Chocolate, The Computer, Snowy And Me

July 25, 2012

Thank you so very much for the comments you have left over the past few hours.  I can’t tell you how much your sweet and compassionate words have meant to all of us.  This Smithellaneous family is the best!


Last night there was a rain storm and we all gathered on the front porch to watch it.  Snowy became a little more alert, sniffing the air, and reveling in the exhilaration of stormy breezes.  



As good as it was to see him enjoying his little outdoor jaunt, the whole experience was tinged with the sadness that it could be one of our last evenings together.


It was especially wonderful to have such a peaceful, sweet evening after yesterday afternoon’s traumatic discussions about putting him to sleep. I sat with him on the couch for the longest time and just cried and held him.  Since he’s been around six pounds his whole life  (wonderful newborn baby size) I have always loved the feeling of holding him; it nurtures the mama part of my soul.


But this time my mama soul was salted with tears as I thought about the possibility of saying good bye.



After a while he got up and walked around the couch a little.   His loving, tearful, big sister kept vigil beside him.



Thankfully he slept peacefully last night with all the strong medicines that were on board.  And (joy of all joys) last night before bed he actually went outside and pooped!  The three of hollered and cheered when we saw that wondrous sight.

However.  He has stopped drinking altogether and has urinated only the tiniest little bit in the last 18 hours or so which is not a good sign.  I have a call in to the vet to let her know what’s going on and discuss what needs to be done.

Whatever that may be.

I am sitting up here with him in my writing chair; this is his favorite spot in the world because his little sweet body fits in just perfectly between me and the arm of the chair.  I think he feels like he’s in a happy cocoon when he is snuggled in there.

As I was sitting with him working on this post, I suddenly felt the urgent need for chocolate.  (Because chocolate cures it all, right?)   I didn’t want to disturb my sleeping companion so I asked Sarah to bring me a couple pieces of miniature Heath bars; she lovingly unwrapped them, placed them on a plate and presented them with a flourish



So it’s the chocolate, the computer, and Snowy and me. 


Biding our time.  Treasuring our moments.  Enjoying the joyful friendship we’ve shared for almost thirteen years.

Such a sweet and precious companion (and assistant blog writer) he has been to me.  I love him so very much.

29 comments so far.

29 responses to “Chocolate, The Computer, Snowy And Me”

  1. Bec from Sydney says:

    Oh Becky I’m sitting here with tears rolling down my face.

    Many, many hugs and so much love xxx

  2. Athome Clifton says:

    so sorry…. Hope he gets better. I have had to put animals down and it is so hard. I know the feelings your having. May God encompass you and Snowy in his arms. Love to all. Catherine.

  3. Adrienne says:

    I am so sorry you are going through this with Snowy.  We lost our beloved dog last February and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him.  Remember all the great memories with him.  Praying for you and the family.

  4. W8k says:

    *crying*. :,(

    Kim Waggoner

  5. Marjie says:

    My prayers go up to all of you.  AS I have been there done that 2 times.  May you continue to feel the love and support from all of us. 

  6. Frapper says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.  We lost our sweetheart last fall, and she was truly the dog of my heart.  I wish these dear souls could live longer.  We tried a vet who specialized in massage therapy, laser and regular acupuncture and that really seemed to help our corgi who had quite bad arthritis.  Thinking of you all.

  7. Kathy says:

    Prayers are being said for all of you.

  8. nancy irving says:

    🙁  I think this sad face says it all, my heart is broken for all of you, keeping my fingers crossed and my tears wiped

  9. Deb says:

    Just sitting here crying with you. Peace and prayers to all of you.

  10. Jodi says:

    Becky et al,
    My BLOG reader heart is breaking! That’s all I can say right now! Please know I am thinking of all of you right now. I just have this “feeling” that Snowy Studmuffin will tell you just what he needs and if he doesn’t you will all know what to do. As you can, please let us know how things progress! In the meantime, please, if you can, keep sharing Snowy pictures and memories w/ all of us. I especially would love to see (again) some of the very early pictures of Snowy & Sarah. For those of us that have been around since the VERY beginning (aka the CB days) we have seen them (I know not all of them), but, you can’t see too many pictures of Snowy! It’s just a shame that you don’t enjoy photography (wink)! Much love,  Jodi

  11. Jemmajolie says:

    I’m a dog lover.  I’m a mama.  I carry your angst in prayer.  God’s grace and peace to Snowy and to your family.

