Doctor Travels and Fun Travels

June 30, 2017

Sarah and I have had a couple of doctor jaunts in the past few days; one to a GI doctor in Chesapeake and another to a breast imaging center in Greenville.

Since I had a young and agile passenger with me on those jaunts, I had her leap in and out to pump the gas.  So nice to have a built-in assistant!

The GI doctor ordered blood work to check on a few things and started her on a few weeks of a proton pump inhibitor to see if that made any difference.  He wants to see her again in a month.

As for the Greenville appointment, Sarah had an ultra sound on the left side six months ago and they wanted to follow up on that.  In the meantime, she found another lump on the right side so she went to her doctor to have it checked and was told she needed an ultra sound on that side, too.  She has to go back in six months to be checked again, and then if everything is unchanged, every year after that. This girl of mine keeps her doctors busy!

In fact, it was just a little sobering on the trip to the GI doctor to watch her filling out all the forms they had mailed her. I watched as my 21-year old daughter checked boxes for all sorts of things including cancer, bone marrow transplant, surgeries, radiation, chemo, breast biopsies, ultra sounds, two colonoscopies, and the wearing of a Holton heart monitor.

She just takes it all in stride though, which is one of the many things I admire about her. In fact, she can even find humor in it all.  She told me a couple of Sundays ago, “Mom, I was talking to some older ladies at church and I was actually keeping up with them in the health ailment discussion.”  Gotta laugh.

If you’ve read about any of my own Greenville journeyings (to oncologist, rheumatologist, pulmonologist and reconstructive surgeon)  you probably know that one of the highlights of my trips there has always been getting to eat at Chick-fil-A.

Of course, Sarah and I big plans to eat there on Tuesday but when we arrived, the cars were backed up so far we couldn’t even get into the parking lot. Rather than trying to wend our way through the mess and the mayhem, we thought we would give the restaurant next door a try.


We LOVED it!

We were looking at each other while we were eating and saying, “Chick-Fil-WHO?”

This is obviously not food I would make my daily fare, but for a special treat on a trip to Greenville?  I am all about it.

Also, when we told them we had never been there before, they told us each to pick out a dessert for free.  Don’t know if all locations do that but give it a try.


In Other Sarah News

She is still working hard at Food Lion every day.  When you consider that she weighs 100 pounds and is five feet tall, it is impressive that she wrangles these big carts and containers all day long. (She also takes between 5,000 and 7,000 steps a day.)

After long days spent grappling with groceries, she especially enjoys outings last night. She and Steve had a pizza together and then went out for ice cream and a walk by the ocean.

They were eating on their own because I was out for dinner with a couple of friends. The restaurant (Pamlico Jack’s) was getting ready to close which is why it looks a little empty in this photo but it was a hoppin’ place most of the night. And those windows provide an amazing view of sunsets over the sound.

One of the women I was with was telling stories of how she used to wait on Andy Griffith when he came to the restaurant where she worked.  I love hearing local stories told by local people.


Fun Travels

With all the doctor travels we’ve had lately, I am happy to report that on July 10, we are embarking on some fun travels, namely, a road trip to Wisconsin.

And to add even more joy to the journey, a certain son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren  of Steve’s and mine will be coming to Wisconsin, too!  (Flying, not driving.)  Steve and Sarah haven’t been up there in five years; also, most of my extended family have never met Noah and Madison since Nathan and Meagan were newlyweds the last time they were there.

It will be downright deligthful to trade in doctor travels for happy travels.


And One Final Postscript

Many of you have seen the name Ann Draper Martin crop up as one of my most frequent commenters.

We met Jim and Ann when Sarah was in treatment and have been in touch with them all through the years; they are very special to our family.

Last week, Ann was diagnosed with breast cancer. And today?  It’s her 71st birthday.

Isn’t that just how it goes?

Sad days and celebratory days all blend together to create the shades of shadow and light that make up the moments of our lives.

Dear Ann–Steve and Sarah and I want to wish you the happiest birthday and we also want to let you know that we are with you in this cancer battle.  You have brightened the lives and lightened the loads of so many other people; now it’s time for all of us to do that for you.

Much love on this day as we get to celebrate YOU!


What about you? What is your favorite fast food restaurant?  Why?  


Do you have any fun travels planned for the rest of the summer?

