Coughs, Art Deco and Egg Shells in the Paint

November 21, 2016

As you know, Thanksgiving will be here in three days which for most people means that it’s time to find the turkey platter, iron the tablecloth and make all things orderly.

However, it seems that we are not most people because Steve and I are starting our Thanksgiving week by doing things that are highly illogical.

We have pulled down our kitchen curtains and are experimenting with a modern, art deco look with a touch of whimsy.  A brown bed sheet enhanced by a juxtopositioning of a gaudy beach towel seem to be just the ticket.


We eat our dinners in the evening, basking in the aura of this new land of loveliness we have created.


Summer strolls the premises, pondering the untidy universe into which our kitchen has morphed.


Steve has become slightly giddy with all the changes and decided that it would be fun to stand in the middle of the room and do an impression of the Statue of Liberty. Very convincing!


It turns out the Statue of Liberty torch is also very good  for dusting surfaces in preparation for painting.


Because, if you haven’t guessed by now, we are painting (we started last Friday morning ) and are turning our yellow walls into beige-y tan.  (The name on the paint can is actually “Puppy Paws.”  Is that not cute?)

Although we like the yellow, it has never done well with the gray floor and counter top. And since we are not currently able to replace those two items, we figured it would be easier and cheaper to replace the paint.


After several attempts throughout our married life,  I have learned that I am not a painter.  Every time I try to paint a wall, it looks very much like it has been descended upon by a swarm of slightly unhinged first-graders.

So I took a brief stint with the screwdriver and took off switch plates and removed a curtain bracket . . .


in addition to doing a small amount of spackling.


But that’s pretty much it for me.  My main job will consist of wringing my hands and asking Steve if he thinks it will all get done before Thanksgiving. Because I am helpful like that.




And speaking of Thanksgiving, our guests will consist of the Dare Challenge guys (our 6th year to have the honor of hosting them) and two couples from the church for a total of 17 people.

While we are looking forward to the great food and spending time with wonderful people,  Steve and I both seem to be coming down with colds–sore throats, cough, fatigue. On top of the painting and prep, that is NOT exactly how we were hoping to feel right now.

And to make life just slightly more interesting, Sarah’s room currently looks like this.


Our unit that heats/cools 2nd and 3rd floors went out and the HVAC guy had to tear out a part of Sarah’s wall to install a new unit. (For a mere $3,500!)  

And since our dear Sarah will be home for Thanksgiving, she would probably appreciate having at least a little something put over that gaping hole while she is residing in her room for a few days.

Maybe we can move the art deco sheet and beach towel from the kitchen to her floor?  It will be an interesting week! 

If I don’t talk to you before then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebrating with the people you love.

P.S.  Just as I got ready to post this, Steve told me he just  found egg shells in the paint!  Turns out when I peeled my boiled egg as I was packing my lunch, some of the shell dropped into the paint tray right beside the garbage can.  I’ve heard of an eggshell finish, but never actually heard of egg shells in the paint!



18 comments so far.

18 responses to “Coughs, Art Deco and Egg Shells in the Paint”

  1. Linda in Pgh says:

    Glad to hear you are feeling better, sorry to hear Steve is feeling worse. I am just recovering from the “sore throat, coughing, sneezing, congestion and fatigue” that is going around here. I’m sure the room will be beautiful when finished, and I’m glad Steve got some help! Hope you are both recovered by Thursday and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know your guests will enjoy it. I know one of he things you are thankful for is that Sarah will be home to enjoy Thanksgiving with you!
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I’m thankful indeed that Sarah made it home last night. At first she thought she couldn’t come till Thanksgiving morning but her class changed and now she gets to be here almost six days. Glad to have her and extra thankful for her help!

      I’m glad you are in the recovery stage of the ickiness that has been going around. Not so fun!

  2. Mel says:

    Oh I hope you both feel better by the end of the week. Good luck in finishing your project before your big weekend. You are one brave lady. If I was asking my husband to get something like a room painted before Thanksgiving, I would probably ask him on Dec. 1. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      I guess we like to live on the edge! 🙂 When Steve got sick he decided to hire a guy to come in to help which means we will actually have it done tomorrow. Yay!

  3. Kari says:

    Ugh, not a project to do three days before hosting a dinner for 17, especially when not feeling well! Hope you don’t come down with what I had. Started out simple sneezing, slightly sore throat and tired, next day a horrendous cough, congested head and tiredness for three weeks. Need to catch up on your posts since then as I wasn’t even online – used the energy I did have to get the yard ready and things stored for winter. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    • Becky says:


      Well, we did start the project six days before Thanksgiving, but that’s still pushing it just a little. 🙂

      Steve finally caved last night and called a guy who is going to come in and help. Hopefully all paint will be on all walls by bedtime!!

      Glad you are feeling better; sounds like a long, hard three weeks.

  4. Angela says:

    I surely do hope you both feel much better, quickly! Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Becky says:


      Thank you for your well wishes. I am feeling about 90% recovered and Steve is actually feeling a little worse. He is going to have a guy come in and help him today, so I am very relieved about that!

  5. Ann Martin says:

    Know it will be wonderful when finished. Happy Thanksgiving ? to all.

  6. Lesley says:

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, I hope you both feel well enough to enjoy it.

  7. mrs pam says:

    wow.. alot going on! certainly hope you feel okay for Thanksgiving with your Dare friends.
    I got a new air conditioner in May..thankfully a couple of days before a heat wave hit!

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Although air conditioners are pretty pricey, life would be pretty miserable without them, wouldn’t it? I often wonder how the pioneer women ever survived.

  8. jenna Hoff says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a special time with your family and the Dare men. I think it’s really kind of you to invite the men along. They must love the opportunity to be part of the family for an evening. We celebrate Thanksgiving in October in Canada.

    I am thankful for your blog and the words you share. I’m thankful that you inspired me to try to revamp my style. I’m working on it! And I have eaten healthy food all week!

    Have a great day!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your sweet words about my blog.

      I’m so excited to hear that you are finding inspiration to bump up your style quotient a little and look for things that make you glad to have them on. And healthy eating is ALWAYS a good thing.

      You go, girl!

  9. LeeAnne says:

    You are brave, taking on a painting project right before Thanksgiving!!! I would be a wreck! 🙂
    Have you tried taking Emergencee? Walmart has an Equate brand of it which is cheaper and it really helps knock down a cold!
    A new heating unit?? Ugh. Poor timing. Of course those things never fall into the good timing category, do they?
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I hope you feel better soon!

    • Becky says:


      Well, it would have all worked out pretty well except for this unexpected illness. Steve may have to bite the bullet tomorrow and ask for some help or we’ll never get it done.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family!

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