Comment Record. Stealthy Yorkie. Big Hair.

March 14, 2022

Well, here’s the truth.

At first, I was just a tad disappointed with you guys.

Thirty minutes after posting last Monday, asking for a record number of comments for my 60th birthday, I checked my email notifications and there were zero comments.

An hour later, zero.

Two hours later, zero.

I was a little taken aback that my small birthday request had elicited such a dismal response.

I had been doing all my comment-checking by email and hadn’t looked at the blog itself. I finally decided I would go there and  re-read what I had written to see what might have contributed to getting zero replies.

And when I did?

I saw over sixty comments. In two hours!

Turns out my email notification had glitched and you all had been commenting all along. Woo-hoo! My tribe is the best!

Thanks so much to all of you who jumped in to help me celebrate Super Sixty, especially the first-time commenters. You absolutely made my day.

(And by the way?  The post is currently at 294.  If three more people commented–and I reply–we would break 300, which would stand as a record for a long time.)

And before I leave the topic of 60 behind us, I have to share this video. I first posted it when Steve turned sixty and it slays me every time I watch it.  The look on the kids’ faces when Meagan tells them that Grandpa is turning 60 is priceless. Wide-eyed, wide-mouthed disbelief.


Yesterday after church, we drove here to Charlotte. We will be seeing Vernie today and again tomorrow before heading back home.

And speaking of moms, my mom has gained back two pounds and is feeling a bit better now that the severe UTI she had was treated.

I posted a vintage photo of Vernie last week so it’s Mom’s turn this week.  I’m the oldest sister, in the yellow dress; Ruth is next, in the red coat. And of course, the baby is my little sister, Debbie. How do you like those white gloves?

We also have three older brothers–six kids within ten years of each other. For Debbie and me, at least, this was the era of The Big Hair.

Another Lady

One more Grandma-esque lady I want to mention is Summer.

We are successfully managing her kidney disease (protein-losing enteropathy) with meds; she’s doing well and maintaining her weight.  However, over the past few weeks, she has become almost totally blind, in  addition to being about 90% deaf.

It’s hard to watch her try to navigate her way through the house. She’ll get into a particular room and walk into a corner repeatedly trying to find the open door that is a foot or two away.  If I’m standing in the kitchen, she’ll walk right into me.  She’s always been easy to step on but it’s gotten a whole lot more challenging now that she doesn’t see or hear us coming.

When I’m cooking, I am constantly looking down before taking a step because, in addition to not being able to see or hear, she is also stealthy, sort of like a Ninja Yorkie.  One moment she’s not in the kitchen and the next moment she is.  Special Forces have nothing on this petite gal’s covert movements.

Even though her sight and hearing have gone, her snuggle-abilty is still operating at a hundred percent. We love our Summer!

Church Happenings

I teach a Wednesday night girls’ group and last week, we did several activities that called for socks.  Steve owns at four three dozen pairs of happy socks so we had lots to choose from. The girls had a great time.

And in other church news, Steve and Gage have been busy creating a new set that will have its first showing on Easter Sunday. I am not up on all the technical language but they are basically building eight lightboxes that will be filled with designs created by Gage. The designs will be cut out and different colored lights will be shown behind them so that the designs show through.

Here is a rough version of the first one just to give you an idea.

And here is the process they are in the middle of.

One of the designs will be a hand holding a Bible so Gage took various photos of a Bible so he’d have something to model his design after.

It is beyond amazing to me that the guys can visualize and build all of this.  Steve is thrilled to have a son-in-law who loves to brainstorm and create the way he does. They make an amazing team.

When Steve is not set building, he is sermon-building. I’m always proud of the way he diligently applies himself each week to sermon prep.

I will leave you with a photo from a few years back.

We have seen these two waving goodbye so many times over the forty-two years that I’ve been a part of the family.  When Steve and I pull out of the driveway tomorrow, there will be one outside sending a smile to accompany us on our journey home.

But the memories still linger and we will hold those close as we drive away.

What about you?  

Did you ever have big hair?  What did you have to do to get it to be big?

Were you part of a family where people stood on the front steps to wave goodbye?  Have you maintained that tradition? 

