The Day I Got Fired By My (Plumber) Husband

March 10, 2017

On Steve’s recent day off, he decided to replace the faucet in Sarah’s bathroom.


After he had been working for a while he hollered, “Honey, will you please come here and help me with something?”

I forthwith appeared obediently in the bathroom, curious as to what sort of Important Plumbing Task I might be entrusted with.


As it turned out, Steve had disconnected the sink trap, which is the elbow-y looking thing that can be found under a sink.


From my (limited) understanding, a sink trap somehow keeps sewer gases from seeping back up into the house and also collects yucky water consisting of tooth brushing spit and other assorted, um, stuff. ( I trust I am not being too technical for you.)

That basically means that the water in a sink trap would not normally be described as pristine by any stretch of any imagination.

Also, as it turns out, when a sink trap is removed it has to be held carefully upright because a good bit of the aforementioned icky water will remain in the trap.

And so. When Steve called so plaintively for my help, it was because he was lying under the sink on his back like
this . . .


and was carefully holding the plastic elbow thingie in the widely prescribed upright manner.

As I bent down to take the sink trap from him, he proceeded to instruct me in the most knowledgeable and sonorous of tones, “Becky, just take this trap over to the toilet, dump out the water and bring it back to me.”

I carefully retrieved it from his outstretched hands while thinking to myself, “Hmmm. It appears as though Steve isn’t thinking very clearly right now. Otherwise, why would he tell me to walk all the way across the bathroom to dump out nasty water when there is a perfectly good sink right here in front me?”

And so, feeling especially pleased with myself for being so efficient and proactive in my Plumber’s Assistant Career, I leaned forward and happily dumped that ol’ slimy water right down the drain. As I did so I blithely inquired, “Steve, why would you want me to walk over and dump this is in the toilet when there is a sink right here in front of . . . .“

Then I trailed off miserably and said, “Oh. Right.”

There was absolute silence in the bathroom for about five seconds. Well, I should say that there was silence except for the squelchy sounds of my hapless husband’s head squishing around in the depths of the water he’d been so recently baptized in.

And then? After the silence?  There were five minutes of hysterical laughter.

Those were followed by me asking my patient partner-in-plumbing, “Does that mean that I’m fired as your assistant?”

And I’m sad to report that I really was fired. Sort of.

However, it appears to me that firing no longer means what it used to mean back in the day. Because somehow, even in my Officially Fired State, I was still summoned throughout the day by Mr. Plumber  to hand him things or hold things while he worked on various, mysterious projects.

So what’s a girl gotta do around here to get herself fired for real? I mean, look at my working conditions! I have to share space with a man who spends his time pretending that the old faucet paraphernalia is growing out of his  nose?



Oh well. I still  think I’ll keep him.

He doesn’t eat much and he’s really good help around the house.


(This was  first Posted on Smithellaneous in April, 2015)


And just in case we need one more opportunity to smile . . . here is that grand girl of mine.  You can just see that sparkly personality in those beautiful eyes!


Before I close . . .

here is something I wrote on Facebook yesterday about Sarah.

Sarah is home on spring break.

She didn’t feel well last night and got up to make peppermint tea. After the water had boiled and she had poured it into her cup, she passed out on the kitchen floor.

She woke up, stood back up, and tried to pick up the cup of hot water again only to pass out again. When she woke up the second time, the oven door was open so she must have grabbed it going down.

She had her phone with her and called Steve and me (we were in bed) because she couldn’t get up from the floor on her own.

Chills, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness . . . the flu has definitely arrived. I am just so thankful she was not seriously burned trying to pick up that cup of boiling water when she passed out.

Sarah will head back to school early Monday morning for her last 8 weeks of this year.  

Growing up, growing smart, growing away  . . .  just the way she should be. But still a little melencholy for this mama.

What About You?  

Are you a spouse-helper when it comes to fix- its or repairs? Or maybe you are the one who does the repairs. (If so, my hat is off to you.)  

Have you ever had a similar situation as in this post when things did not go quite according to plan?   You probably didn’t laugh about it then, but hopefully can laugh now. 🙂

27 comments so far.

27 responses to “The Day I Got Fired By My (Plumber) Husband”

  1. Kari says:

    You must have been frantic at Sarah passing out like that. Hope she is feeling better and that you and Steve didn’t get it.

    That smile on Madison would light up a room!

    Oh, did I laugh at your plumbing assistance! Ugh, that stuff in the drain/pipe is absolutely disgusting! My husband just cleaned out our drain a couple days ago as it was getting sluggish.

    Projects around here – he does some, I do some, and some we do together!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, that was definitely worrisome when she passed out twice–especially near boiling water!

      Sounds like you have a good division of labor worked out around your house. I love that you do some of your projects together; nice spending that time.

