Dancing in the Rain

March 25, 2021

(Some of you read a portion of this post Monday before I temporarily took it down. There has been quite a bit added since then.)

Two weeks ago, when Sarah asked me to feel a lump she had found in her abdomen, I told her it would be good to have her doctor check it, just for everyone’s peace of mind. Even though I spoke as nonchalantly as possible, I definitely felt a pang of worry.

Sarah went with Gage to our family doctor who told her they would try the simplest solution first.  She said sometimes a bit of stool can get stuck and feel like an unusual lump so she put Sarah on a bowel cleanse, similar to a colonoscopy prep.

Sarah had made a follow-up appointment for two days later and then belatedly remembered that she would be out of town day. When she called back to reschedule, they didn’t have another opening for at least a week.

She wasn’t real thrilled about that but went ahead and took the appointment. When the day of the originally scheduled appointment came, we were eating dinner when she started to cry. She said, “I just don’t think I can stand waiting an entire week for the next appointment. It’s too stressful.”

The words were barely out of her mouth when a call came through from Dr. Sumners’ office.  Turns out Dr. Sumners had been looking for Sarah all day and finally checked the schedule and saw that Sarah had changed her appointment.  She instructed her staff to get Sarah in the next day whether there was an appointment open or not.

The next day when Sarah and I showed up at the newly appointed time, I was doing my best to think positively, hoping that Dr. Sumners would say, “Yes, the lump is just about gone,” or “I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Let’s just watch it for a while.”

Instead, she immediately said, “Sarah, I’ve been doing a lot of reading and researching since your last visit.  From what I understand, it would be highly unlikely to relapse with neuroblastoma this far out from your original diagnosis. My bigger concern is about secondary cancers.”

When she checked the lump and saw it hadn’t changed, she told Sarah she wanted her to have immediate bloodwork, urinalysis, and a CT scan. She said she would send the CT results to a local oncologist, just to have an extra set of eyes on things.

As you can imagine, all four of us were more than a little anxious after hearing that report.

That appointment was last Wednesday and that evening, we had our usual small group at church which focuses on scripture reading, prayer, and worship. During the meeting, Sarah told our wonderful church family about the worrisome medical things going on.  When she was done sharing,  they all gathered around her and Gage and prayed and cried with them for a long time. Both she and Gage said that at the end of that prayer, they felt such a wonderful blanket of peace settle over them.  Their eyes were clear, hearts were steady, and hope was strong–regardless of what the tests revealed.

The CT was scheduled for this past Monday up in Chesapeake, VA. Gage (who has been a rock through all of this) went with her.  The next morning, Dr. Sumners’ office called Sarah and asked if she could come in that afternoon for the report.

I felt a shudder go through my mama heart when Sarah told me about the call because I knew that good news is usually given over the phone and bad news is given in person.  Steve and I were in Greenville where I was having an endoscopy and wouldn’t be home in time to go with her.  Instead, Gage took off work early so he could go.

When Dr.  Sumners came into the room she said with great compassion,  “I’m afraid I have bad news for you.” Sarah told me Gage immediately took her hand and stood protectively by her side.

Dr. Sumners said that the CT showed several places “highly suspicious for malignancy.”  The 4-inch mass in her abdomen and some areas on her liver and her spine were among the spots mentioned.

Dr. Sumners gave the rest of the report with tears in her eyes, reflecting Sarah’s and Gage’s own tears. When she was done she said, “I know I’m not supposed to do this, but can I please hug you both?”

They gladly took the hugs, gladly took the comfort of a doctor who has been seeing Sarah since she was fourteen years old and has watched her thrive,  full of life and free of cancer.

While they were still with the doctor, Steve and I arrived home and set ourselves up in the living room to wait,  the ticking of the wall clock marking the passing anxious minutes.

When they finally came home they were crying, holding hands, with the CT report clutched in Sarah’s hand. They gave us the news and then the four of us hugged and cried a long time as Steve and Gage prayed. Then we sat, numb and shaken, in the living room, trying to wrap our minds around what we had just learned.  It touched my heart when, through tears, Gage once more verbalized his love and commitment to Sarah saying, “You’re stuck with me for a very long time. I’m not going anywhere.”

