A Few More Christmas Tales

January 5, 2015

Just two more of waiting before Sarah’s biopsy on Wednesday. Could time possibly go any slower?

We had prayer for her yesterday at church and our congregation offered her so many hugs and words of compassion that she was in tears.

Last night, Steve was out of town for a church member’s surgery and so Sarah and I had a little girls’ night in where we laid on our big bed and read a book together and then had a chance to talk (and cry) some more about the uncertainty and the scariness of what this week holds.

I was looking again this morning at the form the hospital gave her; seeing the words “Sarah Smith, breast mass,  and mother with cancer history” on the same piece of paper was enough to start up the waterworks yet again.

Thanks so much to those of you who have continued to leave comments and email us and keep us in  your thoughts.  We feel so well cared for and well-loved.


I have another ten (or fifteen) million pictures from Christmas on my computer but am going to try to pare them down to just a couple more Christmas posts. 

So let’s get started!

And what better place to start than Grandpa Smith showing off his mad diaper-changing skills.  It’s like riding a bike—once you do it, you never forget.


Sarah loved doing her auntie thing with Noah—she played with him, fed him, took him for walks in the stroller, and even got her own diaper change in there.





We were a little a worried about how Summer would do with a small, rocket-propelled human in the house but she adjusted really well. (It’s obvious from this photo though, that Noah was more interested in instigating a relationship than Summer was.)



We finally got to the point where I was able to hold both small, sweet creatures in my lap at the same time. A real victory!


As a miscellaneous note in the midst of all this Noah-ness, I wanted to mention a solution I stumbled on for keeping all of our glasses organized during the Smith family visit.  We all drink a lot of water and I was having visions of dozens of glasses filling all the counter space and no one knowing whose was whose.  (Which became all the more important when Sarah got the flu.)

I happened to find these appliques at a thrift store for fifty cents. I think their original purpose was for marking peoples’ wine glasses at a party but they worked perfectly for our application. Everyone chose a color and we were good to go!


When the visit was over, I put all the little plastic thingies back in their holder and then the artistic side of me couldn’t resist taking a photo of them because they looked sort of cool.  (Remember: I am very easily entertained.)


Of course this particular Smith family member had his own drinking cup so he didn’t get his own applique.  Sorry, Noah!


During the holiday, we took several opportunities to send Nathan and Meagan out the door on a couple dates since after all, they did have a few babysitters on hand who might just be able to find an extra moment or two to spend with a sweet little fella.

And so Meagan got all dolled up . . .


and off they went to various places, hither and yon.

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Of course, the fact that they got to drive Steve’s Miata (with the top down) added quite a bit to the adventure and fun quotient of said dates.

On one particular day, Meagan and I took off together for a couple of hours and found her a ton of treasures at thrift stores to add to her maternity collection.

We then stopped off for lunch where it turned out we were both in the mood for breakfast items.  Give me a pecan waffle and I am a happy woman.

I am blessed to have this woman in my life—a precious daughter and a sweet friend.  (And also a maker of very cute grandchildren.)


In  a future post, you will get to read the story behind this photo.  Something to look forward to, right?


39 comments so far.

39 responses to “A Few More Christmas Tales”

  1. Ann Martin says:

    Your blogs are always interesting and the pictures are super. Take care and love you lots. Sarah is amazing and prayers are continuing.

  2. Kristina says:

    Oh, Becky….

    Nothing makes time pass more slowly than waiting for scary tests. Except maybe waiting for the results of said tests. Stupid tests.

    I am so sorry that Sarah is dealing with more scary, stupid medical tests. I wasn’t sure if I should mention this, but I thought… maybe it would be a positive note? I’ve been trying to pray for Sarah; the first time I’ve attempted prayer in probably about 15 years. I don’t know if I’m doing it ‘right’ (is there a right?!), and I’m not convinced that there’s a higher power listening… but I’ve tried. I so, so, SO hope that Sarah is not facing another cancer battle. Please let the Smithellaneous world know if there’s anything we can do you support her, and you, and your family.

  3. Dale Tousley says:

    Sending tons of love, prayers and positive thoughts your way…….good luck tomorrow, I will be thinking of you all day…….

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    I have been praying for Sarah this morning and letting the Holy Spirit do my groaning for me. (Romans 8:26 “for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”)

    when I first read “glasses” I thought eye glasses, and wow you must have an awful lot of pairs to need an organizational plan. so, those markers must be for a wedding party assuming they are rings, unless they are for a baby shower, and are pacifiers. Before markers became popular, I would always tie a ribbon around my glass when I entertained since I was always putting it down somewhere. guess everybody else had to fend for him/herself.

    praying that God’s peace surrounds Sarah tomorrow

    • Kristina says:

      Just noticed this Bible verse… it’s kind of the perfect summary for a situation where the words have trouble expressing the thoughts. Thanks for posting this, Mrs. Pam!

  5. Mel says:

    Just one more comment. After I finished my comment, I just scrolled back through the pictures and “Blessed is she” caught my eye. I know that you were taking the picture of the glasses with the markers but it made me smile. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Someone had just given me that cutting board for Christmas and it had a lovely picture and a verse starting with those words. Love it–and glad it made you smile.

  6. Mel says:

    Praying for Sarah and your entire family. Little Noah is just such a sweetheart. Will you be finding out the sex of the newest member of the Smith family that is currently cooking in the oven?

