Deep Calls to Deep

June 10, 2024

Today I’m taking a trip back three years to May 22, 2021, Sarah and Gage’s wedding day.  I came across the video that was played at their wedding and after re-watching it, I wanted to share it here again with you.

Just a little bit of history:

The song in the video was written by Steve, Gage’s dad (Stacy), and me.

Stacy and Steve sang it and Steve joined some other talented musicians as he played the bass and acoustic guitar.  (The professional photos were taken by Gage’s brother, Nick, and I put the video together.)

Sarah and Gage knew nothing about the song or video until a couple of days before the wedding. We called them into a room and let them (and the other gathered family members) experience it for the first time.

To say that there were many tears on many faces was an understatement. It was such a hugely emotional moment for everyone in that room who had so much invested in those two people.

Most of you know . . .

Sarah faced cancer as a child; her verse of the song (written by Steve) reflects that.

What some of you may not know is that Gage has osteogenesis imperfecta, more commonly known as brittle bone disease. He has broken over twenty bones throughout his life.  The first verse of the song (written by his dad) reflects some of what he has gone through as he has dealt with that disease.

In short,  Sarah and Gage understand each other like few others can because they both suffered greatly as children. That suffering has turned them into remarkable and compassionate people with depth and insight beyond their years.

They just celebrated their third wedding anniversary and, while they both continue to face ongoing physical challenges, the sweetness of their love and the beauty and depth of their relationship shine all the brighter because of the struggles.

I hope you enjoy their story told in this song, Deep Calls to Deep.

What about you?

Is there something you went through in your past (either as a child, teen, or an adult) that made you the person you are right now?

It might have been a physical/medical challenge or something else altogether.

17 comments so far.

17 responses to “Deep Calls to Deep”

  1. Marylea says:

    That was beautiful and brought some tears. I have severe scoliosis that was diagnosed when I was 12. I wore a back brace for 4 years. Those braces were big and bulky compared to what is used now. I think that I was so self conscious then that it attributed to my many years of introvertedness (is that a word?) Currently I am dealing with possible dementia/Alz. I had a blood test on Monday. Hopefully it will give some answers. 🙏

    • Becky says:


      The teen years are tough as it is; I can’t imagine how difficult that season was when you needed to wear the large back brace. My heart is so drawn to people who have had to deal with things like that. I think it gives you extra depth of character and so much compassion.

      I looked it up and introvertedness is actually a word. If it wasn’t, I was going to declare it to be. 🙂

      Hoping you get good news back from your tests!

  2. Amy says:

    Such a beautiful song, video, and story!

    • Becky says:


      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and leaving such encouraging words. I see you are at Duke; one of our favorite places!

  3. Robin says:

    What a full range of experiences they have shared together.
    I have suffered from serious mental health challenges and have been hospitalized many times for weeks to months at a time. My perspective of the world and people has definitely been shaped by those experiences.

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for sharing your story and for speaking openly about mental health challenges. So often, those are swept under the rug and they shouldn’t be.

      I can only imagine how much your perspective has been changed and shaped over the years by what you’ve been through.

      I appreciate you, through the fifty comments that you’ve left over the years, being such a valued part of the Smithellaneous community.

  4. LeeAnne says:

    Three years already!! Beautiful song, beautiful couple! Happy anniversary Sarah and Gage!

    • Becky says:


      It was such a joy to have a part in writing the song to honor them. Those three years have passed quickly!

  5. SueEllen says:

    Wow – that three years passed quickly. The video is still just as moving now as then. Happy Happy Anniversary to the precious couple!!

  6. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    What a wonderful tribute to both of them!

  7. dmantik says:

    Gage and Sarah certainly are remarkable and compassionate people, as you said. I enjoyed seeing the video and hearing the song again. So well done by all of you!

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      No matter how many times I watch that video, my heart is still moved each time. It’s amazing the beauty that suffering can birth.

  8. Dale Tousley says:

    That was stunningly beautiful, poignant, happy and sad, I now have tears streaming down my face. I have been following your journey for many years now, from before you even moved to Manteo and I am so happy for how everything turned out for everyone.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much for following along for so long.

      Your words, “beautiful, poignant, happy and sad” summed up the video perfectly.

  9. Steve Smith says:

    Whoa; so many memories, good and bad, are wrapped up in the song and video!

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