  2. Sharyn McDonald says:

    When we bought our townhome, we bought it with the basement unfinished – it was something my husband wanted to do. Needless to say, we were at Menard’s and Home Depot many times buying things he needed, including sheetrock, which I helped to carry. I only helped to put up a couple pieces in the basement (had posted sometime ago that we went to New Orleans and helped clean up there and I did A LOT of sheet rock), but, except for the carpeting, he did the whole basement. The inspector was impressed! You also have a husband that is a jack of all trades – way to go Steve! And I’m so glad Sarah is much better.

    • Becky says:


      Isn’t it lovely handing a handyman for a husband? Sounds like he did an truly great job in the basement if the inspector was impressed!

  3. I’ve almost done that myself. Lol. Great story I laughed out loud for about a minute as I pictured thar event.

    • Becky says:


      So glad you enjoyed the story; thanks so much for taking the time to let me know.

      With all the fixit stuff you do, I’m sure you could especially relate. 🙂

  4. mrs pam says:

    chuckled again over the sink tale.

    why in the world did Sarah have her phone with her in the middle of the night? thankful she did, and that she is ok now.

    • Hi, Mrs. Pam!

      I had my cell phone with me in the middle of the night because when I went downstairs to boil the water for my tea, I was going to look at my phone while I waited. Thank the Lord, I had it with me so I could call my parents!


    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Thanks for the birthday card and the funny story. I LOVED that!

  5. Ann Martin says:

    I remember driving the tractor for my Daddy so we could dig potatoes. I did not drive in a straight row so he was not pleased but he could not replace me. He was using the plow behind the tractor and I was the only one at home to help. Mama did not drive it and my siblings had all moved away. I was teaching school and living at home. In the past I have helped Jim when he was in good health and usually did not know what he wanted. I would hand him the wrong tool. Prayers that Sarah is better and you are in better spirits.

    • Becky says:


      Driving a tractor is quite a bit job for a young woman! I wouldn’t have driven in a straight now either–believe me!
      Sarah is feeling much better; fortunately, it seemed to the 24-hour version of the flu.

  6. Lesley says:

    Haha Becky, I could quickly see where this was going. Were you the one who was laughing or was it Steve? or both? So funny and yet….not 🙂 A sense of humor will get you through just about everything, I have found.
    I hope Sarah is feeling better and that she was not so generous as to share it with you.
    Grandbaby is beautifully spirited.

    • Becky says:


      Well, it was pretty much both of us laughing because . . . well, what was the alternative? And the more we laughed, the funnier it got. 🙂

      Thankfully Sarah is making a speedy recovery. She must have had the 24-hour version.

  7. Wendy says:

    I used to help out before we divorced, not always to a good end. It seemed I didn’t do it right…!! But, we also did some remodeling and I pulled down walls, and ceilings etc. I love to deconstruct 🙂 But, I laughed again reading your post, oh my gosh, soo funny.
    So glad Sarah wasn’t burned or injured when she passed out. I would have never had my phone with me to call someone, so thankfully she had it. Hope she is feeling better now. Little miss Madi is so stinkin’ cute!

    • Becky says:


      I admre any woman who is good at deconstructing, epsecially pulling down walls and ceilings. Those jobs are way beyond my comfort and skill set.

  8. Steve says:

    Great memory.

  9. Robin says:

    Plumbing work sounds like fun lol. Hope Sarah feeling better.

  10. Jenna HOFF says:

    Sorry to hear it was a tough week. I hope it is followed by a lovely weekend. Thanks for sharing such a hilarious story.

  11. LeeAnne says:

    You are right….this post definitely made me smile! I remember when you originally posted it. I sat and laughed out loud!! I do believe that Steve was much more gracious about it than my guy would have been. 🙂
    I’m so sorry Sarah was sick and the passing out thing is just plain scary. She could have really gotten hurt. 🙁 I hope she is feeling better each day.
    8 weeks left?!? Only 8?!? Where did the time go??? As always, thanks so much for sharing. It is such a joy to see her being just a normal college student!
    And finally, Miss Madi is just plain precious. So sweet!

    • LeeAnne says:

      Oh, and yes, I am definitely a helper. We seem to have done it all. (We have lived in this house since 1982 and we have redone every room in the house, except the basement, and added on to the house 2 times. SO. MUCH. WORK.) Our current project is remodeling the basement. I helped gut it and tomorrow morning I will be helping carry and hold sheet rock. Fun times!

      • Becky says:


        I am impressed by the skills you and husband have; sounds like you make a great team in order to have accomplished everyting you have since 1982.

        I hope you have taken plenty of before and after pictures to showcase your talents!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I am very grateful Sarah did not seriously burned with all that falling down she did. She must have had a 24-hour version because she is back to abouo 80% today. Still a little weak and lethargic but much better!

  12. Margie says:

    When my husband does repairs I go upstairs or outside, there is too much drama for me. I like it best when we can just call somebody to come fix it.
    Hope Sarah is feeling better today.

    • Becky says:


      I’m with you. My preference would be to always be entirley out of sight and sound of any renovation/fix it project. I always jump in there quickly if Steve needs something but then go back quickly to my quiet, peacerful corner till it’s all over. 🙂

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