Celebrating Life. Commemorating Life.

August 24, 2020

(Note: there is a video from Ken’s funeral at the end of this post.)

Sarah turned twenty-five yesterday.

Each of her post-cancer diagnosis birthdays carries many extra layers of joy and gratefulness and this one was no exception.

We were happy to welcome her friend, Hope, to the house for the weekend to help us celebrate. They have known each other for thirteen years and have a very sweet friendship. Here are some older photos.

During the current visit, they decided to make Sarah’s birthday cake together since they both love to cook.

Here is the finished product.  Lemon blueberry cake with cream cheese frosting. Absolutely scrumptious.

When they weren’t baking, they did a little driving.  

And a little picture-posing.

The Famous Birthday Hat made an appearance.

Even though the packages look fancy, the average price of the contents was about three dollars.

For her “real” gift, we helped her purchase a coffee grinder she had been wanting a long time.

Steve was on hand for the grinding/brewing procedure which involved weighing beans, measuring the temperature of the water, and other inscrutable coffee-making procedures.

Caffeine, time with a friend, birthday celebration, smiles. We are so grateful for the chance to celebrate Sarah’s life.

And now for the teary part of the post.

We got word late Saturday night that Lloyd Yelland, Ken’s uncle/second father figure passed away. We were so grateful that he did not linger any longer.   Steve and I will attend his funeral later this week.

And on the subject of funerals here is a video I edited from footage by Nathan and Meagan.  It condenses the military honors parts of the funeral. 

You might want a Kleenex.


20 comments so far.

20 responses to “Celebrating Life. Commemorating Life.”

  1. Linda in Pittsburgh says:

    Happy belated birthday to Sarah. It hardly seems possible that so many years have passed so quickly. She has certainly grown into a lovely lady. It was great that Sarah and Hope were able celebrate together.
    I am sorry to hear of the passing of Lloyd. So sad that Steve lost both his father and uncle so close together. Hope you and Steve have a safe trip to Pennsylvania. Will you be spending any time here after the service?
    The video of Ken’s military honors was very touching and had me reaching for the Kleenex box. Thanks for sharing it.
    Stay safe, God bless,
    Linda in Pittsburgh

    • Becky says:


      We did spend an extra day in Pennsylvania in Portersville; I think about 30 minutes from Pittsburgh? Steve has a cousin and wife who live there.

      Sarah’s birthdays do seem to fly by, don’t they? For long time readers like you, it must seem crazy that you read about her as a girl and how she is five years away from thirty!

      Thanks for your sweet words about Ken’s memorial video. A time we will never forget.

  2. krista121799 says:

    What a beautiful video. So special. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    I love the pictures of Hope and Sarah! I’m so glad she has a great friend that she has fun with!
    And, I’m so sorry to hear about Lloyd. However, as you said, he didn’t linger any longer than he did and now he is with Steve’s Dad.

    Have a blessed week!

    • Becky says:


      I am glad right along with you that Sarah had a friend to spend her birthday with, and especially a friend she has known so long. Longtime friends are the truest treasures.

      Thanks for being such a faithful commenter!

  3. Gayle in AL says:

    I’m so happy that Sarah had a fun birthday. It’s always nice to be able to celebrate with long-time friends. I’m sorry to hear about Ken’s uncle’s passing. Such a sad month or so for all of you. The military honors were beautiful. Nothing gets me like hearing Taps played, and Ken was surely smiling down from Heaven. May God bless you all during this tough time.

    • Becky says:


      That’s one of the things that helped us get through the funeral, knowing that Ken was being honored in a beautiful way and that he was smiling over the ceremonies, the memories, and the music.

  4. Phyllis says:

    So sorry to hear about Steve’s uncle. Safe travels to his funeral.
    Happy birthday to Sarah. She is almost my nephew’s twin. He beat her by one day.

  5. Guerrina says:

    Happy Birthday, Sarah! What a joy to be able to say that! Hugs to all on the passing of Steve’s uncle. Sometimes waves crash too close together.

  6. TIFFANY says:

    Happy happy Birthday to sarah!! I hope it was a wonderful day… the cake looked delicious!! As for the video of the funeral… this reminds me of my grandpa’s funeral… he was in the Coast Guard during WWII and transported troops back and forth… one of my favorite pictures of him is on my mantle, and it is him on the ship manning the guns… When they played taps at his funeral, that is when it really hit me, all the things he did for his country, as well as his family… My dad has the flag from his funeral… Every time I see it, I remember that day. Prayers for you guys in your loss… and again, Happy Birthday to dear Sarah!!

    • Becky says:


      I can so well picture in my mind the photo you described. Transporting troops, manning guns, facing fear, coming out victorious.

      He sounds like a great man.

  7. SueEllen says:

    25?!?!?! How can Sarah be 25??? It seems like she just graduated high school a couple of months ago. I’m glad she had a nice celebration – I bet they enjoyed tooling around in Steve’s convertible! And I liked how they color-coordinated with the gold and burgundy. Wishing her many enjoyable cups of java!!

    I’m so sorry for Steve’s second loss…thank you for the video from Ken’s service. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers.

    • Becky says:

      Sue Ellen,

      I know, right? she has grown up incredibly fast! And thanks for noticing how the two girls accidentally color coordinated. Too fun.

      Thank you for your compassionate words about Steve’s losses. So appreciated.

  8. Lesley says:

    A very Happy Birthday to Sarah! So wonderful that Hope could come for the celebration, a very dear friend for sure. I can just picture them tooling around in Steve’s car, what fun!

    Love the video, a tear jerker. Vernie just breaks my heart. So sorry for all to lose Lloyd in such short measure, but thankful he and Ken are together.

    Thank you for sharing the video of such personal moments.

    • Becky says:


      Vernie is a brave, gracious, strong woman. Certainly an example to me in how to deal with the hard times in life, as is my own mom, Jo Ann. I have been blessed with incredible role models.

  9. LeeAnne says:

    A very happy belated birthday to Sarah!! It is a real joy to be able to say that!

    My deepest sympathy to you all as you mourn Lloyd’s passing.
    Praying for safe travel to Pennsylvania.

    The military honors for Ken were so beautiful. Kleenex necessary.

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      It truly IS a joy to be able to say happy birthday. Every single year.

      Those military honors did me in, as well. There were Kleenex everywhere. In such a crazy, ugly world, the beauty and solemnity of that ceremony was extra appreciated.

  10. dmantik says:

    Yes, smiles and tears indeed. How often they are intertwined as we go through our days.

    Happy birthday to our dear Sarah and our love and condolances to you guys and beloved Vernie on Lloyd’s passing. Life and death and then Life eternal which we know Lloyd and Ken are reveling in.

    Thank you for posting the video–priceless. ♥️

    Love, Deb

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