a refund.

41 comments so far.

41 responses to “Drain Bamage”

  1. Lisa from Georgia says:

    When I had to have a colonoscopy, they had me drink something called “Go-lite-ly” well I did everything but GO LIGHT LY…it was horrible! So, you have  my sympathy. I am glad it’s behind you (no pun intended haha) now. Hope the results are all good.
    Lisa from GA

    • Becky Smith says:

      Lisa, I think it’s so funny the things that they call the stuff to drink.  Mine was MoviPrep; yours was Go-lite-ly.  And you’re right–Go-lite-ly does not live up to its name! 🙂

  2. Mary Cather says:

    Google Dave Barry colonoscopy.  Another great writer on the subject.

    • Becky Smith says:


      We are HUGE Dave Barry fans.  Have you ever read his Book of Bad Songs?  Oh my.

      I’ll have to look up his colonoscopy writings.  He is a hoot!

  3. Jamie says:

    Ha…probably all that sodium. I had to to that once. And trying to drink it all the night before reduced me to tears. My stomach wouldn’t hold any more and I kept vomiting it back up. I was such a wreck my daughter said, “That bad doctor, I’ll drink your medicine.” Needless to say — the procedure was a breeze compared to that. 

    • Becky Smith says:

      Jamie,  yes, I would have the procedure 10 times in one day if it meant not drinking The Stuff.   I can’t imagine throwing it back up the way you did; nothing worse than output from both ends in the same evening.  Eeek.

  4. Kaye Joyce says:

    I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last year at the same time. I never figured out why they called that stuff MoviPrep. I have never desired to drink it before I went to a movie…hmmm.. My doc found a small polyp that was ok and said he would see me in ten years. Now that I have breast cancer I may have to have one sooner too if the dr. recommends that. UGH!! Getting ready to start radiaton in a week or so. I have to drive 40 mins one way to have it everyday for 16 days. Not complaining. God has made this trial a blessing. I only get by because of Him. 🙂 Hoping and praying I never have a movie prep again…lol….

    • Anonymous says:


      I know how it is to have to drive long distances for medical treatment so I can definitely relate to those trips you’ll be taking for radiation. I’m sure you’ll be counting down each day until you’re DONE! That will be a great day for you.

      Grace to you on your journey,

  5. Amanda J says:

    My sister has Ulcerative Colitis so she’s very familiar with the fun of the colonoscopy. I seem to remember her saying that they let her mix the junk she had to drink into something else (Crystal Light, maybe?) to make the taste a little more tolerable… But I’m not sure. Either way, I’m sure it’s still unpleasant.

    • Becky says:


      I thought about how nice it would be if we were allowed to mix the stuff with another sort of liquid but then I saw on one of the instructions (for my sort of prep at least) that it had to be water. Sigh. It could be that different sorts of prep solutions allow for different things though; I didn’t realize there were several brands of the prep available until I started on this (lovely) journey.

  6. Sue C. says:

    My last procedure was this past winter – I did all the
    prep and the next morning I received a call from
    the “fun place” telling me that they had lost power
    in the ice storm – I replied, “please find me somewhere
    to have the ‘scope after what I went thru yesterday!”
    They were able to send me to a hospital with back-up
    power, thankfully! I was happy to report that I lost 8
    pounds!! My loving husband said, “I always knew you
    were full of (baloney) but now we know the exact
    poundage!” What a guy! 🙂 Everyone needs to schedule one!

    • Becky says:


      Oh my, I would have begged and pleaded for them to find some way to do the test as well. So VERY glad it worked out for you. (And I LOVE your husband’s sense of humor!)

  7. Ann Martin says:

    I was not put to sleep but given some meds to relax me and I went to sleep. Like I said earlier I was wide awake after it was over until 11 PM that night. No pain. I just hated the jello and drinking the gallon of liquid with 2 pills. I went to bed early because I didn’t want any more jello. I think it has been 10 years this coming Dec since my procedure so probably will have to have another one next year. I was told every 10 years. Glad it’s over for you.

    • Becky says:


      I can’t believe you weren’t able to sleep until 11 pm! You must have an “opposite reaction” to those sort of meds because I slept almost all day. (And yes, it was wonderful!)

  8. Guerrina says:

    I’d take the pills again no problem compared to the liquid brine. Tummy revolts with the liquid. Last time they had be do a citric acid type liquid which was much easier to get and keep down. I understand now that if one is taking certain medications, the pills are not an option, hence back to the aforementioned “last time”.

    Also, the anesthesia this last time kept me groggy for a few days – as in I don’t remember the car ride home. I had the procedure on a Friday and talked to the doc’s office on Monday and had them double check type and amount of anesthesia. No changes from previous times and I weighed more. I was not the 1st to call about it, so I’m guessing my body just changed it’s response. So, nap, enjoy, read, nap…have chocolate…nap. Works great!