And another poignant moment was when, in the middle of all our weeping, Sarah suddenly turned to me and said, “Mom, I forgot to ask. How did your appointment go today?”

If anything, her brave thoughtfulness made me cry even harder. For her to take the time to raise herself up out of her own situation to look into mine truly touched me.

Then we had the task of making phone calls to the people dearest to us: Nathan and Meagan, Steve’s mom and my mom, Gage’s parents, Sarah’s friend Hope, and others.  Through all the telling and all the tears, I was reminded over and over again how much Sarah is loved by so many.  And that reminder held me steady, calmed my heart, brought me a quiet joy.

I can’t tell you how sad I feel having to follow up the joyousness of Tuesday’s post with the sorrow of this one.  And on that subject, it was a bit of a strange feeling yesterday replying to the many wonderful comments that you all shared about the engagement. I was responding to joyful sentiments with a hurting heart, but I wanted to be sure that I acknowledged each sweet comment.  Your joy over Sarah and Gage’s joy has been absolutely wonderful and has meant so much to them.

And speaking of the engagement, here’s a photo of Sarah and Gage last Sunday making their announcement to big smiles and great applause. Our church fell in love with Gage from the first day he came to visit and they are over the moon that he and Sarah are getting married.

These photos make me happy because they show the golden moments before the CT scan, before the results, when they were just two people in love, without the specter of illness hanging over them.

And here’s one more from the engagement shoot just because we can all use another dose of their sweet joy.

Last night, as I was pulling out of the driveway to go to church, I was brought up short by the sight of this small car in the driveway with stickers from two different colleges on the back.  I immediately thought back to this post and was in tears all over again.

As Steve shared the CT results with our church family in our group last night, they once again responded with strong tears and strong prayers.  Steve and I stood in the circle of those prayers and listened to people committing to standing with us through everything that was to come–a calm harbor in a strong storm.

This picture ain’t purty, but the swollen eyes were a result of tears shed in that circle of friends–good tears of release and peace and the knowledge that our family will not be going through the storm alone.

 So what’s next?

Well, the first thing on the agenda is that Sarah and I are going to take a mama/daughter road trip today.  We don’t know how soon the appointments will start piling up and we want to grab this precious in-between time for just the two of us.

Then this weekend, Sarah and Gage will go stay with his family in Fayetteville and attend his family’s church Sunday morning. It will be good for Gage, especially, to be back among his tribe and for him and Sarah to be encompassed by the love and prayers of the people there. It will also be the first time the family and church have seen Sarah since they got engaged, so there will much celebrating, as well.

On the medical front, Dr. Sumners wants a biopsy and bone scan done as quickly as possible so we know what kind of cancer we’re dealing with and what a treatment plan will look like. We are waiting on the scheduler from Duke to call and start setting up those appointments.

I have no idea what I’ll be writing to you wonderful readers in the days to come but whatever it is, I know that the blanket of peace felt in those prayer meetings will still be draped over the shoulders of all of us who love our girl and her guy so very, very much.

When I was talking with both of them about what to call this post, Sarah suggested “Dancing in the Rain.”

Which reminded me of my favorite photo.

photo credit: Nick Long (Gage’s brother)

Which made me smile. And right now, smiles are the rarest, truest treasures.

I have no doubt that the love these two share will keep them dancing–dancing through any storm, dancing in the rain. 

96 comments so far.

96 responses to “Dancing in the Rain”

  1. Robyn says:

    Sarah, Gage, and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Wendy says:

    I have been reading all the posts and have been praying and crying my way through them.

  3. Michelle says:

    I am a frequent reader and have been reading for many years. Although I don’t usually comment, I am praying for Sarah and hoping for complete healing. I am also praying for all of you because I know it is equally painful for you.

  4. Jessica says:

    Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. I have been a blog reader for probably 12 years, but not a frequent commenter. I feel like I’ve watched your sweet daughter grow up through your blog. I am praying!

