Creating Some Merriment

July 18, 2022

The last time all my siblings and their families were together was thirteen years ago at my dad’s funeral. After mom’s send-off was over, we knew she would want us to spend a couple of days just hanging out and creating some merriment.

And that’s just what we did as evidenced by the following photos.   (Note: if you are reading this on a phone, just click on the first photo and it will turn into a photo album you can swipe through. You will also be able to see the descriptions.)

When you live a long way away from the people you love, time spent together is a rare and precious privilege. Whenever I look back at the grief of my mom’s passing, it will always be overlayed with the silver lining of getting to spend time with my siblings and their families after the funeral was over.

As we all laughed, ate, sat around the fire, went out on the river,  took walks in the country, and shared stories and memories, I could feel mom’s smile all around us. What greater joy could a mom have than for her children to love and enjoy each other?

One of our catchphrases during our time together was, “This moment was brought to you by Jo Ann Campbell.”

Thank you, Mom, for everything.


What about you? 

How many siblings do you have? 

Were you close growing up?

Have you stayed close as adults? 



30 comments so far.

30 responses to “Creating Some Merriment”

  1. Kristina says:

    Technically, I have 3 siblings — a brother and two stepsisters. My brother and I were very close growing up, and while we are less so now (different lives) we are still very important to each other. My parents didn’t remarry until I was out of college, so I didn’t know my stepsisters at all as a child. One I still don’t know very well, but the other I’ve gotten very close to in the last three or four years. It’s interesting, suddenly having a sister when I never did before!

    • Becky says:


      I love the words that you and your brother are “important to each other.” What a great way to sum it up.

      And I can’t imagine suddenly gaining a sister. I’m glad you’ve gotten to one of your new sisters so well; a new lifetime friend.

  2. Wendy says:

    I have 6 siblings. There are 4 boys and 3 girls and after both Dad and then Mom passed on, we were all together writing thank you cards and remembering all the fun times with mom and dad and we laughed and talked many hours. Dad and later mom would have loved us cutting up. We try and get together as often as we can. We don’t need an occasion, just a, Lets get together for a potluck meal.
    You will always miss your mom. It gets easier, but that longing to talk to her and hug her will always be with you.
    Thinking of you all.

    • Becky says:


      I love that you all got together to write thank you cards. So much more enjoyable than doing it alone. And good for you for not waiting for a special occasion to hang out. Any day is a good day to be with people you love!

  3. Phyllis says:

    I have two brothers, one three years older (R) and one eight years younger (K). I was probably closer to K growing up and I’m definitely closer to him now. R stayed in the town we grew up in while K and I both left that town and never moved back – other than the time I spent caring for my mom after she fell and getting the house ready to sell. K and I both went to college and both went to graduate school – he has a master’s in teaching and I have an MBA. R barely made it out of high school. So K and I have a lot more in common even though he is quite a bit younger.
    I have always missed not having a sister and the older I get, the more I wish I had one.
    Glad you got to spend some time with your siblings even though the reason for you all being together was sad.

    • Becky says:


      It’s interesting how siblings in a home turn out so differently and go such different paths. The important thing is to take the path that is right for you which sounds like you definitely did!

      Yes, sisters are beyond special. I’m sure you have some friends you could bestow an honorary sister title on.

  4. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    Last year my sisters (I have 3) decided we needed to get together. It had been some time – about 11 years – we were together at our parents funerals. Our oldest sister was having memory problems and her husband had passed away the year previously, so it was necessary for us to be with each other. We stayed at my nieces cabin in Illinois and enjoyed just being with each other – making foods, laughing, taking a boat ride and walks. It was like our sister had no memory problems, but little did we know in 2 months time she would be in a memory care home and then pass away in February of this year. One sister lives in Colorado and I live in MN. We are so glad we got together – one more time. Thank the Lord we stayed close all these years and we all love the Lord and can hardly wait to see each other again.

    • Becky says:


      I love the idea of four sisters gathered in a cabin for a few days just for the purpose of being together–no other reason needed. And how wonderful you did it when you did, when your sister who passed was able to spend that time making new memories and sharing in old memories. Such a sweet, sweet time.

  5. Kari says:

    Becky, I’m so glad you were able to spend some relaxing time with all your family, it has to be hard to be so much distance from each other. Your photos show what a beautiful area that is in Wisconsin. It all looks so peaceful. I love those items made from scrap metal, I have a dog and a cat sculpture from my sister and a bird from my neighbor. They are such unique items!
    I have one sister and we grew up across the street and maybe 5 houses away from my five cousins, all girls also, until I was 10 years old. My sister only lives about 20 minutes from me now. One cousin still here with the others in different states. Of the cousins from my Mom’s side (2 more girls!) that family lived less than 5 minutes from us for quite a few years. Their Mom, my favorite aunt just passed away in December and one cousin lives about 40 minutes away. We just did our family fish fry July 9th after not having it for 2 years. Lol, my niece, her husband, 3 girls and 1 boy didn’t attend as they were on vacation in your area, the Outer Banks!

    • Becky says:


      I know. Aren’t those scrap metal items fabulous? I love how people can take nothing and make it into something.

      Wow. Seven girl cousins all living within a few houses of each other? You must have a ton of memories! So glad at least one of those cousins still leave near you. It sounds like your family specializes in girls.

      Glad your sister and family got to come to the Outer Banks–it’s a great place!

