Covid. And Christmas (Part 2)

January 17, 2022

Covid finally caught us.

Thankfully, Steve and I had mild to moderate cases. For me personally, I got more short of breath than usual, ran a fever, coughed a lot, and had a sore throat. The only symptom that continues six days later for both of us is a lot of fatigue, which I have heard is not unusual.

Of course, my fear has always been that if I got Covid it would do damage to my lungs.  I’ve been checking my peak flow meter every day; while my normal average is to blow a 350, this week I have only been able to get to 275. I message my UNC pulmonologist about that and he said that it would take 4-6 weeks for me to get back to normal.

It was also interesting that he told me not to have an in-office pulmonary function test done for at least three weeks because “the heavy breathing can bring up low-level virus from deep in the lung and put the therapist at risk.”  The things we learn!

But now on to happier news . . .

here is another chapter of the Smith/Long Christmas celebration.

I’ll highlight a few photos that need some extra details and put the rest in an album for easier viewing.

It was wonderful watching Gage, with Sarah is at his side, read a C.S. Lewis bedtime story to the kids. The Lewis heritage is being passed down to the next generation. (This is in Sarah’s old room.)

Another high point for me was seeing these four together as married couples for their first Christmas.  It does my mama heart good to see that Nathan finally has a brother on the Smith side of the family and I have the four kids I’d always dreamed of.

This photo just slays me. I showed a picture of Andrew’s napkin folding skills before but this time he decided he should share his gift with the entire dinner table. We were awed to be in the presence of such great artistry.

Uncle Gage was, as always, a hit with the kids and was especially impressive to Noah and Madison when he revealed himself to be a Real Artist. He showed them pages from his sketchbook and they just kept gasping louder and louder as each page turned.

But Gage is all about teaching, not just showing. He made sure to spend time showing Noah and Madi some of his insider art tricks.

Steve and I are trying our best to not be offended over the fact that the big kids fought to see who could sit next to Gage at the table and not us.  But . . . I guess we’ll get over it. (sniff)

A high point for me was getting to take an outing with each of the two older kids in Grandpa’s convertible.

The first stop for both kids was a nearby Little Library where they carefully chose some books.

One of Madison’s and my stops was the grocery store where she capably pushed the cart and guided me through the store–even though she’d never been there.

Living far away from grandchildren is not an easy thing and each of these moments is precious.

Out of all the living and breathing creatures in the house . . .

Summer was the least impressed with the visitors from Florida.  Steve and I were surprised that she held her ground and stayed downstairs almost the whole time; we were thinking that any moment she would run and hide under our bed.  Staying frazzle-free while dealing with two energetic toddlers is not a job for a faint-hearted doggie. (Grayson once proudly informed me, “Gwanmda, I flipped the doggie over vewwy, vewwy carefully.”)

On one particular day, Andrew and Grayson were feeding her out of her little snack bowl containing Cheerios and some dog treats.

On the left, you can just hear Andrew saying to Grayson, “Hey bro! I am going to take my paci out so I can eat one of Summer’s yummy treats!”

And on the right? Well, that face needs no words. Oh, the letdown.

And lastly? The leaves.

For a Florida kid, piles of leaves are a huge deal so Steve made a point not to rake the yard before they came. The dads got the idea to get out the leaf blower and use it to chase the children with the leaves and that was a huge hit. 

I’ll close with an album of a few more photos.


What about you?

Have you or someone in your immediate family had COVID? Was it fairly mild or more serious?

As a kid did you enjoy jumping in the leaves?

Did any of the storms over the weekened hit where you live?

Did you ever eat dog food or dog treats when you were a child?

32 comments so far.

32 responses to “Covid. And Christmas (Part 2)”

  1. Kristina says:

    I have thus far managed to avoid getting covid entirely, although considering all of the other people I have had it I’m not entirely sure how that’s possible! My brother, his wife, and their son have all had it twice; it was particularly concerning the second time as she is pregnant, but they appear to have had relatively mild cases both times. Fingers crossed that there won’t be a third!

    • Becky says:


      Yikes. Getting COVID while pregnant would definitely be a scary thing; so glad she made it through ok. And congrats on a new niece/nephew!

  2. SueEllen says:

    I’m sorry y’all got COVID but I’m glad your cases are/were mild and I hope you’re not experiencing any lingering effects. My 27-year-old daughter had it week before last also, but thankfully hers’ was also mild. Our school district closed an extra two days this week because of a 15%+ absence rate among staff and Friday our numbers were finally trending downward. As always, I thoroughly enjoyed ALL the wonderful photos you shared. I hope you’ve had a wonderful week and I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s post.