    I’d like to encourage all who are delaying a colonoscopy to rethink. No history of colon cancer on either side of my family. In my very early 40s I had a bit of minimal bleeding that had stopped by the time I got to see my regular doctor the next day. Since she was unable to determine if it may have been from a hemorrhoid , I was sent for a colonoscopy. A very large, pre-cancerous polyp was found. Now I have one every 3 years and except for griping about the prep, I happily go off to have it done.

    I am greatful to that doctor for not writing the problem off since it didn’t seem to be serious. I could easily be dead. I’d had no other signs. Just thought I had a cranky hemorrhoid. I think of all the things I would’ve missed – my son’s jr & sr high school years & graduations, first girlfriend (2nd girlfriend, etc.), the joy of teenage boys hanging out at our home, drivers license, building our house together, my grandson’s birth….seeing my son grow into a man and so much more.

    Please, please reconsider if you’re putting the test off. I always tell the anesthesiologist I don’t want to be awake to watch and I don’t want to remember the procedure. He hasn’t failed me yet. There is another procedure that does not do the whole colon and little anesthesia is used on that one, so go for the full procedure and enjoy the great sleep and ensuing peace of mind!

    Thanks, Becky, for allowing me to say all that!

  9. Marjie says:

    I have done the 32 pills and would do it again in a heart beat compared to the liquid. You could even almost plan the bathroom trips. Glad all looked good.
    Hugs from Iowa,

    • Becky says:


      Glad to hear the pill regime worked well for for someone. And almost planning the bathroom trips? Well, that would be a big plus.

  10. So glad to hear the good results after living through the prep. I am due again in about two years and lets just say, I am not looking forward to it at all!

    • Becky says:


      Even though you’re not looking forward to it, I’m just happy to know that you’re planning on sticking with the schedule. Good for you!

  11. Jill says:

    I had to start having them around age 40. Have had 2 with the next one due around age 50. I took the pills last time and it did NOT go well. I guess it was way too much for me. I was sick multiple times and passed out once scaring my poor husband when I hit the bathroom floor. Not sure what prep I will do next time. Sigh. Glad to hear yours is over and everything went ” smoothly”!

    • Becky says:


      Hmmm, I’m getting the feeling that there is no wonderful way to prep for this procedure. Sounds like you’ve had plenty of experience!

  12. Michele says:

    I’m glad all went well. (Except for the prep!) Gotta schedukle my 1ST one noe that I’m 50… just haven’t yet..

  13. Lesley says:

    Very funny.

    My latest prep was 30 senokot pills, split up into 2 doses. It was so easy!!!! Ask for it the next time, it’s the way to go (pun intended).

    Glad to hear all went well. I have to go every 5 years also cause mom died of colon cancer 🙁

    • Becky says:


      The senokot pills sound pretty easy. I wonder if many doctors have heard of that regimen or if they automatically go for the prescription type routine. I’ll have to remember to ask.

      • Lesley says:

        It’s new on the colonoscopy front, but effective. The prep is a little slower and gentler. One just has to remember to drink plenty of fluids, since the pills have no fluid. Definately worth the consideration.

  14. Jan Reuther says:

    I’ll betcha that prep has a high sodium content, hence the weight gain.

    In any event, I’m glad it’s done. And I’m glad you had it done. It’s a distasteful (in more ways than one) ordeal, but an important one. And you’re important to all of us, so we need you to be careful with your health. Good job, Becky!!!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your encouragement. And I’m right with you on the sodium content. I think as soon as all that sodium gets washed out my system I’ll lose five pounds at LEAST! 🙂

  15. nancy irving says:

    Glad everything went well. You are soooo lucky that you had anaesthesia for your procedure, I had a very light supposedly “numbing” one, and, I was awake for the whole procedure and felt everything. It was not pleasant, right up there with drinking the yucky stuff. I didn’t have a choice whether I took the pills or liquid yuck, so not looking forward to the next one 🙁

    • Becky says:


      Yikes! You were awake for the procedure? Oh my. I don’t even want to THINK about that! Next time around, PLEASE insist that you’re put to sleep. I admire you for getting through all of that!

  16. Steve Smith says:

    Made me laugh. . . Steve

  17. Pam D says:

    I’m not expecting to read any “Alarming increase in overdoses of colonoscopy prep” headlines any time in the near future. But the thought of having to swallow 30 or 40 pills isn’t very appealing either. Ugh. I think you should be able to schedule the thing immediately after a bout with a stomach virus. And I hope you find that extra pound plus a couple more deciding to leave the premises…

  18. Liz W says:

    Glad you survived the experience! I remember feeling the same way about the weight – give it a few days, you might be surprised.

  19. Jessica says:

    Oh no!! You definitely deserved to lose a pound after all that.

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