Dorian. Friday Update.

September 6, 2019

I went to bed last night wondering if I was going to get a wink of sleep in all.

But here we are on Friday morning and all are we are feeling is a tropical storm.

Not that I’m complaining, mind you!  After a week of watching this thing and hearing dire reports of all the damage it could do to our area, I am relieved beyond words.

Steve did his due diligence in boarding up our two biggest windows.


Sadly, in the midst of all of his hammering, he misplaced his head.

Hence, the headless hammerer.

I got a few last-minute groceries yesterday afternoon and noticed this sign.  Our little grocery store is always so good at staying open as much it can during our hurricanes.  It has a generator and is a great place for people to gather after storms and connect with each other and share stories.  Because small town life is all about stories.

They even put our one mailbox in Manteo to bed.

This morning, Steve brought me breakfast on a tray just as I was waking up so we carried it downstairs and I ate it in the kitchen.  He makes the best omelets!  I have cut way down on my bread consumption so some toast was a nice treat.

And so the morning wears on.  The winds and rain have picked up quite a bit since I first started this post, gusting to over 50 m.p.h. 
There is a good chance it will get worse before it gets better. We are under a curfew until at least noon and no one is allowed on or off the island.  

There are so many in the area getting hit harder than we are.

The little island of Ocracoke, about 80 miles from us, is undergoing “historic” flooding and the worst of it hasn’t even hit. There will be hours and hours of more rain and there are already houses with more than five feet of water in them.  We have been to Ocracoke several times and it is such a beautiful, quaint area, almost like it was set down from another era.  It is so sad to think of the destruction going on there right now.

I know there will be a lot more flooding as the day progresses, not just on Ocracoke but in Manteo and many other local areas.  

The lights just blinked several times so I’d better hit publish while I still have power.

More later . .. 


20 comments so far.

20 responses to “Dorian. Friday Update.”

  1. Jenna hoff says:

    So glad you’re safe! ❤️

  2. LeeAnne says:

    Praying for the best possible outcome! ??

    • Becky says:


      Thankful for a VERY good outcome, for us at least. Our hearts are with all those who are struggling and will continue to struggle for months to come.

  3. Michele says:

    Hope you are still doing ok. Such a long drawn out frustrating time. I feel so bad for all the people in the Bahamas and everywhere else that sustained damage. Prayers for all affected.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it has been such a tragic occurrence for so many thousands of people. You’re right about it being a long, drawn out time; I wonder if this set any records for the longest time a hurricane was around.

  4. dmantik says:

    Sending lots of love! Glad you’re doing ok.
    Love, Deb

  5. Phyllis says:

    Thankful that you didn’t get hit as hard as it might have been. Hope you didn’t lose power or have any damage.

  6. Mrs. Pam says:

    lots of positive thoughts heading your way…..

  7. Les says:

    Well, they just showed Manteo on The Weather Channel. Lots of flooding 🙁 and a white goose(?) in the parking lot looking around, slightly confused

  8. Ann Martin says:

    We were spared, too. God is so good. Prayers for all the ones having destruction both here in the US and Bahamas.

  9. Les says:

    Thanks for the update. I hope you still have power. At least it’s daylight while your winds pick up. I look forward to any after-Dorian pictures you post. Stay safe and keep us posted when you are able.

  10. Mel says:

    Thank you for updating. Pretty scary stuff and then to have to live with a headless hammerer must have been the icing on the cake. 🙂 Glad to see you are keeping your sense of humour, stay safe and update when you can. Prayers being sent your way.

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