  3. LeeAnne says:

    Oh man….so sorry that you both got COVID. I hope you don’t end up with any lingering effects.

    My hubby had it a year ago November. He lost his sense of smell and he had some pretty serious fatigue. He had trouble just getting up and going across the room. I had to quarantine with him but I have never had it. (Up until a few months ago, when I donated blood, they would test for COVID antibodies and mine always came up negative.) His only lasting effect is that every now and then, he says he smells smoke/dirty ashtray. It is so random and might last 15 minutes or maybe a whole day and might not come back for several weeks. Really weird. However, if that’s as bad as it gets, he feels fortunate. At least his lungs and heart are fine.

    We always LOVED jumping in the leaves as kids, our kids did and now our grand kids do too. We have lots of BIG, leafy trees so there is never a shortage of leaves to jump in. We can make some seriously huge piles!

    We were spared from the storms thankfully.

    No to the dog food/treats. I couldn’t stand the smell of them so wasn’t about to put it in my mouth. Lol

    • Becky says:


      My sister, who had covid quite a while ago, was just telling me the same thing about smelling odd, icky odors. It had just happened to her when we were talking on the phone. So strange! But as you said, if that’s the worst side effect for your husband, he’s fortunate!

      I love a yard that has a lot of trees. So beautiful to look at and the leaves are so fun for kids–but not so much for whoever is doing the raking. 🙂

  4. Gloria A Smith says:

    Andrew’s napkin folding skill is the best!! Love the photo of Noah giving thanks before his meal, also the photo of you and Madi making heart shaped pancakes. I have very fond memories of my grandmother and I preparing pancakes together. Praying for you, Steve, Sarah, Gage, Meagan, Nathan, Noah, Madi, Andrew & Grayson.

    • Becky says:


      I’m impressed you can spout off all the names. Good job!

      Yes, Andrew definitely has a future as a restauranteur. What he lacks in napkin folding skills, he makes up in charm.

      Thanks for the comment and the prayers.

  5. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    So sorry you and Steve had covid, but glad it was just mild. Our daughter, husband and 2 of her adult children had mild cases. One daughter tested 2 times for covid – negative but had pneumonia.
    What wonderful family pictures, such treasures. I especially like the one of Madison because it reminded me of taking our eldest granddaughter grocery shopping when she was about 2 1/2. She had her cart and I had mine along with my list. Went down one aisle and she picked up something, “Is this on your list?” No, sorry Kelsey. Went down another, she pIcked up another item, “Is this on your list grandma?” No, I’m sorry it isn’t. Another aisle and a lady was standing there. She picked up something that she would like. “Is this on your list grandma?” I’m sorry it is not.” Well, it’s on my list grandma.” The lady cracked up and I did too. “Well, you better get it then.! She is now 28 and has a 4 month old baby. One of my favorite stories.
    I really don’t mind snow, it is the cold I don’t care for. We are visiting Florida and where we are at is not too warm. It was 49 this a.m., going to be 61. The air is very chilly, but a wonderful warm sun.
    Please keep us updated on how your lungs are doing.

    • Becky says:


      Love the story and love your granddaughter’s logic. If it’s on HER list, then why not get it?

      Thanks for sharing that; it brought a smile.

      Lungs are hanging in there. Had to take extra inhaler today because I got more winded than usual but gaining strength every day.

  6. Phyllis says:

    Both my mom and dad had COVID in late September/early October. Thankfully, they had relatively mild cases. My mom had one day where she didn’t want to do anything except sleep, didn’t eat much. My dad had one day that the nurse called me in the early afternoon. By that evening, he was doing much better. Our church was hit hard right after Christmas – our music minister and his wife, our campus pastor and some of his family, the preschool director at our other campus and her daughter, and two support staff in the office all had it. They canceled childcare and Sunday School the day after New Year’s. The Sunday after that it was bitter cold and I was scheduled for the baby room. We had one baby and four workers so two of us left and went to our regular Sunday School class.
    We got 3-4 inches of snow on Saturday. There is still some on the ground in places but a lot melted yesterday and will today as we’re supposed to hit 50 degrees. Then we won’t be above freezing until Saturday!
    I can’ honestly say I never ate dog food or dog treats. Of course, we only had one dog and he got moved to my grandpa’s farm as my parents were afraid he would get hit by a car since we lived on the main street of town.