  12. Krueth says:

    Poor Snowy looks so sad and not feeling well laying so sweetly on your shoulder.  Gave me big ole tears again as I read.  Seeing you and Sarah with all the sadness and tears just hurts, and I know Steve feels the same way too, and probably Nathan too 🙁    Wendy

  13. Susan says:

    Just sitting here checking in on you and crying crocodile sized tears. My heart is in a million pieces right now. Prayers for all of you for peace and strength…I already know you will do what is best for Snowy, no matter the ache it causes yourself. Love to all of you! <3

  14. AmandaJ says:

    I keep wanting to comment and I just don’t know what to say, so I’ll just say that I’m thinking of all of you and sending my hugs and good thoughts. My heart hurts for Snowy and for all of you.

  15. Kristina says:

    Oh, Smith family, I’m so sorry to read this. Snowy has been in integral part of this blog since I first stumbled across it. In the very first post I read, he was comforting Sarah through … pneumonia, maybe? My thoughts are with you.

  16. Mary H says:

    Just checking on all of you – the look on sweet Sarah’s face is heartbreaking – God love her – Snowy is her special angel and always will be.  So very hard for her, I know.

  17. Vicki B says:

    My heart hurts for you all.  Prayers for peace, strength, and courage to do what is best.

  18. Linda Wellendorf says:

    My heart is breaking along with all of yours, Becky.  Still hoping and praying for a miracle.  Enjoy every moment.  xxoo

  19. Bridgette says:

    So, so sad for Snowy and all of you and hoping Snowy will be able to rebound like he has before!!! 

  20. Suzanne says:

    So sorry to hear about this Snowy news…I hope he will let you know what the best decision is for him.  It is never easy to say goodbye to a friend, but we can take comfort in knowing that we gave them the best life possible.  Praying for your family today and you face an uncertain future with your furry friend.

  21. dmantik says:

    I talked to Tim this morning and he asked, “Have you read “Sniff-ellaneous”? We were not making light, but rather just describing what happens when we read your posts on Snowy– the sniffling begins.

    The pix of you holding Snowy on the couch was so poignant and heart-rending.  Praying for wisdom and strength for you all through these days. 

    Love you,


  22. Paige says:

    Tears tears and tears.  Having lost several fur babies myself, and comforted my children through the grief, my heart aches for what your family is going through.  Your pictures say it all.  That’s why I sit here at work sobbing.

    I hope Snowy rebounds and gets a new lease on life for however long that may be.  But if not, I wish you peace as you enter this next phase.  My family is one year, four months and 17 days past our day of loss and we still talk about our Jakey as if he was here yesterday.  Time does heal the pain but gosh those little fur babies are special and an important part of family life.


    We are all with you. 

  23. Margie says:

    My husband always said the saddest day for him was when he went to clean Snooky’s litter box & there was nothing to clean. Snowy will tell you when it’s his time. Thinking of you.

  24. Jan Reuther says:

    Oh no!  I missed yesterday’s post, and had to catch up.

    So sorry to hear of Snowy’s distress…and yours.  Isn’t it amazing how much inpact a 6 pound critter can have on us?  Isn’t it amazing that we can be loved so much by 6 pounds of critter?  You are all in my thoughts and prayers as you face your tough decisions.

  25. Trine says:

    I am sending you thoughts and hugs. Pictures really say more than 1000 words. I’m glad you had a peaceful time with him right now.

  26. Shaningans says:

    Oh what timing.  I’ve been busy the last few days, just now am catching up with blogs and here to find we are facing the same decisions.  My sweet little fur-baby Harley is struggling terrible with her allergies they are taking over her body…we had second and third opinions and while they all say it a little different it all means the same thing, there isn’t much we can do for her.  The medicine we have her on to help control the allergies is in turn causing damage to other healthy parts.  Please know I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

  27. Gail says:

    Becky, I am so sorry about Snowy, I know what a comfort he has been to you over the past years and what a loving companion to Sarah during difficult times.  I pray for peace for all of you including Snowy.

  28. Mary H says:

    Oh, I thought of all of you and Snowy all evening, night and this morning.  I am so thankful you are having a peaceful, snuggly time with him.  It means everything to him and to all of you and his journey will be peaceful and happy – wherever that journey may lead.  I doubt there is any other dog as loved as Snowy and he knows it and what more can any beautiful, fluffy, white angel on four legs desire.  Animals live in the moment, better than any other living thing.  They don’t know there is a tomorrow or a yesterday – so al the love he feels in every second now is worth a lifetime to him.  God love you all – and I share your tears and understand the heartache.  Snowy you are a Godsend.

  29. Sam Gleason says:

    Praying for you guys today! We had to put our 19 year old wiener dog down a couple of months ago and I know exactly how you feel! 

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