Clouds and Windmills And Peanuts and Pigs.

October 25, 2013

As cliché as it is to take pictures out of a plane window, I still can’t help myself sometimes.

I never get over the miracle of the fact that I am flying.

Above the clouds.

Looking down at the earth. 

Held up by the wind and a few complex pieces of engineering.


Not to mention that as I am floating up there on my own personal cushion of air, I am also dining on a hearty, filling meal of . . .. peanuts.  And a fourth of a can of soda. (Or “pop,’ as we Wisconsites are wont to say.)

But meager rations notwithstanding, it makes them taste all the better when looking out the window at a new perspective on life.

It was especially nice when my lofty perspective brought into view the city of Milwaukee, a place where my family was waiting to welcome me.


Once all the airport hugs had been dispensed and we’d gotten my luggage (and myself) safely stowed in the car, we took off on the kind of road trip I have always loved— the rural Wisconsin country side!

Ah, Wisconsin.

The land where I grew up.

The land of blue skies and windmills






The land of tractors . . .



and hay wagons . . .


and interesting  farm machinery.


We saw lovely, country décor . . .


and also–plastic pigs?



As it turns out we weren’t on a farm at all; in fact, we were still in Milwaukee!  We had just stopped for dinner at a wonderful restaurant called . . .


Yep. A restaurant called “The Machine Shed.”  That’s something different for you!



The inside was as interesting as the outside, with metal pitchers and old canning jars for the water. What’s not to love?


I enjoyed the food, and the decor, and the company so much—getting to see my mom, my sister, and my brother-in-was a joy. And when we finished our conversation and our delicious meal, we headed out to Randy and Debbie’s house in Portage, where I am now smack dab in small town Wisconsin and headed out to rural Wisconsin tomorrow morning.

I am a happy, happy woman.

7 comments so far.

7 responses to “Clouds and Windmills And Peanuts and Pigs.”

  1. Mrs. Pam says:

    Just two days ago I told the Preschoolers that my favorite farm animals were pigs…
    so I was excited to see a photo of your adorable piggies… ah well, I enjoyed the Wis. sights anyway. ….40 years ago when we gave IQ tests to preschoolers, one of the questions was “Can you circle the (picture of) pop?” must admit, I changed that to “soda”. figured that was legal.

  2. Phyllis Lines says:

    I first read that you were on your fourth can of soda and thought you must be in first class. Then I saw that it was a fourth of a can! Have fun visiting family.

    • Kristina says:

      Ha, I read this wrong too, and didn’t realize it until I saw your comment! I wondered how Becky could possibly drink four cans of soda, especially since the flight to Wisconsin isn’t THAT long!

  3. Liz W says:

    Hope you are still able to see some of the beautiful fall color. Enjoy your time with your family and being in Wisconsin. It is a pretty special place.

  4. LeeAnne says:

    Becky, So glad you had a safe trip. Enjoy your family time and have fun at the wedding! I, too, always take photos out of the airplane window. Fascinating and beautiful!! 🙂

  5. Jodi says:

    Have you been to the brat stop in Kenosha? As your neighbor to the south (for now) & whose dad lived in White Fish Bay until he, the baby, was 4 (siblings were 7 & 9) we went to some of his family favorites on the weekends! Have a great tim @ the wedding! I wish there was a bit more time since I’m about an hour & ten minutes from Mitchell!

  6. Mary H says:

    So glad you had a happy, safe flight and are in some of the best parts of our land – rural, farms, tractors, blue skies, fields, family and windmills. Very near and dear to my heart also.

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