    • Becky says:


      So glad your parents had mild cases and sound like they’ve recovered well. It’s very worrisome at first, when you hear that someone you love is positive.

      I’m jealous of your snow. I would love to see some falling and then have it go away in a couple of days. I’m glad you were blessed with all that beuty.

  7. Suzanne says:

    Yikes! I’m so sorry that y’all have had COVID but I’m thankful you are all recovering well. I’ve not had it yet (unless I’ve been asymptomatic which is highly likely given that others in my family have had mild cases).

    I’ve loved all the pictures and I love that you capture the everyday moments (hair brushing, napkin “folding”, praying, etc). That picture of Sarah by the tree is beautiful. Married life sure agrees with her! And, yay! for an Uncle who is amazing and fun. My husband and I are the “favorite” uncle and aunt as well because we’ll take the time out to be with the kids (and take them places). We sure enjoy all our nieces and nephews and we love the people they are becoming.

    Love some fall leaves and playing in them! We got some snow here in Georgia…it was lovely but I’m always happy when it’s gone. I’m not a cold weather fan! No dog food for this girl! YUCK! But my BIL would eat dog biscuits even today…more yuck!

    Hoping all the doctor’s appointments went well (if you were able to go to them).

    • Becky says:


      Hooray for being the favorite aunt and uncle! Kids really do appreciate when grownups will just take the time to talk to them, to play with them–to notice them.

      And I love your line about your nieces and nephews and “the people they are becoming.” It’s such a privilege to get to invest in the next generation.

      I think I’ll leave all the dog biscuits to your BIL. And so will Andrew. 🙂

  8. DeLynn says:

    We actually had our Christmas celebration this past weekend because of several of us being sick with Covid on and around Christmas! My husband and I plus our oldest son who lives with us all got it. My husband was the sickest but we never felt he was in any danger. I finally feel this week as though my energy level is back to normal. One of our daughters got it shortly after we did (but not from us) as did her husband. But everyone was well this weekend—and we had a ball celebrating—especially because of our two grandsons—11 months old and 8 months old. 🙂 So thankful you and Steve are doing well, Becky!

    • Becky says:


      Yeah, it does seem to take a while for energy to return, doesn’t it? Steve and I dragging around a bit but are back at work and making progress every day. Thankfully, none of you had a severe case and it’s kind of fun to get to celebrate Christmas a little later. Glad you enjoyed it! Especially those two precious grandsons.

  9. Teresa Hewitt says:

    “Gwanmda, I flipped the doggie over vewwy, vewwy carefully.” I laughed at that! what darlings your grandkids are! A bit of a tear came into my eye at the picture of your ‘four kids together that you always dreamed of’ as I feel the same when Juliet brings her husband home (married the day after Sarah and Gage) and we all sit around the table together playing games, our family feels complete and I feel so happy, it’s hard to describe.
    I’m so sorry you have fallen to Covid and hope it doesn’t leave you with any after-effects! I’m asthmatic too and so so nervous of catching it, despite wearing FFP2s in shops and trains and so on. Love and best wishes, Teresa xx

    • Becky says:


      Well, at least he was “careful,” right? 🙂

      I know, isn’t it great having the family circle expanded? Truly no words for it. I’m so grateful for each of Steve’s and my kids and also for Juliet who have all found someone wonderful to love.

      So glad you haven’t caught COVID with your lung issues. Stay safe!

  10. Lesley says:

    So glad to hear things are going well so far with Covid. We never know. It looks like you all had a great time for Christmas, how wonderful. It looks like Uncle Gage is going to be the big draw for the kids from now on. Seems like he would be a great dad if he and Sarah ever decided to pursue that avenue.
    My family has not had covid. Praying that my very elderly dad(97) and stepmother do not get it. They stay home so hopefully it will be ok. I have one little grandson that is too young to be vaccinated so we are trying to protect him as well. Fortunately his parents are able to keep him out of daycare, which is where a lot of it travels right now, so he’s home with them. They both are able to work from home.
    Loved all the leaves, lots of raking went on in Massachusetts every fall. We got 7 inches of snow last week here in MD and 3 inches last night. It has mostly melted but the wind is crazy this afternoon. I usually walk every afternoon for 1/2 hr but today the wind makes that impossible. I’m afraid a branch will fall on my head! Lots of trees here 🙂
    I loved the picture of your grands in Sarah’s old room. I remember when she first moved in there, where HAS the time gone? Every second with them is so precious.
    Take care and prayers you both feel better as the days go by, NO long covid for you two. That’s an order 🙂

    • Sarah Long says:

      Gage and I definitely want to be parents in the future! I agree, he’ll make a great dad one day! 🙂

      Thanks for reading!

