EKG. A Blue Hat.

November 8, 2013

I had an unexpected EKG done yesterday afternoon. 

When that came out okay, I was given a hefty shot of Demorol in my behiney and sent home to sleep. When I woke up after 5 hours, I took a muscle relaxer and went back to sleep for another 10 hours.

And that’s how I spent my Thursday.

Fun, huh?

You might possibly be wondering what was behind all that medical drama?

Well, it was stress, I guess.  I’m in the middle of a wild, crazy schedule with varying levels of pressure and my body doesn’t seem to appreciate it. Usually, when I get overly stressed, my lower back goes out, I spend a couple of days in bed, and then I’m as good as new.

For some reason though, the stress showed up this time around as massive muscle spasms in my left shoulder, down my arm, into my neck, and a little bit in my jaw. Naturally, when a doctor hears those kinds of symptoms, she pretty quickly thinks of heart issues. Hence, the EKG.

After a long afternoon of pain and tears and saying, “Ouch, ouch, ouch” about a bazillion times, I finally got my Demerol shot and toddled off home with the intent of going straight to bed. Except that every time I lay down, my shoulder hurt all the more. And yet I was so tired and dazed (from the shot) that I absolutely had to lie down or I would fall down. Except that I couldn’t lie down because it hurt my shoulder.

Poor Steve–he wasn’t quite sure what to do with his babbling, incoherent, circling wife who kept wailing, “I want to lie down. I want to lie down.” And then he would get me into the bed and I would holler, “Ouch. Ouch. I have to get up!  I have to get up!

Thankfully for him and me both, after a few additional minutes of mumbling and circling had passed, the Demerol  really, really kicked in and I suddenly didn’t care if I was lying down, standing up or doing a tap dance on Main Street.  I was out. Gone. Asleep. And finally free of pain. Oh bliss.

After sleeping fifteen hours (getting up just once to use the bathroom) I am finally feeling fairly normal this morning.  The shoulder spasms have mostly stopped and I feel like I can face the day, albeit in a little bit of a groggy state. 

So. I’m thankful on this beautiful fall morning to be (almost) pain free and even more thankful that the pain turned out to not be heart-related which we were borth worried about for a while.

And just because I don’t want to leave you with an uninspiring medical scenario, I’ll close out with a few pictures of Sarah from her school’s most recent dress up day.  Because you can’t look at pictures of Sarah without smiling.






21 comments so far.

21 responses to “EKG. A Blue Hat.”

  1. Dale Tousley says:

    When I get really, really stressed out I get spasms in my upper back, toward the shoulder area as well, nothing as intense as you went through, but SO painful….glad you are feeling better.

  2. Lesley says:

    Well that sounded awful. I’m so glad it is over and you are somewhat back to baseline. I find that thinking something might be heart related further increases the stress that put you there in the first place. It’s a vicious circle! But you don’t want to minimize that possibility.
    So what’s the solution as far as lowering the stress? Is it possible? I have a harder time tolerating stress as I get older, purely a function of age…boohoo. I’m just not as resilient as I was ‘back in the day’.
    Hang in there Becky.

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, this whole aging process does change things a little, doesn’t it? Thanks for your words of empathy–you are so sweet.

  3. Liz says:

    Hope you are feeling much better and can find a way to not have it happen again. Keeping you in my prayers.

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    happy that you are heart healthy! and that you are feeling better.
    I can certainly identify with pain and sleeping.
    Unfortunately walking from one room to another wears me out, and I always have to nap as soon as I get home from the chiropractor. he wears me out, too!!!!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Yeah, chiropractor’s can really “whup up on you.” In a good way, of course. When Sarah was smaller she used to call them pyrocrackers. 🙂

  5. Jenna Hoff says:

    Wow, that must have been a frightening day. So glad your heart is okay and that your pain is much better. Take good care of yourself!! Let Steve and Sarah wait on you hand and foot for a few days! :o)

    • Becky says:


      Having Steve and Sarah wait on me is a very good idea! Sarah said she brought me some water while I was in my dopey state but I barely even remember her doing it. Oh well. It’s the thought that counts, right? 🙂

  6. Jan Reuther says:

    Becky, I’m so glad it wasn’t your heart, and so glad your doctor was right on top of things. Nasty about the symptoms that sent you there, and I hope you get a lot of relief very soon!

    Sarah is so adorable! I love the modeling she does for you, too.

  7. Anonymous says:

    sorry for such a bad day, try that chorus, “cast thy burden upon the Lord and He will sustain thee…”

  8. sharyn McDonald says:

    She is so pretty. Has she ever thought of being a model? Love your photos Becky, you just bring out e best in whatever you “shoot.”

  9. dmantik says:

    Oh dear. That’s awful. Sorry you had to go through all that nastiness. But very thankful with you it wasn’t heart-related. You take care of yourself or I’ll have to come down there!

    There. The very thought of my annoying self appearing at your elbow should be enough to send you right to the porch swing with a glass of diet Mt. Dew.

    Love deb

  10. nikkibasi says:

    I thought only my back went out when I was stressed! It’s such a strange phenomenon!! I am so glad your heart is ok, especially since I love to hear what’s on your heart! Take some “me time” and do some super fun stuff 🙂 PS You were right! Those were lovely pix you shared, and they DID make me smile! 🙂 <——-see??

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