  5. Cheryl says:

    I’m so terribly sorry to see this news. My heart aches for y’all. Praying for peace, comfort, and grace during this difficult and frightening time.

  6. Sumathi Iyengar says:

    Hi Becky, It was so beautiful to follow along, see Sarah in love and get engaged to Gage and so happy for Sarah. Just heartbroken for Sarah, for Gage and your family. Holding you all close and keeping Sarah in my prayers as you go through this. Take care.

  7. Alisa Doucette says:

    I have been following your family since Caring Bridge but I believe this is the first time I’ve ever commented. I have been praying for Sarah and your family since then. I am praying even harder now. I am so happy your family has so much support and Sarah has Gage. Congratulations on their engagement!
    There are no words that will ease this journey, but maybe just knowing that you have one more person thinking of you and sending love and positive vibes helps.

    • Becky says:


      I am always so happy to hear from a first-time commenter. Thanks for introducing yourself and let us know you’ve been a part of the Smithellaneous tribe for so long.

      And yes, knowing about one more person is always a great encouragement.

  8. dmantik says:

    We love you guys. ❤️❤️

    Randy and Deb

    • Becky says:

      Randy and Deb,

      That feeling is returned a hundred times over. Thanks for being rock solid for us.

      See you at the wedding!

  9. Ellen W says:

    So many others have made this clear already, but I want to add my voice to the chorus. Know that your “blog family” is among those who are encircling your “blood family” with love and prayer right now.

    My husband and I live in Raleigh and work in Durham, and if during your medical visits any of you need a place to stay, a meal, or anything else, it would be our pleasure to be available. I mean that.

    • Becky says:


      I am so touched that people whom I have never met would be so generous in offers of stays and food. And I loved your phrase, “blog family.” That’s just what it is!

  10. With tears trickling, I keep whispering, “Please God, give them a miracle.” Love and prayers always.

  11. Karen says:

    Dear Becky, Sarah, Gage & Steve, I am so excited to hear the engagement news and the roller coaster of life sad to hear Sarah’s medical news. Will be saying prayers for all of you through this time. Becky you will never know how much your words have helped me through my roller coaster of life. Thank you!

  12. Sarah says:

    Sarah is in my prayers! ❤️

  13. Nancy Irving says:

    I too have no words to express how I feel, so, I am sending healing thoughts and prayers and lots of love too, to all of you. Xoxo

  14. Patricia Dyer says:

    Oh Becky -As an oncology nurse, this is a post I’ve been dreading since your earlier post on Monday …my heart and my prayers are with you all as you navigate this hard road – with all the advances in treatment,I’m praying that positive solutions will be available for Sarah..”When I am overwhelmed,You alone know the way I should turn” Ps.142:3. May you all feel His love and comfort each moment.

  15. krista121799 says:

    No words, just prayers… lots of them! For you all. And keep dancing in the rain!!!

  16. Olivia says:

    Been following you since CaringBridge, rarely commented. But. We sometimes exchanged messages on Fb and – above all – you helped me a lot during my mother’s illness. I re-read some of your old posts just recently – while waiting for scan results – and I was once again impressed by the grace and courage (and humour!) with which you and your sweet family faced adversities. My heart is broken for you right now, but I’m also confident you guys will ge through this as well.
    As you might remeber I’m not the praying type, but I am thinking of you. Plese keep us updated. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      It’s great to see your name pop up; thanks for checking in!

      I’m so thankful our correspondence and this blog has been helpful to you through the years. Thanks for letting me know.

  17. SueEllen says:

    I was so excited to read about Sarah & Gage’s engagement, then so heartbroken to read this post. It’s hard for me to put my care and concern for you all into words; Even though we’ve yet to meet in person, you, Sarah, Steve and the whole Smithellaneous family are so loved and cared about. You all will remain in my prayers along with Sarah’s medical team.

  18. Debbie Couture says:

    I am so sorry that his is happening at such a wonderful time in Sarah and Gage’s life. I know that prayers will get you all thru and I will add mine too. God bless.

  19. Becky says:

    My heart hurts for you all. I will be praying for Sarah and each of you for peace and wisdom for all the days to come. God bless you all!

