Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Safe Stories.

January 27, 2025

Friday at 4:45 pm after a day at work, our house looked like this. And it sounded exactly the way it looked. Soaked in silence.

At 4:50, the house burst into life and suddenly became populated by one husband, two dogs, and four grands.  Let the merriment commence!


Someone asked me how Tinker and Belle got along with the grandkids. These pictures should answer that question.

After dinner, Noah and Madi worked on the dishes, while doing a little sibling teasing.

For our evening’s entertainment, Steve and I showed them Chitty Chitty Bang Bang; it was their first time to see it. Our family has loved  (and quoted from that movie) since Nathan and Sarah were small.

The grands loved it. There was an especially poignant moment when the song Hushabye Mountain came on.  Their eyes got wide and they all asked the same question at the same time, “Is this where Daddy got this song?”

Turns out that, after learning it as a child, he sings it to them almost every night.  Grinning hugely, they all sang along–a song that will be one of the soundtracks from their childhood.

Later on, Madison helped me get Grayson and Andrew down for bed which she always does.  (Such a good helper!)

I rubbed Andrew’s head for a while till he fell asleep.

Then I walked over to the next bedroom where Grayson was and was stopped in my tracks when I heard Madi softly singing old hymns to him as she lay beside him.

I stood quietly in the hall and listened as she sang. Such a treasured moment.

The next morning… 

Nathan and Meagan, and Sarah and Gage popped in for brunch and we had the CLT10 together. (Our nickname for the ten of us living in the Charlotte area.) Since it was the first get-together in a while, both couples had stories, struggles, and joys they wanted to share.

It was a parental privilege to sit at the table with them and listen to each couple take turns talking while the other couple listened intently and compassionately, tearing up, smiling, nodding, and speaking words of encouragement.

Although this is an older photo, it captures the joy we feel when we get together. With jobs and small kids and church and schedules, it doesn’t happen half as often as we would like.

But when we are together, this old house becomes a cocoon and a sanctuary,  a safe place to share our hearts and know that no matter what happens in our lives outside these walls, our stories are safe here.

What about you?

What movie or song from your childhood do you still remember? Why is it memorable?

Are you a fan of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?  If so, are you like us and fast forward through the “Lovely, Lonely Man” song?  It’s a beautiful song but it does go on awhile.

What is your favorite family movie to watch together?

16 comments so far.

16 responses to “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Safe Stories.”

  1. Fred & Lucy Johnson says:

    I loved the photos and stories of your Grandchildren!

  2. Phyllis says:

    It’s been a while since I saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I think one of my favorite family movies is The Wizard of Oz. Last year about this time, several friends went to see the movie in the theater to commemorate the 85th anniversary of its debut. In November, I went to see Wicked in the theater with a friend, her husband and their 25-year-old daughter with Down Syndrome. I had never seen the play so it was new to me.
    I am heading toward your old stomping grounds the day after the Super Bowl. My friend from Daytona area and I have rented a condo in Duck, NC. We plan to make a stop in Manteo at some point.
    I know you have to be enjoying having the Charlotte 10 all together this season of your life.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Oh, how fun that you get to go to the Outer Banks, and Manteo in particular. I hope you have a wonderful time enjoying that beautiful area.

      Yes, we are definitely loving getting to be together with the CLT10. It is such a joy.

      I had no idea Wizard of Oz was 85 years old. Makes me feel old!

  3. Gail Puckett says:

    Becky. I love the picture of your family in the den all together. Nothing makes me happier than to have my babies and their families in my living room. As for movies when my oldest granddaughter was about 3 she became obsessed with the movie A Bugs Life a Disney movie. When she spent the night she always had to cuddle with me in bed (oh such a chore😀) and as soon as it ended I got a chorus of “Lets watch it again”. Hannah got to the point she quoted it with the movie. She is 26 now and still loves that movie. My other favorite is While You Were Sleeping with Sandra Bullock. My son and my sweet bonus daughter moved to Chicago for a job in IT shortly after was dads was killed in a car wreck. He and I have always been close. My first granddaughter Hannah was born there. That movie was set in Chicago and every time I watched it I felt close to him. My daughter and I both worried he didn’t have enough to eat and when we visited she made me take a picture of his food pantry so she would know he wasn’t starving. Thankfully they came back home in Tennessee when Hannah was 4 months old. She was the cure for my broken heart after losing my dad. Soooo that is my movie story. I look forward every Monday to your blog. It always brightens my day

    • Becky Smith says:


      First of all, thank you for letting me know my blog brightens your Mondays. It brightens my day to hear that!