Have you ever had a pet who has been blind and/or deaf? What did you to help them?

What do you have going on this week?



48 comments so far.

48 responses to “Comment Record. Stealthy Yorkie. Big Hair.”

  1. Marylea Russell says:

    I’m commenting on your previous post about lung nodules. I had a CT last week and read the results tonight and it shows that I have 2 nodules in my right lung base that apparently have been there since at least 2019. I’m curious to hear what yours are. This week we are with our 18 yo grandson for his Spring Break. We visited NYC for 2 days and are now in Stroudsburg, PA for 2 nights and then will be going to Philly for 2 days before returning to FL.

    • Becky says:


      What an amazing grandson who wants to spend spring break with his grandparents. LOVE it. Sounds like you’re having fun!

      Did the report say the nodules had grown? That’s their main point of concern. A lot of people do have nodules that never grow and never cause problems. I am waiting for my scan/records to be transferred to the doctor who is following the case. Hopefully will hear something soon.

      • Marylea Russell says:

        No, mine are apparently stable. I had the chest CT to make sure my breast cancer hadn’t returned. I may be able to stop my hormone blocker in July.

        • Becky says:


          Glad to know your nodules are stable and especially, that your breast cancer hasn’t returned. Big sigh of relief!

  2. Kristina says:

    I was washing dishes a bit ago and something from your post popped into my head… I don’t know if you’ve seen them, but I know some people get dogs with major vision problems a thing called a “blind dog bumper” or a “blind dog halo.” It looks a little silly but it’s basically a loop of a firm but not brittle material that extends in front of the dog so that they get a warning bump before actually running into anything. If you Google either of those terms you’ll see what I mean. Maybe it would help Summer? And Steve and Gage are clever and handy… I bet they could ad-lib a solution that works without spending a bunch of money.

    • Becky says:


      I had to Google that; never heard of it. It’s a great idea! Fortunately, at this point Summer moves pretty slowly so when she does bump into something it is a pretty delicate tap and doesn’t seem to cause any discomfort.

      But I am putting this knowledge in my back pocket for down the road for Summer or for when I hear of someone else with a blind dog. Thanks for thinking of us while doing dishes! 🙂

  3. Kristina says:

    I’m not clear on what it is that they’re doing with the wood and the cut-outs and such–I am not so great at visualizing how things come together–but the process sure looks cool! Unfortunately I do know a bit about UTIs in elderly people, and I am so glad to hear that your mom’s infection has cleared up and she is more comfortable now.

    My family is, in general, a “stand wherever we are and wave until out of sight” kind of family, although it’s not always necessarily on the steps. Sometimes it’s steps, sometimes the driveway, sometimes the airport drop-off lane!

    • Becky says:


      I’m right there with you on not being able to visualize stuff; I am terrible at it whereas Steve can see stuff in his mind immediately. Basically, there will be 8 different designs and 8 different lightboxes which will be placed around the stage. Each lightbox is 8 feet high and will be lit with any color of desired light from behind. It should be pretty stunning when it’s all done.

      Yes, sometimes waving takes place in all sorts of places, don’t they? I’ve done a few airport waves myself. (Usually with tears threatening.)

  4. Krista Labrensz says:

    I did have big hair in the late 80’s. I used to have those “wings” where you use the hair dryer and then spray it with hair spray. Oh, and the bangs were big, too. Happy memories!
    I’m glad Summer has you to help navigate life now. She is still living the best life, I’m sure.
    We’re having a quiet week. Church tomorrow evening, but nothing the other nights. Which is fine by me!
    Continuing to pray for you all!

    • Becky says:


      Oh yes. I do remember the Farrah Fawcet wings. I was never able to accomplish them but I am proud of you for doing so! 🙂

      I’m right there with you. I love quiet evenings–enjoy!

  5. LeeAnne says:

    Yes, I definitely had big hair!! I used to get my hair permed and it was fairly long so that made for BIG hair. Lol I recently looked back at a bunch of photos of me at work over the years and I have had some real ‘doozy’ hair styles!