  20. Becky says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for the words of love and support that have been poured out to our family today. We are so grateful for this Smithellaneous tribe and the way you are standing with us through this “rain dance.”

    I may not be able to reply to every comment, as much as I would like to. I will try to reply to as many as I can.

    Again, thank you from all of us–Steve, Becky, Sarah and Gage. We love you!

    • DeLynn says:

      Becky, I suspect I speak for all of us who read your blog and are praying for your family, that there is absolutely no expectation nor need of a response to our comments. Please don’t let that be of any burden to you.

  21. Marjie Rinehart says:

    Becky, I am so shocked and sad for you. You are in my prayers. Hugs from Iowa.

  22. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Was so saddened to hear the bad news. When praying for you and Steve, and I have thanking the Lord for Sarah and all that she has gone through and the wonderful healing that she has experienced. Now I will re-add her to the list for prayer. Thankful we have the great Physician who heals ALL diseases. Thankful also for doctors who care and have concern for Sarah and will do everything in their power to do the best they can to cure this disease. Blessings to Gage and Sarah and Congrats on their engagement.

  23. Michele says:

    I have no words right now. I am so very sorry to hear this news. I know I’ve never met you but I feel like I know you. . I’ve been following Sarah for many years, since caringbridge, momsand truly never expected to see this post. She is so full of life and so happy with Gage this is just so unfair. I will be praying for Sarah and for all of you.
    I really don’t what else to say except I am sonsorry this is happening and I know Sarah will keep dancing !

  24. Ruth rehberg says:

    The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
    his mercies never come to an end.
    They are new every morning,
    Great is thy faithfulness, oh Lord.


  25. Peggy Shepard says:

    i’m heavy hearted with this news. But we serve a great healer and commit Sarah into his healing hands. God be with you all!

  26. Jennifer says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this news. I have been following your blog on and off for many years. Life gets in the way and I go a long time between visits, but something told me to check in today. I will pray that Sarah and Gage have a long, happy, healthy marriage and that love envelops all of the Smiths, today and every day.

  27. Michelle Zammat says:


    I’m heartbroken for you guys. I have been following blog for several years (like 2004 maybe). Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Congratulations on Sarah and Gage’s engagement!! So excited for them 🙂 They are a lovely looking couple.


  28. Sandra Cline Honbarger says:

    Hugs and Prayers 🙏🏻❤️

  29. Gayle in AL says:

    Becky, I am heartbroken to hear this news. I’m so sorry for all of you. I know God must have put Gage in Sarah’s life at the perfect time, knowing how very much she would need him. I’ll be praying for Sarah and your family, and I know that God’s arms are wrapped tightly around you all.

  30. Linda Wellendorf says:

    Even though I have been silent forever it seems, I have not missed a single post and have traveled the Smithellaneous road hand-in-hand with you through the ups, downs, joys and sorrows.

    My tears fall today with yours, and my prayers are with you all for strength, hope, peace and healing. Sarah is one tough cookie. We will all pray and love you through this. Much love to all, especially to sweet Sarah and Gage. Please let me know how I can help.

    Linda Wellendorf

  31. Liz says:

    So, so saddened to hear this news at a time when all should be joy in your lives. I know she will fight as she has had to in the past. Sending my prayers.

  32. Ilana says:

    I’ve been following Sarah’s story and your wonderful, thoughtful writing on here Becky for many years. This blog is one of the reasons I became an oncology social worker. Thinking of your family and sending up prayers.

    • Becky says:


      What a wonderful thing to know we had a small part in helping you help others. Thanks for letting us know that. And thanks for all you do. I remember in Sarah’s earlier treatment years how very much the social workers meant to our sanity.

  33. Laura Nettles says:

    Long time follower, almost-never commenter. I have followed since Sarah was a little girl and you wrote mostly in caringbridge. I stayed a follower because I fell in love with your family and was taken with your writing. I haven’t been able to concentrate on work today, so every time my thoughts went to the Smith family, I prayed. I will continue to pray. Please update your faithful followers as often as you can, so we will know how to pray for specific prayer requests!