24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Doctor Travels and Fun Travels”

  1. Katrina says:

    I am sure I would love that noodle place. I love noodles . My mother is Asian so she makes some delicious noodle dishes!

    I hope you will have a lovely time with your family. Happy birthday to Ann -wishing you the best in the battle .

    As for fast food I am not really into fast food to be honest – but! I admit I like good old McD! I used to love their chicken wrap but the stop selling them so now I eat chicken burgers . If I really sad my mother knows it will cheer me ip with French Fries and burger and cola . I don’t go there often only when my mother treats me!

    Sometimes in Copenhagen I will buy chili cheese tops for a snack at Burger King . But I prefer to spend a wee bit money and go to a Asian resturant once in a while instead of fast food . And no I am not trying to be over healthy I have a thing for drinking sweet stuff like cola, chai and bubble tea ^^ and ice tea .

    • Becky says:


      I’ve never heard of a chili cheese top but it sounds good!

      Asian food is always good and I agree–it’s definitely several steps up from fast food!

      Thanks for your good wishes for Ann; she is a special lady and you are thoughtful to send those wishes to her.

  2. Ann Martin says:

    Just had a chance to read all the blog and comments. Yesterday was a wonderful birthday and busy. Thanks so much, Becky, for the thoughts and prayers. The Smiths are so special to us. I greatly appreciate all the wishes and prayers from readers. Praying you will have a safe trip traveling and make lots of new memories with family when you arrive as well as memories on the road. I know we will enjoy the pictures when you return. Prayers continue to Sarah’s health issues. God is good and I keep remembering that. Hugs and love to all.

    I enjoy the Olive Garden and usually bring home enough from my one plate to have a second meal. Sometimes Jim and I have enough for both of us. We have a local hamburger place here called Second Street that locals enjoy and whenever someone comes back home to Roanoke Rapids usually one stop has to be Second Street. I enjoy it but do not go often because I try to do healthy eating instead of burgers. One of my favorites here is Ralph’s Barbecue. They have served the Red Skins (I am a Panther/Dallas Cowboys fan) and at one time did a lot of catering to them in DC. They have the best fried chicken which I do not do at home.

    • Becky says:


      I’m so glad the post made your birthday a little happier. The Smithellaneous readers are so thoughtful to chime in and wish you a good birthday and a successful treatment.

      I love Olive Garden too and you’re right. The portions are usually large enough to share or to take home for another meal. Saves calories AND dollars. A win-win!


  3. Brooke R. says:

    Hi Becky –
    I’m currently in Amman, Jordan visiting my best friend Mai and her extended family. This is my big trip for the summer. I leave Wednesday to get home, God willing, Friday. I’ve been here since the 23 June. It’s my 4th visit here and for the first time I rented a car. Jordan is a great country. My favorite fast food place? Probably Burger King. I don’t go there very often, but I enjoy it.

    • Becky says:


      How exciting to get a comment from Jordan! I can only imagine the wonderful time you have had with wonderful friends seeing a beautiful country. Renting a car would be quite a joy, enabling you to drive around and see whatever you would like. Such a great adventure for you; so glad you get to be there.

      I doubt they have Burger Kings where you are but I could be wrong. I know fast food has spread all over the globe!

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Oops, forgot to mention I got my first magic/magical top the other day at a thrift store. If it wasn’t for your pictures, would never have thought of getting something like that – to cover the flappyness that is. So glad you thought of that!!

  5. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Oh, yes, Noodles and Company, one of my favorite places. Love the Thai dishes – usually get the smaller dish, but could certainly do the larger one. Knowing all the places you have to go to see doctors, could only believe that the Lord is with you each mileage of the way. Hard to believe Sarah will soon have another birthday in August (we wonderful ones have birthdays in August). Thanks be to the Lord for His goodness through the trials, tribulations and the mountain tops too.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we certainly do put some doctor mileage on our cars. That’s one of the few drawbacks of living where we do; medical care is a good distance away. (Although we do go to a local doctor for check ups, dentists, eye care, etc.) Also, as pastors, when one of our parishoners has a surgery, it’s usually 4-hours round trip to go see them. Good thing we love to travel!

      I am so very happy that my post helped you find a Magical Outfit Maker! 🙂 That made my day!