    Our only pet when I was growing up had heart and kidney issues but fortunately did not suffer from hearing or vision loss. He was such a sweet dog. I’m sorry to hear that Summer is struggling. Hopefully she knows the layout of the house well enough that she doesn’t run into walls or endanger herself.

    I’m so glad that your mom is feeling better! How about Vernie?

    We always stand in the driveway and wave our goodbyes and our tradition is also of giving the sign language sign for ‘I love you’ whenever someone in our family drives away and the kids as well as the grandkids all sign it back. Love it!!!

    • Becky says:


      I love that your family uses the sign language symbol for I Love You. Perfect!

      Looking back at the Big Hair days is a little bit disconcerting. The first thing that always comes to mind is, “What was I thinking!” But at least we were stylin’!

  6. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    So glad to hear your mom is doing much better. Most of the time we don’t like to hear about weight gain, but this is good news. The video of those precious kids and their gasp – so precious. Big hair – yep, had it. My favorite was the beehive. Use to use t.p. around it before going to bed to keep it from moving. Know my husband did not appreciate it but wore it that way for about 3 – 4 days.
    We did have a couple dogs but one died because of illness and the other one we only had for a short time because our son was allergic to it (we knew he was allergic to cats, but didn’t know about the dog), so unfortunately we had to give it away. We are still traveling around so a dog is not in our lives yet. I know we could take him/her with us, but then trying to find a place that takes pets or finding someone to watch it is not fun. (Yes, we do know about kennels – there is one behind us up the hill. Not much on the calendar this week1

    • Becky says:


      I’ve never heard of tp around hair before. You were definitely dedicated to the big hair cause!

      Yes, if you travel a lot it does get a bit more complicated to have a pet. Thankfully, we have two single women in our church who love to take turns dog sitting so we are blessed.

      Enjoy your travels! 🙂

      • Sharyn McDonald says:

        My mom would always be outside when we would pull-up in the driveway and come outside with hugs when we would leave. One time called her on the phone to tell her we would like to come for a visit. Could hear the smile when I told her. Was pulling into their driveway and no mom. Told my husband something was wrong. Knocked on the door and she opened it with a shocked looked on her face. Her dementia had progressed.

        • Becky says:


          Oh, what a happy/sad story about your mom.

          Happy in that she was so excited you were coming; sad in that she didn’t remember you were coming. But underneath all that forgetfulness was a river of love that never stopped running.

  7. Gloria A Smith says:

    Love the family photo when you were a little girl, so sweet.

    The ‘big hair’ photo is awesome. I have memories of washing, rolling on ‘hard rollers’ and drying my hair by sitting under a salon style dryer in my bedroom !!! Wow !!!

    The birthday song from the grands is so precious.

    Love and hugs to Summer.

    • Becky says:


      Oh, the things we used to do for our hair. At least you didn’t sleep on hard rollers. I know some people have done that which sounds so uncomfortable.

      Glad you enjoyed the birthday song; I smile every time I watch it.

  8. SueEllen says:

    Of course I had big hair! I would perm it and tease it, and lots of hairspray. I’m so happy to hear both moms are continuing to hang in there. Prayers for sweet Summer…I’m sure she enjoys the snuggles as much as you. I look forward to seeing Gage & Steve’s finished project! I’m sure it will be amazing. Wishing you all a wonderful week!!

    • Becky says:


      I love your line, “Of course, I had big hair!” 🙂 Perming, teasing, spraying. All for the good of the Big Hair Cause.

      Yes, snuggle time with Summer is one of the favorite parts of my day.

  9. Jan Reuther says:

    Oh my! I’m afraid I’ll have a lot of people fighting envy: If I want big hair, I just wash it. I don’t dare blow it dry or it will be HUGELY big hair.
    When we went to visit Grandma & Grandpa Reuther (about 400 mi. away), they would see us out the back door to where our car was parked in their driveway, then hurry inside to the go out the front door and wave from the front steps. I’m near to sobbing here, missing that sweet goodbye.
    I’ve lived in my condo apartment for 5 months, and I haven’t had an accessible shower. Sponge baths, the gym in this building or the YMCA have all seen me through that time, but maybe, just maybe, the contractor can begin by mid week next week to do a complete remodel on my bathroom! There are far bigger problems than my bathroom, but it’s a wonderful feeling to know that soon I can invite people over & not hustle them down the hall to a public bathroom if need be!!