    • Becky says:


      Always glad to hear from a long-time reader. Thanks for taking the time to comment today. Will definitely be updating as we get news. We appreciate your prayers!

  34. Lesley says:

    Oh Becky, and Sarah. There are no words. What a week! When I saw the kleenex picture (again, from you) I knew where this post was going and my heart fell. Leave it to Sarah to suggest Dancing in the title. Love will do that, it knows no bounds. She is surrounded. Sending you hugs.

  35. Katrina says:

    Becky is a bone scan another word for MRI scan?

    • Becky says:


      That was a good question that I didn’t know the specific answer to so I looked it up so I would understand it better, too. 🙂

      An MRI creates 3D images of the bone, whereas a bone scan creates two-dimensional (2D) images. The MRI provides a detailed view of the bone and its surrounding structures such as the ligaments, tendons and soft tissue. It diagnoses a bone condition more definitively and accurately than a bone scan.

  36. Bridgette says:

    Oh, how my heart hurts for all of you. I am certain God knew Sarah needed Gage at this time. What a perfectly timed gift. Many prayers for what the future holds for sweet Sarah.

  37. Robin E McAllister says:

    My name is Robin and I have been a faithful reader here since Sarah’s diagnosis and posts on CaringBridge. Those early post helped me get though illness with my own child. I’ve stayed since I love your faith and family values; indeed I feel I know all of you as friends. You all are a power of example to me to of how to walk in faith during adversity. I will pray for all of you every day. You are truly and deeply in my thoughts and prayers and I will call on others to pray too. Sending much love and respect! Robin from Rhode Island.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for following all these years; always love to meet people from back in those first cancer days.

      I’m thankful those earlier posts made a difference in your life as you cared for your own child. Blessings to you!

  38. Heartbreak and tears are what I’m feeling right now. Please know my knees know the feel of my carpet well, and know I am praying for all of you. Please let me know what else I can do for your precious family.


  39. Dale Tousley says:

    Oh Becky, I too, am in tears, I am numb and I don’t know what to say….such happiness, such sadness, all at one time….if you are going to Duke, you know I am just a hop, skip and a jump away in Wake Forest so please contact me at dhtousley@yahoo if you need anything, I can run errands, or bring food and books…..sending love, hugs and prayers to you and Sarah and Steve and Nathan and Gage and all of their families.

  40. Beth Kayser says:

    Becky and yes, sweet Sarah — okay – the whoooole family….
    I am sitting here with tears for you all. Before I even started typing, I stopped what I was doing and began praying for you! What’s more powerful than prayers to our God and a bunch of warriors… uhm nothing! isn’t it amazing how God works bringing people into your lives but never meeting them face to face? Yes, I am one of those: I’ve followed you since Nathan and Sarah were itty bitty and followed you and Steve through your music. And now, I am praying boldly for you as you gear up for battle. This time though, Gage is also in there fighting with you and for you. I love God and his amazing wisdom, comfort and peace. I pray that you will feel all of these surround you. I will continue to pray as the days come and will be holding you up from here along with many others.

    Much love, prayers and peace,

    • Becky says:


      I am always so touched by the tears of others for a family you have never even met. That means so very much to all of us.

      Thank you for the tears and the prayers.

  41. Patti says:

    Prayers continue for all the testing medically and emotionally. May God surround you all in peace.

  42. Guerrina says:

    I am in tears. Thankful for Sarah being in tune to her body. Prayers going up & raising a hallelujah – good battle song! Love you all. BIG HUGS.

  43. Kathy says:

    I will hold Sarah and all of you in my prayers, such frightening news. But Sarah is blessed with the wonderful man Gage is and all her family, your love for each other and our Father will get you through this storm. Bless you all.

  44. Lynne says:

    Praying for you Sarah!!!

    I don’t comment very often but I have been following since before Nathan was engaged.

  45. Reagan says:

    Praying for Sarah (and all of you)! I missed the engagement post – what an exciting time! I pray she is able to enjoy the planning! We know God is able to do immeasurably more than we can imagine and I pray you all feel that peace that passes any understanding!