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we should be finding out in the next couple of weeks. Very excited to know if that oven-resident is a boy or a girl! (Or as Woody Allen said, “I have three children. One of each.”) 🙂

  7. SueEllen says:

    It was nice to see someone else who changes diapers on the sofa! But am I the only one who first thought of reading glasses (instead of drinking glasses)? 🙂 I always look forward to reading your blog entries (and drooling over your Outer Banks pictures). Continuing to keep Sarah and the rest of the Smith family in my thoughts and prayers…

    • Becky says:


      Actually, Meagan changes diapers on the floor but Grandma and Grandpa Smith have a wee bit more trouble getting down there so we opt for the easy way out. And you can tell we’re over 40 years old if we think of reading glasses before drinking glasses. Too funny! 🙂

  8. Denise says:

    Continued best wishes for Sarah as she waits for her biopsy, and even more good wishes that everything will come back beautifully benign. Waiting for the test and for the results are so, so difficult. I’m so sorry that she, and you, are having to think about anything that’s even remotely related to cancer again. 🙁

  9. Joy says:

    Sarah looks so happy in these pictures with her cute little nephew. She is one strong young lady. I hope and pray that she gets good news after her biopsy. Hope this post goes through. I tried posting a few days ago and I never saw it. I have been following Sarah from her diagnois but have never posted but a few times. I guess you could call me a stalker. I am going to try to post more often. I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to it. Take care.

    • Becky says:


      Always lovely to hear from a “stalker!” 🙂

      Sorry your earlier post didn’t show up but I’m glad you tried again; it’s great to hear from you andI look forward to more comments down the road.

      And it’s especially nice to hear from someone who has been part of the blog family for such a long time!

  10. Nicole says:

    Will be praying for all of you this week. I was out of touch for a few days but went back and read the blog about the scan/need for a biopsy…as I said, will be praying for sure!

    • Becky says:


      Thank you so much for taking the time to go back and find out what’s going on this week. And the prayers are very much appreciated!

  11. Elizabeth says:

    I have thought of and prayed for Sarah several times since your original post. So glad she has great family support and the support of her “blog family”. May God grant you all peace over the next few days.

  12. Margie says:

    Love you guys and know BUT GOD!!!!!! Hard to understand at times. PRAYING..

    • Becky says:


      Sometimes life IS hard to understand but I know all of us go through hard times. Just nice to know we have people alongside us on the journey!

  13. Tammy says:

    Thinking of Sarah constantly this week. The waiting is the worst! Love and prayers coming your way!

  14. Lesley says:

    Yes, time is certainly dragging. I suppose once the biopsy is done, it will take a few days to get the results?

    Love the pics of Sarah and Noah! You all had such a wonderful time in spite of the flu, Megan fits right in, doesn’t she?

    Prayers for Sarah as Wednesday draws close.

    • Becky says:


      My understanding is that the biopsy results take 2-3 days for an “uncomplicated” result and up to a week if further testing is needed.

      And yes, Meagan fits into our family perfectly! Nathan has good taste. 🙂

  15. Suzanne says:

    Just wanted to let you all know that I’m praying for you all but especially Sarah this week. My heart was just broken when I read the original post. The waiting is the hardest part (at least it was for me). Hugs and love to all!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much for your concern and your understanding of the difficulty of The Wait. There is nothing quite like it, as you know!

  16. Frapper says:

    Sending prayers and good thoughts for Sarah’s biopsy. Love all the photos you’ve included of your family Christmas!

    • Becky says:


      It was a fun Christmas and great fun to get to post my favorite photos. Just too bad all that fun is being followed by stress. Ick!

  17. LeeAnne says:

    Auntie Sarah looks just a wee bit proud in those pictures of her and Noah. 🙂 What a sweet boy! Kudos to grandpa on the diaper changing! The last time I changed Millie’s, I got it on her backwards. Lol Yay for grandma. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Aunt Sarah is definitely proud of her little nephew. Don’t fill bad about getting a diaper on backward; I did the same thing when Noah was a newborn. (I just haven’t admitted it out loud until now.) 🙂

  18. Tammy says:

    You all have been and will continue to be in our prayers! Love you so much and in Jesus’ precious name have this test show that there is NO cancer!

  19. beckylp says:

    wed is circled on my calendar although prayers have covered Sarah and all of you since the original posting. Our church is also praying and I continue to envision Sarah in the middle and people all around – very deep praying for her

    • Becky says:


      How very kind of you to ask you church to also pray. I love the thought of Sarah in the middle and people all around.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Becky, catching up with you here. I love you and my heart aches for you, for Sarah and leaps with joy at the same time for all the fun you’ve had over the holidays.

  21. Mary H says:

    Oh, my! Oh, NO! I have been so out of touch with you and your family because of matters of my own and then to open this up and see the biopsy news for Sarah. Becky, immediate prayers for her and for all of you! I will also ask for your prayers for our friend, Greg, who entered the hopsital yesterday to begin preparation for his bone marrow transplant this Thursday. Trying times – prayerful times – God will see us through. Love and prayers to everyone. I now need to do some serious catching up.

    • Becky says:


      Will pray for Greg as he prepares for his BMT. Such a long road ahead for him–but look where that road took Sarah! To a GOOD place! I’m thankful for that sort of medicine and that sort of treatment.

      Thanks for your prayers and concern for our family; you have such a caring heart.

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