      Our kids also loved A Bug’s Life when they were small; such a sweet, creative story.

      It’s cool that watching a movie set in Chicago made you feel closer to your son who was in Chicago. I love that your daughter was worried about his eating and his food pantry. That’s true sibling love.

      So glad Hannah and family came back to you after not very long. Children are definitely heart healers.

  4. SueEllen says:

    Oh my word…Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is one of the first movies I remember seeing – at our local drive-in when it was originally released. I also vaguely remember having the soundtrack album. Thanks for a sweet memory!! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

    • Becky Smith says:

      Sue Ellen,

      Your comment reminded me of something I forgot to put into the post. Steve also saw the movie first run in a movie theater. It’s hard for our kids to understand that you couldn’t watch a movie whenever you wanted; you had to go to a theater and pay money and when it was gone, it was gone! The soundtrack album would be fun.

      • SueEllen says:

        Your reply reminded me of the first movie I remember seeing in a theater (vs. a drive-in). We were on vacation, visiting my aunt, uncle & cousins in Kinston, NC and went to see The Love Bug. The thing I remember most is how bright – and hot – the sun seemed walking out after the movie.

        • Becky Smith says:

          Sue Ellen,

          Yeah, it’s definitely a shock to the system to walk out of a theater into sunlight. And also, to walk out of a fantasy world into reality is a bit of a shock, too!

          I’ve never seen the Love Bug but I think it’s about a VW that talks? Or thinks? Sounds fun.

  5. Patti says:

    Love the photo of Noah carrying the sandwich bag in his mouth. Resourceful!
    I remember going to the theater to see Robinson Crusoe. My grandmother was visiting and went along, probably one of the few movies she went to a theater for. I remember how I thought it looked fun to set up home on an island.
    A song would be from a cartoon seen at school “Cricket in Times Square” One song stuck in my memory and resurfaced as an adult. Meditation from Thais by Jules Massenet. Took me forever to find it after hearing it on the radio. Beautiful melody.
    I have seen Chitty Chitty a couple of times but not one I would go out of way to see. Don’t have a favorite family movie other than at Christmas: It’s a Wonderful Life and The Christmas Story.

    • Becky Smith says:


      How fun that your earliest memory of seeing a movie was with your grandmother. And since she didn’t go often, it must have been so memorable for both of you.

      How interesting that such a beautiful melody was taken from a cartoon! It just shows that music transcends it all. I just listened to a portion of it and loved it!

  6. Robin says:

    This will sound absurd to you, but I didn’t actually know Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was a movie. I saw it as a play as a child and thought it was just a play. I do remember loving the play as a child.

    Our most frequently quoted material is Beverly Cleary’s book series about Ramona Quimby. We listened to those audiobooks countless times and can recite large excerpts. As a child, I once wrote to the publisher of an unrelated book because it quoted Beverly Cleary, and I didn’t think she was properly cited.

    • Becky Smith says:


      Well, I didn’t know it was a play, so we’re even! 🙂

      How funny that you wrote to a publisher as a child to correct the unproperly cited Beverly Cleary. Love it!!

  7. DeLynn says:

    I remember seeing The Sound of Music in the theater — I was young and just amazed!
    It doesn’t come up often, but I can’t hear “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” without picturing my dad singing it with gusto.

    We are not CCBB super fans like you — I feel like we have missed out and need to watch again!

    Our three family movies:
    1. Pride and Prejudice (Kiera Knightly). It is a beautiful and great movie — but also really funny!!

    What About Bob? So funny — my husband always says he identifies with the Dr and Bob.
    It’s a Wonderful Life — doesn’t need a comment. 😊

    • Becky Smith says:


      Thanks for the recommendation for Pride and Prejudice with Knightly; will definitely look that one up. Especially if it’s funny!

      We have watched What About Bob several times. Definitely some relatable people there. And Bob Newhart is a national treasure.

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