  6. LeeAnne says:

    Family time together is priceless! Your sweet mom must be smiling down from heaven.❤️
    I have just 1 sibling, a brother. He’s 18 months older than me. We only had each other to play with as all cousins lived out of state, so we spent a lot of time together and we’re very close. He was super protective of me and always had my back. We live in different states now but remain quiet close.

    • Becky says:


      Although it’s nice to have cousins around, it’s kind of cool that their absence created such a wonderful bond between you and your brother. Love to hear that!

  7. SueEllen says:

    First, I must say I am so jealous of people needing jackets or blankets. Today’s high was 108 in Dallas and last night’s “low” was 86. I don’t tolerate heat well, so of course I now live in Dallas with our record heat. I enjoyed all of the photos you shared and I’m so glad you were all able to spend some time enjoying family. I have a brother and sister, but we aren’t super close, but I am close to my husband’s borther, 2 sisters and their families. I hope you have a wonderful week, and your whole family continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Yes, it’s been horribly hot here, too. But in Wisconsin two weeks ago? It was a little chilly at night which was downright wonderful.

      It’s great to know that you get along with your husband’s family so well. It’s always a blessing to marry into a family that you really enjoy!

  8. JenniferK says:

    To quote from Steel Magnolias, “Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.” I’m so glad you got to laugh with the ones you love.

    • Becky says:


      What a wonderful (and very true) quote. Thanks for reminding me of it. And yes, it as truly great to laugh with the ones I love.

  9. Patti says:

    It is a true joy to be with family and see sunshine amid the shadows of grief. I have 2 siblings and we weren’t especially close while growing up, but are closer now. Don’t get together that often as we are miles apart (Illinois, Michigan, Missouri) but enjoy our times together. This weekend we will gather in Kansas for a memorial for a cousin and a family reunion as well. Joy amid sorrow will make memories.

    • Becky says:


      Ho great to get to gather with your family this weekend; to say goodbye to a cousin and then enjoy the simple joys of just being together. I hope it is a wonderful time for all of you!

  10. dmantik says:

    Joy and grief intertwined. I feel the joy makes the grief easier to bear and the grief makes the joy that much sweeter.

    Your pictures make those sweet times together come alive again. How mom would have loved it! ❤️

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      It’s amazing the great memories joy and grief can create when combined, isn’t it? We certainly had plenty of both during Mom Week. Those sweet, created memories will last a lifetime.

  11. Lisa L. from GA says:

    I’m an only child. I get envious of families with large numbers of siblings and nieces and nephews. I hope that you guys will set a week or at least some days aside every year to get together. I think it’s important for families to make intentional efforts at getting together once their parents are gone.

    • Becky says:


      You are so right about being intentional about getting together after parents have gone. It’s so easy to drift away and let the years pass. We were talking about that while in Wisconsin about not waiting for a funeral but getting together just for the sake of being together.

      I hope you have found some unofficial siblings and nieces and nephews along the way. Hugs.

  12. Gloria A Smith says:

    I am in full agreement regarding the need for merriment in our lives. Merriment rocks! We lost our Mom, Dorothy, on February 4, 2022. Mom was 91 years old and had lived in the same house for 68 years, the home that my siblings & I grew up in. The months of March and April were spend preparing the house to be sold. As you well know, the details are endless and ‘stress’ does show up during the process. The real estate closing was on June 17th. The home that my family occupied for so long now belongs to a new family. I’ll always remember my last visit to 420 Sunset Avenue, walking through the rooms, taking one last look, locking the door for the last time.

    My brother and sister have lived on the NC Outer Banks since the 80’s. Tommie is in Nags Head and Lisa is in Manteo. Our connection to the Outer Banks goes back to 1940 when Grandpa Smith purchased a beach home in Kitty Hawk @ the 4 mile post. Fortunately my siblings and I have remained close throughout the years. I treasure them both very much. We speak often and visit 2-3 times each year. I last visited with them on the Outer Banks after the real estate closing in June. I enjoyed meeting you, Pastor Steve, Sarah & Gage @ Manteo First Assembly during this visit. I always enjoy visiting Manteo First Assembly and Linda Tillett’s Bible Study Group.

    • Becky says:


      So true. Nothing quite prepares a person for going through a loved one’s belongings and memories and that final goodbye to a beloved house.

      I guess I hadn’t realized that your siblings live on the Outer Banks. They have good taste in places to live!

      I agree: Linda is a great teacher. I’m glad you’ve had a chance to enjoy her class.

  13. Kaye Joyce says:


  14. Robin says:

    What precious time together. My grandfather passed away this spring, and it was such a joy to see all of my cousins, aunts, and uncles.

    I have one sister, and we have always been very close. She and I now share a home, along with our respective spouses. I feel so fortunate to be able to spend time with her every day.

    • Becky says:


      How cool to share a home with your sister and your husbands. We did that with my sister and husband for a couple of years except we were in an RV! So glad you are so close to your sister.

  15. Ruth Rehberg says:

    I so agree Bec, that mom left a happy family behind; which I am sure made her happy.
    And we will continue that joy in each family ’til we go to meet her and Jesus. Ruth

    • Becky says:


      Still hard to believe she is gone. So thankful to have the family remaining that she and dad created. Grateful for the time we had with her on earth and the eternities we will have with her in heaven.

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