Doggie Doodads, A Poll, and Blue.

March 23, 2015

I was in a thrift store last week . . .

when I happened to notice these little doggie doodads on the counter.  


I stared at them for the longest time and couldn’t figure out if they were for something in particular besides just decoration. I finally asked the owner of the store and they told me that, yes, indeed, they DO have a very specific purpose. When she told me what it was,  I realized I wouldn’t have guessed that purpose in a million (or two) years.  

If you think you know what these are for, leave a comment. I will give the answer in my next post although knowing you guys, someone will probably guess it right off the bat! (And then I’ll feel sorta dumb for not knowing!)

Speaking of thrift stores . . .

most of you know that 95% of what’s in my closet is from a thrift or consignment store.  But even shopping at thrift stores all the time requires the spending of some money and I do try to keep track of what I spend each month so I don’t overdo it.

Which brings me to this question:

Have you ever wondered how much other women spend on clothes every month?

I have.

And the beauty of being a blogger is that when I have a niggling question in the back of my mind, I have the wherewithall to find out the answer.

Enter The Official, Handy Dandy, Really Informative Smithellaneous Poll!  

You can help quench my curiosity (and maybe  even your own curiosity, too) by taking 5 seconds to select one of the answers.  Just click on the amount and then hit the yellow Vote button. Answers are, of course, anonymous. 

(Note:  I do realize that spending habits vary from month to month so maybe it would be easier to think of it terms of a monthly average over the space of a year, rather than isolating it to one particular month.)

Thanks for participating in this highly scientific clothing study!

Lastly, my  poor old laptop is in the shop yet again . . .

so I don’t have access to all the bloggable stuff I keep on it.  However, I am on another computer that has a few of my pictures from days gone by so I thought I would share some pictures of blue water and blue sky for those of you who have yet to see any signs of spring.  I hope the blue-ness  contained herein will give you courage to keep holding on until spring arrives in your corner of the world.  

(Besides featuring the color blue, these photos also feature my favorite model)




 _DSC0017      _DSC0081     _DSC0092  

The last three aren’t blue but they’re lovely, so I included them.






76 comments so far.

76 responses to “Doggie Doodads, A Poll, and Blue.”

  1. Kristina says:

    It’s a bit late to guess as you’ve posted the answer in a new comment, but I can safely say that I would never, ever have gotten that answer. I didn’t even know cutlery/knife rests existed, and am still not sure why they’d be necessary. Fun, though!

    • Becky says:


      The only reason I can think of where they would needed is if you butter a roll and there is still some butter on the knife, it keeps the plate and/or tablecloth clean. Definitely more of a nicety than a necessity but it would still be fun to use one.

  2. Karen says:

    Hi Becky, Several years ago you asked your readers about eating crackers salt side up or down. At the time didn’t matter. Today as I was eating Ritz and Nutella finally figured out the taste was much better Nutella on the unsalted side and salt side on my tongue. Even better with Nutella in the middle of a Ritz sandwich salty sides out.

    • Kristina says:

      Hahaha… Karen, your post made me laugh aloud! Happy for you to have figured out the perfect cracker/nutella configuration 🙂

      • Becky says:

        Kristina, if you haven’t figured out your own personal preference on this important matter, you’d better get busy!

    • Becky says:


      I am so happy to know my words have stuck with you through the years! 🙂 I’m only sorry I haven’t yet tried Ritz and Nutella together; I will have to remedy that situation soon.

      And yes, the salted side out is a very good way to eat crackers. It’s probably one of those things that people don’t even think about but probably everyone has a preference. Thanks for the smile today.

  3. Robert Watt says:

    A door stop?

  4. Bea says:

    Ah… ALL photos of Sarah are gorgeous and lovely!!!!!! I adore that long white skirt! I LOVE wearing skirts…..
    I rarely buy clothes (just underwear and socks). I wear them to death! I even borrowed my wedding dress!!! LOL My best friend’s sister made hers and it was lovely, just my size/length too and was hand beaded and just perfect. I was blessed. 🙂 It was more special that way. I also am blessed to have an older sis that gives me hand me downs as well as buys me what I need, and shops the sales.
    Love you all SO much!!! Blessings and hugs always!!!!

