
August 9, 2013

We made it back to Manteo at 11 pm Wednesday night. Unfortunately, I haven’t felt well since getting back, spending most of the time in bed battling muscle weakness, shortness of breath and zero energy. I got a little off schedule with my meds while we were traveling and that may have thrown me a bit out of whack or maybe I picked up a bug along the way. At any rate, since I don’t feel up to writing a long post, here’s a quick one featuring Sarah . .  .



and her cousin, Caleb.

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Caleb and his parents (my sister and brother-n-law) live in Wisconsin so he and Sarah don’t get to see each other often–on average, every couple of years.

They always have such a great time hanging out together.


8 comments so far.

8 responses to “Cousins.”

  1. Mrs. Pam says:

    sorry you’re ailing, Becky…

  2. Jojy Smith says:

    Feel better real soon, Becky!!

  3. Renee says:

    Sending healing vibes your way!

  4. jenna hoff says:

    I hope you feel better soon Becky. Take good care of yourself and let your family help you. I often find traveling throws my system out of whack and it takes a while to get back to feeling better. I think just a change in routine, different foods, later bedtimes, strange beds etc can take a toll when you have underlying health issues. Gentle hugs.

  5. Lesley says:

    I hope you feel better soon. You all had a very long trip. I bet Summer is lying right next to you! I’m sure it was hard to leave Nathan 🙁

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Summer was in heaven for the four days I was in bed. She loves nothing more than to snuggle with a reclining human. 🙂

  6. sharyn McDonald says:

    Praying you’ll be doing better soon. It does seem that people who have to be on meds have problems when on vacation. Either with time changes or just so busy you forget to take them when you should or tucker yourself out. Wanted to ask, “who is that young lady in those Foster Grants?” (Remember that commercial form years ago?). Lovely lady.

  7. Mary H says:

    So sorry you are not feeling well. You had quite a journey and I am sure you are just worn out. A little rest and snuggles with Summer should fix you up shortly, I hope. Saying some prayers for you. It is also very hard to leave your “baby” behind and return home. Just think, next time you visit (or they visit) Noah should be tagging along! Sarah is just such a beautiful lady.

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