It Doesn’t Take Much

January 12, 2015

There has been no word Sarah’s biopsy which is no surprise since they said it would take two weeks. But I guess I always hope for earlier news.

She’s in happy spirits and is surrounded by love and prayers from so many people, including our wonderful church family and our sweet blog friends. Thank you for all your compassionate, encouraging comments; I have read them all several times and will try to go back through and reply to some more when I have a chance.

Sarah drove me to church yesterday in her new car with her new driver’s license and her new sun glasses. 


Pretty spiffy young lady!

sarah car

Unfortunately, after putting aside our worries momentarily over the weekend (knowing a doctor wouldn’t call on a Saturday or Sunday) the worries hit me in the face again this morning when I walked into Sarah’s bathroom and saw her post biopsy instructions.

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Obviously, I had seen the paper before since I’ve been helping her all along, but the juxtapositioning of that paper along with all of her “regular life items” just hit me extra hard this morning. Nineteen and dealing with the possibility of breast cancer?  That is so young.  And so sad.

But there are still plenty of reasons for smiles, plenty of love to help dilute some of the anxiety.08-DSC_8646

And on the subject of smiles and love, I’ll use today’s post to finish writing about our Christmas visit with Nathan and Meagan.

All in all, we had a pretty quiet time; in fact, it was so quiet we came up with a new family slogan which was, “It doesn’t take much.” In other words, we are all easily entertained which is a very good thing!

The only out-of-the-routine thing we did was to visit the local aquarium.

It was a wee bit cool and a whole lot rainy (especially for the sun-baked Floridians) but we persevered and had a great time.



Noah LOVES water so he had a very large time with this exhibit.


Of course, his mama was right there to get pictures and his grandma was right there to get pictures of his mama taking pictures.  (It doesn’t take much.)


We happened to run across the moon in our travels through the aquarium  which was cool . . .


especially when Sarah lifted it all by herself. (She’s quite a bit stronger than she looks.)


We also encountered a ferocious hurricane which Nathan and Meagan decided to brave.  (The basic idea is to stand in a booth while air blows all around you, getting up to 80 m.p.h.)


Nathan and Meagan tried to get all the enjoyment out if it as they possibly could since entertainment opportunities weren’t coming along very often.21-DSC_8814

Can you tell the two of them have just a little bit of fun together?




Steve and Sarah tried it too but unfortunately I reset my camera and the shots weren’t quite as bright.


It was so wonderful to have the whole family together.


 Truly a treat!


After we had all gotten home from the aquarium, Noah got busy learning how to count to a thousand using just one finger.  He’s a very smart child.


And then one other night (in our rambunctious entertainment schedule) we bought some Dollar Store light sticks and went  out to the back deck to wave them around.

It doesn’t take . . . well, never mind.


Nathan, of course, had to insert a comedic element into the proceedings.


His son comes by his wackiness rather naturally.


Noah wasn’t all fun and games though; he was also quite helpful around the house.  When Meagan had swept up all the needles from the Christmas tree, Noah got busy and unswept them. I don’t know how Meagan manages to get anything done without him—he is very efficient!

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When Noah got all of his work done, he went upstairs and brushed his teeth . . .

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before settling in for a snuggle with Grandpa.



The next morning, it was time . . .

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for the good-byes.

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Love my little fella; love my family.

So blessed.

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26 comments so far.

26 responses to “It Doesn’t Take Much”

  1. Wow! For the first time ever, I totally see the resemblance between Nathan and Sarah. I thought the photo you chose as the “post photo” (the one of the person looking through two light-up necklaces) was Sarah!

    Continued good thoughts headed your way!

  2. Ann Martin says:

    Great pictures. The family time is fantastic and so glad all could be together. What precious memories.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh, that “it doesn’t take much is hilarious – my husband tells me that “it doesn’t take much to thrill you”!

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    wonderful pictures of Auntie Sarah and Noah,,, love abounds!

  5. beckylp says:

    I bet sweet Noah can entertain himself for hours with an empty box also. Sarah and your family is wrapped in prayer

  6. SueEllen says:

    What a fun post – thanks for the smiles! The picture of Noah in his hat with his cheesy grin is absolutely adorable (maybe my favorite Noah pic to date)! Continuing to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers…

  7. Kristina says:

    Love the “it doesn’t take much” slogan! How very true… I thought the dollar-store lights and the hurricane tube sounded like great fun!

  8. Linda in Pgh says:

    When you love and enjoy those you are with as much as you all do, it DOESN’T take much to have a good time! It appears you have all found the true meaning of Christmas . . . love not material things! Hugs, thoughts and prayers continue to be sent your way.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  9. Mel says:

    I love how little children are amused easily and it is sad that we all can’t be that way so I say way to go Smith Family. You show that it doesn’t take alot of money to have fun. Just being together works.

  10. Kim Waggoner says:

    Beautiful family. Joy is all around. God is with you…it’s obvious.
    Praying for you and all of yours 🙂
    With love,

  11. Tammy says:

    I miss you all so much! Thank you for keeping this lifeline (your blog) alive so I can keep in touch virtually! I love Sarah’s hair! She is so beautiful! Just like her momma!!

  12. Sending good thoughts and prayers. Hope you get results sooner than later! We are at the cancer treatment center inZion, IL right waiting for scan results for the mister. That Noah is a precious gem! What a blessing!

  13. Judy says:

    Thanks for sharing your lovely family. Having grandkids just make Christmas a little more special. Continue prayers for your family.

  14. Pam D says:

    The pictures of Noah and broom will quite likely be used in a slideshow at his wedding rehearsal some day. LOL! What a fun time you all had; filling up the tank so you aren’t running on fumes on this long road. Grateful for God who knows exactly what you need, and who provides it faithfully. He is good.. all the time.

    • Becky says:


      Noah’s wedding. Oh my. I can’t even begin to think that far ahead! But you’re right, seeing him sweeping the living room in a diaper would definitely be a crowd pleaser.

  15. Guerrina says:

    It doesn’t take much at our house either which I am very grateful for. Keeping you in prayer. WOW! Sarah…license…car…college… awesome . Love you guys!

  16. LeeAnne says:

    Your ‘It doesn’t take much…’ is akin to our ‘We could have fun in a brown paper bag’. 🙂 Being with family is just the best; no additional entertainment required!

  17. Jenny H says:

    I have an almost 2 year old, and it looks like he and Noah could be the best of friends. Noah has the same excellent taste in dinosaur PJs and a set of brooms was the favorite Christmas present in our house! 🙂

  18. Nicole says:

    Sounds like you had a wonderfully fun visit/christmas. Praying!

  19. Mary H says:

    Any time you feel down or a little uneasy, just gaze into those fascinating, wise beyond his couple of years, intense, sparkly blue eyes of Noah. Those eyes contain a lot of fun, love, serenity, knowledge and a glimpse of a Heavenly sky! What a great young man he is – and it is always best when it just doesn’t take much! Love the cleaning in a diaper – the only way to go!


    P.S. Sarah looks stunning in her shades and behind the wheel for her car. She must be turning some heads.

    • Becky says:


      Well, if Sarah IS turning some heads, no one’s said anything yet. 🙂 And you’re right, looking into the eyes of a child is the best therapy.

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