  5. Jodi says:

    As for thrift shops……..are the clothes (merchandise) washed/cleaned b/f put on the floor for purchase???

    • Becky says:


      As a rule, no, they aren’t washed. Although this might be off putting to some people, the way I look at it is if you go into a regular store and try something on, that item might have been tried on by 20 people before you. So it’s all basically the same. Take it home, wash it, and wear it! 🙂

  6. Jenna Hoff says:

    Hey!!! Those are knife cutlery rests! But do you know what is really cool? I have what appears to be those exact same doggie knife rests. I found a set of 5 of them at an antique store several years ago and ever since then they grace our table whenever we have a special dinner or company. Other than on my table I’ve never seen cutlery rests anywhere else. Small world!

    • Becky says:


      That is too funny that you would have the exact same thing! And up until four days ago, I had never even knew such a thing existed and here you’ve been using them all along!

      I think I have some catching up to do in my knowledge of lovely items.

  7. JennyJoT says:

    Knife-rests! I only know because my sister has an antique shop and teaches me all kinds of weird stuff like that. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      How fun to have a sister with an antique shop! I bet you guys see all kinds of unique things pass through those doors. Would love to come and browse!

      • JennyJoT says:

        Well, Becky. She’d be glad to have you drop by her shop and visit if you’re ever in the Tupelo, Mississippi area! OR…she also has a facebook page listed under Red Door Antiques, in case you just want to browse for fun. I actually live in Idaho, so I don’t get to browse much myself.

        • Kristina says:

          Oh, I LOVE the ‘Red Door Antiques’ name. I’m not even sure why, but it really appeals to me!

          • Becky says:

            JennyJo and Kristina,

            I’m with you both on loving the Red Door Antiques name. It sounds inviting and intriguing and plus, I get a very peppy, colorful vision in my head when I think of what the shop must look like.

  8. Mel says:

    I just googled them now that we know what they are and there was a set of 12 that sold at Christies for 300 pounds for approx. $547. Also, I saw a phone booth last night in a little town called Embro. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      $547 for knife rests? Um. I think I would pass!

      And hooray for a phone booth sighting!

      • Jenna Hoff says:

        Wow Mel! $547 ? (Which would be about $600 in Canadian dollars)? I must have really scored a deal all those years ago in that little country tea shop/ antique store in a small Canadian prairie town. At the time they were about $5 each which was a total splurge in my budget and seemed outrageously high for small table items. But I loved them so much and had never seen anything similar, and it turned out to be worth it for how many special dinners they have graced my table for many years. They add a fun factor to the table. It;s funny because I’ve kept my eyes open for years to add to my set of 5 but have never come across any again- until they popped up on your blog Becky!

  9. Gayle in AL says:

    They are knife rests! We actually have one just like that. 🙂

  10. Melissa says:

    Okay, I Googled ‘knife rests’ since so many people said that’s what they were, and believe it or not a picture of these things popped up, so that’s the answer I’m going for!

  11. Denise says:

    I love all the photos! For the doggie doodads, my best guess is what someone else already said: ring and bracelet holders, perhaps? Or perhaps the pair of them could be used to hold something up, such as a book?

    In terms of clothes, I generally don’t buy very much. I tend to keep things as long as I can and mend them so they will keep going. This past year I had to replace a few things, and I still think my spending ended up being under $100 for the year. Usually it’s far less than that. The thrift stores around here are very good. It’s a very well-off area and it’s not uncommon to find designer clothes – unworn and with the tags still on – at our Goodwill. Also, I tend to be very savvy at finding sales and bargains. I needed a new “reasonably fancy” dress this year and I ended up getting a brand new one for about $7 at Wet Seal. It was marked down to 70% off the lowest sale price, which had already been discounted several times. I wore it to an event in Beverly Hills where I was volunteering, and it fit right in. I had to chuckle, knowing that my dress cost less than the amount that the affluent guests were paying for valet parking. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I loved the Beverly Hills/bargain dress/valet cost story. You go!! 🙂 I’m impressed by your frugality and your creativity.

