Diapers and Toothpaste

July 28, 2017

I am taking a break from Wisconsin Travel posts to share two stories of a different kind.

Meagan posted the first of the stories on her Facebook page a few days ago and it truly made me smile.  Here is what she wrote:

While in Wisconsin last week, the Lord used Grandma Campbell to remind me that God cares about the smallest of details in our lives.


After coming home I was trying to restock our house with groceries and needed baby items (one main item being diapers). I woke up yesterday morning and I was praying that the Lord would show me ways to stretch the money we allow in our budget. I had doubt in myself but full faith that the Lord would show up in the situation.


Moments later, Nathan called and said that his office had done a test on different brands of diapers and had them leftover. Since he is the only one in the office with small kids they gave them to us! They were the exact size we needed and not only did we get one bag we got FOUR!


God is ALWAYS more than enough. My faith has been built and my babies have diapers! Thankful for the provision of Jesus! 

Wasn’t that such a great story?

It reminded me of a similar thing that happened early in our marriage, which Mom had reminded me of when we were visiting her last week. (So funny that both of these stories were inspired by Mom–a woman of great faith and fervent prayer.)

When Steve and I were newlyweds, we made $50 a week as youth pastors.  He also worked a side job selling shoes while I cleaned houses. There was never any extra money in the budget. In fact, for the first few months of our marriage, we kept our meager wardrobes in brown grocery bags on the bedroom floor because we didn’t have money for a dresser.

One day Steve came home for lunch and after eating, went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.  I was sitting at the kitchen table wrestling with making my grocery list and my budget play nicely when I heard him holler down the hall, “Honey, put toothpaste on the list. I just used the last little bit.”

I grabbed my calculator, did a little adding and subtracting and finally yelled back, “Sorry. There’s no money for toothpaste.  We’ll just have to use baking soda until payday.”   (Neither one of us was a big fan of baking soda as a Colgate substitute, but it was better than nothing.)

Steve came back into the kitchen, kissed me goodbye and headed out the door to work.  About thirty seconds later, I was startled to hear him outside whooping and laughing.  It turns out he had checked the mailbox on the way to his car and had found a sample of tube of toothpaste inside.

That had never happened before that day, and it has never happened since.

In the midst of our newlywed budgetary challenges, Steve and I never failed to make giving to God and church a priority.  It’s just like Nathan and Meagan are finding out on their own faith journey: When we give to God, He gives in return and is faithful to meet our needs–often in the most amazing and  personal ways.

Like providing diapers and toothpaste.

What about you?  Have you ever had something show up at just the right time?  Tell us about it!  It might encourage or inspire another reader.

18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Diapers and Toothpaste”

  1. Guerrina says:

    I love to hear and am always encouraged by these testimonies of God’s faithfulness. One year I was let go from a job on December 1st. No money except child support which had to pay the rent and a little one to care for. I remember “telling” the Lord I was not going to tell anyone, especially my Dad, because He said HE would provide. Not long after in the mailbox was a Christmas check from my Dad for over 10 times the amount he would no normally send! I recall asking Dad why he sent so much and he had no reason except he felt like it.

  2. Karen says:

    Becky, thank you for these uplifting stories. The days I get a late start heading out the door or “think” I’m behind schedule I’m reminded of a story about a person who had a stressful day being “late” all day. Upon returning home asked God why he hadn’t helped the person get places on time. God’s response explaining each obstacle was put there to keep the person out of harms way. My job takes me into 8 grocery stores each month. I’m always amazed what I find in the “marked down” cart. More times than not it’s something from my grocery list allowing me to stretch my budget. When I was hired for this job wondered why and where it would take me, now it’s obvious. I am truly blessed.

    • Becky says:


      I love how you can find blessings, even in the marked down cart! (And bargain blessings are the best.) 🙂

      If all of us lived our lives seeing the hidden blessings everywhere, it would be a brighter world.

  3. Phyllis says:

    Mine is not a story of something showing up for me but how I was led to make something show up for someone else. In late 2012, a young couple from my parents’ church (J & E) moved to Greece to become missionaries in Athens. I had known the husband’s parents for years – his mother and I were in GA’s at the local Baptist Church. Within 3 months of them arriving in Athens, his dad was diagnosed with a fast moving cancer – as I recall multiple myeloma. I was already a monthly supporter of this couple but felt led to send an additional amount so that they might come home to be with his dad. They stayed about a month and returned to Greece for a short time. His dad took a turn for the worse and they returned to the States in late May. Again, I helped with another contribution. Within a week of getting to Missouri, hid dad passed away at only 56 years old. J’s grandfather had passed away not even 10 months earlier. He and J’s dad had run a business for over 50 years. J & E did not return to Greece but stayed in Missouri to help his mom, a widow at 55 to close the business down and go through years of memories. In late summer of 2014, they had their first child a little girl – A. They still had a heart for missions so after much prayer, decided to go to Germany where many of the Afghan people move after immigrating to Greece. In November of 2015, J, E and A moved to Berlin to become missionaries. Over the last almost two years, they have done language training and added a baby boy to their family. I’m not saying all this to pat myself on the back more to say that God heard their prayers and put it on my heart to help them.

    • Becky says:


      It’s great to read from a different perspective than the “reciever” of a gift. I love reading the story behind the story of how God provided for people who were in need. As you said, it’s not shared to pat yourself on the back but it IS an encouragement to all of us to be on the lookout for opportunities to give and to serve so that we can be the miracle in someone else’s life.

      I’m so glad to hear that this family is still serving; what an inspiration they are!

  4. Sharyn McDonald says:

    What a great story from Meagan – He always knows what we need and provides, sometimes in ways we never expect. Enjoyed your remembrance too.

  5. Ann Draper Martin says:

    The stories were so inspiring showing God’s love and care for us even in little things. I often pray for parking places especially when we visit the Veterans Hospital or Clinic. I can remember having no money and finding some in a purse or coat pocket that had been forgotten. God is good all the time. ??????

    • Becky says:


      I love the story about finding money in a coat or purse just when you needed it. I think it’s the timing of those things (like in my two stories) that mean more than anything!

  6. Donna says:

    Such wonderful stories of the Lord providing and working in mysterious ways!! Loved both stories!!

  7. LeeAnne says:

    What awesome reminders of faith and His provision! Just what I needed to read today. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I’m so glad the post was timely for you. I was going to tell some travel tales today but just thought I would do these two stories instead.

  8. Kristi Nave says:

    God always finds a way to provide. As we were troubled with the decision on sending our oldest to kindergarten at a non christian public school or a christian private school our answer came the next day in the form of a part time mostly work from home job for me. The pay matched exactly what we needed!

    • Becky says:


      What a great story!

      As I mentioned in another comment, it’s the timing of these “small things” in our lives that make them so meaningful.

  9. Ruth Rehberg says:

    Such good testimonies of how He is faithful to us. ” Take it to the Lord in prayer.” Ruth

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