    • Becky says:


      I’ve heard of big hair but not HUGELY big hair. You’ve taken it to a new level!

      Isn’t it amazing how those old memories don’t just stay with us but they can seem as fresh as if they’d just happened? Sounds like you have some sweet, sweet times to look
      back on.

      Four months is a long time to be hustling yourself elsewhere for a shower. Here’s hoping right along with you that you get your bathroom remodeled QUICK! Vernie just spent 3 weeks having her bathroom totally remodeled (due to some leaks in the wall) and they finished it right as she was headed to the hospital, so she never even got to use it.

  10. Phyllis says:

    The only time I had big hair was in the late 80s/early 90s when I had my hair permed. Since then, it’s been pretty much short hair styled with a blow dryer.
    I have a funny story about waving. My dad has always been an early riser. He went to work early and when he retired, he continued getting up early. When the weather was good, he would go out on the front porch and wave at Patti, the neighbor across the street when she would leave for work between 7:00 and 7:15. Then he would wave at 2 or 3 people that worked at the local Ford dealership as they drove by on their way to work. My parents lived on the main street of town. When we were getting ready to move my mom into the nursing home and my dad in with me (that lasted 5 days), Patti took a picture of him sitting on the front porch waving and sent it to everyone that he always waved at.
    My week – this morning I got to meet the granddaughter of a woman I work with in the finance office at church. She was born December 4th, weighing 1 pound, 7 ounces and just got out of the hospital not quite two weeks ago. She is truly a miracle that so many people prayed for. At just over 15 weeks, she still just weighs a little over 6 pounds but is the sweetest little thing.
    Wednesday I have a quarterly care team meeting for my parents at the nursing home.
    Thursday I am off to Daytona, FL for a few days to visit a good friend and to celebrate her husband’s 60th birthday Saturday night. His birthday is next Wednesday.

    • Becky says:


      Yep. The 80s/90s were big years for big hair!

      I love the idea of your dad getting up to wave at the neighbors going to work. And what a great idea for Patti to take a photo of him waving and send it to everyone. What a thoughtful thing to do and what a great neighborhood.

      Wow. 1 pound, 7 ounces is so very, very small. So glad to hear the baby is doing well.

  11. Kaye Joyce says:

    I am so glad you had a good Birthday…you deserve it. That picture of you in the yellow looks like Sarah! Wow!!! I have never had BIG hair… mine is so thin and fine that I just had it really long back in the day. Now I wear it really short. I have always loved your hair.. it looks pretty all of the time. I hate to hear about little Summer… bless it. I have a nine month old Yorkie and she is our baby. I dread the time when she starts failing in health and goes through those kind of things. My sister and her hubby had to take their wienie dog to the vet today for surgery. He has a “growth” on his stomach and they are checking to see what it is. He is losing weight and not been himself lately. They have already cried their eyes out just thinking of what may happen to their little baby boy. It breaks my heart for them.
    I am finally getting over bronchitis and sinus infection. I had it for two whole, long, long weeks. Uggg… Still not feeling 100%. I am praying for your mom and Steve’s mom as they move forward in their aging process… it is hard on them and hard on the families.
    Standing on my porch waving at you as I say goodbye. Have a blessed week.

    • Becky says:


      What a sweet closing, “I’m standing on my porch waving at you as I say goodbye.” Made me smile.

      I bet a nine-month-old Yorkie is absolutely darling. I LOVE that breed! You’ll have many, many more years before you have to start worrying about aging issues. I know how your sister and her husband are feeling; that is a terrible feeling to know your dog might be seriously ill. I hope everything turns out well for them.

  12. Marjie Rinehart says:

    Our 14 year old Schnauzer is partially deaf and blind. She is now getting more confused, which is sad, but eats well and still gets excited when she knows we are around. I usually pick her up and carry her if she continues to bang into the wall, or can’t seem to find her way. It is so sad. I hope you had a great birthday!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I do the same thing with Summer; just pick her up and snuggle her for a moment and then take her where she wants to go. They sure get ahold of our hearts, don’t they?