      It is wonderful that you are in an area with good Goodwill stores; that makes all the difference in the world. Getting the cast offs of the rich and famous is a good deal all around.

      Happy shopping and thanks for a comment that made me smile.

  12. Linda in Pgh says:

    Loved the photos, they brightened my day! I think the doggies are knife rests, I’ve seen similar ones in my travels. I haven’t had much luck in local thrift shops, but seldom pay full price. Love bargain hunting. One of my favorite bargains ever was a $350 full length wool coat that I got at Macy’s for $14.99!

    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Yep, knife rests is the answer!

      And a full length wool coat for $14.99? MY kind of deal. I know that every time you wear it, you must just smile a little extra, knowing the bargain you got on it.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The doggie doo-dads are to rest your knife on during the meal. We used them at my grandmother’s house regularly.

    • Becky says:


      I must say I am quite impressed to know of ANYONE who not only knows what those thing are but who also uses them on a regular basis. I can imagine that your grandmother’s table is very lovely in every other aspect, too!

  14. I’m a thrift store shopper, too. I hate – HATE – spending a ton of money on clothing. The last thing I paid full-whack for was a dress for a holiday party, and it set me back $160. I about DIED…. but my husband loved it, and reminded me that 95% of my closet is Goodwill/Salvation Army/St. Vincent de Paul/90% off rack clothes. He won’t wear stuff from Goodwill, because men’s clothes there are typically worn out.

    • …and even my Mother of the Bride dress was a Goodwill find: a brand new Calvin Klein dress for $2.25. 🙂

      • Becky says:


        That’s funny. I SO wanted to find a mother of the groom dress at a thrift store but unfortunately, did not succeed. Oh well. Maybe I’ll have better luck with my mother of the bride dress.

    • Becky says:


      Well, if your hubby liked the dress, that’s what counts! 🙂

      Your husband sounds like my husband as far as finding men’s clothes at a thrift store. He always says men are more prone to wear their clothes until their worn out so it’s harder to find good things for men. However, if I bring home something nice from a thrift store, he is more than happy to wear it.

      • Yes – I’ve brought a few things home for Mike, and he’s been OK with the vast majority of what I’ve found. He really doesn’t like trailing around the thrift stores with me, though. 🙂

  15. Mrs. Pam says:

    I’d say ring holders. I have lots of small Eiffel Towers that I use for ring holders.
    but nowadays most of my rings are scattered throughout the house in dishes, on tables, no reasonable place .

    I don’t really buy clothes much anymore. 20 years ago, I use to sew a jumper each week…cheaper than going to the movies. most of my goodwill shopping was for costumes. but, Famous Barr (now Macy) use to have the most fantastic coupons which made prices beyond belief low. and I used to get my “Party/wedding clothes” at Stein Mart w/ their great coupons. shopping now limited to Walmart because I can use a scooter. I use to love finding “treasures” at garage sales and antique malls.
    Bargains make your heart sing, don’t they?

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      A jumper a week? I’m impressed. I couldn’t make a jumper over my entire lifetime. Seamstresses amaze me.

  16. Verna Smith says:

    Adorable doggies for holding earrings or bracelets are my guesses. The lovely pics of Sarah and blue skies were lovely on my phone. Hugs

    • Becky says:


      Those actually would work well for holding jewelry, wouldn’t they? I guess they could be multi-use doggie doodads!

  17. Anonymous says:

    A guess about the adorable doggies: bracelet or earring holders – Beautiful pics of Sarah on my phone! Hugs!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Purse hook to put on table to keep your purse off the floor.

  19. Wilma says:

    Knife rests. Coming out of lurkdom…

    • Deb P says:

      We still use them on holidays. I have several different kinds.

