Crab Soup and Godspeed

May 1, 2012

Everyone once in a while, I find a bunch of pictures on my camera that don’t fit into any particular category and don’t really make a post all by themselves.   I’ve gathered a few of those photos together to give you a peek into some miscellaneous moments of our lives.

Miscellaneous Moment #1

Recently, Sarah’s school sponsored an exhibit of its student’s art and photography projects at a local gallery.  Sarah’s photo is on the top row in the center—a flower framed in blue.



Miscellaneous Moment #2

I mentioned briefly in a post last week that Sarah has gotten a part time job.  I don’t want to tell you much about it until she has a chance to blog about it herself.  But I figured it would be okay to post a picture or two of her filling out her first job application.

Thankfully, Steve was around when this Great Rite of Passage was performed because the applications had all sorts of stuff to do with the withholding of taxes and other sundry financial issues which made my eyes cross and my knees grow weak.



While they diligently did their work, I skulked around in the background, taking pictures, wiping tears and wondering how it was possible that a child barely out of diapers could even be considered for a job.

 I mean, really.  Don’t those evil employers know that they are engaging in the breaking of many Child Labor Laws and that 3-year old toddlers should not have to join the labor force?

Oh wait.  You say she’s almost seventeen?  

I don’t know where you get your information, but I think you are sadly mistaken.  Either that or  I am the one who is sad.  And mistaken.

Sigh.  My little girl has grown up.

Miscellaneous Moment #3

Last Sunday, a lady in our congregation arrived at church carrying a white bag.  It was from a local restaurant and contained three containers of crab soup.  She showed the bag to us before the service and said, “I’m going to put this in the fridge for you.  You won’t forget to take it home now, will you?”

And I was like, “Forget to take home delicious soup that I can add a side of bread to and make a simple, wonderful lunch?  Not a chance!”

Love our thoughtful church folks!  And I love crab soup!


Miscellaneous Moment #4

I took this picture yesterday at Sarah’s request.  It has something to do with an art project at school where she has to make a poster out of a favorite book character.  Sarah chose a  Mr. Benedict’s Mysterious Society character who is, in one particular book cover in the series, climbing a ladder. Sarah will take the picture and Photoshop it and do other mysterious things to it and make it look something like the cover of the book.  I don’t really understand the whole process; I’m just glad to know that she’s the one doing all that complicated stuff and not me!


Miscellaneous Moment #5

Here’s a Post It note that greeted me when I came downstairs very early one morning to leave for an out-of- town meeting.  My wonderful husband took thirty seconds the night before I left to tell me he’d be thinking of me while I was gone.


Crab soup.  Godspeed. Miscellaneous memories.

They make up the moments of our lives.

11 comments so far.

11 responses to “Crab Soup and Godspeed”

  1. Pilotbutterfly--Ann Martin says:

    Becky, checked again and I just miss part of the color on the end of the banner.  I can get the message and the banner a little beyond the “flower.”  I just can’t get all the banner but it is blank (part I miss).

  2. Guerrina says:

    Congratulations, Sarah, on your new position of employee!!!!!  Personable, honest, perseverant – You will be a valuable asset to any employer!

    Becky, I loved this post! Thank you so much for showing the “little” moments that truly make up life!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    You should do a post like this more often like you did with the “Wednesday Wedding” posts.  It could be called: Miscellaneous Smithellaneous Moments! It was fun to see the collection of photos and moments!

  4. Jill says:

    I love this “smithelaneous” post and photos! Do it more often!
    Can’t believe Sarah is a working girl. Good for her!

    • Becky Smith says:


      Glad you liked the format; I’ll have to do it every month or so when I get my misc. photos saved up.   It’s hard for me to believe Sarah is a working girl; I’m very proud of her!

  5. Sueg7 says:

    Yes, your little girl has grown up. What a blessing on oh so many levels. Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.

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