  13. Wendy says:

    Awww, Poor Summer. Can you put something on her collar, a bell or something so you know where she is and not under your feet? I’ve never had a pet go blind, but my grand dog is starting to lose her sight and hearing as well. Poor pup.
    That is amazing that Gage and Steve are working on those light boxes. The one you showed with the bread and goblet is amazing. Make sure you show us the lighted ones when they are finished.
    Never had big hair. Just couldn’t ever go there. haha! Many of my friends did in high school though.
    We have always been a wave goodbye family. My parents did, my in laws did and now I do too. Wendy

    • Becky says:


      I was just saying to Steve this morning that a jingling collar would help us to keep track of her. Good confirmation!

      I love the description of a “wave goodbye family.” 🙂

  14. Elizabeth says:

    Can you put a bell on her collar so you will know where she is when she is out and about in the house?

    • Becky says:


      Yep! You and Wendy both had a good idea on the bell.

      Summer used to wear her collar all the time but when she started sleeping with us, the noise would bother us. We’ll just have to get into the habit of taking it off at night.

  15. Dale Tousley says:

    I am so glad to hear that both Vernie and your Mom are doing better, I think of them often. When we moved to KS and then went back to NJ to visit, as we were leaving for the airport, my Mom would always be on the front porch waving good bye, usually with tears….Boy oh boy, does Gage fit perfectly into your family, I love those pictures of Steve and him working together….our sweet Kasie, our little Bichon, went blind and deaf at about 12 I think, we had lived in our house in KS for long enough before so that she was familiar with it and could still manuever her way around, even the stairs, but when we moved to NC she was 13 and very unfamiliar and confused so I tried to orient her the best I could except for the stairs, they were hardwood and the first day she fell all the way down 17 steps, she was okay just rattled so from there on in, we put gates at the bottom of the stairs and at the top for when she was upstairs, after that she managed okay and always could find me no matter where I was in the house. Our daughter’s dog, who was quite young at the time, also lived with us and he was very protective of her, whining to me when she needed something or seem lost. AND as for big hair, well I am from Jersey so ’nuff said!!! During the 80’s I had the biggest perm ever and I moussed it and gelled it and had it redone every 3 months, my kids crack up when they see those pictures along with the socks that went up to my knees.

    • Becky says:


      Mousssed and gelled hair? Yep. I was all about it. As you said, if nothing else, those photos DO help to entertain our children. 🙂

      I love that your daughter’s dog took your dog under his wing. Love that visual picture of that.

  16. Lizz says:

    Aw hearing the news about Summer makes me sad. My kitty is 15 1/2 and she’s still playful, feisty, loud when hungry and the best part about her getting older is that she is so incredibly cuddly now, at least with me. I have anxiety about her constantly though because I know she is OLD and that means I’ll have to say goodbye to her one of these days. I know Summer is in the best possible family and home and when it’s her time she’ll be surrounded by her favorite people. 💜

    I’m so happy to hear your mom is feeling a little better. How is Vernie? Also, who has Ken’s doggy since Vernie is in the rehab place?

    Many prayers still going up for both of your mommies!

    Please pray for my “adopted” Aunt Chelley. She had emergency surgery about 3 weeks ago for a blockage in her intestines and has been opened back up twice since for infection. She’s got another infection and is in the hospital on an hourly morphine drip and a breathing tube in her nose so she can’t talk. She needs all the prayers she can get! Really hoping for the doctors to figure it all out and get her better!

    • Becky says:


      We saw Vernie this afternoon and she is looking stronger since two weeks ago. Still doesn’t have a lot of mobility but her PT told us she is making good progress.

      Ken and Vernie’s dog is being taken care of by Steve’s brother, Dana. Thanks for thinking about sweet Tippi.

      I’m sorry to hear about what your adopted aunt has been through. That’s a whole lot of medical stress and crises for her to go through in a short amount of time. Praying for her now.

  17. dmantik says:

    Very happy to see you absolutely smashed your commenting goal–hurray!

