Country Road Companions

May 16, 2016

I’m going to put Steve’s birthday/flying lesson post on hold for a few days since he
won’t be able to take his lesson till later this week.


Back to my Wisconsin trip . . .

As you probably know, one of my greatest joys is taking meandering drives down country roads–especially if those country roads happen to be in Wisconsin.

On one particular evening during my visit, Debbie and Randy (my sister and brother-in-law) and my mom took ourselves off on a little jaunt for the purpose of spotting fields, trees, cows, barns, and other assorted visual treasures.

Fields. Check.


Trees. Check.


Cows. Check.


Barn. Check.


Plus more additional cows. Check.



 We even spotted a few horses.  Check.


Randy was our chauffeur for the evening and I sat up front by him so that I could keep my eyes peeled for photo-worthy moments. He maintained an admirable air of calmness throughout the excursion even though, every few minutes, his excitable sister-in-law would suddenly screech, “Randy! STOP!”

He would then adroitly find a place to pull over or, if necessary, do a U-turn and return to a particular scene I had seen.


He managed to perform several hundred dozen of those emergency stops on my behalf; at each stop, he and Debbie and Mom would wait patiently in the car while I ran hither and yon in a slightly demented fashion, crouching, twisting, squatting–trying to get the best angle and the best shot.

After doing the jumping out/jumping in maneuver a few times, I started to get a case of the giggles because I felt exactly like those bank robbers in movies who do their dastardly deed and then leap into the getaway car and bellow, “Go! Go! Go!”

So of course, I had to share my humorous insight with my patient family and of course, I had to start yelling those words every time I jumped in the car after each frantic, photographic foray.

My three country road companions showed remarkable forbearance with their southern, shouting relative and even managed to produce a few chortles on my behalf in a polite attempt to humor me in my leaping and shouting endeavors. 


Although I had expected to see barns and cows and fields, I did NOT expect to see this bonus sight: an Amish school house!


Randy said this used to be a public school and then at some point in years past, the electricity was removed from the building and the Amish began to use it.  


I have always enjoyed learning about the Amish way of life and was completely fascinated as I wandered around, taking in all the sights.







The red rope you see hanging down seemed to take the place of a door handle, which I thought was interesting. I would have loved to have taken a peep inside but decided it would be more prudent not to.


At last, the light began to fade and we started to make our back way back home past continuing scenes of loveliness.


So thankful for country roads and for beloved (and patient) country road companions.



23 comments so far.

23 responses to “Country Road Companions”

  1. dmantik says:

    That drive will always be one of my favorite memories–so much fun! Plus we got to see you in action taking all your wonderful photos. Ever amazed at your talent.

    Hope Steve gets his flying lesson in soon. Looking forward to hearing about it!

    Love, Deb

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad the experience didn’t traumatize you too terribly much! 🙂 Actually, you three were good sports and were almost having more fun that I was. Good times!

      Steve is scheduled for his lesson Thursday afternoon.

  2. Steve says:

    Becky, I wish the whole family could have visited WI. It is a beautiful state.

  3. Lesley says:

    Haha Becky, I can just picture all the antics to get the perfect pictures. I totally understand the drive, it has a life of it’s own. Do you ever print, frame and hang any in your home?

    • Becky says:


      The drive. A life of its own. So very true.

      And nope, I never do frame any of my photos. I guess at some point in my life, I should! 🙂

  4. JoAnn (Mom) says:

    It was our great joy to take you down those roads.

    • Becky says:


      Funny you should comment right now; I was just writing an email to Debbie and mentioned you.

      I had a lot of fun with you on all of our adventures. Love you! Becky

  5. Wendy says:

    So glad you had a driver and great companions to accompany you on your photo shoot 🙂 I think I would have just had to peek into that amish school. I read a lot of books by Wanda Brunstetter, and Suzanne Woods Fisher, so I would just had to have a small look! Your pictures are wonderful. Wendy

    • Becky says:


      I know, as I look back I wish I HAD taken a peek in. I absolutely love old buildings, and especially a building like that with Amish connections. Oh well. Maybe next time!

      Glad to see you love to read, too!

  6. Phyllis says:

    Great pictures. I went with my dad Mother’s Day weekend out to a farm he goes to each day. I just had my iPhone with me but took several pictures of the old barns, windmill, pond. I had gone to get some walking in for the day. At one point I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see about 20 cows following me. Apparently they thought I was probably going to feed them. I also took a video of a turtle – you can even hear its shell bouncing against the gravel.

    • Becky says:


      Barn pictures and turtle videos. Sounds like a perfect day to me!

      I love the mental picture of 20 cows following you. Too funny.

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    Your photos are beautiful. They tell a story. The Amish school house leaves the imagination wondering. So glad you had a great trip and that you have such a loving family. You are truly blessed.

    • Becky says:


      I love your words, “Leave the imagination wondering.” Isn’t having an imagination such a wonderful thing?

  8. LeeAnne says:

    I enjoyed your description of the photo taking activities and could totally visualize the antics. It made me laugh! Great pictures as always and I’m so glad that you had such accommodating companions. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we were quite the rowdy crew out there in the middle of nowhere. Glad you got a smile from it. 🙂

  9. Ann Martin says:

    One of the joys of having a “driver” is the ability to take pictures. So enjoyed them. I have stopped beside the road in AL and LA to take pictures of long-horned cattle. Not any areas in the mountains on I 40 to stop for picture taking as I wish. So glad you enjoyed your visit.

    • Becky says:


      I know, that’s one of the challenges is finding safe and convenient places to pull off. That’s why I love those sparsely traveled country roads!

  10. Jan Reuther says:

    How nice it is to spend time with family or close friends with whom we can let down our hair and just be silly. I’m sure your “Go! Go! Go!” will be fodder for many “Remember whens” at future family reunions.

    And all that fun produced some amazing photos!

  11. Gail Puckett says:

    Becky, the pictures of the countryside are so beautiful and I am sure the company was wonderful as well. So glad you had a happy trip and got to spend time with your precious mama and family. Mamas are wonderful people and always to be cherished. Love the pictures and the comedy 🙂

    • Becky says:


      You’re so right–having a mom along on the journey (through the country and through life) is a true treasure.

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