  46. Mel says:

    I am so sorry to be reading this even though I knew the chances after Monday’s post. I will be praying for Sarah, Gage and all that love them. I am thankful that Sarah has a doctor that cares so deeply for her and makes her a priority. Dancing in the Rain is so fitting for Sarah to come up with as her optimism is always shining.

    • Becky says:


      We were extra thankful Sarah and Gage were able to get the news from someone who has been a part of our lives for so many years. She is also my doctor so that makes it extra meaningful.

  47. Jenna Hoff says:

    Oh Becky,
    I have no words. Please know you are all in my heart and I care deeply.

    • Jenna Hoff says:

      Hi again Becky,
      You and Sarah have been on my heart all day. I am so sad for you. I just wanted to add something to my comment from this morning. If Sarah (or you and Steve) have any needs at all as you face this situation, please do not hesitate to make it known and I would love to contribute, as I am sure so many people would as you are all so deeply cared for. If there are medical expenses not covered I know lots of people love you and would love to contribute to this. Or, money so you can make your little trip with Sarah really special etc. I am sure I am not the only one who would love a way to do something, anything, to support you in this time.

      • Becky says:


        Thank you for your always heartfelt words. They are spoken out of your own suffering and always mean so much.

        I appreciate your suggestion about a way to make it possible for readers to contribute. After reading your comment, that is something we are considering–maybe putting a Paypal button on the page. We have no idea of the extent of medical expenses to come, so it certainly would be a great help to Sarah and Gage, and Steve and me to have some way to offset those.

        Again, thank you for thinking of that.

  48. Katrina says:

    Sending hugs.

    And thanks for sharing the news with us. I will be thinking of you .

  49. Donna says:

    Sending prayers for Sarah, Gage and her family through this difficult season! God has a plan for his two special children who found their way to each other in this huge world. He is always in control and hears everyone’s prayers for this very sweet young lady!!

  50. Mrs. Pam says:

    feeling numb and rather speechless at this post. May God in His mercy and love strengthen you and your family as you face the unknown. Praying for precious Sarah and Gage.

  51. Heather E says:

    I am so sorry to read this news this morning- I’m praying for Sarah and all of you. Praying for the doctor’s to have a clear treatment plan for her- and for the peace of God to envelop you all.

    With prayers,

  52. Janet McKemie says:

    I don’t comment often but read every post. With tears streaming down my own face, I knew I had to let you know that I am another who will be praying for the days ahead for all of you. Prayers for health and healing, prayers for peace and comfort, prayers for the strength and courage. Prayers for wisdom. Prayers for a bright future of Sarah and Gage dancing in the rain celebrating their love and all that God brings to them.

  53. Lib Nance says:

    Becky, I am crushed with the news, but am praying.

  54. Teresa Hewitt says:

    Having followed Sarah’s story since she was 6 years old, this was an update I never wanted to read, and I know you sure as anything did not want to write. After the joy of reading of her and Gage’s happy, happy news, which is still a beautiful, bright, shining thing, I am glad Sarah has Gage to love her and lift her up and share in this most precious girl’s life and that of her loving family, wrapping tightly around her.
    You have our love and our warm best wishes and our best hopes and such strength as you can take from the love of strangers.
    Teresa and Juliet in England xxxxxxx

    • Becky says:


      The “love of strangers” is such a wonderful thought, reminding us that we can become attached to the hearts of those we’ve never met in person.

      Thank you for the beautiful comment. And someday we hope to visit your beautiful country.

  55. Oh. Oh no. 🙁

    I’m hopeful that the “highly suspicious of malignancy” interpretation is overruled by a biopsy.

    What horrible, awful news. 🙁 Sending you love and light and peace as all of you deal with this upsetting news. 🙁

  56. Suzanne says:

    I am a rare commenter but a frequent reader. These last posts have brought me out of the quietness.

    Praying for you all as you go to battle in this next storm. You’ve a mighty army of prayer warriors standing with you. In the midst of the battle and the burdens, you always seem to find the blessings.

