Doctors, Sunglasses, My Kids, and Airplanes.

June 1, 2017

The first thing on my Official Blogging Agenda today is to let you know that we got the heart monitor results back yesterday. I went with Sarah to the appointment and as we left the building, I couldn’t resist getting a picture of our two vehicles hanging out together such in a congenial manner.  (She had driven separately from work.)  

I was reminded of how many times over the past few years we have come out of our family doctor’s office with various worrisome things to contemplate and I was thankful for all the times those worrisome things turned out okay.

Thankfully, this seems to be another one of those times. Sarah’s heart monitoring tests showed that there doesn’t appear to be anything too terribly worrying going on.  She’s supposed to continue to track the times she has her occasional rapid heart beats and let her doctor know if anything gets worse or changes. She did have some skipped beats show up, but at this point, nothing more serious than that.

In two weeks, we will go to Virginia Beach to meet with a G.I. doctor for some other issues but so far, so good.


On A Lighter Topic

Steve found some matching t-shirts online that he wanted us to wear to his birthday party.  Unfortunately, they didn’t arrive in time but I had to share them with you anyway. They made me smile.

This is Steve’s . . .

And this is mine.  Isn’t that sentiment so very dear?



I am continuing to work a few hours a week at the daycare/preschool owned by a woman in our church.  Each day I go into work, I am put with a different age group ranging from birth to 4-year olds. My favorite group is the babies because there is nothing sweeter on earth than holding a sleeping baby

Those sweet feet!  Be still my heart.


In the next couple of weeks I have to do 10-12 hours of online training and take a CPR/First Aid Class as well as a SIDS class.  It’s interesting to learn something completely new and different from my usual realm of knowledge.


A Question

Steve made these sunglasses for the pilot of his radio controlled airplane.  Do you want to take a guess as to which common household item he made them out of?

If you guessed the lid of a disposable food container you are absolutely right! 

When the pilot came out of the box he didn’t have a Van Dyke so Steve added that.

He then created the sunglasses and also made a microphone. He is definitely gifted in the creativity department.



Special People

I share with you a lot of pictures of the grandkids but I wanted to share this recent photo of the grandkid’s parents.

Love these two!


 Cleaning Happiness

On Memorial Day, I spent several hours cleaning the house which  it desperately needed.  (Trust me on this.)

It’s always such a great feeling to walk into a newly cleaned and dusted room.  In fact it was such a great feeling, I decided to share the feeling with you. Ahhh . . .

As always, thanks for stopping by and being such a special part of the Smithellaneous community.



23 comments so far.

23 responses to “Doctors, Sunglasses, My Kids, and Airplanes.”

  1. Kari says:

    Good to hear that they didn’t find anything serious with Sarah’s results, especially from the night of the storm and the broken chair!

    Love your shirts and it looks so cute on you! Don’t usually see you in a tshirt, but it looks good.

    Clever ideas Steve had for his pilot!

  2. Wendy says:

    Praise the Lord that they found nothing serious with Sarah’s heart. Praying it all goes well with the next appt, too. your shirt was very cute! Steve was very creative with his pilot.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we are so thankful that, at this point, nothing is pointing to problems with Sarah’s heart. That would NOT be a good thing to be dealing with at 21!

      Steve is definitely a creative fella. Those are the kinds of things that really help him relax after a long day.

  3. krista121799 says:

    Praise the Lord for good results. I will continue to pray for your family.
    The second I saw the photo of you in your t-shirt, I said “Becky has lost weight, she looks FABulous!”

    • Becky says:


      How sweet of you to mention my weight loss. I have lost about 10 more pounds in the past few months (with ten more to go.) I ordered that t-shirt in a large, relaxed fit but unfortunately when it came, it was on the snug side. (And the company doesn’t do exchanges.)

      So I just “sucked it all in” to get the picture taken and hopefully I will be able to wear the t-shirt more comfortably down the road. 🙂

  4. Phyllis says:

    Glad to hear that they found nothing major in Sarah’s heart monitoring. I would agree with Rebecca on getting her thyroid levels checked. I have the opposite hypothyroidism and have been on meds for that for close to 10 years. Hope the GI appointment goes well.