  6. Kari says:

    Hoping you all enjoy the vacation in Wisconsin. My niece and her husband and three girls will be traveling to the Outer Banks during that time! It is a favorite vacation area for them. I can see why! We are busy preparing for our annual family fish fry.

    Don’t know why, since I love real Mexican food, but I do like Taco Bell occasionally. I really loved their strawberry fruitistas with real strawberries but, sadly, they discontinued them.

    Prayers for your friend Ann. My Nana was diagnosed with breast cancer in her eighties. She had lumpectomy and radiation and lived to be 98. Prayers too, for everything to work out well for Sarah. That is quite a strenuous job she has, I just assumed she worked as a cashier at Food Lion.

    • Becky says:


      The strawberry fruitista sounds wonderful; it’s always just slightly annoying when a restaurant discontinues something you really love!

      Sarah never has worked the register; she did scans for a couple years (which wasn’t as physically taxing) but this year they needed more help in stocking so that’s where she’s at. At least she’s staying in good shape over the summer!

      I hope your neice and family enjoy their Outer Banks adventure!

  7. mrs pam says:

    what a great get-away you all have planned.

    sure wish Sarah didn’t have so many medical issues!

    I like the Reuben at Culver’s on sour-dough, not rye.

    When I was in my 20s, and moving to an apartment, I think i had a Big Mac just about everyday for a month or more, as I moved in.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      I agree on two counts: I love Culvers and I do NOT like rye bread.

      I’ll bet after that first month in your apartment you did not eat a Big Mac again for a VERY long time!

  8. Wendy says:

    My prayers will be with Ann as she begins her battle! Sarah is sure a go getter. She keeps on truckin’ along 🙂 I hope the new protocol works well for her. How fun to head to Wisconsin. I am just next door in good ole Minnesota 🙂 Have a wonderful trip with the whole family there. I am not planning on going anywhere this year. I am taking a weeks staycation though in August and will work on my garden produce that will be ready to freeze down about then. Favorite place to eat? Hmm! I hit up Culvers, which just came to our town last winter. I like the kids meal of chicken strips, green beans and a scoop of their chocolate custard, Oh my goodness…:-) I also will grab a sub at Subway on occasion. But, I really prefer to eat at home.
    Have a great weekend and 4th of July.

    • Becky says:


      Steve was just saying this week that a staycation would be a wonderful thing to have, as much as he loves to travel. It seems like it’s just such a luxury to be able to stay home and do all the things that have been bugging you! Enjoy your garden time!

      Another Culver’s lover among the Smithellaneous community! Whenever we got to Wisconsin, We always go there at least once or twice.

      I’m with you–my favorite place to eat is home.

  9. LeeAnne says:

    A happy birthday wish to Ann, and prayers for her too as she endures treatments, etc.
    Also, I hope the new course of treatment for Sarah is successful.

    My favorite fast food restaurant is Taco Bell of all places. It’s cheap and really tasty. 🙂

    We already did some fun travels this summer. We took our two oldest grandchildren ‘on vacation’ (an overnight in Omaha). They met the criteria (MUST be potty trained…Gaga and Papa do not do diapers). Pony rides, paddle boats, and a Safari adventure followed by hotel and swimming. So much fun!! Then last week, we went to Colorado, my old stomping grounds. Spent some time with my dad, my brother and sister-in-law and then we all, (including kids and grandkids) went up to Breckenridge for a few days. We went on a train ride (steam engine and open-air cars!), golfed and hiked. The Rockies in the summer just can’t be beat! We have one final fun travel left which is up to South Dakota with a group of friends in July. Adults only, lots of laughs and even some golfing to do. We can’t wait!

    Enjoy your holiday weekend!

    • Becky says:


      I love the chalupa at Taco Bell. And as you said, the food is relatively cheap, too.

      I am incredibly jealous of your train ride in the Rockies. My heart’s desire is to ride a train across at least a portion of the country; to do it in the Rockies would be a dream come true!

      Enjoy your fun getaway in July. You’re blessed to have friends to do that with.

  10. My best to your friend, Ann, as she deals with the beast.

    I hope Sarah’s body settles down! Goodness!

