Doggie Scars and Summer Bounty

July 4, 2012

Snowy has not been real impressed with the “Spanx Dressing” they put on him after his surgery; as he’s moved around, it has rolled further and further down his back exposing the scar where the large growth used to be.


Even though his diagnosis wasn’t cancer, the scarred part of himself puts him right into the same club as Sarah and me.  We’re all about scars and healing around this house and he is now a card-carrying member of the scarred crowd.

He’s doing pretty well today after having some difficulties last night; he couldn’t quite settle down and kept walking around in confused circles as if to say, “I feel bad and I’m wearing a Spanx dressing and my mouth hurts and my back hurts and just where is the purpose in all of this?”

But today his eyes are brighter and he seems to be returning to his old self.  Thankful for that.

Although the whole surgery issue has not been a pleasant thing to deal with, I arrived home after work a day ago and found something that was pleasant—summer garden bounty hanging from our door!


I am in awe of people who plant and cultivate gardens and actually grow things.  I’ve never—in all my 50 years–accomplished such a thing.

And then when those miraculous workers of the soil decide to share their bounty with us garden-challenged folks?

Well, then life is good all over again.IMG_0644

Happy Summer!    Happy Fourth of July!

6 comments so far.

6 responses to “Doggie Scars and Summer Bounty”

  1. It’s good to hear your dog is going to be okay.

    • Becky Smith says:

      Karen, thanks.  He’s been through several major health crises in his 12 years and each one that comes, I wonder if it will be the last.  So thankful this crisis was NOT the last!

  2. Denise says:

    I’m glad to read that Snowy is on the mend. What a relief that it isn’t cancer and that they were able to do the surgery successfully! You know, I’m always surprised to see how tiny he is in the photos where he’s next to one of the family members, because he honestly seems larger than life!

    Mr. Snowy might want to count his blessings with that Spanx dressing…it looks a lot more comfortable and a lot more dignified than the dreaded Head Cone that a lot of pets have to wear after surgery!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Snowy really is a tiny  little fella; when he has a bath we always say he looks like a drowned rat because there’s not much under that fur but bones!

      And yes, he HAS had to wear the dreaded head cone before so he has a special appreciation for NOT having to wear it this time!  🙂

  3. Mary H says:

    So glad Snowy is better.  Hope there were some great tomatoes in that bounty.  I was saddened to hear about Andy Griffith – he was a gentle man and I always wanted to live in Mayberry.  I will be off work for a week – Grandson coming to visit – He turned 3 today – July 4th and he is a FIRECRACKER!   Oh how I love that boy!  I will be checing in, however.  Poor Snowy – that scar looks vicious.

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