    And hey! You forgot! I’m the baby dad is holding in the pic with you and Ruth. We spoiled youngest children don’t like to be overlooked. 😄

    That video of the grands and Meagan doing Steve’s birthday greeting is so funny. So great to see it again!

    Steve and Gage are simply amazing in their abilities. And what a team! I can imagine how striking the cut pieces will be with light behind them. Such a good idea.

    So glad you guys can be with Vernie again for a few days. I know you’re good medicine for her.

    Sweet Summer. What a grand, brave little lady. So thankful you’ve been given extra time with her.

    Love you guys! 🥰


    • Becky says:


      I went in and edited the blog to include you in the family lineup. Now that I’m sixty, my brain sometimes forgets to tell my fingers what’s going on. 🙂

      Yes, Steve and Gage make a great team; both very creative and inventive. I don’t understand 90% of what they’re talking about when they’re discussing their designs. But as long as they know what they’re doing . . .

      Summer is, indeed, a brave little lady. Love my girl! Hugs to all.

  18. Lesley says:

    So glad your mom is perking up and you are able to visit with Vernie. How wonderful for Steve to have a son in law to brainstorm with, its a match made in Heaven 🙂 I like the photo of Gage from behind, sitting and pondering his next step. Steve’s red and white popcorn socks are great.
    I hope the Florida Smiths are recovering well from covid with no lingering effects.
    I never did the big hair, my hair was parted in the middle, long, down to my butt lol
    Whenever we left my Grandmother’s home after an extended visit, she would pretend to push our car from behind. I remember looking out the back window at her running and laughing face until she could not keep up any longer, then her standing at the corner of her street waving and wiping a tear. The older she got the shorter her run. Ohhh the memories.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the Florida Smiths recovered well except for some lung issues that Meagan is still dealing with.

      Oh my. I love the visual of your grandma pretending to push the car from behind; such a fun “memorable” memory. She sounds like my kind of lady!

  19. Suzanne says:

    Oh my…YES to the big hair! I actually miss big hair although a lot of people probably still think I have big hair (so many curls)!

    My parents would stand on their steps to wave bye to us and we do that as well to anyone who visits. I love this tradition. When my mother stands there without my daddy now, it’s bittersweet. Life goes on but we sure do miss those who have gone before us!

    Sweet Summer…you guys are the best parents!

    • Becky says:


      Glad to meet another Big Hair Club-er!

      I know what you mean about the bittersweet feeling when only one parent remains to wave goodbye. Life does go on . . . but there are definitely some holes that have been left by some very dear people.

  20. Patti says:

    I never had the big hair as my hair is very thin and fine. I did get it done for a play once and it took almost a whole can of mousse to accomplish it. I did have a dress almost the same as in the photo complete with shoulder pads. I like to date photos by the clothes and hair styles.
    We did the porch wave and also as kids would run into the yard and wave at the car until it was out of sight. Now we just walk to the porch and wave goodbye.
    Have never had a deaf or blind pet, or really was around one. It would be difficult for sure.
    This week is low key. I am having a steroid shot in my back to see if it will help with leg pain they can’t diagnose. Then I get to sit around for 2 days which I don’t like doing. I would rather be doing something, so it will be a time for some old movies I guess.
    Love seeing all the creations that people come up with. Can’t wait to see more of the light box show.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, the shoulder pads were really a thing back then and now I see, here and there, that they are coming back! Glad to you know you are kids are passing down the tradition of the porch wave. Such a friendly, warm thing to do.

      Steroid shot in the back doesn’t sound fun but getting relief from the pain does sound fun. Enjoy those old movies!

  21. Ruth rehberg says:

    Our little pappillon–violet is deaf too. She still likes to run out for a walk with our corgi –cider. They have been a team for 12 years.
    Saw the first robin here in cool Wisconsin on sun. Very welcome sight and sound.
    50s this week…. A real miracle after winter.

    • Becky says:


      It’s so cool that your dogs have been such good friends. Whichever one passes first, I know they will be greatly missed by the other one.

      Fifty degrees and a robin? I’m sure you and mom are happy dancing!

  22. Mrs. Pam says:

    my first b-day message didn’t post ?? 300 would be amazing

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