    • Becky says:


      Sounds like the thyroid is a very “influential” part of the body. Will definitely look into that!

  5. Mel says:

    Good Morning Becky. Love the shirts and glad to hear that Sarah’s heart problems are not too serious. What is a “Van Dyke”? The only Van Dyke I know is Dick. 🙂 Steve is definitely creative and I would never have guessed that the glasses were made out of a lid. I had an Uncle that was a minister and when he came to visit from Manitoba one year, he was asked to give the sermon at our little church but he had forgotten the white collar part of his robe so he made one out of a Javex bottle and nobody knew the difference. 🙂 Have a great weekend.

    • Becky says:


      A Van Dyke is the official name for the beard/mustache combo the pilot is wearing. 🙂

      I love that your uncle made a clerical collar out of a Javex bottle. He and Steve would get along well! (Note: I Did have to look up what Javex is and found out it is bleach, like our Clorox. Learn something every day!)

  6. Jenna HOFF says:

    Hooray for the happy news about Sarah’s heart!!! ❤

    I also love the cool pilot, clean house and especially the awesome music shirt.

  7. SueEllen Williams says:

    So happy to hear that Sarah’s heart results are good! Steve’s pilot looks great – very creative! The t-shirts are cute and you look great in yours! As always, thanks for sharing your life with us.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Trust me when I say it is an honor that I get to share my life with my wonderful readers. And thank YOU for coming by to read!

  8. Catherine says:

    Great newes about Sarah!! Steve has so many great talents! And uses everyone of them well. I too love a clean room! It’s the best thing ever! Have a great weekend!

    • Becky says:


      Cleaning is not so much fun but having stuff clean sure is! (Actually, I really don’t mind cleaning that much. It’s a satisfying thing to do.)

  9. mrs pam says:

    happy for Sarah’s report.

    You sound like Pioneer Woman with your comment about babies and toes.

    love Steve’s creativity… although i didn’t guess the source of the glasses/

    One perk of living in my retirement community is housekeeping service every two weeks. Candy
    just left and now i can share your grateful-for-clean feeling.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      What a nice perk, having a housekeeping service. I think I could probably get used to that. Enjoy all that cleanliness! 🙂

  10. Ann Martin says:

    Glad for the good news. Steve is amazing! The shirts are awesome and I think you two wearing them together will be fantastic. Praying for good results with the GI doctor. Things keep rolling along. Enjoy your weekend. As always your pictures of family are tops, even though you did not take the parents one.

    • Becky says:


      How very true . . . things keep rolling along. In many ways, that is a comfort. No matter what comes up in life, life goes on.

      Waiting to hear news from when your tests are all behind you. Hugs.

  11. LeeAnne says:

    Yay! I’m so glad that the heart monitor didn’t reveal any problems! 🙂 Praying that the G.I. doctor can deliver the same news.

    My husband gets on the t-shirt kick for occasions now and then too. The last one he ordered me was a Denver Bronco Championship shirt. Just what every girl wants and needs. Lol.

    That Steve sure is creative…the pilot looks awesome!

    • Becky says:


      I’m not much of a t-shirt gal but I was willing to make an exception for that one. Such a sweet, sweet sentiment!

  12. Hi Becky

    Just a thought but has Sarah had her thyroid levels checked? I had hyperthyroidism (now hopefully cured) and my primary symptom was a racing irregular heartbeat, up to over 140bpm at times. I also had some problems with fertility and really light periods (which only came to light after we decided to come off contraception to try for a baby), and my endo said that that could have masked the symptoms for years as I had had similar issues in my teens but never resolved. I don’t know Sarah’s personal situation but the heartbeat issue sounds all too familiar, especially with no identified problem with the heart issue. Just a thought 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I didn’t know thyroid had such a strong effect on the heart; certainly worth mentioning to her doctor.

      I am so glad you discoverd what your problem was and have been able to take steps to resolve it. It’s wonderful to have good medicine and doctors, isn’t it?

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