    I’m partial to a couple of fast-food places, but I rarely eat at them. I like St. Louis Bread Company (Panera to the rest of the world) because they have *clean* food; Crazy Bowls & Wraps because their food is just delicious; and Subway, just because it’s decent food at a decent price. 🙂

    How exciting about the trip to Wisconsin!! I can’t wait to see the pics and hear the stories! 🙂

    We have two trips planned this summer:

    1. Roadtrip to Yellowstone. We’re timing this so the last day on the road is the day of the total solar eclipse. Our house is actually in the path of totality, but we’re headed west for “dark sky” country in advance of that so Mike can do some astro-photography. On the way out, we are planning to stop at a couple of Laura Ingalls Wilder places (Walnut Grove, MN; and De Smet, SD). We’ll also trek up into North Dakota and Montana as we head for Wyoming (checking off those states-visited on our map). Leaving Wyoming, we’ll duck into Idaho and then Utah before heading for our last night on the road in Nebraska. The “new states” for me on this trip are ND, MT, and ID. Once those are crossed off, I only need Maine, Alaska, and Hawaii! We’re calculating this will be about 3,500 miles in five days. LOTS of road time. 🙂

    2. Scotland and England in September. This trip is the “all about Harry Potter” thing I’ve wanted to do for years. We’re going to ride the Jacobite Steam Train in Fort William, Scotland; spend two days in Edinburgh; then take the train to London where we’ll see the play “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” and visit Warner Brothers Studio. We’ve been saving up for this one for over a year, once we secured tickets for the play (18 months ago!!!). As luck would have it, our friends from New Zealand are coming to STL for their son’s wedding, and their days in STL coincide with our days in the UK, so they’re going to be staying in our house. Win/win: they get a whole house for their family of five (instead of a hotel), and we get built-in cat-sitters. 🙂

    How is Steve’s hand?

    • Phyllis says:

      You must be from Missouri if you call it St. Louis Bread Company. That’s what it was when I lived in Springfield, then when I moved to Kentucky, it was Panera Bread.

    • Phyllis says:

      I like Noodles and Company also – there’s one about a mile from my office/home. I’ve had two dental surgeries since February and have had to be on a soft diet afterwards so their mac and cheese was great for me. Plus I’ve gotten some coupons in the mail so my friend and I split the ticket. I usually get the small size rather than the regular size. I also like Pie Five – pizza place where you walk along and pick your toppings. It’s ready in about 5 minutes. Panera is always good also and I like Culver’s fish and ice cream.

      Sarah is the same height as me but sadly, I carry much more than 100 pounds. I have three different heights of step stools plus a 6 and 8 foot ladder to make up for my lack of height.

      As for travel this summer, I’m not doing a lot due to the new car purchase in May. I do want to drive up to my niece’s soon to be college in Nebraska just so I can see where she’ll be furthering her education – I’m counting on some concerts this fall and next year so I’ll need to know where I’m going. I’m also going to the Mercantile in Oklahoma in September (The Pioneer Woman’s store). My cousin and I are driving to Tulsa, eating there and then going back to Bartlesville for the night. We hope to be at the store shortly after it opens the next day. I might take a couple day trips besides that. I was off last week but my week consisted of washing windows, mopping the kitchen floor on my hands and knees, defrosting the freezer, putting Liquid Gold on the cabinets, cleaning fan blades and all light fixtures, spraying the siding off, cleaning the top of the fridge, and cleaning the hutch – all at my parents house. I don’t consider that a vacation!

      Happy birthday Ann and prayers for a complete recovery!

      • Becky says:


        How fun that you are going to the PW’s store! Enjoy! It looks like a really cool place from the pictures I have seen.

        I bet your parents are enjoying walking around their sparkling clean house. If you did the top of the fridge AND the fan blades, you are a cleaning phenom! I am impressed!

    • Becky says:


      I agree with your Panera comment; they serve really tasty, high quality food. We don’t run into them a lot but am always happy whenever we do.

      3500 miles in five days? Good night! You two can flat do some driving. Sounds like such a cool idea to do the astrophotography during the eclipse. What a great adventure. I have actually been in Walnut Creek before. Lovely place.

      Enjoy your Scotland/Englad adventure. It’s extra fun to do something that you have been planning a long time. And how great to have built in cat sitters!

      Steve was supposed to have stitches out Wednesday but they are now saying they might take them out tomorrow instead. A slow process but at least the huge dressing is gone!

  11. Jim Martin says:

    Thanks Becky and your family are kind a special to us!!!

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