    Sending you hugs and bountiful blessings as you all dance in the rain!

    • Becky says:


      Always glad when an infrequent commenter is “brought out of the quietness.”

      Thanks for taking the time to send some encouragement our way.

  57. Mary Chambers says:

    I will pray for Sarah and the whole family that you would all know the loving arms of our Saviour round about you xxxx

  58. JennyJoT says:

    Praying, praying, praying. So thankful that Sarah has Gage to walk with her through this time. Here is a quote I read recently and sent to another friend dealing with a cancer diagnosis: “Prayer is like a missile. It can fly at the speed of thought. It can reach any target anywhere, and there is no anti-ballistic missile that can shoot it down.” ~ Bible teacher Ron Dunn Sending missiles your way…

  59. Cindy says:

    Becky, this news is heartbreaking and I am in tears writing to you. I am so sorry, but happy for Sarah’s support system. Gage is a wonderful young man, I am so pleased with his support along with others. For now I am finding it difficult to find words, all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  60. Debbie Taylor says:

    My prayers will continue for all of you and especially sweet Sarah. I’m so thankful she has Gage to help her through this time. I cannot wait to meet him someday soon. Love to all of you.

  61. LeeAnne says:

    I really just don’t have any words right now and am trying hard to not cry at work. Thinking of and praying for you all and trusting in God’s plan. Love and hugs!!

  62. Cindy says:

    I always read and rarely comment but I am praying so hard for Sarah and all of you…. I’ve also asked my BIL who is a minister to add her to his church prayer chain (I hope that’s ok)!!

  63. Courtney Hurd says:

    My sweet Smith family, what do I say when there are no words. Love, only love.

    I will never forget the day you came to the NICU to meet Kate and what a special moment it was for me to share Mama love with you, a woman that I have loved and admired for years. From this Mama heart to yours, I also stand with you and Sarah on this journey.

    • Becky says:


      This comment is so beautiful in so many ways.

      Thanks for the many ways you have blessed our family–and so many others who have crossed your path.

  64. DeLynn says:

    I am a long-time reader; rare commenter. I read your post on Monday, and since that time have often refreshed my blog feed in hopes of a post from you. While waiting, I prayed for Sarah and all of you who love her. I am sorry to read this news today. Please know that you all will remain in my prayers—and that includes the doctors caring for Sarah—that they will have wisdom and insight and that nothing that needs to be seen will be hidden. We know that Sarah’s Heavenly Father loves her more than any of us can comprehend; we pray that all of you may feel his love and care.

    Phil 4:6-7 are verses I quote to myself quite often. (We have a son who had a brain tumor which resulted in four surgeries and about 30% of his brain removed–those verses were always on my mind during that time.) Sometime last year when I was reading Philippians, I noted that in the ESV, there is not a period at the end of verse 5 but a semi-colon. A light-bulb went off in my mind–God tells us that He is at hand, therefore do not be anxious. Of course I knew that, but seeing it as I did in writing had a deep effect on me. I pray that all of you will sense in a new way in the coming days that the Lord is at hand.

    • Becky says:


      I love those verses in Philippians and loved the fresh insight you shared. It’s amazing how ESPECIALLY comforting the scriptures can be when we are in the midst of suffering, as with our children who have suffered. The trauma of such drastic brain surgery that your son experienced is unimaginable.

      Continued blessings to you and your family.

  65. Paige says:

    Sending you all so many prayers. I’m sorry for such hard news after such joyous news. Let’s all keep the faith. Praying now.

  66. Phyllis says:

    I have been praying for Sarah since I saw your original post Monday morning and will continue praying!

  67. Tiffany says:

    The only thing I can say, is you are in my thoughts and prayers every day as you go through this storm, and dance in the rain! I love you guys, and will be praying every day for all of you!

    • Becky says:

      Thanks, Tiffany, for this comment and your PM on Facebook. So good to know we have a couple of friends (you and Dr. Driscoll) within the Duke walls. Hugs.

  68. Sheri says:

    Our hearts are with you and we know our Father hears every prayer! Pray we will!

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