    • Becky says:


      You have a good memory to remember when Sarah first moved in there. I guess that was about twelve years ago now.

      Thankful your dad, stepmom, and grandson have evaded COVID so far; not to mention you and Sarah, of course! It’s such a hard line to draw between being cautious and still living life.

      It’s been a long time since I’ve seen ten inches of snow. One forgets just how beautiful (and inconvenient) it can be. Stay warm and toasty–and no tree branches on your head. That’s an order! 🙂

  11. Krista N Labrensz says:

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve both been hit with Covid. But I’m glad that you’re getting better. I will pray for complete healing and no long lasting complications.
    What a fun time you all had at Christmas! I’m so glad that you were all able to be together.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, getting together near the holidays is such a privilege. I hope you and your son are having a good start to your year. Hugs!

  12. Kat Butler says:

    I actually got diagnosed with Asthma, several months after getting COVID, a year ago. Thankfully it is well controlled with Symbicort, but using daily inhalers is not something I ever had to do pre-covid. I am praying for a quick recovery for you and Steve! – Kat

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’m on Symbicort, too. It does a great job controlling symptoms. I’m just sorry you weren’t on an inhaler and now you have to be. COVID does strange things.

      I’ll be curious next time I have a breathing test to see where things are at.

  13. Mrs. Pam says:

    several Godchildren had covid, and are fine now. son’s fiance had a bad case, but is better now. several folks in my retirement home have covid, and there are no outside entertainers, and transportation only to doctors or dialysis.
    loved all your Christmas photos. good for Summer… did she enjoy being flipped over?

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Summer hasn’t recovered enough from her flipping to put her experience into words, yet. 🙂

      I know you must miss all the outside people coming and going; hoping they will all be back soon and bring their energy and smiles with them.

  14. Patti says:

    We have had some kids and grandkids get covid and so far it has been mild to moderate. No hospitalizations. Right now it is going thru our church and our pastors wife has it and she has a little baby to protect from it. So glad your case was fairly mild and prayers that it does not cause any further problems.
    I don’t remember jumping in leaf piles, but I did (and still do) love crunching leaves while out walking.
    We have had below freezing temps, but no new snow-and I want more snow.
    I did not eat any dog treats as the smell was enough to turn me away. My friends daughter would come away from the dogs kibble with a pink face from eating it. She seemed to like it. Ugh.

    • Becky says:


      I’m with you on eating kibble. Ugh. You’re so right–the smell alone is enough to make you give it a wide berth.

      I hope your pastor’s wife is doing better; I have a special place in my heart for pastor’s wives.

      Hoping you get the snow you’re waiting for to make all those cold temps worthwhile.

  15. Patti Dyer says:

    I love seeing the pictures of your beautiful family ,Becky – looks like you had a raucously good time! Our are ages 17 – 20 now ,and boy do I miss the days of having littles to spoil ,although every season of life is good ,and they’re still lots of fun to be around – guess I’ll have to wait for great grands ,but not for a few years! Blessings to you and your family!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, things do calm down a good bit when those raucous grands get a few years on them. Enjoy the quiet because you’ve got another happy wave of noise coming!

  16. Kaye Joyce says:

    I love this post…well, except for the covid part. I am so glad you and Steve did ok with having it and pray it has not affected your lungs any. We lost some family members to it and that is heartbreaking. My sister and brother in law had it several months ago but still have many tough side effects from it. I pray that God will take away this virus that has turned our world upside down for over 700 days now.
    I still can’t believe Nathan and Meagan have four kids!! Seems like their wedding was a week ago.
    We have about four inches of snow on the ground here in Mount Airy, NC. It is 30 degrees and the high today is supposed to be 33. I LOVE snow but I know it really impacts people that have to be out in it, and deal with the ice that is on top of this snow. I am thankful our power stayed on but many were not so fortunate. I hope you have a blessed week and recover very soon. Many prayers for you and Steve and all of those dealing with this crazy virus. God bless.

    • Becky says:


      I’m so sorry to hear you have lost family members to COVID. It’s one thing to read news headlines but it’s another thing when it hits right where you live. My condolences to you and your family.

      Yes, the very best case scenario for having snow is when you can stay home, watch it fall, and your power stays on. Sounds like you got the best scenario.

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