Confetti, Painting, and the Girl on the Box

January 31, 2021

I’m posting a little early because, in the morning, Steve and I are both headed out the door at 5 a.m. to different doctor appointments in two different cities. I am seeing my pulmonologist and Steve is seeing an orthopedic doctor for some hip pain that continues to worsen.

I’m not quite sure how we both managed to get 8 a.m. appointments with 2 1/2 hour drives but, oh well!  It gives Sarah a quiet day at home alone which she and I both love having.  We call them Me Days and they are the best.

I’ll start off with a photo that should bring you a smile.  (Steve got the sign for a birthday gift a few years ago.)

And speaking of Gage, his parents, Stacey and Casey, with his two youngest brothers, came to town for the weekend so they could be in our service when the baton was passed to Gage as the new Kid’s Church leader.

Not only were we officially welcoming him on staff, we were also unveiling for the first time the new name and logo of our Kid’s Church ministry.

We had asked Gage’s parents to be ready to tell three things each of them wanted the congregation to know about their son.  More than a few tears were shed since there is nothing quite as meaningful as hearing a parent share their heart about their offspring.

There was confetti thrown during the service but Gage’s brother, Cyrus, thought some more needed to be applied to big brother’s head afterward, as well. And speaking of brothers, Eagan and Cyrus had a sleepover Saturday night at Gage’s apartment which was quite the adventure for them all.

Here is the whole crew.  It has been a joy to get to know Stacey and Casey; the fact that they are also pastors is such a great point of connection between us.  They are an amazing family and we are looking forward to making many memories together through the years.


Some of you may remember photos from Sarah’s room looked like this.  It sported bright colored walls to match her brightly colored bedspread and curtains.

About six months ago, she decided that she was pretty well done with the teenage look and she went out and found two handsome guys to help her repaint that wall.

I think she made a pretty good choice, don’t you?

This photo gives a little glimpse of the repainted wall. (And the unpainted dog.)

For some reason, I had been thinking about her room this afternoon and while she was at youth group with Gage, I went up there just to take a moment to look at all the pieces and seasons of her life.

The flowers are from when she was a bridesmaid in Meagan and Nathan’s wedding, almost ten years ago.

There were so many things I loved looking at but I have to say, this little box is my favorite. I gave it to her several years ago because I so loved the imagery of a mother hugging her daughter.

As I looked at that box and all the other belongings that sum up her life to this moment, I was reminded all over again that she is not a little girl anymore; she is a grown-up woman with a wonderful future ahead.

But no matter where her path may take her, I will always see her like the girl on the box–tucked securely and safely in my arms,

What about you? Do you have a momento that you especially love?  Why is it special to you?





22 comments so far.

22 responses to “Confetti, Painting, and the Girl on the Box”

  1. Ellen says:

    Woah woah, wait a minute. Meagan and Nathan have been married for almost TEN YEARS? That isn’t possible. I swear he was just leaving for college a month or two ago! 🙂

  2. My favorite part of this wonderful blog was reading that you invited Gage’s parents to tell three things about him. I did that at our younger son’s wedding rehearsal dinner, and no, I didn’t get through it without tears. My second favorite thing was seeing Sarah’s ukulele on the floor in one of the photos. (It kind of looked like a bass ukulele, but I wasn’t sure.)

    • Becky says:

      Twin Clarinets,

      Yes, there is always something special about hearing about someone through their parent’s eyes. I know that was an incredibly meaningful moment at your son’s wedding.

      Sarah’s uke is just a regular one; although she doesn’t play it a lot she enjoys grabbing it from time to time and playing a few times.

      Blessings to you and Lucy today.

  3. Love sharing your journey, Becky. Must admit, this time there is a lump in my throat. Reliving bitter sweet sentiments. Understanding the emotional roller coaster of relinquishing our yesterday’s (when our heart longs to cling) so there’s room to embrace our tomorrows. Bless ya, 🙂

  4. SueEllen says:

    Sarah’s “new” room looks so peaceful and calm and beachy. I am really enjoying the Gage & Sarah Saga, and am so happy for them. I hope you and Steve both had safe travels and good medical visits today. Have a wonderful week!

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      So happy you’ve enjoyed the Gage and Sarah saga. They certainly do provide me with wonderful stuff for posts.

      Yes, Sarah is really enjoying the new look of her room. Gage helped her rearrange some furniture and made it all the more lovely.

  5. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    How wonderful that Gage’s parents and a couple siblings could be there for him on his first day. It sounds and looks like he was warmly welcomed. Great pictures – again. I am sure you and Steve will give us an update of your appointments. Know that many of us have been praying for you. In looking at your blog, saw the picture of Sarah and her encounter with the bird, we did know, but sometimes don’t pay attention that when eating outside on or near the beach, you do not raise your hand to your mouth even to clear your throat or cough – birds will mistake that gesture as maybe you have food for them. We were sitting in a beachside restaurant having a burrito, had about 1/4 of it left and had my hand kind of in the air with my elbow on the table – swoosh! a wing glanced off my face. Probably felt the piece really was too big for his beak. Though of Sarah right away.
    That is a beautiful figurine of the hugging mother and daughter. Know my daughter would not give that to me, but I would give it to her.
    Great job on Sarah’s room – very nice!

    • Becky says:


      That would be pretty alarming to be dive-bombed by a seagull. Didn’t know that about not raising your hand, in case birds think you have food for them. Interesting.