      • Becky says:


        I am so amazed to know that people still use them. What a dignified and fancy touch to add to a holiday table. I would love to eat somewhere that used them.

    • Becky says:


      Well, that comment was a win-win! First of all, I got a comment from a lurker. Hooray! 🙂 And secondly, you’re the first to guess the answer correctly. Kudos!

  20. Mel says:

    Ha – I was cheating and “googled” them and I couldn’t find them. Serves me right I guess. I was thinking maybe something to hold your cookbook open and then you could put your rings on their tail but I saw that they are selling as a pair and I don’t know why you would need both. You have me stumped. Beautiful pictures of Sarah as always.

  21. Dale Tousley says:


  22. jstory56 says:

    Drawer pulls?

  23. Elizabeth B says:

    Ring holder?

    • Becky says:

      Mel, Dale, jstory, and Elizabeth–love your guesses! I’m glad there was someone else who didn’t know. Now I don’t feel so alone!

  24. Norma says:

    Don’t care what the doggie doodads are for…they’re dachshunds, so I automatically LOVE them…I’m up to 7 doxies in our house now 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I thought about you when I saw them. And SEVEN doxies in the house? My hat is off to you. Enjoy all those babies!

  25. sharyn McDonald says:

    I would say about 90 to 95 % of my clothing comes from thrift stores too. Many are brand named items. Am finding out from talking to some ladies in church when I mention how much I like their blouse, skirt, dress, etc. they’ll tell me it’s from a thrift store. The dogs, well, they don’t look heavy enough in the front but the first thing that came to my mind was to hang a purse or like at Christmas time to hang something on the end.

  26. Kathy S says:

    My guess is a paper weight but I have not clue! They are cute!

  27. Jan Reuther says:

    Boot scrapers? Paper weights? Thingies to hold your book open to the page you want…two legs on each side of the binding? How about a hint…is a “pair” of the dogs a necessity to their intended purpose?

    Sarah always looks lovely, whether the background is blue, monochrome, or nonexistent!

  28. I can see the doggie doodads! Use as a shoe horn? Hold logs in a mini fireplace? lol I really don’t have a clue, but I love them!

    • Becky says:


      Well, actually I think I’ll have to share Jan’s (comment above) Most Creative Guess award with you. Holding logs in a mini fireplace is an excellent and entertaining guess!

  29. Sandra Gleason says:

    I would love to know what they are used for…I have quite a collection of wiener dog stuff. We have had 3 wiener dogs and the last one is now 20yrs!

  30. LeeAnne says:

    Couldn’t see the picture of the doggy doo-dads either. Love the pictures of the blue-ness, water and Princess Groovy Chic though! 🙂

  31. Ann Martin says:

    Pic did come through. I would put rings on the pup’s tail.

  32. Liz says:

    No doggie dodad photo but love seeing the blue skies and lovely Sarah. I miss her bangs! 9 inches of heavy white stuff here in our corner of MN. Gotta love March snow.

  33. Becky says:

    Sorry about the picture not showing up–working on it.

  34. Ann Martin says:

    Could not see a picture on my phone. Will try again on my desktop when I finish my volunteer shift at HRMC. Really like the b/w pictures of Sarah.

  35. Catherine says:

    No pic on mine either. But I did fill out your poll. Deceptive, however, as I buy sporadically and when I do, it’s usually very expensive. My usual haul are from Target sales and the like, and yes, thrift shops, though the pickings are slim in our area for my size and the type of things I seek. I outfitted my kids nearly entirely on hand me down give aways from others and the Salvation Army, but my husband has to go full fare as he needs the tall, big sizes and has to dress well for his job. Fit and quality has to be there so can’t stint a cent on his clothes,. That’s where most of our clothing money goes, not to me.

    • Becky says:

      Catherine, that’s a good point about buying coming in seasons and not so much month to month. I edited the post to reflect that. I also liked the part of the comment that said, “stint a cent.” Such an interesting pairing of words! 🙂

  36. Anonymous says:

    sorry but no pic here either….

  37. Jodi says:

    There’s no pic on my end?

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