      Yes, I truly love that figurine. I know the love you have for your daughter–mama love is so precious.

  6. Gail Puckett says:

    I bought the Willow Tree figures like your box for my daughter for Christmas this year. I had previously bought the same one for my own mother before she passed away. My daughter was reduced to tears when she opened the gift and she said it meant more to her than anything she received. I am a hugger and she said looking at it would always make her think of me. I love the story of Gage and Sarah they look so precious together. Hope your weather is doing better than ours it is spring one day and cold cold cold winter the next Oh well, its Tennessee weather what can you do . i am so blessed to read your blog and follow the amazing story of Sarah (not to mention those adorable grandbabies of yours) I don’t comment much but I certainly look for a new blog post every time I open my mail,
    Hope your medical visits go well
    God bless

    • Becky says:


      How cool that you bought the same figures for your mother AND daughter. You are on the giving end of one hug and the receiving end of another. Love it.

      Yes, Gage and Sarah are truly “a matched set.” So thankful she has found a man like him.

      Thanks for following along through the years and for taking the time to comment today. Made me happy!

  7. Phyllis says:

    I can appreciate your “Me Days”. After spending a good amount of time at my parents since December 9th and having my cousin’s granddaughter at my house many nights since the week of Thanksgiving, I welcomed the “Me Days” I had from Tuesday of last week until this morning. I can watch TV at the volume I want and not at the volume my dad seems to think he needs, read uninterrupted, etc.
    Hope you had good travels today. I take my mom back to her orthopedic surgeon Wednesday. Thankfully her appointment isn’t until 1:15 and the weather looks good for Wednesday. There is no way I would be able to get her to an 8:00 appointment with a two hour drive. Not sure I could get her to an 8:00 appointment if it was a 10 minute drive from my house. She is not a morning person and even less so since her fall.
    Looks like Gage has been welcomed to your church family very nicely!
    I have a cameo pendant that my Grandmother wore to her wedding in 1919. My mom wore it at her wedding in 1949 and my niece had it put in her wedding bouquet in 2019. I’m hoping my other niece will want to wear it or put it in her bouquet this summer. I did replace the chain several years ago as the chain that came with it wasn’t very sturdy. I also have a bracelet that my grandmother’s dad gave her. It’s over 100 years old as he gave it to her before she was married.

    • Becky says:


      What amazing treasures you have, especially a cameo pendant from 1919. So glad it’s being used and appreciated by the following generations; it’s like your Grandmother is still there in spirit at all the weddings and occasions. And then to have a special bracelet as well over a century old; love it!

      I’m glad you have had some Me Days. Caregivers like you especially need those times to unwind and relax.

  8. LeeAnne says:

    Wishing safe travels to you both and hoping your appointments go well.
    The celebration at church looks like a lot of fun! It’s so nice that Gage’s parents and two brothers were able to be there for it.
    I have a letter that my mom wrote to me when she knew that she was dying of cancer. She wrote one to my brother too and we found them after she had passed away. I laminated mine so that it would always be preserved. It is so poignant and full of love. Just thinking about it now makes me get all teary-eyed.

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      What an amazing thing your mom did in writing those letters. I love that she left them for you to find later. I can only imagine the tears over the love those letters expressed. And a fabulous idea to laminate yours; I know it will be re-read and wept over for many years to come.

      Sounds like you had a really wonderful mom. Hugs.

  9. krista121799 says:

    Looks like a great celebration for Gage and the new Children’s Program!
    Sarah’s room is beautiful, I love the new color.

    Blessings for a great week!

  10. Cheryl H says:

    Your mom and daughter hug box brings a tear to my eye. One of my favorite memories of growing up was bounding into the house after school and giving my Mom a big ole, rowdy hug. She was almost always doing something in the kitchen when I arrived. The night she went to Heaven, I had a very vivid dream where she and I were standing in her kitchen, and I gave her one more of our “big, bounding” hugs. I squeezed her extra tight and begged her not to go. She let me go, then walked down the hallway towards her and my Dad’s bedroom, turning back one more time to smile at me. And then she was gone. I will always cherish that dream, because I think it was Mama telling me she loved me, and she would see me later. I’m so thankful for our Hope in Jesus! Sweet memories for me today! Thanks for the photo!

    • Becky says:


      Oh, I love hearing about you and your mom’s daily hugs and especially about that last vision of a hug before she left you for the last time.

      So very thankful for all the hugs you and your mom have to look forward to!

  11. Courtney says:

    Since my girls are still so young, I think a lot about how I can help them become strong, confident women who believe in themselves and they power they have to change the world. “Santa” brought them each a bracelet this year in their stockings. Ellie’s said, “Beautiful girl, you were born to do great things.” Kate’s said “She thought she could, so she did.” Maybe one day I will look back at those bracelets and think about this season in our lives. (Also, I think I’m going to go find that Mother/Daughter box for each of them. I love that!!)

    Hope your appointments go well today. It is always such a gift to share a little bit of your lives. XO

    • Becky says:


      Love the bracelets the girls got for Christmas. Such empowering, encouraging statements for them to fasten their minds on and go to live out in their lives.

      Yes, you would LOVE having those boxes for the girls. Every time I look at Sarah’s, I tear up because it sums up so well our relationship.

      Hugs to you and the whole wonderful Hurd Family!

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